Sunday, July 4, 2010

Spiritual Thoughts Notes - 1

Mother Tiruchanur Padmavathi with Tirupati Venkatesa Perumal

Beautiful face of Mother Radha

Loving Mother SivaSakthi, wherever and whatever state You keep us that is best for us, whether it is favourable or unfavorable. Running after selfish desires fulfillment will only create more problems, unexpected tormenting problems, destroying peace of mind, physical health as well. Life should be lived based on just dharmic/righteous needs, not for selfish desires that are harmful to peaceful living, Your/God centered dharmic/righteous living. Mother, You alone take care of Your surrendered children, other than You, all else Your undependable/untrustable disappearing/transient magic like creations for Your play. Mother, when You take of children who don't know You, who don't bother about You, who worship You like using pickles, who talk bad about You, all dominated by mental impurities; Mother, Will You not take care of a dharmic/righteous living surrendered child of Yours totally dependent on You for everything?

Great Mother Kamakshi, Not even a single worldly pleasure or worldly object in this Universe can give:
(@) Immunity to pain & sufferings
(@) Permanent peace & contentment
(@) Patient & tolerance
(@) Fearlessness
(@) No more bad karmas for suffering
(@) Freedom from painful birth-death life cycle. 
Ravana, Indra, even Tiger Woods and so many others of high/great positions all suffered due to selfish/unjust desires for pleasures. Mother SivaSakthi, only by realizing You as our own Self/Athma, destroying the harmful ego-mind by Your Supreme Divine Grace alone confers the above eternal benefits with ever vibrant joyful life of Oneness with Thee.


Loving Mother SivaSakthi, let whatever may come, let whatever may go, You alone are the real treasure/kamadhenu/kalpataru/wish fulfilling gem, tree residing in our heart as one’s own Athma/Self, eternal, ever present, without beginning & end and the only one worth to be attained/realized. All else in this Universe (including our very dear body) are Your undependable/untrustable dream like disappearing/transient magic creation.


Great Mother SivaSakthi, in Your creation anything that is not according to normal order of things will create sufferings/disturbances/troubles all around. Eg. Storm, violent people, mentally disturbed people, destructive weapons etc.

Divine Mother SivaSakthi, if people’s mind are filled with limitless selfish desires and endless seeking, where will be the calmness, interest and patience in their mind to know about You, Your creation, Your Greatness, Your actions in this Universal creation and the interest/motivation to attain Thee?

Great Mother Kamakshi, infinite things have come and gone but You alone shine and exist forever without beginning and end as Universe and beyond.


Loving Mother SivaSakthi, physical pain is also boon/blessing from You, for it prevents good/dharmic/righteous people or people to be purified/reformed from being sucked up by bad/impure things/habits. Our selfish Ego-mind only makes wrong decisions. Without being asked, You, Great Mother do so many unbelievable good things (appear painful many times) to Your children for their welfare. Unbelievable Great Mother You are SivaSakthi. Without Your Grace, it is totally impossible for anyone to Spiritually mature and eventually attain You as one's own Self/Athma. Even if a dharmic/righteous person slips to bad habits due to past bad karmas/actions, Mother SivaSakthi, You pull that person back to the dharmic/righteous path by Your incomparable Supreme Divine Grace.

Great Mother Kamakshi, if according to vast majority of people conjugal pleasure is the greatest pleasure, why there is so much conflicts and lack of peace in this world? why all people hanker after so many other pleasures/desires like wealth, name, fame, tasty food etc? All Your Maya. One’s own Athma/Self/You, SivaSakthi alone is real eternal Peace, Purity, Happiness, Contentment and Fearlessness; rest only agitate, make mind restless, devoid of peace.

Divine Mother SivaSakthi, You are infinite, Your magic creation is also infinite like You. Infinite mind boggling varieties of living and non-living things and their attributes/characteristics like size, mind, good, bad, diseases etc, with infinite varieties within varieties. All these are for Your dream like Universal magic play. Your Intelligence and Your inseparable creative Power (Maya) is beyond our any possible understanding, totally inscrutable.

Loving Mother Kamakshi, desires tormenting the mind won't allow to have peace of mind, even if one is in heaven. Such is their terrible nature. Indra, the Lord of Heaven did not have peace of mind when he was tormented by the evil selfish desire to attain Ahalya, a Rishi’s wife. Indra met with a terrible curse of suffering due to his selfish evil desire. Hence, God/Your centered/surrendered dharmic/righteous living alone curbs selfish evil desires that creates terrible sufferings for oneself and others.

Great Mother SivaSakthi, one should be happy when people follow good/dharmic/righteous things. Only people with impure/selfish mind will hate and be jealous of people following good things, living good/dharmic/righteous life. Good things spreads Goodness around. Purifies people. Ever present You, SivaSakthi always shine in selfless Goodness.


Divine Mother Kamakshi, people following good things must do it with all Humility surrendered to You/God, otherwise it will only strengthen the Ego-mind with pride, not at all good, will result in painfully insulting others as if one is greater than others, how silly. Mother, You will correct this bad tendency of pride in Your children.

Loving Mother SivaSakthi, a devotee of Yours should steadfastly try to realize You as one’s own Athma/Self thru the destruction of the selfish Ego-mind. As long as Ego-mind exists it will create bad tendencies/thoughts due to its rajasic-tamasic nature. For example, Namadev, Vrindavan Gopikas though great devotees of Lord Krishna were dominated by egoistic pride of being great Krishna bakthas which Lord Krishna had to correct in suitable ways. Hence, Self-Realization of You, SivaSakthi will result in Pure mind (Suddha Sattvic mind) reflecting You/Athma/Self in full glory.

Great Mother Kamakshi, our daily life sufferings/battles/hardships are nothing compared to the terrible sufferings faced by people in wars, concentration camps, deadly diseases etc. These are terribly painful experiences aching the heart due to compassionate feeling. Mother SivaSakthi, You are our only refuge.

