Great Mother SivaSakthi, Science is yet to discover/accept the existence of Intelligence/Consciousness (Siva) inseparable from the Energy (Sakthi) that is manifesting as this Universe. Your forms of ArdaNareeswara and SankaraNarayana - SivaSakthAikyaRoopams, convey the inseparable SivaSakthi truth only, the Advaitic truth. Universe and beyond, all is You only, beginningless and endless SivaSakthi. All Your Forms, All Your Will, All Your Plan, All Your blissful Child like Play and All Your Actions. Nothing or Nobody else. Individual Free Will is just an illusion in Your Play to create individuals with ignorance for an interesting Universal drama - without awareness of their True Nature of SivaSakthi. Individuals who realize their True Nature by selfishness removing self-purification/self-reformation blessed by Your Supreme Divine Grace are Jnanis, who have attained ever vibrant joyful Oneness with You finishing successfully Your Universal Game of continuous birth and death lifecycle laden with deluding pleasures, and tormenting pain & sufferings.
Loving Mother SivaSakthi, Kamakshi, the most evil thing in the whole Universe is every person's Ego-mind. The kind of evil thoughts and evil actions it generates are unimaginable. All problems/sufferings that humans face without peace from an individual level (across births) to Global/Universal level (across ages) is solely due to evil Ego-mind. Selfish desires/attachments strengthen the evil Ego-mind. Only by selfishness destroying self-purification/self-reformation (by means of dharmic/righteous Your/God centered/surrendered life) blessed by Your Supreme Divine Grace alone will enable the destruction of an individual's evil Ego-mind for an eternally Pure, Selfless, Peaceful, Fearless, ever vibrant joyful life of Oneness with You, Mother SivaSakthi.
Loving Mother SivaSakthi, Kamakshi, the most evil thing in the whole Universe is every person's Ego-mind. The kind of evil thoughts and evil actions it generates are unimaginable. All problems/sufferings that humans face without peace from an individual level (across births) to Global/Universal level (across ages) is solely due to evil Ego-mind. Selfish desires/attachments strengthen the evil Ego-mind. Only by selfishness destroying self-purification/self-reformation (by means of dharmic/righteous Your/God centered/surrendered life) blessed by Your Supreme Divine Grace alone will enable the destruction of an individual's evil Ego-mind for an eternally Pure, Selfless, Peaceful, Fearless, ever vibrant joyful life of Oneness with You, Mother SivaSakthi.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Your surrendered child should play the dream play/drama of life (strictly & universally directed by You) coolly without fears and worries and without getting attached to anything (objects, happenings and outcomes) other than You alone for a Peaceful/Still mind that reveals Your eternal joyful Presence as one's own Athma/Self.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, Your surrendered child should see everything as Your manifestation, Your forms only - Good, bad (favourable, unfavorable), disturbances, obstacles, diseases, abuses, good people, bad people, conflicts, wars etc. The mind should be filled with Thee alone to eventually attain Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self for an eternal joyful life transcending Your dream like magic Universal creation itself.
Divine Mother ParaSakthi, in Your Universal drama/play every object created by You has a specific role to play (good or bad or whatever it may be) decided by You alone. Hence, it is foolish on one's part to hate or get jealous of anything. All is You, All is Your Will, All are Your actions alone.
Dear Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, even if people attain the highest status in life, they are never satisfied/content with that. They always have something more to seek, more desires, someone to get jealous of or hate and then getting into problems with pain & sufferings. For example, Lord of the Heaven, Indra landed into a terrible curse from Rishi Gauthama for Indra's unjust/unrighteous/adharmic relationship with his wife Ahalya despite enjoying incomparable limitless heavenly pleasures. Mother SivaSakthi, such is the deluding nature of Your Universal magic/maya creation. Hence, without straying from the path of attaining Oneness with Thee, a surrendered child of Yours should never ever turn its mind away from You towards deluding and adharmic/unrighteous attractions in Your creation.
Great Mother Durga, SivaSakthi, for extreme bad/adharmic/unrighteous actions of people You immediately punish them. But only mature souls immediately realize it and correct their wrongs/errors, whereas vast of majority of people don't realize it or care to reform themselves and continue to repeat their wrongs and eventually land up in a situation of terrible pain & sufferings when it could be too late to correct and continue with their life in that birth.
Mother ParaSakthi, there is nothing Alien in this Universal creation. All is One only, and that is You alone. Nothing or nobody else. All that exists is Your Forms only.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, every religion and its sects have created huge layers of concepts on God and fight over that with each other, even to the extent of committing killings in their fanaticism. But the Ultimate Truth of God is so simple, just uncontaminated Pure, Peaceful "Consciousness-Being", our own Core/Athma/Self attained through thoughts-free Stillness of our mind, nothing else needed. What a pitiable, ignorant state of affairs with regard to religions! Even to understand simple things in this creation mind has to be pure and peaceful to a high degree. But vast majority of People are never content with simple things in anything, they want only complexity to attain happiness/pleasure and they ultimately suffer from that losing peace of mind.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, Your surrendered child should see everything as Your manifestation, Your forms only - Good, bad (favourable, unfavorable), disturbances, obstacles, diseases, abuses, good people, bad people, conflicts, wars etc. The mind should be filled with Thee alone to eventually attain Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self for an eternal joyful life transcending Your dream like magic Universal creation itself.
Divine Mother ParaSakthi, in Your Universal drama/play every object created by You has a specific role to play (good or bad or whatever it may be) decided by You alone. Hence, it is foolish on one's part to hate or get jealous of anything. All is You, All is Your Will, All are Your actions alone.
Dear Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, even if people attain the highest status in life, they are never satisfied/content with that. They always have something more to seek, more desires, someone to get jealous of or hate and then getting into problems with pain & sufferings. For example, Lord of the Heaven, Indra landed into a terrible curse from Rishi Gauthama for Indra's unjust/unrighteous/adharmic relationship with his wife Ahalya despite enjoying incomparable limitless heavenly pleasures. Mother SivaSakthi, such is the deluding nature of Your Universal magic/maya creation. Hence, without straying from the path of attaining Oneness with Thee, a surrendered child of Yours should never ever turn its mind away from You towards deluding and adharmic/unrighteous attractions in Your creation.
Great Mother Durga, SivaSakthi, for extreme bad/adharmic/unrighteous actions of people You immediately punish them. But only mature souls immediately realize it and correct their wrongs/errors, whereas vast of majority of people don't realize it or care to reform themselves and continue to repeat their wrongs and eventually land up in a situation of terrible pain & sufferings when it could be too late to correct and continue with their life in that birth.
Mother ParaSakthi, there is nothing Alien in this Universal creation. All is One only, and that is You alone. Nothing or nobody else. All that exists is Your Forms only.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, every religion and its sects have created huge layers of concepts on God and fight over that with each other, even to the extent of committing killings in their fanaticism. But the Ultimate Truth of God is so simple, just uncontaminated Pure, Peaceful "Consciousness-Being", our own Core/Athma/Self attained through thoughts-free Stillness of our mind, nothing else needed. What a pitiable, ignorant state of affairs with regard to religions! Even to understand simple things in this creation mind has to be pure and peaceful to a high degree. But vast majority of People are never content with simple things in anything, they want only complexity to attain happiness/pleasure and they ultimately suffer from that losing peace of mind.
Loving Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, If one (unconditionally surrendered child with melting Love to You) is under Your care/protection, no negative forces can harm that child. You can give whatever glory/greatness/goodness to that surrendered child as per Your Wishes, there is no limit to it, including the immortal Oneness with You, the Ultimate Grace from You.
Great Mother Sathyabama, ParaSakthi, when Divine bodies of Lord Krishna, Mother Rukmini and their Dwaraka city & its wealth can be transient, then what can be said about our disgustingly smelling human bodies and the silly wealth that we painstakingly gather and boast of! What a foolish selfish attachments to these that cause all kinds of pain & sufferings to oneself and others/innocents!
Divine Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, during the period of undergoing pain & sufferings, God/You SivaSakthi (including Sages/Jnanis/Saints) alone can give peace of mind, happiness and solution to the problems faced. Not even single worldly pleasure can fulfill this. Past pleasure experiences will only increase the unhappiness/pain when recalled.
Sweet Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, one may even find a precious Gem from a filthy garbage. Likewise, Great/Good/Saintly people can emerge from a bad/adharmic/unrighteous human environment also. All part of Your Universal Divine drama/play Mother SivaSakthi.
Great Mother Durga, SivaSakthi, human body, however beautiful it may be, nobody wants to keep it once dead with its disgusting, nauseating, decomposing and frightening nature. Even when alive, how much filthy impurities the body generates through its every pore from head to foot, particularly from the genital and waste generating organs. The body also continuously ages, losing its physical beauty and youthfulness. With such a terrible, transient body we are so much attached to and undergo all kinds of pain & sufferings (including giving them to others/innocents as well) to fulfill its selfish desires. With what a terrible ignorance we are shrouded in!
Divine Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Once two visitors came to Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. One of them addressing Bhagavan said, “My friend has taken as his guru a man who is not even a sadhu. To show him what a sadguru should be, I have brought him here.” Bhagavan replied sternly, “Who are you to say who is the right guru for him? By what power can you make out what a man really is? In fact, the guru is not as important as the disciple himself. If one worships with utmost devotion, even a stone would become the Supreme Lord.”
