Mother Kamakshi, You of Universal Form, ParaBramma Swaroopini, Form of Love, Love itself, Make me Pure, innocent, worthy child of Thee, Worthy of Thy infinite & flooding Motherly Love and Grace, Make me full of unconditional melting Love for Thee, Make me realize my Oneness with Thee, Take me back eternally with Thee, for endless living with Thee, living in Thee without any separation from Thee, Protect me from troubled by Your Avidya Maya, Protect me from all troubling things in Your dream like magic Universal creation.
Dear Loving Mother ParaSakthi, Supreme Consciousness-Being-Power, in essence, You are incomparable/matchless infinite & flooding Absolute Pure Love, Bliss/Happiness, Peace and Fearlessness.
Dear Loving Mother ParaSakthi, Supreme Consciousness-Being-Power, in essence, You are incomparable/matchless infinite & flooding Absolute Pure Love, Bliss/Happiness, Peace and Fearlessness.
Dear Loving Mother Akilandeswari, SivaSakthi, Your dear child and my elder brother Lord Vigneshwara gave up his very life, head for Your sake unconditionally in his duty for his Loving Mother. Such should be every unconditionally surrendered child's Love for You, willing to forgo/renounce anything and everything (all/complete Egoistic/Selfish I & Mine attachments/possessions/hatreds/desires) for You, for Your Love (both are same - Mother is Love, Love is Mother) including its very life itself. Such were the Great Nayanmar Devotees of Father Lord Siva as seen from Tamil Historical Divine Epic Periyapuranam. Such dearest devotee children of You, Mother ParaSakthi, are under Your complete care, protection, control and responsibility and they alone by Your Supreme Divine Grace attain the eternal Peaceful and Blissful state of God/Self-Realization as one's own Athma/Self, immortal inseparable Oneness with Thee Mother SivaSakthi, with no more births and deaths for them in this pain & sufferings laden Universe.
Greater Mother, The dream like magic Universe and its contents and all actions are created, sustained and dissolved right within/inside You through Your inscrutable Power of Maya/Maya Sakthi. This Maya Sakthi has two modes of operation on human beings.
Greater Mother, The dream like magic Universe and its contents and all actions are created, sustained and dissolved right within/inside You through Your inscrutable Power of Maya/Maya Sakthi. This Maya Sakthi has two modes of operation on human beings.
Vidya Maya ===> Good/Sattvic things, Sattvic dominated, dharma/righteousness, pure thoughts, selfless nature, peaceful, patience, tolerance, humility, knowledge about You/God/Self/Athma.
Vidya Maya eventually leads one to attain You/God/Self/Athma through self-reformation/purification by means of discrimination (viveka), dispassion (vairagya) and steadfast one-pointed bakthi sadhanas to hold onto You/God/Self/Athma. Putting an end to pain and suffering ridden/dominated birth-death life cycle.
Avidya Maya ===> Worldly knowledge, desires dominated, adharmic, unrighteousness, bad things, rajasic tamasic dominated, impure selfish perverted thoughts dominated, restless/agitated/lacking peace of mind, lack of patience, tolerance and humility.
Avidya Maya immerses in deluding worldly desires driven life, creating karmas for pain and suffering ridden/dominated birth-death life cycle.
Seeing beauty with good/correct purpose in pure way ===> Vidya Maya influenced person.
Seeing beauty with bad/incorrect purpose in impure perverted way (lusty) ===> Avidya Maya influenced person.
Great Mother, A Jnani's/Sage's sahaja sthithi/sahaja samadhi/natural state of uninterrupted Oneness with You, with eternal joy and performing worldly actions can be compared at worldly level with the example of a person having continuous toothache and still doing his worldly duties. In the earlier case, the thoughts-free pure mind of Jnani is always filled with the ever joyful presence of You, Great Mother. In the latter case, the impure thoughts ridden mind is dominated with the thought of toothache till it is cured.
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▶▶▶ Spiritual Thoughts Notes - 1
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▶▶▶ Spiritual Thoughts Notes - 3
Sweet Mother SivaSakthi, Your surrendered child should not do any planning for the short term or the long term, should totally depend on Your Divine Grace that required things as part of one's dharmic/righteous life duties, even if it is one's back of mind, will happen at the right time in the right way by Your infallible Divine Will and not worry about planning things at all. In this Universe, everything is Your Plan and Your Will alone.