Great Mother SivaSakthi, if one has jealousy feeling against a devotee of You/God (even fake one), one must atleast mentally prostrate (one’s ego falling flat) before that devotee as a mark of humble respect. This should remove any bad thought of jealousy or pride or hatred in one’s mind. In fact, everything in this Universe is Your image/manifestation only SivaSakthi (whether good or bad, living or non-living thing etc); a surrendered child of Yours humbly prostrates to all of them mentally with no bad thought against anything. All is Your Universal play and All is Your Will and All are Your actions for good only. You are the only real treasure in our heart worth to be attained. When You, Universal SivaSakthi are so humble, how much humble, down to earth we miniscule humans should try to be?


Loving Mother SivaSakthi, a Jnani even after the physical disappearance continues to help the creation by Your Divine Will in subtle form through recorded words/teachings, dreams/visions, helping/reformation of people etc in various ways. Among human beings, no one helps Your creation like a Jnani whether physically present or otherwise.

Great Mother Kamakshi, Your surrendered child with Your infallible support has to face the dream like life and its daily battles cooly & peacefully like Arjuna did with the support of Your dear brother Lord Krishna in Mahabharata war. All will be well. One should not try to escape from problems/sufferings without facing them. Or else, some other serious problems/sufferings may be given by You. Karma has to be faced with infallible Divine support for our own good of evolving Spiritually towards Self-Realization. Mother SivaSakthi, in the best possible way, You will manage the problems and carry the burdens of Your surrendered child. Hence, no worries & fears. Many problems can be totally avoided by people if selfishness is avoided.

Divine Mother SivaSakthi, All is You only. You are one’s own Athma/Self. Hence, having bad thoughts & doing bad actions against others (that is, adharmic/unrighteous things) is nothing but directing the same against oneself. What, a terrible ignorance we are filled with.

Great Mother SivaSakthi, in Your creation Name & Fame is just temporary, for that moment/period only. For example, when Mahatma Gandhi was alive almost every page of a newspaper carried news about him in India. But nowadays, only during his birth and death annual days some news is published for the sake of formality as Father of the Nation. Not only name & fame, beauty, wealth, power etc., are all disappearing phenomena in Your creation. Mother SivaSakthi, You alone exist and shine without beginning and end, all else Your disappearing magic creations.


Divine Mother SivaSakthi, Kamakshi, this Universe is a disappearing/transient illusion created within You. Without realizing/attaining You, the Real One, Supreme Consciousness-Force, entangling in worldly attachments/desires is like wasting one’s life for a dream, no meaning at all. So many great, noble people like Rama, Krishna, Pandavas, Dasaratha, Vasudeva and many others all had great family life but with lot of suffering as well. Life in Athma/Self/You, SivaSakthi alone is real eternal joyful life, everything else external is undependable painful illusion with a sugar coating of transient pleasure.

Loving Mother SivaSakthi, in this illusionary creation of Yours, in a birth, good people get problems without harming anyone, while selfish people & bad people get problems by their own selfish actions itself. Such is Your play in this illusion to show us that real eternal happiness and peace is within oneself as You/Athma/Self, not in this illusionary Universe created by Your play. But one thing is certain that You, SivaSakthi take complete care of good people automatically (dharmic/righteous people with their life centered-on/surrendered-to You) just as Lord Krishna took complete care of Pandavas inspite of suffering filled life.

Great Mother SivaSakthi, whatever may be the status in life rich or poor, educated or uneducated etc, without Your/God/Self/Athma centered/surrendered dharmic/righteous living this life is only Sunya, empty without meaning, without peace of mind. Only dharmic/righteous living centered-on/surrendered-to You alone can please You, nothing else. Lanka King Ravana, for example, failed to live such a life and suffered to death due to the domination of his evil selfish desire more than God.


Loving Mother Kamakshi, Self-reformation/Self-purification must happen out of melting unconditional surrendered Love to Thee not out of fear or anything else which is not real reformation or purification at all, only has temporary effect. A surrendered child self-reforms/self-purifies of its selfish impurities to be pure and worthy child of Thee and Your Love (both same). Such a child has no hatred against anyone because it realizes that the entire creation is You only, everything is You and Your play only.

Loving Mother SivaSakthi, You, Bramma Jnana has nothing to do with the body condition, You transcend the entire dream like creation of Yours. Sage AshtaVagrar had a body with eight deformities from birth but he is a Bramma Jnani and Jnana Guru to a King Janaka of Mithila.

Loving Mother SivaSakthi, in Your Universal creation, bad/adharmic/unrighteous things easily influence and stick to people. Maybe, You want Your children to discard/give up bad/adharmic things with conviction after undergoing pain & sufferings through them and learn the greatness of good/dharmic/righteous things and follow them with conviction.

Great Mother SivaSakthi, You hide Yourself within Your creation and run Your dream like Universal Magic Play because everything that exists from atoms to galaxies is You only, nothing or nobody else apart from You. There is no need for You to appear before Your children to prove or boast about You and Your Intelligence & Power. One who is one-pointedly interested to know and realize/attain You will certainly achieve that by Your Supreme Divine Grace as one's own Athma/Self. That's the objective of Your Universal play.

Divine Mother SivaSakthi, even for a devotee of You, Spiritual progress is possible only if there is pain, suffering & troubles. If all is well, people will be completely satisfied with endless pleasure seeking life (like beings in heaven) and will not be interested in knowing and attaining the Ultimate Truth of Life, You, SivaSakthi. Gautama Buddha, though Royal Prince, was inspired to find the pain & suffering free Ultimate Truth of Life after seeing the pain & sufferings in human life including disease and death. If all is well, dispassion (vairagya) necessary for Spiritual progress will not come at all and one will comfortably sleep when trying to meditate. Your children will not get fed up with endless pleasure seeking. There will be no interest/drive at all to know and realize God/Self/Athma/You, SivaSakthi.