Great Mother SivaSakthi, somehow in Your dream like magic Universal creation, desires (even if they appear simple/silly/harmless) are absolutely inseparable from pain & sufferings; cannot avoid the later. Hence, it is best to lead a life driven by just needs rather than desires which are mostly selfish in nature. Desires greatly increase unnecessary activities consuming precious time & energy, affecting the body & mind negatively. Anger, hatred, worries, fears, stress, delusion, pride, envy/jealousy and greed are all associated with selfish desires leading to adharmic/unrighteous actions, which create bad karmas for more pain & sufferings birth after birth. Desires end up in destroying the Peace of mind, prevent us from turning inward to realize our immortal, Blissful real nature of Oneness with God/You Mother SivaSakthi.
Great Mother Sathyabama, ParaSakthi, when Divine bodies of Lord Krishna, Mother Rukmini and their Dwaraka city & its wealth can be transient, then what can be said about our disgustingly smelling human bodies and the silly wealth that we painstakingly gather and boast of! What a foolish selfish attachments to these that cause all kinds of pain & sufferings to oneself and others/innocents!
Divine Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, during the period of undergoing pain & sufferings, God/You SivaSakthi (including Sages/Jnanis/Saints) alone can give peace of mind, happiness and solution to the problems faced. Not even single worldly pleasure can fulfill this. Past pleasure experiences will only increase the unhappiness/pain when recalled.
Sweet Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, one may even find a precious Gem from a filthy garbage. Likewise, Great/Good/Saintly people can emerge from a bad/adharmic/unrighteous human environment also. All part of Your Universal Divine drama/play Mother SivaSakthi.
Great Mother Durga, SivaSakthi, human body, however beautiful it may be, nobody wants to keep it once dead with its disgusting, nauseating, decomposing and frightening nature. Even when alive, how much filthy impurities the body generates through its every pore from head to foot, particularly from the genital and waste generating organs. The body also continuously ages, losing its physical beauty and youthfulness. With such a terrible, transient body we are so much attached to and undergo all kinds of pain & sufferings (including giving them to others/innocents as well) to fulfill its selfish desires. With what a terrible ignorance we are shrouded in!
Divine Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Once two visitors came to Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. One of them addressing Bhagavan said, “My friend has taken as his guru a man who is not even a sadhu. To show him what a sadguru should be, I have brought him here.” Bhagavan replied sternly, “Who are you to say who is the right guru for him? By what power can you make out what a man really is? In fact, the guru is not as important as the disciple himself. If one worships with utmost devotion, even a stone would become the Supreme Lord.”
Great Mother SivaSakthi, somehow in Your dream like magic Universal creation, desires (even if they appear simple/silly/harmless) are absolutely inseparable from pain & sufferings; cannot avoid the later. Hence, it is best to lead a life driven by just needs rather than desires which are mostly selfish in nature. Desires greatly increase unnecessary activities consuming precious time & energy, affecting the body & mind negatively. Anger, hatred, worries, fears, stress, delusion, pride, envy/jealousy and greed are all associated with selfish desires leading to adharmic/unrighteous actions, which create bad karmas for more pain & sufferings birth after birth. Desires end up in destroying the Peace of mind, prevent us from turning inward to realize our immortal, Blissful real nature of Oneness with God/You Mother SivaSakthi.
Great Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, if one has to face pain & sufferings according to one's destiny as ordained by You, then one cannot escape from it even if one is in heaven itself. Even Lord of Heaven, Indra had to face problems from Demons now and then, losing the heaven to them.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, Your surrendered child should not even dream/think of any adharmic/unrighteous ways (which will corrupt/pollute a peaceful and good mind) to deal with adharmic/unrighteous trouble givers. Only dharmic/righteous means must be employed to one's maximum possible ability to deal with adharma/unrighteousness with mental coolness (Like Arjuna and Bhima, taken care of by Lord Krishna) without worries, fears and frustrations; only adharmic/unrighteous people will have these for their disadvantage & downfall. Mother ParaSakthi, You will do everything needed to protect and take care of Your surrendered child. You never ever want Your surrendered child to get caught in adharmic/unrighteous ways and You will correct any slips immediately to avoid any great pain & sufferings in the long term or in future.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, every single happening in the life of Your surrendered child is a test from You to check its improvement/progress in its self-reforming/self-purifying journey, ultimately ending in Oneness with You Mother SivaSakthi for an eternal joyful life transcending births and deaths once & for all.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, All is You, All is Your infallible Supreme Divine Will, All is Your action only in this vast Universal creation of Yours. Hence, who is there other than You to hate or abuse or curse or get jealous of and lose the Peace of mind!
Great Mother SivaSakthi, more complex the things/objects, more complex the problems they give including more activities, fears and worries. Hence, one should avoid seeking complex things/objects driven by selfish desires. It is a different matter altogether if one has to deal with them due to just needs or life duties.
Great Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, if one has to face pain & sufferings according to one's destiny as ordained by You, then one cannot escape from it even if one is in heaven itself. Even Lord of Heaven, Indra had to face problems from Demons now and then, losing the heaven to them.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, Your surrendered child should not even dream/think of any adharmic/unrighteous ways (which will corrupt/pollute a peaceful and good mind) to deal with adharmic/unrighteous trouble givers. Only dharmic/righteous means must be employed to one's maximum possible ability to deal with adharma/unrighteousness with mental coolness (Like Arjuna and Bhima, taken care of by Lord Krishna) without worries, fears and frustrations; only adharmic/unrighteous people will have these for their disadvantage & downfall. Mother ParaSakthi, You will do everything needed to protect and take care of Your surrendered child. You never ever want Your surrendered child to get caught in adharmic/unrighteous ways and You will correct any slips immediately to avoid any great pain & sufferings in the long term or in future.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, every single happening in the life of Your surrendered child is a test from You to check its improvement/progress in its self-reforming/self-purifying journey, ultimately ending in Oneness with You Mother SivaSakthi for an eternal joyful life transcending births and deaths once & for all.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, All is You, All is Your infallible Supreme Divine Will, All is Your action only in this vast Universal creation of Yours. Hence, who is there other than You to hate or abuse or curse or get jealous of and lose the Peace of mind!
Great Mother SivaSakthi, more complex the things/objects, more complex the problems they give including more activities, fears and worries. Hence, one should avoid seeking complex things/objects driven by selfish desires. It is a different matter altogether if one has to deal with them due to just needs or life duties.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, reformation/purification of one's mind for Spiritual Development (that is, being good human being leading to God/Self-Realization) starts with the control of three important sense organs of Eyes, Ears and Mouth (the three monkeys statue kept by Mahatma Gandhi depicts this). One should See only good/dharmic/righteous things, One should Listen only to good/dharmic/righteous sounds/speeches, One should only eat Sattvic Food (e.g bread, milk, vegetables etc) in moderate quantity and One should speak only good/dharmic/righteous words. In one's self-reformation/self-purification effort eating Sattvic Food is very important because such food has purifying and calming effect on the mind.
Divine Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, Sattvic foods (e.g pure milk, idli, curd rice, pongal etc) have a purifying influence on mind. Whereas, Rajasic and Tamasic foods (e.g meat, highly spicy, oily foods, hard to digest foods etc) have a polluting influence on mind. But Bramma Jnanis/Self-Realized ones are unaffected by the nature of the food they take because their minds are of the nature of immutable Suddha/Pure Sattva (no rajas & tamas) with eternal Divine Presence in full Glory.
Loving Mother SivaSakthi, Dharma/Righteousness/Good things may appear unattractive and also painful & frustrating to adopt/follow but they surely confer only Goodness to the adopter/follower and others. Adharmic/unrighteous/bad things may appear attractive and also easy & pleasurable to adopt/follow but they surely confer pain & sufferings to the adopter/follower and others.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, One day it was suggested to the Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi that no spiritual progress could ever be made without sadhana or discipline. After a pause he made these observations: Mind binds man, and the same mind liberates him. Mind is constituted of sankalpa and vikalpa - desire and disposition. Desire shapes and governs disposition. Desire is of two kinds - the noble and the base. The base desires are lust and greed. Noble desires (e.g to self-reform/self-purify, living righteously, loving & worshipping God deeply, vision of God, attain God, serve the country, help the needy etc) direct us towards enlightenment and emancipation. Base desires (selfish ones that create pain & sufferings for oneself and others) contaminate and cloud the understanding. Sadhana is easy for the aspirant who is endowed with noble desires. Calmness is the basis of spiritual progress. Plunge the purified mind into the Heart. Then the work is over. This is the essence of all spiritual discipline!
Great Mother SivaSakthi, when people are reaping good/favourable things in life means You are rewarding them based on their past good karmas/actions, intense desires and associated steadfast efforts. Nobody is getting anything for free or arbitrarily except what they deserve, including pain & sufferings as well for the past bad karmas/actions. Hence, it is totally wrong to be jealous of & hating someone who is reaping good/favourable things in life of what that person had earlier sown.