Loving Mother SivaSakthi, there is no need for You to boast about the magnificence of You, Your Powers and Your creation to Your children because even the children is You only; also as a Mother You Love to watch Your children's play in their life game hiding Yourself from them and enjoying all their actions with great Motherly affection and Ananda/Happiness, and also helping them without revealing Yourself directly, from behind the scenes so that everything looks natural. But Your Children itself will come to about You and Your greatness with appreciating wonder as they mature Spiritually with reducing selfishness in their current or future births.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, by reforming/purifying oneself alone can one see changes of good around automatically, not otherwise. Without reforming/purifying oneself, nobody can reform the world/people around. Reformation must start from oneself only.
Loving Mother SivaSakthi, there is no need for You to boast about the magnificence of You, Your Powers and Your creation to Your children because even the children is You only; also as a Mother You Love to watch Your children's play in their life game hiding Yourself from them and enjoying all their actions with great Motherly affection and Ananda/Happiness, and also helping them without revealing Yourself directly, from behind the scenes so that everything looks natural. But Your Children itself will come to about You and Your greatness with appreciating wonder as they mature Spiritually with reducing selfishness in their current or future births.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, by reforming/purifying oneself alone can one see changes of good around automatically, not otherwise. Without reforming/purifying oneself, nobody can reform the world/people around. Reformation must start from oneself only.
Loving Mother, in Your creation ignorant ego mind's nature is to show affection towards an entity if it is according to its expectations; if that entity is opposed to its expectations it shows hatred with anger thru adharmic thoughts/speech/action and seeks elimination of that entity if it cannot find any solution (if it is dharmic and justifiable, good) to the opposition problem, people may pray to You/God for solution or for elimination of that opposing entity (if it is within dharma and justifiable, then good). Cruel ego mind will go for elimination of the opposing entity thru adharmic action on account of extreme fear and/or loss of peace. Only surrender to You/God/Self/Athma alone can wipe this terrible Ego mind out along with its extreme ended reactive behaviors and bring balanced healthy peaceful state of mind, accepting every happening (good or bad, favorable or unfavorable) in this Universe as Your infallible Divine Will and eventually attaining Bramma Jnana, Oneness with You, egoless ever joyful life.
Divine Mother, if Dharma/righteousness has to spread in any place, then elders or leaders in that place must strictly practice dharma/righteousness; otherwise no change can happen, there will be only adharma among the people with few exceptions of inherently dharmic/righteous people. Adharma means pain & sufferings due to selfishness.
Loving Mother, sometimes people who follow dharma/righteousness give them up, may be temporarily, due to lack of mental strength with rajasic tamasic mental impurities including fear of loss of life/fear of death or fear of losing something or worries etc. But one with strong, steadfast Love, Faith in You, SivaSakthi, and dominated by Sattvic nature will not give up Dharma/righteousness even even if it means losing one's life. Such people see Dharma as Your Form alone, Dharma Samvardini. For Your sake anything & everything can be sacrificed/renounced/given up, all are perishable impermanent worthless dust in front of You, the Only Real One, the Supreme SivaSakthi. People following Dharma/Righteousness should follow Dharma like Lord Rama.
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, best Scriptures for God centered/surrendered dharmic/righteous living are, though there are many, important ones are:
(@) Ramayana
(@) Maha Bharata
(@) Puranas of one's favorite Personal God
(@) Teachings of favorite Saints/Jnanis
(@) Thirukural
(@) Avvaiyar's works like Aathichudi and others
(@) Aachaarakovai
(@) Bhagavad Gita.
Loving Mother, the Universal truth of Advaita is very very simple, the simplest one in the Universe. But to even understand that clearly, the mind must be very pure & simple, very subtle, devoid of selfish thoughts which are complex, gross & impure in nature. Then, to realize the Advaitic truth (which is You, Divine Mother) as one's own Self/Athma, the mind must be totally got ridden of selfish thoughts impurities by self-effort and by Your Divine Grace for Your Athmic Light to shine in full glory. For vast majority of people in this world, whose mind is complex, even simplest/subtlest of truths will appear extremely complex & painful. For them, the simplest truths/things might also appear unattractive, unpleasant, and uninteresting, even painful & make them panicking. Mother SivaSakthi, all is Your play to continue the creation with vast majority of ignorants. SimpleTruths/Things are the ones that are really good to Your children's well being, but vast majority of them are ignorant about this for reasons as seen here.