Divine Mother Kamakshi, other than mandatory due to law and/or official duty, Your surrendered child should not both about insurance or other financial security/protections; should solely depend on You, the real insurance/financial security for any just needs. Mahatma Gandhi cancelled his insurance policy of Rs.10,000 in early 1900's when he totally surrendered to You/God/Lord Rama for total care and protection.


Loving Mother SivaSakthi, rationalists, many scientists based on the scientific truths/developments strongly argue that God is a primitive concept of people when there was no scientific developments like today. But they don't know that You are infinite Supreme Intelligence Power totally beyond human comprehension. The microscopic drop of intelligence in humans is actually part of Your infinite intelligence only. One can never ever measure Your infinite intelligence Power because merging in You to measure You, the finite individual loses the separate existence like a drop of water merging in the Ocean. Apart from You, one is like a microscopic dust particle and You are with Your infinite Intelligence Power are like the vast Himalayan mountain range, how then one can measure and know You fully? impossible. Maximum as a Jnani one can attain Oneness with You (sharing Your eternal fearless absolute Peace & Joy) and know about You only when You Yourself reveal about You, out of Your abundant Grace/Love. You exist beyond the Universe, You are the Universe and also whatever contained within this Universe. Everything is You alone, nothing or nobody else. All is Your happy play with absolute freedom, dream like Universal magic created right within You and are sustained and dissolved within You like a child's play.

Mother Kamakshi SivaSakthi, though You are infinite, Universal & beyond, You are also subtlest of the subtlest. Hence, to know You, attain You, the mind is the only subtle instrument available to the humans; but it must be purified of its grossness due to its thoughts of worldly desires/attachments, only then it can understand You, know You, attain inseparable Oneness with You. All kinds of spiritual sadhanas/disciplines/practices have their inner aim of removing the grossness of mind due to its thoughts of worldly desires/attachments/selfishness and make it Pure like a clean mirror reflecting perfectly SivaSakthi Your light in full glory as our Athma/Self.

Mother SivaSakthi, the Vedic Hymn PurushaSuktha praises You as having eyes everywhere, hands everywhere and legs everywhere because You are subtlest of the subtlest to the massive of the massive equally operating both at the tiniest of the tiniest mental and atomic levels to the massive of the massive galactic/inter-galactic levels across every living and non-living thing created, sustained and dissolved by You within You itself. Nobody can never deceive You thinking ignorantly they are smart. Mother, one begins to understand the inner/subtle meanings of Sanaatana Dharma's Divine Scriptures and Religious/Spiritual practices as one's mind becomes more & more subtle through inward turning and self-purification/self-reformation to attain Oneness with Thee.

Mother Kamakshi, You are giving some rest, peace to Your children only at the time of deep sleep (only for Jnani's You give permanent peace, rest of Sahaja Samadhi). At other times, for Your Universal play, You continuously drive Your ignorant children with some action or the other including mentally without any rest. Vast Majority don't realize, don't get tired about their endless desires/pleasures/attachments seeking running. What a Pity. And, Mother, What a wonderful fooling game of action You are playing with Your children thru Your infinite inscrutable intelligence and power.

Mother Kamakshi, one should never fight against bad/evil without adequate authority & power. Otherwise, one will further provoke the bad/evil. One should keep away from bad/evil when one does not have the authority & power to deal with it. In the worldly stage, Police and Courts are means to deal with bad/evil doers. In the mental world, physical world, everywhere You/God/SivaSakthi are the highest authority & power to deal with any bad/evil including bad/evil thoughts. Surrendering to You/SivaSakthi/God/Self/Athma is the only worthwhile solution to win over bad/evil of any kind including the source of all bad/evil, the impure Ego-mind within us to attain eternal Oneness with Thee for an ever joyful life.

Mother SivaSakthi, no worldly object of pleasure (children, wife, husband, wealth, our body etc) can provide eternal mental peace or can remove worries and fears. In fact, attachment/addiction to worldly objects of pleasure can only end in pain and suffering because they are of temporary existence only. There will also be fear and worry of losing them. Only through the destruction of attachment/addiction creating Ego-mind and the resultant eternal life of Peace of You/SivaSakthi/Self/Athma is the only solution to all ills of human existence.

Great Mother SivaSakthi, Personal God is like Chariot of Bakthi, Love and Grace; Jnana Guru is like Charioteer of Teaching, Direction and Guide as Sri Krishna; Individual jiva is like Arjuna. Personal God and Jnana Guru take the surrendered one to their True Self/Athma. All merge in one Self, Father Arunachala, You, one and the same reality - SatChitAnanda.

Mother Kamakshi, the troubling Ego is really an illusory useless tormenting entity. You alone decide and execute everything in this Universe, nothing or nobody else.


Divine Mother SivaSakthi, for Your vast majority of deluded ignorant children who believe this Universe (dream like magic creation of Yours) as real, for them alone fear holds & torments. For Your surrendered child who knows that this Universe is a dream created, sustained and dissolved right within/inside You, the Supreme Consciousness-Force, there is no fear at all. That child is under Your complete care and protection.

Loving Mother SivaSakthi, You/SivaSakthi/Self/Athma alone the real parent (father-mother) of everything in existence; one’s earthly parents are just Your representatives but they must be respected/honored and taken care as they are Your manifestations.

Great Mother SivaSakthi, just by making the jivas seek happiness/pleasure in objects outside of them, You are fooling and running this entire Universal magic show; jivas forgetting the real treasure, You within them. What a Pity?

Mother Kamakshi, the Ego-mind is Rajasic-Tamasic dominated, without this harmful impurity, the mind is pure Sattva (pure Goodness), Shuddha Sattva reflecting You alone, the Athma/Self in full glory. A Jnani’s mind has no harmful Rajasic-Tamasic (selfishness) impurity.