Divine Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, Sattvic foods (e.g pure milk, idli, curd rice, pongal etc) have a purifying influence on mind. Whereas, Rajasic and Tamasic foods (e.g meat, highly spicy, oily foods, hard to digest foods etc) have a polluting influence on mind. But Bramma Jnanis/Self-Realized ones are unaffected by the nature of the food they take because their minds are of the nature of immutable Suddha/Pure Sattva (no rajas & tamas) with eternal Divine Presence in full Glory.
Loving Mother SivaSakthi, Dharma/Righteousness/Good things may appear unattractive and also painful & frustrating to adopt/follow but they surely confer only Goodness to the adopter/follower and others. Adharmic/unrighteous/bad things may appear attractive and also easy & pleasurable to adopt/follow but they surely confer pain & sufferings to the adopter/follower and others.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, One day it was suggested to the Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi that no spiritual progress could ever be made without sadhana or discipline. After a pause he made these observations: Mind binds man, and the same mind liberates him. Mind is constituted of sankalpa and vikalpa - desire and disposition. Desire shapes and governs disposition. Desire is of two kinds - the noble and the base. The base desires are lust and greed. Noble desires (e.g to self-reform/self-purify, living righteously, loving & worshipping God deeply, vision of God, attain God, serve the country, help the needy etc) direct us towards enlightenment and emancipation. Base desires (selfish ones that create pain & sufferings for oneself and others) contaminate and cloud the understanding. Sadhana is easy for the aspirant who is endowed with noble desires. Calmness is the basis of spiritual progress. Plunge the purified mind into the Heart. Then the work is over. This is the essence of all spiritual discipline!
Great Mother SivaSakthi, when people are reaping good/favourable things in life means You are rewarding them based on their past good karmas/actions, intense desires and associated steadfast efforts. Nobody is getting anything for free or arbitrarily except what they deserve, including pain & sufferings as well for the past bad karmas/actions. Hence, it is totally wrong to be jealous of & hating someone who is reaping good/favourable things in life of what that person had earlier sown.
Great Mother Durga, SivaSakthi, married people despite their great conjugal pleasure get terribly worried and feared over so many problems/sufferings and they also seek all renounced (I & Mine transcended) Sages/Jnanis to get Peace of mind and solutions to their suffocating problems. What an Irony. Conjugal pleasure or other worldly pleasures or seekings/achievements does not give them Permanent, immutable Peace, Happiness and Contentment. God/Self-Realization alone gives that.
Divine Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, Love is God/You and God is Love, no difference at all. Only those who have unconditionally surrendered to You/God with melting Love alone will be flooded by Your infinite & limitless Love.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, people living in great places/centers of worship, which are spiritually powerful, if they don't make use of them to self-reform/self-purify for Spiritual Development, they are totally wasting their life.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, when someone abuses me, curses me or harms me unjustly, I am submitting all that to Your Lotus Feet because all those people are also Your creations/children. It is Your problem/responsibility to deal with those things, not mine, Your surrendered child.
Dear Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, how fragile human body is. Just one blow of even a minor problem can take away the life just like that in the wink of an eye. Great Mother SivaSakthi, Life exists in a body by Your Divine Will and departs by Your Divine Will. All happenings in this Universe (good or bad, favorable or unfavorable) are according to Your infallible Supreme Divine Will alone from atomic to galactic level including humans and other living species. You alone are the Supreme Intelligence-Power of this Universe and everything is created and run by You and totally under Your control. People with bloated Egos jumping with Pride and harming others are mere dust of the dust in front of You; they will be humbled at the right time through painful experiences. Humility is what You expect from Your children.
Great Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, vast majority of people in this world fear committing greater or more wrongs solely due to the fear of pain & sufferings (even loss of life) reaction from God/You SivaSakthi or Legal Punishment or from Others or due to other reasons AND not due to genuine following of dharma/righteousness as their nature; Only Jnanis/Sages/Avatars are perfected ones with regard to this quality; they are followed by righteous, self-reforming, steadfast, sincere seekers of God/Self-Realization.
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, the great Advaitic Saint Appayya Dikshitar establishes through scriptural proof, the Three Gems (Rathna Trayam) of Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism), the three Supreme Manifestations of Formless-Attributeless Para Brammam (the Only Reality/Sat-Chit-Ananda) - They are Lord Siva (representing the static aspect of the Reality), Lord Vishnu and Mother Parvati/Sakthi (Brother and Sister - representing the Dynamic/Maya/Creative aspect of the same Reality).
Divine Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, Love is God/You and God is Love, no difference at all. Only those who have unconditionally surrendered to You/God with melting Love alone will be flooded by Your infinite & limitless Love.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, people living in great places/centers of worship, which are spiritually powerful, if they don't make use of them to self-reform/self-purify for Spiritual Development, they are totally wasting their life.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, when someone abuses me, curses me or harms me unjustly, I am submitting all that to Your Lotus Feet because all those people are also Your creations/children. It is Your problem/responsibility to deal with those things, not mine, Your surrendered child.
Dear Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, how fragile human body is. Just one blow of even a minor problem can take away the life just like that in the wink of an eye. Great Mother SivaSakthi, Life exists in a body by Your Divine Will and departs by Your Divine Will. All happenings in this Universe (good or bad, favorable or unfavorable) are according to Your infallible Supreme Divine Will alone from atomic to galactic level including humans and other living species. You alone are the Supreme Intelligence-Power of this Universe and everything is created and run by You and totally under Your control. People with bloated Egos jumping with Pride and harming others are mere dust of the dust in front of You; they will be humbled at the right time through painful experiences. Humility is what You expect from Your children.
Great Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, vast majority of people in this world fear committing greater or more wrongs solely due to the fear of pain & sufferings (even loss of life) reaction from God/You SivaSakthi or Legal Punishment or from Others or due to other reasons AND not due to genuine following of dharma/righteousness as their nature; Only Jnanis/Sages/Avatars are perfected ones with regard to this quality; they are followed by righteous, self-reforming, steadfast, sincere seekers of God/Self-Realization.
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, the great Advaitic Saint Appayya Dikshitar establishes through scriptural proof, the Three Gems (Rathna Trayam) of Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism), the three Supreme Manifestations of Formless-Attributeless Para Brammam (the Only Reality/Sat-Chit-Ananda) - They are Lord Siva (representing the static aspect of the Reality), Lord Vishnu and Mother Parvati/Sakthi (Brother and Sister - representing the Dynamic/Maya/Creative aspect of the same Reality).
Loving Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, Your Universal Motherly Love floods/wipes/melts out everything - defects, errors, differences etc., and stands Supreme submerging everything, Advaitic Oneness prevails. Only Your surrendered child understands & experiences it in Total Happiness.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, You alone are my eternal own, all else Your disappearing undependable/untrustable dream like magic creations.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Self-Realization/Bramma Jnana attained thru self-purification/self-reformation to get rid of selfish mental impurities/thoughts blessed by Your Supreme Divine Grace is all about eradication of the strong erroneous, ignorant notion that one is separate from God/You SivaSakthi.
Loving Mother ParaSakthi, ignorant Egoistic people criticize idol worship saying that Divine idols are just like any other marble/granite stone or stone idols. But they have to understand that just like Drinking Water is Pure and Healthy and different from other low quality water used for purposes like washing clothes etc; also, President of a country is different from ordinary citizens with regard to power, authority and living standard; also, God/Self-Realized Sage/Jnani is different from ignorant human beings; so also, Divine Idols are different from ordinary stones or stone idols. Divine Idols are sanctified and filled with Divine Presence to fulfill the prayers of its sincere/devoted worshippers and give them peace of mind with purifying effect for their spiritual development. Same truth applies to Divine names, mantras, stotras, images/pictures etc.
Great Mother Durga, SivaSakthi, to that which the mind continuously associates with, it becomes that. If the mind holds onto bad things, bad people etc, it becomes bad/cruel/perverted/highly selfish. But if it continuously holds onto God/You SivaSakthi (thru divine forms, mantras, names, as Self/Athma) sincerely/devotedly, it attains Oneness with You itself for an eternal joyful life.
Sweet Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, Your Universal game/play is infinitely complex and confusing with infinite things happening at the same time. Who am I? What suggestion can I give to You, the All-powerful & All-knowing Universal Supreme Intelligence-Power, to do this good or that good for the country and the world? All sheer Non-sense from this ignorant little child of Yours. Even same with Personal prayers also. It is just enough if one purifies one's mind to get rid of selfish impurities/thoughts to keep it in stillness of Oneness with You, blessed by Your Supreme Divine Grace. All is Your infallible Supreme Divine Will. All is taken care of by You.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, the entire Universal creation is Yours, Your manifestation itself, All is Your infallible Supreme Divine Will, then, what wealth can we offer to please You and obtain Your Grace? Nothing. You only expect Loving unconditional Surrender of our Ego-mind (that is responsible for ignorant I & Mine attachments - creating pain & sufferings, when everything belongs to You), nothing else.