Sweet Mother, it is part of Your Universal play that Your children have to go thru all kinds of worldly experiences of pleasure & pain birth after birth across various species and finally in a human birth reject the pain laden worldly pleasures and seek You one-pointedly with Great Love to attain Thee as one's own Self/Athma of eternal Absolute Peace, Purity, Happiness and Fearlessness and put an end to this meaningless sufferings laden birth-death cycle game. Without Your Supreme Grace, it is totally impossible to conquer Lust and Greed by self-effort alone and attain Thee. Mother, time Not spent on impure selfish thoughts, words/talks/speech and actions alone is fruitfully/worthwhile spent. Best is time spent associated with You/God/Self/Athma.
Divine Mother, Dharma Samvardini, even if it is life going extreme tough situation, even if it is life-death battle against adharma/unrighteousness, one should Never ever give up one's hold onto Your Lotus Feet. Fear laden adharma cannot stand against You, the source of Universe and its contents. Other than You, SivaSakthi, nothing else can save one, all else Your totally undependable disappearing magic. Nothing to Fear (only adharma fears), all Your game created, sustained and dissolved within You. Nothing will happen to Your surrendered child who is under Your complete care and protection.
Loving Mother, what is there in this -- suffering dominated peaceless selfish endless seeking human life and perishable human body that continuously generates disgust smelling filthy impurities from every pore from head to foot. Mother SivaSakthi, You alone are the meaning of Life. Make me pure child of Thee, Full of unconditional melting Love for Thee, removing my ugly selfish impurities of mind. Take me back to You eternally without separation.
Great Mother, if one does not live a dharmic/righteous life harming others/innocents, one goes down to a very low level of living despised by everyone, even losing Your Mercy for time being if no good acts come forth from that person.
Divine Mother, at one extreme end, a Jnani's pure mind is like unstickable pure white cloth reflecting Your Light only. No problems at all when exposed to worldly things, objects of sense pleasures. Nothing sticks to the mind, always remains Pure. At the other end, completely worldly desires/attachments immersed impure mind. It does not matter how much more impurities of worldly desires of objects of sense pleasures are loaded, it is like dyeing black already a black color cloth. But for a surrendered child of Yours close to Self-Realization/Realizing You, its almost pure mind is like stickable almost pure white cloth, even a drop of attraction/contact of object of sense pleasure can easily stick to it like a drop of black ink onto a white cloth and can agitate/disturb the mind very strongly towards bad karmas/sufferings creating adharma/unrighteousness. Hence, a surrendered child of Yours must be very very careful and avoid unjustifiable contact with objects of sense pleasures thru discrimination (viveka), dispassion (vairagya) and steadfast one-pointed Your Bakthi sadhanas till You, the Great Mother SivaSakthi is realized as one's own Self/Athma to become a Jnani with pure mind that is like unstickable pure white cloth reflecting Your Light Only.
Great Mother, the source of bliss/ananda/happiness associated with objects of pleasures come only from You, they are not at all in the objects. People are so ignorant to recognize this truth and they go on seeking object after object for temporary pleasure. The mind derives that pleasure/ananda from You, the source and container of all creation. People who like a particular object (eg. Idly or Dosai) will get fed up with it on continuous exposure and will no longer derive the original pleasure/ananda from it. There is no change in object but not the same pleasure/ananda. That means, the source of pleasure/ananda is not in the object but within oneself, which is You, SivaSakthi, the Self/Athma. Without seeking You, the real Ananda, people are ignorantly running after objects of pleasures without end, committing bad karmas for suffering and finally perishing miserably without peace. All is Your play of Maya to sustain and grow Your creation by keeping majority in total ignorance of their Real Nature, which is You itself - SAT-CHIT-ANANDA (Being-Consciousness-Bliss). Only by Your Supreme Divine Grace, can people with selfless good karmas in their past births can turn within themselves to realize You, otherwise not possible.