Mother SivaSakthi, Other than Jnanis, for vast majority of people in ignorance, when their body and/or their favorable environment takes a painful suffering blow, the Rajasic-Tamasic natured Ego-mind temporarily goes into hiding due to fear and Sattvic mind takes control and they behave in a soft good way. But the moment things become normal again, the Rajasic-Tamasic natured Ego-mind comes back from hiding to dominate to trouble/harm them and others/innocents.


Loving Mother SivaSakthi, in Tamil, inithu inithu ekaantham inithu; ethaiyum ninaiyaamal summaa irruppathe sugam parama sugam.

Mother Kamakshi, thoughts generated by the ego-mind are the enemies of its peace and are nothing but desires, expectations, attachments. Destruction of ego-mind is alone Mukthi, the absolute immortal eternal peaceful state.

Mother SivaSakthi, one should never elucidate a rising thought, should cut it then and there. Otherwise, it will take one on a long worthless ride. So says Bhagavan Ramana and it is true.

Mother Kamakshi, one should never act/behave to others in thoughts, words and deeds in the way one does not want others to do to oneself.

Great Mother SivaSakthi, if one has surrendered to You, then one need not exert oneself even for a prayer. You know all our needs and things will happen at the right time by Your Supreme Divine Will. One must make effort only to hold onto You steadfastly to realize You as our own Self/Athma.

Divine Mother SivaSakthi, Bhagavan Ramana says Self-Enquiry, Dhyana, Japa and Stotra Parayana etc., should be carried out alternatively without allowing the mind to wander on external objects of desire.

Great Mother SivaSakthi, Serving/Helping anyone (including relations, friends etc) for their just deserving needs should be done without the expectations of anything in return in short or long term including praises, name, fame etc. Purely help/service should be done as a Service to You/God/Self/Athma in manifested form without one’s terrible Ego showing up and destroying the peace of mind/agitating it with pride and other harmful impurities.

Mother Kamakshi SivaSakthi, Your Divine Grace (even visiting kshetras, dip in holy Ganga etc) cannot help one unless one has the inner urge, maturity to self-reform/self-purify oneself. Otherwise, Your Divine Grace & others are all like hidden treasure buried under huge pile of impurities of mind like sand/mud. Countless human births taken by oneself are waste without self-reformation/self-purification towards attaining Oneness with Thee.


Mother SivaSakthi, like Vageesar/Thirunavukkarasar, one has to hold onto You tightly despite terrible troubles from adharmic people without giving into frustration, hatred, anger, abuses and not losing patience & tolerance despite terrible provocations, threats etc., from adharmic/unrighteous people. Totally depending on Your Divine Grace for guidance and solution. Vageesar life episode with jains and pallava king show they are test for spiritual maturity/perfection and unwavering faith in You, SivaSakthi.

Divine Mother SivaSakthi, hatred, unjustified/uncontrolled anger, abuses, curses, deception etc., are all bad things that first destroys one’s own peace of mind throwing us away from You, for All that exists is You alone. These bad things harm one’s body and mind and also others/innocents. They create bad karmas for more suffering and more future births. Bad people naturally have all these. Good/Dharmic/Righteous people must keep away from these bad things. Good and Bad, all Your Divine Will Mother, Your play, no point in blaming/abusing others losing self-control/self-restraint and peace of mind.

Loving Mother SivaSakthi, if people attain/acquire/do good things in life (not pleasures but good things like good habits, disciplined life, worship of God, charity etc), one should feel happy for them. Goodness, God are all same. But vast majority of people are only jealous of people who follow goodness.

Great Mother MahaMaya, You are fooling vast majority of Your children with infinite fleeting pleasures for Your play, while hiding Yourself, the real treasure within them. Only few know, understand and realize You within themselves by Your Supreme Divine Grace.

Great Mother SivaSakthi, Changing a totally hopeless suffering situation to an unbelievably solved wonderful happy situation just like that is absolutely possible only for You alone.

Mother Kamakshi, Every object acquired will bring with it not only fleeting pleasure but also more activities and pain & suffering. Hence, one has to acquire objects only for justifiable dharmic/righteous life needs.


Mother SivaSakthi, one should use just one short name of God for Japa/mental chanting (eg. siva, siva or rama, rama or arunachala, arunachala). During painful condition of body or mind, the mind does not seem interested to repeat long names or long mantras of God.

Divine Mother Kamakshi, even if someone gives just a pin at the time of our need, we should be grateful and good to them throughout our life.

Great Mother SivaSakthi, one should always be grateful to someone for the good things they have done to us and never hate them just because they have done something against our desire or expectations at some other time. One should always be grateful and appreciate only good things received from someone. That is real humaneness, not bothering about their ignorant wrong actions. One must think about the good things someone has done to us before ignorantly getting angry or starting to hate them.

Loving Mother SivaSakthi, in Your Universal play without beginning and end, You will not spare any single jiva till it attains Oneness with You in some future human birth mostly, after purifying/reforming it completely through various pain & sufferings and other experiences across various births across various species.


Supreme Mother ParaSakthi, You have so many forms - Parvati, Durga, Ganga, Mahalakshmi, Saraswathi and others. But Your surrendered child sees only one thing in all these forms - Egoless Pure Supreme Motherly Love of unfailing care, protection and grace to attain Thee, nothing else, no differences.

Great Mother SivaSakthi, no need to fear or worry about anything in this life. It is a dream like magic play happening within You Mother ParaSakthi. Your surrendered child has to do its part dharmically/righteously and fearlessly. You will take care of everything. It is Your headache/burden Mother Supreme Consciousness/Intelligence-Force to protect and take care of Your surrendered child in every way.