Divine Mother Sathyabama, ParaSakthi, this earth is a huge place with infinite complexities and varieties to be managed just by the tiny humans. Mother ParaSakthi, You alone are really taking of care of the earth and its living species right from the beginning of their creation; humans are just Your tiny instruments in Your Divine play/drama. Humans should do their part in this earth including helping/serving others (including environment) without any Egoistic Pride of "I am doing" or "I am the doer", but with the utmost humility that they are only dispensable tiny instruments of Yours. So many living species have come and gone in Your earthly drama/play, humans are just another species.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, You alone are my eternal own, all else Your disappearing undependable/untrustable dream like magic creations.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Self-Realization/Bramma Jnana attained thru self-purification/self-reformation to get rid of selfish mental impurities/thoughts blessed by Your Supreme Divine Grace is all about eradication of the strong erroneous, ignorant notion that one is separate from God/You SivaSakthi.
Loving Mother ParaSakthi, ignorant Egoistic people criticize idol worship saying that Divine idols are just like any other marble/granite stone or stone idols. But they have to understand that just like Drinking Water is Pure and Healthy and different from other low quality water used for purposes like washing clothes etc; also, President of a country is different from ordinary citizens with regard to power, authority and living standard; also, God/Self-Realized Sage/Jnani is different from ignorant human beings; so also, Divine Idols are different from ordinary stones or stone idols. Divine Idols are sanctified and filled with Divine Presence to fulfill the prayers of its sincere/devoted worshippers and give them peace of mind with purifying effect for their spiritual development. Same truth applies to Divine names, mantras, stotras, images/pictures etc.
Great Mother Durga, SivaSakthi, to that which the mind continuously associates with, it becomes that. If the mind holds onto bad things, bad people etc, it becomes bad/cruel/perverted/highly selfish. But if it continuously holds onto God/You SivaSakthi (thru divine forms, mantras, names, as Self/Athma) sincerely/devotedly, it attains Oneness with You itself for an eternal joyful life.
Sweet Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, Your Universal game/play is infinitely complex and confusing with infinite things happening at the same time. Who am I? What suggestion can I give to You, the All-powerful & All-knowing Universal Supreme Intelligence-Power, to do this good or that good for the country and the world? All sheer Non-sense from this ignorant little child of Yours. Even same with Personal prayers also. It is just enough if one purifies one's mind to get rid of selfish impurities/thoughts to keep it in stillness of Oneness with You, blessed by Your Supreme Divine Grace. All is Your infallible Supreme Divine Will. All is taken care of by You.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, the entire Universal creation is Yours, Your manifestation itself, All is Your infallible Supreme Divine Will, then, what wealth can we offer to please You and obtain Your Grace? Nothing. You only expect Loving unconditional Surrender of our Ego-mind (that is responsible for ignorant I & Mine attachments - creating pain & sufferings, when everything belongs to You), nothing else.
Divine Mother Sathyabama, ParaSakthi, this earth is a huge place with infinite complexities and varieties to be managed just by the tiny humans. Mother ParaSakthi, You alone are really taking of care of the earth and its living species right from the beginning of their creation; humans are just Your tiny instruments in Your Divine play/drama. Humans should do their part in this earth including helping/serving others (including environment) without any Egoistic Pride of "I am doing" or "I am the doer", but with the utmost humility that they are only dispensable tiny instruments of Yours. So many living species have come and gone in Your earthly drama/play, humans are just another species.
Great Mother Rukmini, ParaSakthi, increase in activities and increase in pain & sufferings are directly proportional to increase in possessions/attachments/desires. For a happy, peaceful, fearless and contented life, one should lead a Divine centered/surrendered dharmic/righteous living based on just needs alone.
Divine Mother Durga, SivaSakthi, Goodness (habits, actions, speech etc) of people should always be happily appreciated or encouraged. There should be no ridiculing or criticizing due to hatred or jealously. Goodness and God/Divine are same.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Lord Krishna's Sister, always one task at a time must be taken up with complete focus and sincerity/devotion without worrying about the outcome, which is decided by You.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, one's steadfast self-reforming/self-purifying spiritual discipline/effort is due to Your Supreme Divine Grace only and also the eventual attainment of Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self for an eternal joyful life is also due to Your Supreme Divine Grace only. In short, without Your Supreme Divine Grace nothing is achievable by humans or any other species.
Divine Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, one should seek Your help only for just needs. One should never force You for fulfilling selfish desires for they will surely end in pain & sufferings only as You run the worldly activities on the strict foundation of dharma/righteousness.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, whatever may be the relationship mode/bhava by which one may deeply worship You (e.g Father, Mother, Child, Lover, Husband, or Friend etc), even if it is incorrect from worldly life point of view, that person will surely be purified by You and shown the correct way and eventually attains Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self for an eternal joyful life.
Loving Mother ParaSakthi, You alone know how to unconditionally Love and take care of Your children. Only when we self-reform/self-purify our mind to get rid of selfish worldly attachments/desires and unconditionally surrender to You with Love, only then we can understand and experience/feel Your infinite & flooding Love and Care for us.
Divine Mother Durga, SivaSakthi, Goodness (habits, actions, speech etc) of people should always be happily appreciated or encouraged. There should be no ridiculing or criticizing due to hatred or jealously. Goodness and God/Divine are same.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Lord Krishna's Sister, always one task at a time must be taken up with complete focus and sincerity/devotion without worrying about the outcome, which is decided by You.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, one's steadfast self-reforming/self-purifying spiritual discipline/effort is due to Your Supreme Divine Grace only and also the eventual attainment of Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self for an eternal joyful life is also due to Your Supreme Divine Grace only. In short, without Your Supreme Divine Grace nothing is achievable by humans or any other species.
Divine Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, one should seek Your help only for just needs. One should never force You for fulfilling selfish desires for they will surely end in pain & sufferings only as You run the worldly activities on the strict foundation of dharma/righteousness.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, whatever may be the relationship mode/bhava by which one may deeply worship You (e.g Father, Mother, Child, Lover, Husband, or Friend etc), even if it is incorrect from worldly life point of view, that person will surely be purified by You and shown the correct way and eventually attains Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self for an eternal joyful life.
Loving Mother ParaSakthi, You alone know how to unconditionally Love and take care of Your children. Only when we self-reform/self-purify our mind to get rid of selfish worldly attachments/desires and unconditionally surrender to You with Love, only then we can understand and experience/feel Your infinite & flooding Love and Care for us.
Sweet Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, Happiness is nothing got to do with a place or any other worldly things. If the mind is happy, then the whole world appears happy. If the mind is sad, then the whole world appears gloomy. ParaSakthi, SivaSakthi, Your surrendered child can attain immutable, eternal Happiness through Self-Realization/Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self by Your Supreme Divine Grace. For example, Saint Appar was immersed in the bliss of Self/Athma/Oneness with Thee, even when he was kept inside a burning Lime Kiln by a Pallava King for continuous seven days. Saint Appar was unharmed and intact physically as well by Your Supreme Divine Grace.
Great Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, worldly minded people are totally undependable. Sometimes even without being asked, due to egoistic pride or some hidden motive, they themselves will say that they will help and support you and act in strange (suspiciously) unexpected ways. Then, suddenly they may change their mind and totally ignore you, if things/you are not according to their expectations. Such is their Ego-mind's crooked selfish nature, totally untrustable. Loving Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, You alone are our refuge, always taking care of us with infinite & flooding Love, ever dependable/trustable without least doubt, residing within us as our own Athma/Self.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, sometimes it is frustrating for Your surrendered child when You continuously/frequently give moderately painful sufferings (based on past karmas). But You are giving that way to avoid experiencing far greater painful suffering in one shot. Out of immense, infinite Love for Your surrendered child You give karmas in easier and manageable way without unbearable intensity.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, those with Egoistic Pride jumping & jumping and continuously giving pain & sufferings to others/innocents will surely get beatings after beatings (with gradually increasing intensity) as fruits for their bad karmas from You and also to make them correct their cruel selfish behavior. But if they are not willing to correct themselves and continue to jump and give pain & sufferings to others/innocents, they will get a devastating final blow from You that will completely silence them once and for all.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, whatever may be the field (including God/Self-Realization), if a person is sincerely/devotedly with perseverance trying to attain/achieve something, You eventually (in this birth or in future birth based on past karmas), surely reward that child with what it is seeking, immensely pleased with its steadfast striving. There is no doubt at all in this regard.
Great Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, worldly minded people are totally undependable. Sometimes even without being asked, due to egoistic pride or some hidden motive, they themselves will say that they will help and support you and act in strange (suspiciously) unexpected ways. Then, suddenly they may change their mind and totally ignore you, if things/you are not according to their expectations. Such is their Ego-mind's crooked selfish nature, totally untrustable. Loving Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, You alone are our refuge, always taking care of us with infinite & flooding Love, ever dependable/trustable without least doubt, residing within us as our own Athma/Self.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, sometimes it is frustrating for Your surrendered child when You continuously/frequently give moderately painful sufferings (based on past karmas). But You are giving that way to avoid experiencing far greater painful suffering in one shot. Out of immense, infinite Love for Your surrendered child You give karmas in easier and manageable way without unbearable intensity.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, those with Egoistic Pride jumping & jumping and continuously giving pain & sufferings to others/innocents will surely get beatings after beatings (with gradually increasing intensity) as fruits for their bad karmas from You and also to make them correct their cruel selfish behavior. But if they are not willing to correct themselves and continue to jump and give pain & sufferings to others/innocents, they will get a devastating final blow from You that will completely silence them once and for all.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, whatever may be the field (including God/Self-Realization), if a person is sincerely/devotedly with perseverance trying to attain/achieve something, You eventually (in this birth or in future birth based on past karmas), surely reward that child with what it is seeking, immensely pleased with its steadfast striving. There is no doubt at all in this regard.