Loving Mother, till Jnana, Oneness with You is attained, the surrendered child of Yours must be extremely extremely careful with objects of sense pleasures, should not underestimate them, even a drop of them can terribly agitate the mind and create enormous problems (same thing with fire, debt & poison, a drop of it can destroy one). Also, should not overestimate one's discrimination, dispassion/vairagya and self-restraint abilities when dealing with objects of sense pleasures. Should totally avoid unjustifiable contacts with them till Jnana is attained. Divine Mother, SivaSakthi, Without Your Supreme Divine Grace, objects of sense pleasures can fell one to the ground like a tree just like that. Such is Your power of Maya in this creation of Yours. It is always very safe & happy to be Your Surrendered innocent baby/child. The child cannot think of surviving drifted away from Your purifying Love, care & protection, nobody is there in this Universe who is such a Loving Mother like You, You are Love itself, no limits, infinite. You want Your child's focus entirely on You without drifting away to polluting worldly distractions.
Sweet Mother of all creation, You always expect Your surrendered child to express Humility in thoughts, words and deeds. No egoistic pride/egoistic thoughts even against trouble givers. Everything to be done in accordance with dharma/righteousness. You want Your surrendered child to be like You itself in divine qualities.
Great Divine Mother, Without Your Supreme Divine Grace, it is totally/absolutely impossible to purify/control the desires/attachments driven wandering mind (restless monkey/elephant) & Still it to destroy it's rajasic & tamasic nature and attain Oneness with Thee as one's own Self/Athma. All these toughest tasks in the entire Universe is accomplished only by Your Divine Grace, no effort/human-effort can bring about them. Of course, sincere steadfast human effort of self-reformation/purification of one's selfish impurities of mind and worshipping/meditating You with surrendered attitude will secure that Supreme Grace of Yours.
Great Universal Mother, When You itself conduct the affairs/events of this Universe from atomic level to galactic level, what need is there to acquire Siddhis or Super natural powers that will only strengthen the egoistic pride as well as create terrible problems destroying the peace of mind making the life extremely miserable to live. The same will hold good for hatred as well. These create bad karmas for suffering due to harming of others. Siddhis plus hatred terrible self-destructing combination.
Sweet Mother, this solid looking Universal creation is a dream like illusion created in You, the Supreme Pure Consciousness by Your Power of Maya. It is just like solid looking graphics/graphical user interfaces created in smartphones, tablets, laptops etc thru software-hardware power. People are so easily immersed in the solid looking graphics without the thought that it is all just illusion. This truth holds very well for explaining the solid looking waking world of ours created thru Your inscrutable Power of Maya just as in one's dream state.
Divine Mother, we have to appreciate when people, whatever may be their mental maturity/impurities, Worship You in someway or the other even if it is for a brief period of time, because at least during that brief period their ego submits to You, the higher power and also does not harm others. As they mature spiritually (less and less selfish impurities of mind) that brief period will expand more and more and they finally attain/realize You in their current or future birth by Your Supreme Divine Grace.
Loving Mother, till egoless Jnana of Oneness with You is attained, egoistic pride has to be totally avoided by everyone, very important for spiritually maturing ones. Egoistic pride brings downfall to one. Humility has to be practiced by everyone, the store house of all good qualities, for we all are below and children of You, the Supreme One, just as waves belonging to vast Ocean.
Great Mother, Only a Jnani, who has attained Oneness with You by having pure mind and devoid of worldly attachments alone perfectly enjoys without worries or fears this worldly dream play/drama of Yours than anyone in this Universe created and sustained by Your inscrutable Power of Maya.
Sweet Mother, particularly in this degenerated Kali Yuga age full of perverted materialistic life, You are very much concerned about the welfare of spiritually minded/mature innocent children of Yours striving to attain You. You isolate them through some play (could be painful) from getting spoiled by worldly minded people and put them in a suitable environment so that they can continue their self-reforming/purifying spiritual efforts and attain/realize You as their own Self/Athma by Your Supreme Divine Grace. Who else can have such Love, concern and care for Your spiritually minded innocent children other than You, the only real Mother of Universe. You also take care of their just worldly needs with best solutions from childhood without them asking You many times. Ordinary/ignorant worldly minded people can never understand Your workings, they just blame You or fate for negative happenings which is also ultimately for good only.