Loving Mother Kamakshi, How to know one’s progress in Spiritual Sadhana life? -- Degree of freedom from unwanted thoughts and degree of concentration on single thought of You/God/Self/Athma. Increasing peace, relaxation of mind, and fearlessness. Realizing free-will/individual will is an illusion and everything is governed by Your Divine Will alone in this Universe of Yours, ParaSakthi. Great faith that You will protect and take care of all the needs at the right time, which removes fears and worries. Whether the situation is good or bad/favourable or unfavorable, Your surrendered child is so happy & eager to Worship You and meditate on You with melting Love and has strong faith that Your Love will take care of everything. No meaning to live life without holding onto You.

Divine Mother SivaSakthi, what kind of past life will lead one into a reforming/purifying God/Self-Realization path guided by a great Jagadguru/Jnana Guru by Your Divine Grace? -- God centered Dharmic/righteous living, Great love for mother, motherland & their well being, Respecting Parents, Interest in Saints/Jnanis, Interest to know the real purpose of life beyond the materialistic way of living, Desire to have vision/darshan of God, and Willingness to self-correct/self-reform.

Great Mother Kamakshi, when people do good/dharmic/righteous things, whosoever they may be, they must be appreciated and encouraged without jealousy and other negative feelings. It is a selfless good minded attitude to encourage good/dharmic things, for goodness brings peace and harmony wherever it is practiced.

Loving Mother SivaSakthi, every bad/negative situation or problem has a good/positive side to it with certainty. But only few utilize that aspect for their betterment. In every disadvantage You keep an advantage and vice-versa.

Divine Mother Kamakshi, extreme good or extreme bad actions of a person are immediately rewarded accordingly by You.

Great Mother SivaSakthi, people don't like others giving troubles to them but they give exactly the same troubles to others; they only make a situation doubly miserable. What a deep ignorance. One should not do to others that which one does not want others to do to him.


Divine Mother SivaSakthi, if anyone zealously follows God/SivaSakthi centered/surrendered good/dharmic/righteous way of living, we should appreciate & encourage them. Even if they have defects/errors or slips from dharma, You SivaSakthi will surely correct it, we should not bother about those things. In this degraded age dominated by adharma/unrighteousness, we should be happy (Mother SivaSakthi You are also happy) for people living life as above. They are under special care & protection of You Mother SivaSakthi from adharmic influences.

Great Mother Kamakshi, if a person requires genuine justifiable help and is ready to accept it from one, it should be offered without impure selfish thoughts like whether the receiving person was earlier good to oneself or not. Ego should not be allowed to show its ugly head. Genuine justifiable helps are nothing but service to You SivaSakthi.

Loving Mother SivaSakthi, in our life every thought, every word and every action is a test for our maturity from You SivaSakthi with regard to Self-restraint/self-control, Selflessness, following dharma/righteousness, Self-reformation/self-purification and thirst for attaining/realizing Thee. Perfection is ultimately attained by Your Supreme Divine Grace, the eternal ever joyful life of Oneness with You Mother SivaSakthi.

Great Mother ParaSakthi, SivaSakthi, see immortal Father Lord Siva, He possesses things which nobody wants, what a simple life He leads, what a freedom He enjoys without the burden of material possessions that brings worries and fears with it to the mortal beings.

Divine Mother SivaSakthi, people loaded with selfishness without correcting/reforming themselves will harm others thru words & actions. They will find fault with others/innocents without realizing theirs for correction/reformation.

Sweet Mother SivaSakthi, Kamakshi, You are Sarva Roga Prasamani, Sarva Paapa Vimochani (that is, You are medicine for all diseases including rebirths and You are releaser from all bad karmas/sins) for all Your surrendered children.

Great Mother SivaSakthi, one should not throw away/dispose even a pin carelessly, ungratefully and without respect that had helped one at the time of a pressing need. Everything (other than You SivaSakthi, one's real nature) will get separated from one in the destined way at the right time by Your infallible Supreme Divine Will. Nothing should be done driven by selfishness. Selfishness only takes one away from You SivaSakthi by strengthening the Ego-mind with more impurities and bringing in more pain & sufferings.

Loving Mother Kamakshi, one should be loving, grateful and compassionate not only towards human beings but towards all living beings as well as non-living things. All is You only SivaSakthi, nothing or nobody else. Hence, there is no place for hatred in our heart, our life & actions must be Your surrendered and in dharmic/righteous way.

Divine Mother SivaSakthi, Your surrendered child has to live/deal with frustration, pain, sufferings etc., from various people, situations, conditions etc. All these happen to cultivate noble qualities like patience, tolerance, compassion and the all inclusive humility and accepting the truth that everything is Your infallible Supreme Divine Will (good or bad/favourable or unfavorable). Realizing that every experience is for one's self-purification/self-reformation to ultimately attain Oneness with Thee as one's own Self/Athma for an eternal ever joyful life. Meanwhile, Your surrendered child has to deal with difficulties by acting responsibly based on dharma/righteousness and not react irresponsibly due to selfish Ego-mind's influence. Should prevent Ego (I & Mine) from showing itself in any action, mental or physical, that's the way to weaken it and ultimately destroy it by Your Supreme Divine Grace for an eternal glorious life of Oneness with You Mother SivaSakthi. Ordinary people dominated by their Egos will change their behavior only temporarily out of fear or other compulsions and not out of genuine realization of their wrongful/adharmic/unrighteous ways.


Loving Mother SivaSakthi, without Love in the heart for fellow beings, physical beauty has no meaning at all, no purpose at all. Even if there is no physical beauty, Love in one's heart itself will give a special physical beauty of its own. If one's heart is loaded with bad feelings/thoughts like anger and hatred, it will tarnish whatever physical beauty one has, particularly that of the face as face is the index of the mind/heart.