Great Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, the modern complex greedy lifestyle (endless selfish desires driven) of humans is consuming/destroying so much natural wealth/resources which could have easily lasted for many future generations if living were simple, based on just needs instead of greed.
Sweet Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, the nature of Your dream like magic Universal creation is such that everything can disappear just like that in the wink of an eye (e.g like the entire creation disappearing in one's deep sleep state or a terrible earthquake wiping out a whole region). Mother SivaSakthi, You the magician alone are real and eternal. Why then foolishly getting attached to this disappearing magic creation and suffer, instead of getting attached to You alone SivaSakthi.
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, Your choice of life events for us alone are always the best. Though they may appear painful in the beginning, they confer the greatest good in the long term. Whereas, our selfish Ego decided events in life though they may appear pleasurable in the beginning, they end up in terrible pain & sufferings. If one lives life dharmically/righteously (that is, without selfish desires that harms oneself & others/innocents) centered on You, Mother SivaSakthi, then such person's life is under Your complete guidance & control and eventually attains Oneness with Thee for an eternal joyful life.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, when You as Mother Rukmini, Lord Krishna and Mother Sati can give up most beautiful, incomparable Divine bodies, which are burnt to ashes in fire, why should we Your children get attached and worry about problems & diseases giving, stinking, eventually perishable human body of ours. There are many people undergoing far more worst sufferings including that of the body, why worry and fear over one's less severe & manageable problems. Why this worthless, unwanted attachment to Your perishable creations of body & the world and undergo needless worries and fears. Mother SivaSakthi, You are the only attachment that has to be held onto which will take one to fearless, formless, deathless, ever joyful state of Oneness with Thee, once and for all.
Loving Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, the best way to start Worshipping/holding onto You before starting any spiritual disciplines like Meditation, Japa, Upasana (formal worship) etc., is to remember You (through Your Divine Name) before the starting any activity, including trivial activities like drinking water, reading a book etc. This powerful practice will grow and strengthen the attitude of Surrendering to You, Mother SivaSakthi and will also purify the mind by turning it away from bad/selfish worldly thoughts/attachments. This great practice is nothing but Sat-Sang (that is, association with Truth/God/You SivaSakthi).
Divine Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, in Your Universal drama/play, You make Your created children to go through all impure/bad/selfish attachments/desires/experiences and eventually in a future birth (mostly as a human) they start to self-reform/self-purify themselves and get over all the above impurities and become pure, innocent & worthy child of Thee, attaining inseparable Oneness with Thee for an eternal joyful life in some future birth of theirs. What a strange Play/Game/Drama of Yours with Your children, Mother SivaSakthi.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, in this world, in general, a person gets importance, respect only if that person is of some value to others. Otherwise, a person is given no importance, respect at all even if that person is good/dharmic/righteous. This is not right at all, but that's how the ignorant state of the world is. But there is one Being who gets Supreme importance, respect from humans from time immemorial. And that Being is God/You Mother SivaSakthi. As long as people are restless with variety of desires and genuine needs to get fulfilled they will continue to worship You. Only when a person becomes Self-Realized filled with Supreme Peace & Contentment through the destruction of the endlessly seeking Ego-mind by Your Supreme Divine Grace one will stop Worshipping You; because such person realizes his/her Oneness with You as one's own Athma/Self in the desires free mind.
Sweet Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, the nature of Your dream like magic Universal creation is such that everything can disappear just like that in the wink of an eye (e.g like the entire creation disappearing in one's deep sleep state or a terrible earthquake wiping out a whole region). Mother SivaSakthi, You the magician alone are real and eternal. Why then foolishly getting attached to this disappearing magic creation and suffer, instead of getting attached to You alone SivaSakthi.
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, Your choice of life events for us alone are always the best. Though they may appear painful in the beginning, they confer the greatest good in the long term. Whereas, our selfish Ego decided events in life though they may appear pleasurable in the beginning, they end up in terrible pain & sufferings. If one lives life dharmically/righteously (that is, without selfish desires that harms oneself & others/innocents) centered on You, Mother SivaSakthi, then such person's life is under Your complete guidance & control and eventually attains Oneness with Thee for an eternal joyful life.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, when You as Mother Rukmini, Lord Krishna and Mother Sati can give up most beautiful, incomparable Divine bodies, which are burnt to ashes in fire, why should we Your children get attached and worry about problems & diseases giving, stinking, eventually perishable human body of ours. There are many people undergoing far more worst sufferings including that of the body, why worry and fear over one's less severe & manageable problems. Why this worthless, unwanted attachment to Your perishable creations of body & the world and undergo needless worries and fears. Mother SivaSakthi, You are the only attachment that has to be held onto which will take one to fearless, formless, deathless, ever joyful state of Oneness with Thee, once and for all.
Loving Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, the best way to start Worshipping/holding onto You before starting any spiritual disciplines like Meditation, Japa, Upasana (formal worship) etc., is to remember You (through Your Divine Name) before the starting any activity, including trivial activities like drinking water, reading a book etc. This powerful practice will grow and strengthen the attitude of Surrendering to You, Mother SivaSakthi and will also purify the mind by turning it away from bad/selfish worldly thoughts/attachments. This great practice is nothing but Sat-Sang (that is, association with Truth/God/You SivaSakthi).
Divine Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, in Your Universal drama/play, You make Your created children to go through all impure/bad/selfish attachments/desires/experiences and eventually in a future birth (mostly as a human) they start to self-reform/self-purify themselves and get over all the above impurities and become pure, innocent & worthy child of Thee, attaining inseparable Oneness with Thee for an eternal joyful life in some future birth of theirs. What a strange Play/Game/Drama of Yours with Your children, Mother SivaSakthi.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, in this world, in general, a person gets importance, respect only if that person is of some value to others. Otherwise, a person is given no importance, respect at all even if that person is good/dharmic/righteous. This is not right at all, but that's how the ignorant state of the world is. But there is one Being who gets Supreme importance, respect from humans from time immemorial. And that Being is God/You Mother SivaSakthi. As long as people are restless with variety of desires and genuine needs to get fulfilled they will continue to worship You. Only when a person becomes Self-Realized filled with Supreme Peace & Contentment through the destruction of the endlessly seeking Ego-mind by Your Supreme Divine Grace one will stop Worshipping You; because such person realizes his/her Oneness with You as one's own Athma/Self in the desires free mind.
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, You are the Supreme ruler and Mother of this Universe; Your surrendered child is simply happy with the infinite Love flooding it from You from within itself as its Athma/Self. What need is there for Your innocent child to know about unbelievably complex things/actions/creations of Yours in Your dream like magic Universe. The surrendered child cannot understand Your infinite Intelligence-Power and Your Universal play in the first place. It is interested only in Your infinite Love flooding it with infinite Peace & Bliss; nothing else about Your Universal play matters to it.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, Your surrendered child should overcome any obstacles/life battles by holding onto Your Supreme Divine Grace along with Dharma/Righteousness (which is Your manifestation only) without giving up due to fear of failure or any other fear or worries. Everything is Mother ParaSakthi's dream like magic play/drama, there is nothing for the surrendered child to fear or worry about.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, whether one is theistic or atheistic or agnostic, the only means to please You is to be dharmic/righteous and sincere in performing one's duties. There are no shortcuts to please You. Only when one lives life as above, You gradually turn that person towards the glorious path of God/Self-Realization.
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, Wealth given by You must be utilized only for one's just/righteous/dharmic needs and for supporting good causes. Unjust/adharmic/unrighteous spending of wealth will only bring in sufferings to oneself and others/innocents and also wipes it out eventually. Wealth acquired and spent through dharmic/righteous means alone will stay and prosper.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, if there are no pain & sufferings including disappointments/failed expectations, then people's Egoistic Pride will grow without limit causing tremendous pain & sufferings to others/innocents.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, You give pain & sufferings only for Your children welfare, based on their past bad karmas, for a good end only, which cannot be known exactly or unknown in the beginning. Without understanding this, Your surrendered child ignorantly scolds You, the form of infinite Love itself. This is infinitely painful than the pain & sufferings being undergone by Your surrendered child. Unjustly/adharmically/unrighteously hurting anyone is bad/wrong, for All is You only in this Universe.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, a surrendered child must always hold onto You with intense Love despite pain & sufferings/obstacles/distractions, which is also a test for Your surrendered child from You. Saints such as Nayanmars and others went through such test from You SivaSakthi to eventually attain Oneness with Thee for an ever joyful life.
Divine Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, if carnal/conjugal pleasure is the greatest pleasure in this world according to vast of majority of (ignorant) people, then why there is endless desires and conflicts in human life across the earth without peace, happiness & contentment and with so much worries and fears? As long as restless Ego-mind exists ever joyful life is not all possible. Its destruction resulting in God/Self-Realization as one's own Athma/Self alone confers that, nothing else.