Loving Mother, worldly minded people consider serious spiritual aspirants of God/Self-Realization as worthless, useless, misguided, time wasting people. But they had to be told about the greatness of seeking God/Self, although they may not be interested in it. Turning the mind within towards God/Self against the pull of worldly attractions requires great mental strength and spiritual maturity and is the toughest worthwhile task in the whole Universe. Attaining God/Self is like getting the unimaginable closet friendship of say Billionaire Bill Gates or the US President, so eager/ready to fulfill righteous needs of the friend. Worldly minded people, poor ones, we have to pity them. They are the real sacrificers, not the spiritual aspirants striving to attain God/Self. Worldly minded people are actually running after/seeking just worthless pebbles of impermanent worldly objects of pleasure, while the spiritual aspirants are trying to attain the all wish fulfilling eternal Kohinoor Diamond of absolute peace, happiness and fearlessness within themselves in their heart, no need to run outside without end like worldly minded people.
Great Mother, Parvati/Kali/Durga, Ganga, Lakshmi and Saraswathi are four Supreme manifestations of You in Sanatana Dharma/Hinduism to take care of Your Children's worldly as well as spiritual needs. Similarly, You are worshipped as Six major Gods of six sections in Hinduism as Siva, Sakthi, Vinayaka, Muruga, Vishnu and Surya. You are also form of Jnana Guru (who is one with You), "Guru Moorthy" as praised by the great Lalitha Sahasranama. Nobody can fathom the depth of Your infinite Motherly Love. You are form of Love itself, nothing else.
Divine Mother, the entire creation is possible due to the stable foundation of You, the Only Reality. Even within this creation, one can see how to create something a relatively stable foundation is needed, whether it is birth of bacterias, plants, child, buildings, paintings etc. Within us You/Athma/Self are the stable foundation of Absolute Eternal Peace. Attaining You all problems of relative existence comes to an end, once and for all. Total Peace, Purity, Relaxation, Happiness and Fearlessness.
Loving Mother, one cannot get back the simple life & environment experienced during young age decades back. Happy times they are. But we need not worry about losing those changing things. We always have perennial access to the absolute simple, peaceful, happy & fearless life that has been unchanging for billions & billions of years without beginning and end by realizing You, Mother, the only unchanging Reality as our own Self/Athma. What more can be easy than that without the need to run outside of us to attain You.
Great Mother, a surrendered child of Yours need not fear about absolutely anything in this Universe of Yours, because everything is a magic/dream like show happening right within/inside You. What can the dream/magic/illusory things can do to Your surrendered dharmic/righteous living child fully under Your care & protection. No Fear at all.
Sweet Mother, to continue with Your Universal magic play, You have deluded/kept in ignorance vast majority of Your children with infinite variety of sensual pleasure objects/desires/attachments, while You the real treasure of infinite Eternal joy remain hidden so close in their very own heart. What a Maya of Yours.
Loving Mother, Form of Love, nothing but Love itself, one should beg for anything from You alone (eg. Sundaramoorthy Nayanar's strange begging from Father Lord Siva for Women and Gold). No begging from worldly people who are engulfed in egoistic ignorance. If one begs from them, one will have to become their slave to fulfill their unjust expectations and lose one's freedom and also even need to do adharmic/unrighteous work forced by them, creating bad karmas leading to one's pain & sufferings. Slavery must be to You alone, Great Mother, depending on You alone for all needs through prayer and righteous duties. Mother, You are the source of everything including the Universe itself. Slavery to You alone, SivaSakthi, provides real freedom in life, enabling one to attain/realize You as one's own Self/Athma, the eternal life of Absolute Peace, Purity, Happiness and Fearlessness.