Great Mother Kamakshi, one should keep distance from drunkards, foul mouthed and other badly behaving people. If one argues with them they will not only tarnish the arguing person with filthy bad words but also the person's innocent dead ancestors, living parents, wife, children, relations etc. One cannot convince such terrible people with good words. Hence, it is best to keep distance from such monstrous people for one's own peace of mind. A spiritual seeker of Liberation/Truth should associate the mind only with things related to God/Self/Jnanis/Saints (that is, Sat-Sang, association with Truth). In general, mind must be associated with good/dharmic/righteous things if Peace is the aim of life, all else only cause agitation of mind.


Divine Mother SivaSakthi, people have to seriously remember one important thing; God/Father Lord Siva did not even spare his dear friend and great devotee Saint Sundarar from punishment when he once stepped out of Dharma/righteousness, then what can we say about severe punishments from You SivaSakthi to evil minded people who recklessly harm others/innocents through adharmic/unrighteous acts. Without pain & sufferings thru severe punishments, adharmic/unrighteous people will not correct their impure/perverted/adharmic/unrighteous ways. Good/dharmic/righteous people also get pain & sufferings from You SivaSakthi due to their past bad karmas but it is for purifying and elevating them Spiritually to the ultimate goal of realizing Oneness with You Mother SivaSakthi as one’s own Athma/Self for an eternal ever joyful life transcending birth and death.

Great Mother SivaSakthi, there is absolutely no possibility of permanent as well as perfect happiness in worldly life. For example, in one generation in a family there may be great happiness and well being, even old family members would have died happily seeing these. But in next generation, there might be extreme sufferings. That’s the way it has been in worldly life. Eternal Perfect Happiness is possible only by realizing/attaining Oneness with You/God formless SivaSakthi, the source of Universe & everything and of the nature of Happiness itself. Suffering is inseparable from Form, even Gods with Form had to undergo sufferings as seen from the Puranas, but they are internally ever joyful and detached due to Bramma Jnana/Self-Realization of their real nature, which is Formless SivaSakthi.


Divine Mother Kamakshi, people who are attached/addicted to wealth, name & fame, power and other pleasures/desires will do all kind of unnecessary things from silly, foolish to extreme, terrible to acquire or retain them endlessly till their death/reformation/correction and in the process are greatly troubled by pain & sufferings that come along due to their attachments/addictions. Examples: Politicians, Cine-stars and others. Leading God (You SivaSakthi) centered/attached/surrendered dharmic/righteous life without selfish desires alone is the best, that ultimately leads to eternal ever joyful life of Oneness with You SivaSakthi as one's own Athma/Self.

Loving Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, Your surrendered child is fed up with Your infinite variety, deluding and complex magic Universal play/dream; begs You to take it back at the earliest for an eternal inseparable ever joyful life of Oneness with You ending the dream play role of Your surrendered child once and for all.

Divine Mother SivaSakthi, Your surrendered child should never ever forget that it's real nature/Athma/Self is SivaSakthi and that Your Universal magic play including one’s life is like dream drama, not at all real. Your surrendered child should not get attached to good or bad experiences happening to its dream character role. Your entire Universal creation is Your dream drama, magic play created, sustained and dissolved within You SivaSakthi, Supreme Consciousness-Energy, the only existence, reality, nothing or nobody else other than You.

Great Mother ParaSakthi, people with their terrible Egos give pain & sufferings to others/innocents; how long can they live jumping like that in this earth? They don't realize that they are mere dust to be swept away by the powerful wind of time. They have to pay terrible price if they don't cultivate good ways & humility. Just one unexpected painful shot from their destiny can bring them tumbling down to the ground. No use in regretting at that time, when it will be too late to correct themselves in that birth. Everyone will mainly remember only the bad things done by that person.


Loving Mother SivaSakthi, the practical immediate solution to bring peace to the restless/agitated mind is to accept the Divine Truth that All that exists is SivaSakthi/God only and everything that happens (good or bad/favourable or unfavorable) in this Universe from atomic to galactic level is by DIVINE WILL alone, every moment, everywhere. There is no real free or individual will, only illusionary for Divine Universal play/drama. Also, realizing the truth that one does not have control over anything. Just flow with one’s Divine Ordained life dharmically/righteously like a leaf carried away by a swift flowing river. The lesson/truth above looks so simple, but it is not easy to practice/follow due to people's selfish Ego-mind steeped in false illusory ideas of “I am the body, I am the doer”.

Great Mother Kamakshi, irresponsible reactive talks/exchanges between people due to agitated/restless selfish Ego-mind is the beginning of arguments and conflicts. As solution, People should avoid worthless talks/exchanges and also carefully with awareness choose right words to communicate and cultivate patience & tolerance. Talk less and rightly, and listen more with patience & tolerance including criticisms and abuses should be the mantra. Very difficult to practice but no other right solution. Also, playing/listening soothing Divine music/chanting could soften the hot agitated/restless situation.


Loving Mother SivaSakthi, You are that Pure beyond all concepts of purity. Please, make Your surrendered child also like You, one with You by destroying the child's impure selfish Ego-mind. Please, make Your surrendered child perfectly pure & innocent, worthy of Thy infinite overflowing Love and Grace.

Divine Mother Kamakshi, Your dear son Guru Guha Ramana says that when one lives and eats just for survival, everything eaten becomes medicine for the body, but when one lives just for eating (craving), everything eaten becomes poison for the body, diseases sprung up. Thus, in general, life must lived based on dharmic/righteous just needs, and not based on selfish desires that are endless and bring unnecessary pain & sufferings to oneself and others.