Great Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, there is no limit to the perverted and cruel thoughts and actions of the Human beings without dharmic/righteous self-restraint/self-control of the senses and the mind.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, vast majority of people may be leading bad/adharmic/unrighteous lives, but they expect people in responsible, popular positions like leaders, actors, officers etc., (or) even the normal people they deal with like family members/relations, friends etc., to be dharmic/righteous without a tinge of selfishness in their actions. Thus, in Your Universal creation there is always great respect for dharma/righteousness/goodness even from bad people (e.g Mahabharata Duryodhana had great respect for Yudhishthira).
Divine Mother ParaSakthi, if everybody firmly understands and has strong faith in the truth that You are the witness to everything residing in the heart of everyone as their own Athma/Self, then people will be leading a dharmic/righteous life with self-reformation/self-purification to get rid of their errors/selfishness.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, without Your Supreme Divine Grace it is totally impossible to reform/purify oneself by personal effort alone (which is also very essential) from six terrible passions of lust, anger, greed, delusion, pride and jealousy/envy. The mind of adharmic/unrighteous people are filled with these troubling passions. In general, when people are dominated by these six dangerous passions they commit adharmic/unrighteous acts and there will be no peace of mind along with worries and fears.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, Your surrendered child should overcome any obstacles/life battles by holding onto Your Supreme Divine Grace along with Dharma/Righteousness (which is Your manifestation only) without giving up due to fear of failure or any other fear or worries. Everything is Mother ParaSakthi's dream like magic play/drama, there is nothing for the surrendered child to fear or worry about.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, whether one is theistic or atheistic or agnostic, the only means to please You is to be dharmic/righteous and sincere in performing one's duties. There are no shortcuts to please You. Only when one lives life as above, You gradually turn that person towards the glorious path of God/Self-Realization.
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, Wealth given by You must be utilized only for one's just/righteous/dharmic needs and for supporting good causes. Unjust/adharmic/unrighteous spending of wealth will only bring in sufferings to oneself and others/innocents and also wipes it out eventually. Wealth acquired and spent through dharmic/righteous means alone will stay and prosper.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, if there are no pain & sufferings including disappointments/failed expectations, then people's Egoistic Pride will grow without limit causing tremendous pain & sufferings to others/innocents.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, You give pain & sufferings only for Your children welfare, based on their past bad karmas, for a good end only, which cannot be known exactly or unknown in the beginning. Without understanding this, Your surrendered child ignorantly scolds You, the form of infinite Love itself. This is infinitely painful than the pain & sufferings being undergone by Your surrendered child. Unjustly/adharmically/unrighteously hurting anyone is bad/wrong, for All is You only in this Universe.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, a surrendered child must always hold onto You with intense Love despite pain & sufferings/obstacles/distractions, which is also a test for Your surrendered child from You. Saints such as Nayanmars and others went through such test from You SivaSakthi to eventually attain Oneness with Thee for an ever joyful life.
Divine Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, if carnal/conjugal pleasure is the greatest pleasure in this world according to vast of majority of (ignorant) people, then why there is endless desires and conflicts in human life across the earth without peace, happiness & contentment and with so much worries and fears? As long as restless Ego-mind exists ever joyful life is not all possible. Its destruction resulting in God/Self-Realization as one's own Athma/Self alone confers that, nothing else.
Great Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, there is no limit to the perverted and cruel thoughts and actions of the Human beings without dharmic/righteous self-restraint/self-control of the senses and the mind.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, vast majority of people may be leading bad/adharmic/unrighteous lives, but they expect people in responsible, popular positions like leaders, actors, officers etc., (or) even the normal people they deal with like family members/relations, friends etc., to be dharmic/righteous without a tinge of selfishness in their actions. Thus, in Your Universal creation there is always great respect for dharma/righteousness/goodness even from bad people (e.g Mahabharata Duryodhana had great respect for Yudhishthira).
Divine Mother ParaSakthi, if everybody firmly understands and has strong faith in the truth that You are the witness to everything residing in the heart of everyone as their own Athma/Self, then people will be leading a dharmic/righteous life with self-reformation/self-purification to get rid of their errors/selfishness.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, without Your Supreme Divine Grace it is totally impossible to reform/purify oneself by personal effort alone (which is also very essential) from six terrible passions of lust, anger, greed, delusion, pride and jealousy/envy. The mind of adharmic/unrighteous people are filled with these troubling passions. In general, when people are dominated by these six dangerous passions they commit adharmic/unrighteous acts and there will be no peace of mind along with worries and fears.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, the Gods of various religions that are listening to and fulfilling the prayers of the people belonging to those religions are nothing but You SivaSakthi, shining within everyone as their own Athma/Self. What other God is there, than You for the people to fight foolishly in the name of various Gods and their religions.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, vast majority of people worship You/God in some form or the other through some religion, but they really don't follow the dharmic/righteous codes given by their religion without any self-reformation/self-purification and cause mindless pain & sufferings to others/innocents. They are only followers of their respective religions in letter but not in spirit.
Divine Mother ParaSakthi, as long as Ego-mind exists, people will not stop - worrying about/fearing about/seeking/running after - one thing or another with their restless Ego-mind, even if everything is alright with their life. Only the destruction of the Ego-mind by Self-Realization/attaining inseparable Oneness with Thee SivaSakthi by Your Supreme Divine Grace alone brings eternal, absolute Peace, Happiness, Contentment and Fearlessness.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, one should be slave only to You/God SivaSakthi, not to Egoistic people and their whims & fancies and losing one's freedom. Life of freedom comes only with surrender to You SivaSakthi leading a dharmic/righteous life filled with Contentment.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, Divine related Memories always give Happiness, Whereas, worldly related Memories give sadness due to the feeling of losing those happy times, increases unhappiness when recalled during sad state of mind. Mother SivaSakthi You, the Divine are always Eternal, cannot be lost whereas worldly creations are Your transient magic, no meaning in getting attached to them.
Loving Mother ParaSakthi, only if people give up their attachments to worldly objects clogging up their minds, only then they will come to realize Your infinite Love and caring for them.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, Humility is very essential quality to attain great Heights in life and sustain them.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, babies and little children are very innocent/pure in mind; but when they grow up as adults how much selfish impurities they accumulate and how much pain & sufferings they give to their parents and others. Everything is Your Maya/deluding magic. In Your creation, the same object that gives happiness at one time gives pain & sufferings at later time (e.g one's dear body itself). Self-Realization/attaining inseparable Oneness with Thee alone gives eternal joyful life. Attachments to objects in Your creation will result only in pain & sufferings with just transient happiness/pleasures.
Loving Mother SivaSakthi, each child in Your creation is taken care of by You according to its character/role in Your Universal play, its adherence to dharma/righteousness, its desires, its past karmas & their effects, and its mental/spiritual maturity/purity (that is, degree of selflessness). All is You, All exists within You. Nothing exists apart from You to get deserted.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, Good/Dharmic/Righteous children of Yours are immediately punished by You even for their minor wrongs so that they can correct themselves instantly and don't repeat or commit bigger wrongs. Good/Dharmic/Righteous children & their welfare are very much dear to You because they are preciously less in Your creation and are living lighthouses for others to learn and follow good/dharmic/righteous way of living.
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, without pain & sufferings nobody will be interested in and progress towards Self-Realization. For example, the inhabitants of Celestial Regions are always immersed in deluding pleasurable life (that is also transient as good karmas are used up for it) and are totally uninterested to realize their Universal Divine Nature (that is, Oneness with You) of absolute Fearlessness, Peace and Happiness.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, Your rewards and punishments for one's good and bad actions respectively are expended across births as karmas. Self-Realization/attaining inseparable Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self alone puts an end to this tiring and sufferings laden continuous life game.
Divine Mother ParaSakthi, in this Universe of Yours, You reward extreme Good action and punish extreme bad action immediately, others in the course of time as part of Your Divine Justice mechanism.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, even worst perverted sinners can attain Mukthi/Liberation/Self-Realization/Oneness with Thee in a single birth; but they have to undergo extreme pain & sufferings (like Asura Andaka in Siva Purana) so that the terrible, sinful Ego is weakened (by getting rid of its cruel selfishness and accumulated bad karmas) and surrenders to Your Supreme Divine Grace for its destruction to attain Liberation.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, vast majority of people worship You/God in some form or the other through some religion, but they really don't follow the dharmic/righteous codes given by their religion without any self-reformation/self-purification and cause mindless pain & sufferings to others/innocents. They are only followers of their respective religions in letter but not in spirit.
Divine Mother ParaSakthi, as long as Ego-mind exists, people will not stop - worrying about/fearing about/seeking/running after - one thing or another with their restless Ego-mind, even if everything is alright with their life. Only the destruction of the Ego-mind by Self-Realization/attaining inseparable Oneness with Thee SivaSakthi by Your Supreme Divine Grace alone brings eternal, absolute Peace, Happiness, Contentment and Fearlessness.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, one should be slave only to You/God SivaSakthi, not to Egoistic people and their whims & fancies and losing one's freedom. Life of freedom comes only with surrender to You SivaSakthi leading a dharmic/righteous life filled with Contentment.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, Divine related Memories always give Happiness, Whereas, worldly related Memories give sadness due to the feeling of losing those happy times, increases unhappiness when recalled during sad state of mind. Mother SivaSakthi You, the Divine are always Eternal, cannot be lost whereas worldly creations are Your transient magic, no meaning in getting attached to them.