Great Mother, once dead we cannot even take a hair in our body with us. Everything belongs to You alone (life force, mind, body, wealth, relations, world, universe). We are just dancing the way You are making us to dance in Your universal magic play. No need to worry or fear about any troubles concerning body, father, mother, brother, sister, wife, husband, children, wealth, too much head-spinning activities etc. All belongs to You. All these dream like magic undependable impermanent creations are happening right within/inside You. We, Your children, are just managing these as dummies for Your sake according to Your infallible Divine Will alone, that's all. You alone have manifested as all these objects through Your wonderful creative power of Maya. You alone are our only ever trustable Refuge for everything worldly/spiritual, all else Your undependable disappearing magic.
Divine Mother, no need to praise anyone/undeserving artificially or abuse/curse anyone ruining one's peace of mind, let us submit everything to You, SivaSakthi, and be at Peace unattached to anything. You decide what are the best solutions to our problems. Let us not force You by our impure, ignorant, erring ego in any way. Only submit & surrender to You, the All Perfect One, That's all. Let there be No hatred in us against others, the destroyer of mental peace and health. There is only Your Divine Will throughout the Universe and beyond, nothing else. We will just carry on with our dharmic/righteous duties, even against evil things/doers, with patience and tolerance, with unwavering faith that You will take care of everything concerning Your surrendered child's needs.
Sweet Mother, by Your Divine Grace the problems we face are much better manageable and less complex than so many others' extraordinary tormenting complex problems, many times made worse by ego's selfish desires/ambitions.
Loving Mother, in life in order to attain a higher goal sacrifice of selfish desires has to made for sure. For example, to get high marks in exams one has to reduce/give up television & play times and other pleasurable distractions at least during few weeks into the examination period. Thus, to achieve higher goals in life sacrifice of selfish desires is absolute must/necessity, there is no escape, no short cuts. For humans, the highest possible worthy Goal is to attain Oneness with You itself, SivaSakthi, the creator of Universe and everything it contains. Such Ultimate Goal of human life requires the highest possible sacrifice, which is giving up of all selfish desires associated with I & Mine. In a mind of such highest purity, You, SivaSakthi shine automatically as one's own Self/Athma for an eternal joyful fearless life of absolute peace.
Great Mother, the more and more we get closer to attain/realize You as our own Self/Athma thru self-purification/reformation, the more and more of Peace and Joy is felt along with detachment and fearlessness and lesser sufferings like a person nearing a river beginning to feel its coolness.
Sweet Mother, You as SivaSakthi, Supreme Consciousness-Force are all alone with infinite powers. What will You do alone and boring and full of infinite bliss/ananda. So, You have created this Universal magical play within Yourself and are playing with Your creations/children like us as a sweet little Child, is it not.
Divine Mother, People living God/Your centered/surrendered dharmic/righteous life will be an open book without fear and with peace of mind. Adharmic/Selfish desires/hatred filled people will be always in the grip of fear with secret/untruthful life and no peace of mind. They will have stressful life with no good sleep also. They will create problems for themselves and others, along with creating bad karmas for suffering.
Loving Mother, to spiritually mature/advance with purity of mind, three important senses (monkeys) need to be controlled, disciplined in dharmic/righteous way. They are Seeing (eyes), Hearing (ears) and Speaking/Eating (mouth). Good healthy food submitted and eaten with the thought of You/God will surely purify the mind. Saint Thiruvalluvar in his Thirukural says even good healthy food should be eaten in moderate quantity, without stuffing to the full stomach (unhealthy food to be avoided totally, they agitate/corrupt the mind as well).
Great Mother, people who are immersed in worldly desires/pleasures will not accept spiritual path or truths or not greatly interested in it, till they realize the impermanent nature of worldly things by painful experiences through Your Divine Grace. Mother, You also arrange appropriate situations & environment for faithful, steadfast seekers of God/Self-Realization.
Loving Mother, one need not worry about of not being able to visit a pilgrimage center/temple due to poor health conditions or any other just reasons. The constant thought of that place itself confers much greater spiritual benefits of purification & meditation than actually visiting that pilgrimage center/temple.
Great Mother, the source and form of all things in this creation, You have infinite patience to play this magic Universal Game for billions & billions of years without getting satiated. You are truly beyond time and space. But Your surrendered child has no patience at all. Wants to attain You this moment itself. Separation from You is terribly painful for the child. Seeks an instant eternal inseparable life in You. When You will do that, You alone know. You must also be definitely feeling the pain of separation of Your surrendered Child for You are that Child as well. You surrendered child is always eager & happy to worship You, meditate on You, think about You, praise You, sing stotras/hymns on You, chant Your Name/Mantra, read about You in Puranas, read about Your devotees etc. All these are the main life duties for Your surrendered child.