Great Mother SivaSakthi, ParaSakthi, when You (as well as Father Siva) itself, without any sin, beyond sin & karmas, can do intense physically draining tapas for long periods as found in Puranas for the good of the Universe and dharma/righteousness, then why should we, Your children complain to You when we suffer for our selfish bad actions carried out by us in this birth or previous births. We should learn to bear those just sufferings and utilize them to self-reform/self-purify us to ultimately attain ever joyful Oneness with You. Also, Your arduous tapas, Mother SivaSakthi, teaches us that whatever may be the physical or mental sufferings (or internal/external obstacles/distractions) one should not give up sincere steadfast loving Divine Worship, even if it means losing one's life. Same applies with regard to holding onto Dharma/Righteousness as You and Dharma are not different, Mother Dharma Samvardini, the protector of Dharma. All is You only, Universe and beyond.

Loving Mother SivaSakthi, Humility is the storehouse of all good/divine qualities. When Father Lord Siva and Your Dear Brother Lord Vishnu exhibit such great Humility as known from Puranas and Lives of Saints, how much greater Humility we mortal miniscule humans must cultivate to be worthy children of the Divine as well as to be worthy human beings to live in this earth.


Divine Mother SivaSakthi, in Your Universal creation, every object that gives pleasure at one time also gives pain & sufferings at some other time. For example, one’s own physical body gives pleasure when healthy, pain & sufferings when diseased/injured. All this is due to our attachments to objects. Without attachments we will be always in Peace, Happiness and Contentment and without fear of anything. I & Mine attachments causing Ego-mind’s destruction, resulting in Oneness with You SivaSakthi alone brings about the eternal ever joyful attachments free life. But the Ego-mind can be destroyed only by giving up pain & sufferings bringing selfishness, living God centered/attached (this attachment alone is needed), dharmic/righteous, just needs driven life along with Spiritual disciplines/practices focusing on attaining Oneness with You as one's own Athma/Self. All these blessed by Your Supreme Divine Grace.

Great Mother Kamakshi, in Your magic creation, selfishness/bad things/bad habits easily gets stuck to the mind, but with regard to beneficial/healthy/purifying good things/good habits one has to make steadfast sincere effort to discipline the mind to hold onto them. Vast majority of people easily get attracted to bad things, for them good things doesn’t seem attractive. They adopt good things only when they undergo pain & sufferings due to bad things. The end of following/adopting good things is ultimately attaining Oneness with You as one's own Athma/Self for an Eternal joyful life without any worries and fears, transcending birth and death.

Great Universal Mother SivaSakthi, seeing Your glorious, mind boggling, mind blowing infinite varieties of creation in this Universe (even executed thru humans), Your surrendered child is awestruck with great happiness, breath stops in amazement thinking about Your unmeasurable, limitless Intelligence, Power and Greatness. What an unbelievably incomparable Divine Mother, the only Real Eternal Mother Your child has to take care of it. How fortunate is the surrendered child of Yours.


Divine Mother SivaSakthi, As long as the Rajasic-Tamasic natured Ego-mind exists, even subtly, then, even for Your surrendered child the possibility of occasional slip from dharmic/righteous behavior is always there. Perfection (freedom from troubling Ego-mind & attaining Oneness with You) is possible only with the destruction of this impure Ego-mind by Your Supreme Divine Grace. Till then, steadfast effort to hold onto You in mind should always be there despite occasional dharmic slips due to extraordinarily, extreme tough situations. Regretting for wrong behavior, Correcting and Continuing the spiritual effort must go on steadfastly.

Loving Mother SivaSakthi, whatever You may give (including extreme pain, more terrible births), may not give (including grace for mukthi, pleasures of life); but for Your surrendered child just holding onto You in mind continuously itself brings great relief, peace and happiness to the mind. Without this, life appears unlivable and hellish. Great Mother SivaSakthi Kamakshi, please bless me, that Your surrendered child never ever slips from holding onto You in mind even if it occasionally slips from dharma/righteousness with self-restraint/self-control failing in extreme tough situations. Let the surrendered child fully realize that SivaSakthi alone are its real parents and should be totally indifferent to any happenings, extreme happenings or other attractions in Your magic world.

Great Mother SivaSakthi, in SivaMaha Purana, Father Siva has told You about the two important qualities required for a devotee to surrender to SivaSakthi/God to eventually attain Oneness with that Truth for an Eternal joyful life. First, accepting both Favourable (Good) and Unfavorable (Bad) happenings/experiences as SivaSakthi’s prasad for one’s own welfare, for purification/reformation. Second, giving up the false selfish/egoistic I & Mine thoughts and holding tightly to the truth that is SivaSakthi is everything, Universe and beyond, nothing or nobody else.


Loving Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, below is the heart touching “Parrot and withered Tree” story from Mahabharata told by Bhishma to Yudhisthira in Anusana Parva on what real love/compassion/gratefulness is all about:


Loving Mother SivaSakthi, the below episode shows what real unconditional surrender to You is all about.

Arthur Ashe, the legendary Wimbledon champion was dying of AIDS which he got due to infected blood he received during a heart surgery in 1983.

From the world over, he received letters from his fan, one of them conveyed: "Why does God have to select you for such a bad disease?".

To this Arthur Ashe replied: The world over--50,000,000 children start playing tennis, 5,000,000 learn to play tennis, 500,000 learn professional tennis, 50,000 come to the circuit, 5000 reach the grand slam, 50 reach the Wimbledon, 4 to semi finals, 2 to finals. When I was the one holding the cup, I never asked god "Why me?".

And today in pain, I should not be asking GOD "why me?".


Great Mother Kamakshi, highly impure Ego-minded people in violent frenzy will cause extreme sufferings to others/innocents without any least thought. All Great Sins are caused by terrible Ego-minds in violent frenzy. You, Mother SivaSakthi alone can protect the innocents from them. What else can be said?

Divine Mother SivaSakthi, Dharma Samvardhini, Protector of Dharma/Righteousness, a surrendered child of Yours must not definitely try to face evil with its ego (I am the doer thought), it must hold onto You tightly and guided by You with clear, peaceful mind with patience & tolerance and without any agitation. After all, it is all Your Play. There is nothing to worry or fear for Your surrendered child.