Loving Mother ParaSakthi, only if people give up their attachments to worldly objects clogging up their minds, only then they will come to realize Your infinite Love and caring for them.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, Humility is very essential quality to attain great Heights in life and sustain them.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, babies and little children are very innocent/pure in mind; but when they grow up as adults how much selfish impurities they accumulate and how much pain & sufferings they give to their parents and others. Everything is Your Maya/deluding magic. In Your creation, the same object that gives happiness at one time gives pain & sufferings at later time (e.g one's dear body itself). Self-Realization/attaining inseparable Oneness with Thee alone gives eternal joyful life. Attachments to objects in Your creation will result only in pain & sufferings with just transient happiness/pleasures.
Loving Mother SivaSakthi, each child in Your creation is taken care of by You according to its character/role in Your Universal play, its adherence to dharma/righteousness, its desires, its past karmas & their effects, and its mental/spiritual maturity/purity (that is, degree of selflessness). All is You, All exists within You. Nothing exists apart from You to get deserted.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, Good/Dharmic/Righteous children of Yours are immediately punished by You even for their minor wrongs so that they can correct themselves instantly and don't repeat or commit bigger wrongs. Good/Dharmic/Righteous children & their welfare are very much dear to You because they are preciously less in Your creation and are living lighthouses for others to learn and follow good/dharmic/righteous way of living.
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, without pain & sufferings nobody will be interested in and progress towards Self-Realization. For example, the inhabitants of Celestial Regions are always immersed in deluding pleasurable life (that is also transient as good karmas are used up for it) and are totally uninterested to realize their Universal Divine Nature (that is, Oneness with You) of absolute Fearlessness, Peace and Happiness.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, Your rewards and punishments for one's good and bad actions respectively are expended across births as karmas. Self-Realization/attaining inseparable Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self alone puts an end to this tiring and sufferings laden continuous life game.
Divine Mother ParaSakthi, in this Universe of Yours, You reward extreme Good action and punish extreme bad action immediately, others in the course of time as part of Your Divine Justice mechanism.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, even worst perverted sinners can attain Mukthi/Liberation/Self-Realization/Oneness with Thee in a single birth; but they have to undergo extreme pain & sufferings (like Asura Andaka in Siva Purana) so that the terrible, sinful Ego is weakened (by getting rid of its cruel selfishness and accumulated bad karmas) and surrenders to Your Supreme Divine Grace for its destruction to attain Liberation.
Sweet Mother SivaSakthi, Dharma/Righteousness is always responsibly acting, truthful, gentle paced, and steady. It eventually enables its sincere and steadfast follower to attain God/You itself inseparably apart conferring worldly benefits. One has to have lot of patience & tolerance to follow and get benefitted by Dharma/Righteousness. Dharmic/righteous living confers self-contentment, peaceful and fearless living. Non-reforming bad/selfish people dislike goodness/dharma/righteousness and its followers (want them to get spoiled due to jealousy); While, others respect Dharma/goodness/righteousness and its followers.
Loving Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, One who gives beatings is also You, One who gives fomentation after beatings is also You, One who abuses is also You, One who suffers is also You, One who is giving food and taking care of is also You. All characters/things in Your Universal drama/play is You alone, nothing or nobody else. Then, Whom to hate or abuse or be jealous of or to be feared of? Who is there other than You to express these?
Divine Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, just because there is some set back in one's health or in any other thing, one should never give up one's dharmic/righteous duties (or) run away from life battles including against adharma/unrighteousness (or) dharmic/righteous way of living including formal/informal Worship/Spiritual disciplines without any fear or worries about anything. Mother SivaSakthi, You are only pleased with such children and You help them in their dharmic/righteous pursuits.
Loving Mother SivaSakthi, You also give pain & sufferings to Your children so that they can understand others with similar pain & sufferings and get rid of their egoistic pride/arrogance dominating them and cultivate patience, tolerance, compassion, humility and other good qualities.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, in Your Universal drama/play, in between pain & sufferings, You also give some happy moments to cheer up Your children. But, only by realizing inseparable Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self (Self-Realization) alone confers eternal joyful life transcending the transient, continuous cycle of worldly happiness and sufferings.
Sweet Mother SivaSakthi, the only duty of Your surrendered child is to be pure and worthy child of Thee holding onto You always, while all the rest, the needs and care of Your surrendered child is totally Yours, not Your child's bother at all.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, every single event/happening in a person's life is Your test to reform/purify that person to get rid of selfishness (and acquire good qualities such as patience, tolerance, compassion, humility, fearlessness etc) and ultimately attain Oneness with Thee in this birth or in some future birth based on the eagerness to reform/purify oneself and surrender to Thee. All is Your Game/Play Mother SivaSakthi.
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, if one does not self-reform during young age, then it is nearly impossible to self-reform during old age as the mind will not yield due to hardened, sluggish Ego-mind. During old age, Peace destroying bad/selfish nature/impurities will only get more concentrated creating pain & sufferings for oneself and others/innocents. People will dislike and keep away from such person. Vast majority of people are in this ignorant category only. They may temporarily change (no real understanding and correction) when their body or environment on which their Ego depends is negatively affected (e.g a disease).
Great Mother ParaSakthi, mind dwelling on past good or bad actions done/happenings will only strengthen/create attachments, making the Ego stronger instead of weakening it for its ultimate destruction by Your Supreme Divine Grace. This habit of mind must be overcome as it an obstacle to Self-Realization/attaining inseparable Oneness with You Mother SivaSakthi.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, You are Tripura Sundari, the Supreme Universal Beauty beyond any description, which is nothing but the manifestation of Your infinite Supreme Universal Love. Mother SivaSakthi, You are the infinite source of all finite beauties and finite expressions of love in Your Universal creation.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, every born being is subject to Your Divine law of reaping back the good or bad with interest they have done to others. Every creature is getting exactly what it deserves, whether it is pleasurable or painful.
Loving Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, One who gives beatings is also You, One who gives fomentation after beatings is also You, One who abuses is also You, One who suffers is also You, One who is giving food and taking care of is also You. All characters/things in Your Universal drama/play is You alone, nothing or nobody else. Then, Whom to hate or abuse or be jealous of or to be feared of? Who is there other than You to express these?
Divine Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, just because there is some set back in one's health or in any other thing, one should never give up one's dharmic/righteous duties (or) run away from life battles including against adharma/unrighteousness (or) dharmic/righteous way of living including formal/informal Worship/Spiritual disciplines without any fear or worries about anything. Mother SivaSakthi, You are only pleased with such children and You help them in their dharmic/righteous pursuits.
Loving Mother SivaSakthi, You also give pain & sufferings to Your children so that they can understand others with similar pain & sufferings and get rid of their egoistic pride/arrogance dominating them and cultivate patience, tolerance, compassion, humility and other good qualities.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, in Your Universal drama/play, in between pain & sufferings, You also give some happy moments to cheer up Your children. But, only by realizing inseparable Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self (Self-Realization) alone confers eternal joyful life transcending the transient, continuous cycle of worldly happiness and sufferings.
Sweet Mother SivaSakthi, the only duty of Your surrendered child is to be pure and worthy child of Thee holding onto You always, while all the rest, the needs and care of Your surrendered child is totally Yours, not Your child's bother at all.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, every single event/happening in a person's life is Your test to reform/purify that person to get rid of selfishness (and acquire good qualities such as patience, tolerance, compassion, humility, fearlessness etc) and ultimately attain Oneness with Thee in this birth or in some future birth based on the eagerness to reform/purify oneself and surrender to Thee. All is Your Game/Play Mother SivaSakthi.
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, if one does not self-reform during young age, then it is nearly impossible to self-reform during old age as the mind will not yield due to hardened, sluggish Ego-mind. During old age, Peace destroying bad/selfish nature/impurities will only get more concentrated creating pain & sufferings for oneself and others/innocents. People will dislike and keep away from such person. Vast majority of people are in this ignorant category only. They may temporarily change (no real understanding and correction) when their body or environment on which their Ego depends is negatively affected (e.g a disease).