Mother Kamakshi, Loving Strict Mother, a surrendered child of Yours if unjustly cuts out certain daily worship practices, You will automatically load Your child with other worship practices without the child's knowledge & control to compensate for the cuts done.
Great Mother, worldly minded people temporarily worship You intensely with Vairagya (dispassion); but once their desires fulfilled/problems solved by You, all their intense bakthi and vairagya disappears and are back to their worldly minded egoistic self.
Divine Mother, if just an extraordinary sharp power of hearing can wipe out the peace of mind, then what can be said about the troubles that Siddhis or Super natural powers can give. Attaining You, the creator of everything, as our own Self/Athma is the greatest Siddhi which confers Eternal Absolute Peace, Purity, Happiness and Fearlessness. What other worthless siddhis do we need, Mother.
Great Mother, the silly ignorant human ego thinks that it takes care of the body's health very well, but it is the prime destroyer of the body's health as well as the peace of mind through its six selfish passions of desires, anger, greed, delusion, pride and jealousy. Freeing us of these impurities through strong, one pointed love/attachment to You with dharmic/righteous living is the only solution to a life of peace, happiness, health, contentment and overcoming worries & fears and eventually realizing You as our own Self/Athma thru purified/thoughts-free mind for an eternal joyful life.
Universal Mother, Protector of Dharma/Righteousness, blind attachments/desires (without discrimination) to worldly objects is so terrible, that people may go to any extent to protect their attachments/desires, even to the extent of killing others who stand in the way of their attachments/desires. Terrible, You alone can severely punish the wicked ones as well as protect the innocents who are totally dependent on You from such adharmic people, who also ignorantly think with pride that they can clearly deceive others, but they can never ever deceive You, for You are the source and witness of everything in Your Universal creation.
Mother of all creation, for Your play, You have kept majority of people totally ignorant in very low mental maturity state full of perversions and selfish worldly attachments/desires with low or no morality despite externally behaving religiously. Numerous future births for them to get reformed/purified; till then they will create pain & sufferings for them and others. You alone can protect the innocents from such people and severly punish the trouble givers. These people won't understand/care to understand what is good? or what is bad? despite blindly following some religious path without actually understanding its truths for righteous living.
Great Mother, Fear is due to Ego-mind ignorantly thinking that it's Survival or Happiness is dependent upon attached worldly objects including the body; it thinks Survival or Happiness will be negatively affected with the loss/damage/destruction to its attached worldly objects. If such a non-sense troubling ego disappears by realizing You as our own Self/Athma, we come to know our Eternal life in You, Oneness with You, the Eternal ever joyful life in You. Mother, You have purposely kept Fear in humans (and other species) so that they reform/correct themselves of their errors (not due to realization or voluntarily but out of fear) and not harm/dominate others without control due to their attachments to worldly objects including their body.
Divine Mother, Your surrendered child wonders how much confusing is Your creation with infinite activities criss-crossing/intermingling/clashing with each other. But somehow by Your wonderful magic power of Maya, Your creative power, all activities attain their goals perfectly as per Your Divine Will, ordained by You, despite appearing terribly confusing to us. You and Your inseparable power of Maya are beyond our little mind's comprehension.
Loving Mother, there is no way to express the gratitude to You for the reformation/purification of Your surrendered child by You to attain inseparable Oneness with You. Unrevealable disgusting mental impurities & activities have been cleared out by You. Only You, the real eternal loving Mother of the Universe alone can do that without forsaking such a child which the worldly people will totally ignore without any compassion. Only with You, Divine Mother, a surrendered child can take complete freedom to express itself freely including its hidden impurities, fears, worries etc, which is not possible even with the earthly mother. Even if the child forgets You, You never ever leave the child. Such is Your infinite Greatness. For what You have done and for what You are doing to Your surrendered child, ever keeping under Your complete care & protection, it will be Your Eternal slave, joyfully living in You without least separation. Mother, Other than attaining You there is absolutely no meaning at all in this magic dream like Universal creation of Yours.