Great Mother Kamakshi, though vast majority of people due to ignorance say that carnal pleasure is the greatest pleasure, they themselves regard it as very lowly. So many worst bad words in this world associated with carnal pleasure are used by vast majority of people to abuse others ignorantly, mercilessly. Terrible!. Also, the area of carnal pleasure in the human body is the most filthiest, germs ridden, extremely bad smelling area of the body. But to propagate Your deluding magic creation, You have kept that lowly pleasure in the carnal activity. Without that lowly pleasure, carnal activity will be extremely painful & strainful. No species then will be interested in procreation. Mother SivaSakthi, All Your Magic, Maya.

Loving Mother SivaSakthi, Kamakshi, You are the cool, peaceful, refreshing Oasis in the middle of scorching & painful desert of Human life. Whereas for Your surrendered child that had realized its Oneness with You as one’s own Athma/Self, there is no desert at all, only Oasis of You, the SivaSakthi everywhere.

Divine Mother SivaSakthi, a person ridden with egoistic mental impurities, constantly troubling others/innocents, giving pain & sufferings, is laying one’s own terrific foundation for destruction to the grave pit.

Great Mother SivaSakthi, there is no other enemy in this Universe to be cursed, abused or destroyed other than one’s Ego-mind, the source of all problems of human existence with its selfish desires & aversions/hatreds bringing terrible pain & sufferings (of mind as well as body) to oneself and others, destroying peace within oneself & around by succumbing to six deadly enemies of desires, anger, delusion, greed, pride and jealousy. What a terrible beast Ego-mind is; can be destroyed only by God/Your surrendered dharma/righteousness based self-purification/self-reformation blessed by Your Supreme Divine Grace resulting in ever joyful eternal life of Oneness with You, SivaSakthi as one’s own Athma/Self. Your surrendered child will always be guided by You alone & not by the deadly illusionary creation of Yours, the Ego-mind, the source of all troubles.

Loving Mother Kamakshi, as said by Your dear brother Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita, extremes should always be avoided in life, one must stick to middle/balanced way of living. Extremes (low/high) way of living is due to selfish desires & aversions/hatreds and will always do great harm to mind as well as body of oneself and others.


Great Mother Kamakshi, You give beatings in life to punish/correct the Ego. Then, You give soothing massage after the beatings. What a Play of Yours?

Loving Mother SivaSakthi, in Your magic creation, beatings giver is You, the massage giver after beatings is also You. All is only You in Your creation. Nothing or Nobody else. Then who is there to hate whom?

Great Mother SivaSakthi, for Your surrendered child with tiny intelligence, Your Universal creation looks so complex, confusing and sometimes frustrating with infinite varieties and infinite intermingling actions. But, by Your infallible Divine Will, things happen and activities go on magically. They tell about Your Supreme Infinite Intelligence and Power totally beyond our comprehension. There is nothing to worry or fear about for Your surrendered child. All is You and Your Will alone. Everything is Your Play alone.

Loving Mother Kamakshi, it is great to be dharmic/righteous person in normal life situations, but it is even very great to be like that in extraordinary tough life situations. Such children are very favorites for Your Divine Grace.

Great Mother Kamakshi, a surrendered dharmic/righteous child of Yours must always hold onto You tightly in mind, more so during turbulent problems/situations for courage, protection, mental peace, clarity and solution to easily/better manage and cross over them. You never ever let down Your surrendered child but it should have patience & tolerance with steadfast/unwavering faith in You.

Loving Mother SivaSakthi, Kamakshi, for dharmic/righteous Your centered/surrendered child using adharmic means to deal with adharma (like adharmic people) will not work, You will not surely allow adharmic actions from Your surrendered child. You only expect Your surrendered child to always follow dharmic/righteous means whatever may be the situation/end, even to deal with adharma/unrighteousness.

Great Mother SivaSakthi, in Your Universal dream like magic creation You have kept the lowly conjugal pleasure to fool people/living species and propagate Your creation. If people/living species knew the limitless bliss of Athma/Self/You, SivaSakthi within them in their heart, then no longer they will be interested in the lowly conjugal pleasure. Then, how will Your creation continue to prosper? All Your play of Maya to keep them ignorant (vast majority) and continue Your play.


Loving Mother SivaSakthi, the culmination of unconditional melting bakthi/Love to Personal God is to attain advaitic Oneness with Personal God’s formless nature of one’s own Athma/Self/You, SivaSakthi with individuality of I & Mine (the selfish Ego) disappearing by Your Supreme Divine Grace. Then it is realized, All is Thou alone, Universe and beyond.

Great Mother Kamakshi, if there is a failure/error/mistake/wrong, one has to humbly accept the same, try to make correction without allowing the Ego to dominate. Ego not accepting failure/error/mistake/wrong creates more problems/conflicts destroying the peace of the Egoistic person first.

Loving Mother Kamakshi, without Your thought/forgetting You, the whole human world and its ever increasing complex life activities due to its increasing selfishness/desires looks terribly painful and intolerable. With Your thought and Your Love everything looks like hell.

Great Mother SivaSakthi, the real purpose of listening/enjoying Carnatic Songs by Great Saintly Music Composers like Thyagaraja and others is to cultivate melting bakthi to God/You, SivaSakthi, ultimately ending in advaitic Oneness with Thee. Thou art all.

Divine Mother Kamakshi, when mentally afflicted people can have so much steadfastness in their habits and activities, how much more steadfastness a surrendered child of Yours should have/must develop to attain inseparable Oneness with Thee for an eternal ever joyful life.

Loving Mother SivaSakthi, Kamakshi, the person who gives me pain is You only and the person who gives me soothing cure to that pain is also You alone. Disease is You, Medicine is also You. All is You alone, nothing or nobody else in this Universe.


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