Great Mother ParaSakthi, mind dwelling on past good or bad actions done/happenings will only strengthen/create attachments, making the Ego stronger instead of weakening it for its ultimate destruction by Your Supreme Divine Grace. This habit of mind must be overcome as it an obstacle to Self-Realization/attaining inseparable Oneness with You Mother SivaSakthi.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, You are Tripura Sundari, the Supreme Universal Beauty beyond any description, which is nothing but the manifestation of Your infinite Supreme Universal Love. Mother SivaSakthi, You are the infinite source of all finite beauties and finite expressions of love in Your Universal creation.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, every born being is subject to Your Divine law of reaping back the good or bad with interest they have done to others. Every creature is getting exactly what it deserves, whether it is pleasurable or painful.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, one should live and let others live, with everyone minding their righteous duties without unjustly interfering in others life. That's the only way to external peace anywhere in this Universe of Yours. But, on the other hand, unchanging eternal, absolute Peace within oneself is possible only through Self-Realization/inseparable Oneness with You Mother SivaSakthi as one's own Athma/Self for an eternal joyful life.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, You alone are always with me as my very own Athma/Self across births taking complete care of me. All else Your undependable/untrustable disappearing magic creations (e.g father, mother, relations friends, wealth, environment, very own body etc) that are changing in every birth. Mother SivaSakthi, You alone are my only real, eternal Father-Mother, friend, guide, real treasure, wealth in my heart. Hence, one should show attachments to the world (including body) only externally, driven by duty/compassion, while having total surrendered attachment internally within heart/mind to You only Mother SivaSakthi. That's the way to Self-Realization/eternal Oneness with You for an ever joyful life. There is no need to worry, for example, if some relation unjustly hates one or keeps away or anything else changes or lost or goes away. All is Your infallible Supreme Divine Will in this ever changing dream like Universal magic play/drama of Yours. All happenings/events ordained/destined by You in this Universe, whether favorable or unfavorable, are for one's welfare only for purifying us from painful attachments to this world. Also, there is no place to hate anything/anyone in detached state of mind as it realizes the truth - All is You only.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, if Your children lead a careless/undisciplined life, You give pain & sufferings to bring them to the correct way. If they are too much careful, attached to things including body, then also You give them pain & sufferings to make them realize that it is not good way of living. The correct way of living is balanced, detached way of living; Ever fearless, peaceful, joyful Jnanis/Sages alone are in perfection with regard to this real way of living. They see All is You only, All is Your play only, and All is Your infallible Supreme Divine Will alone. Nothing or nobody else in this Universe & beyond.
Loving Mother SivaSakthi, there is no other Love in this Universe other than You. Love expressed by all living beings in this Universe are finite, mentally conditioned expressions of Your infinite/limitless Pure Love only.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, if someone is doing good in life, one should feel happy for that being. If someone is leading a bad life, one can pray to God/You SivaSakthi for that person's reformation. If someone is suffering, one can pray to You for that person's relief or help in possible way. All is You only, All is Your Play only and All is Your infallible Divine Will only, where is the place for hatred-anger or jealously.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, You alone are always with me as my very own Athma/Self across births taking complete care of me. All else Your undependable/untrustable disappearing magic creations (e.g father, mother, relations friends, wealth, environment, very own body etc) that are changing in every birth. Mother SivaSakthi, You alone are my only real, eternal Father-Mother, friend, guide, real treasure, wealth in my heart. Hence, one should show attachments to the world (including body) only externally, driven by duty/compassion, while having total surrendered attachment internally within heart/mind to You only Mother SivaSakthi. That's the way to Self-Realization/eternal Oneness with You for an ever joyful life. There is no need to worry, for example, if some relation unjustly hates one or keeps away or anything else changes or lost or goes away. All is Your infallible Supreme Divine Will in this ever changing dream like Universal magic play/drama of Yours. All happenings/events ordained/destined by You in this Universe, whether favorable or unfavorable, are for one's welfare only for purifying us from painful attachments to this world. Also, there is no place to hate anything/anyone in detached state of mind as it realizes the truth - All is You only.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, if Your children lead a careless/undisciplined life, You give pain & sufferings to bring them to the correct way. If they are too much careful, attached to things including body, then also You give them pain & sufferings to make them realize that it is not good way of living. The correct way of living is balanced, detached way of living; Ever fearless, peaceful, joyful Jnanis/Sages alone are in perfection with regard to this real way of living. They see All is You only, All is Your play only, and All is Your infallible Supreme Divine Will alone. Nothing or nobody else in this Universe & beyond.
Loving Mother SivaSakthi, there is no other Love in this Universe other than You. Love expressed by all living beings in this Universe are finite, mentally conditioned expressions of Your infinite/limitless Pure Love only.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, if someone is doing good in life, one should feel happy for that being. If someone is leading a bad life, one can pray to God/You SivaSakthi for that person's reformation. If someone is suffering, one can pray to You for that person's relief or help in possible way. All is You only, All is Your Play only and All is Your infallible Divine Will only, where is the place for hatred-anger or jealously.
Loving Mother SivaSakthi, the event of churning of ocean in Puranas indicate the following: The mind, which is a mixture of selflessness (the Devas) and selfishness (the Asuras), wants to reform/purify itself through Spiritual disciplines/practices (the act of churning of ocean). During this effort, deadly/terrible selfish impurities of mind and past bad karmas (the deadly halahala poison) emerge but they are consumed/removed by the Supreme Divine Grace of God/Lord Siva/You Mother SivaSakthi through mind's unconditional surrender to You. Finally, at the end of this steadfast mind's self-purifying/self-reforming effort, Bramma Jnana/Self-knowledge/Knowledge of Oneness with You (the immortal Divine Nectar/Amrit) emerges and any mental obstacles to hold on it (the Asuras) are also overcome by the unconditional surrender to Supreme Divine Grace itself (Mohini Avatar of Lord Vishnu).
Great Mother SivaSakthi, in Your neutral creation, every thing created can either cause harm or do good depending upon how it acts (or) it is utilized (e.g fire, human mind/body, knife etc).
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, it is really very, very rare to come across people who see/understand their own errors/mental impurities and correct/reform/purify themselves without blaming/abusing others for their wrong doings/mistakes. Such rare people are alone on the right path to attain/realize You as their own Self/Athma for an eternal joyful life and finish the sufferings laden repeating birth-death life game.
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, Greater will be the immunity/tolerance to pain & sufferings along with increasing peace of mind and good qualities like patience, tolerance, compassion humility, fearlessness etc.; all these are realized with ever strengthening attachment to God/You SivaSakthi with ever diminishing selfish worldly attachments of I & Mine.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, we humans trying to understand You, the infinite Supreme Intelligence is like a tiny bacteria/ant/mosquito trying to understand and measure human intelligence.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, You specially manage the pain & suffering karmas of Your surrendered child to wipe out its past bad karmas, to wipe out all its selfish worldly attachments (the source of all bad karmas) and to cultivate good/divine qualities of patience, tolerance, compassion, humility, fearlessness etc. Ultimately enable to attain inseparable Oneness with Thee as a pure worthy child of Thee for an eternal joyful life.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, anything in Your creation if one misuses/carelessly/unrighteously uses (e.g Fire, also People), it is going to hurt in return only.
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, the happy as well as pain & suffering experiences that we get in a birth are solely based on our past actions in this birth or previous ones. They are not at all arbitrary/random/based on luck, they are all fully deserved by us as ordained by You based on our past good (dharmic/righteous) and bad (adharmic/unrighteous) actions/karmas.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, humans/married people despite indulging so much in carnal/conjugal pleasure there is no change in their bad qualities. They are dominated by so much selfish desires, jealousy, hatred, anger, pride & delusion; No growth of patience, tolerance, compassion, humility and other good qualities. Thus, conjugal/carnal pleasure is just an additive lowly pleasure, that's all. It does not reform the person who indulges in it. It only increases the blind addiction to it making the mind perverted and in extreme leads to sinful activities.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, in Your neutral creation, every thing created can either cause harm or do good depending upon how it acts (or) it is utilized (e.g fire, human mind/body, knife etc).
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, it is really very, very rare to come across people who see/understand their own errors/mental impurities and correct/reform/purify themselves without blaming/abusing others for their wrong doings/mistakes. Such rare people are alone on the right path to attain/realize You as their own Self/Athma for an eternal joyful life and finish the sufferings laden repeating birth-death life game.
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, Greater will be the immunity/tolerance to pain & sufferings along with increasing peace of mind and good qualities like patience, tolerance, compassion humility, fearlessness etc.; all these are realized with ever strengthening attachment to God/You SivaSakthi with ever diminishing selfish worldly attachments of I & Mine.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, we humans trying to understand You, the infinite Supreme Intelligence is like a tiny bacteria/ant/mosquito trying to understand and measure human intelligence.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, You specially manage the pain & suffering karmas of Your surrendered child to wipe out its past bad karmas, to wipe out all its selfish worldly attachments (the source of all bad karmas) and to cultivate good/divine qualities of patience, tolerance, compassion, humility, fearlessness etc. Ultimately enable to attain inseparable Oneness with Thee as a pure worthy child of Thee for an eternal joyful life.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, anything in Your creation if one misuses/carelessly/unrighteously uses (e.g Fire, also People), it is going to hurt in return only.
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, the happy as well as pain & suffering experiences that we get in a birth are solely based on our past actions in this birth or previous ones. They are not at all arbitrary/random/based on luck, they are all fully deserved by us as ordained by You based on our past good (dharmic/righteous) and bad (adharmic/unrighteous) actions/karmas.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, humans/married people despite indulging so much in carnal/conjugal pleasure there is no change in their bad qualities. They are dominated by so much selfish desires, jealousy, hatred, anger, pride & delusion; No growth of patience, tolerance, compassion, humility and other good qualities. Thus, conjugal/carnal pleasure is just an additive lowly pleasure, that's all. It does not reform the person who indulges in it. It only increases the blind addiction to it making the mind perverted and in extreme leads to sinful activities.
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