Mother Kamakshi, Loving Strict Mother, a surrendered child of Yours if unjustly cuts out certain daily worship practices, You will automatically load Your child with other worship practices without the child's knowledge & control to compensate for the cuts done.
Great Mother, worldly minded people temporarily worship You intensely with Vairagya (dispassion); but once their desires fulfilled/problems solved by You, all their intense bakthi and vairagya disappears and are back to their worldly minded egoistic self.
Divine Mother, if just an extraordinary sharp power of hearing can wipe out the peace of mind, then what can be said about the troubles that Siddhis or Super natural powers can give. Attaining You, the creator of everything, as our own Self/Athma is the greatest Siddhi which confers Eternal Absolute Peace, Purity, Happiness and Fearlessness. What other worthless siddhis do we need, Mother.
Great Mother, the silly ignorant human ego thinks that it takes care of the body's health very well, but it is the prime destroyer of the body's health as well as the peace of mind through its six selfish passions of desires, anger, greed, delusion, pride and jealousy. Freeing us of these impurities through strong, one pointed love/attachment to You with dharmic/righteous living is the only solution to a life of peace, happiness, health, contentment and overcoming worries & fears and eventually realizing You as our own Self/Athma thru purified/thoughts-free mind for an eternal joyful life.
Universal Mother, Protector of Dharma/Righteousness, blind attachments/desires (without discrimination) to worldly objects is so terrible, that people may go to any extent to protect their attachments/desires, even to the extent of killing others who stand in the way of their attachments/desires. Terrible, You alone can severely punish the wicked ones as well as protect the innocents who are totally dependent on You from such adharmic people, who also ignorantly think with pride that they can clearly deceive others, but they can never ever deceive You, for You are the source and witness of everything in Your Universal creation.
Mother of all creation, for Your play, You have kept majority of people totally ignorant in very low mental maturity state full of perversions and selfish worldly attachments/desires with low or no morality despite externally behaving religiously. Numerous future births for them to get reformed/purified; till then they will create pain & sufferings for them and others. You alone can protect the innocents from such people and severly punish the trouble givers. These people won't understand/care to understand what is good? or what is bad? despite blindly following some religious path without actually understanding its truths for righteous living.
Great Mother, Fear is due to Ego-mind ignorantly thinking that it's Survival or Happiness is dependent upon attached worldly objects including the body; it thinks Survival or Happiness will be negatively affected with the loss/damage/destruction to its attached worldly objects. If such a non-sense troubling ego disappears by realizing You as our own Self/Athma, we come to know our Eternal life in You, Oneness with You, the Eternal ever joyful life in You. Mother, You have purposely kept Fear in humans (and other species) so that they reform/correct themselves of their errors (not due to realization or voluntarily but out of fear) and not harm/dominate others without control due to their attachments to worldly objects including their body.
Divine Mother, Your surrendered child wonders how much confusing is Your creation with infinite activities criss-crossing/intermingling/clashing with each other. But somehow by Your wonderful magic power of Maya, Your creative power, all activities attain their goals perfectly as per Your Divine Will, ordained by You, despite appearing terribly confusing to us. You and Your inseparable power of Maya are beyond our little mind's comprehension.
Loving Mother, there is no way to express the gratitude to You for the reformation/purification of Your surrendered child by You to attain inseparable Oneness with You. Unrevealable disgusting mental impurities & activities have been cleared out by You. Only You, the real eternal loving Mother of the Universe alone can do that without forsaking such a child which the worldly people will totally ignore without any compassion. Only with You, Divine Mother, a surrendered child can take complete freedom to express itself freely including its hidden impurities, fears, worries etc, which is not possible even with the earthly mother. Even if the child forgets You, You never ever leave the child. Such is Your infinite Greatness. For what You have done and for what You are doing to Your surrendered child, ever keeping under Your complete care & protection, it will be Your Eternal slave, joyfully living in You without least separation. Mother, Other than attaining You there is absolutely no meaning at all in this magic dream like Universal creation of Yours.
##### Mother Kamakshi, You of Universal Form, Great Mother
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