Goddess Mother Kamakshi, Universal Pure Consciousness-Energy, Real One, Source of Everything, Mother of Ganapathy and Murugan, Whether Favourable or Unfavorable things happen solely according to Your Supreme Divine Will for our welfare in this Universal Magic created, sustained & dissolved within Yourself,
Accepting Your Will and Surrendering unconditionally (giving up delusive ignorant egoistic I & Mine evil attachments or desires -- Vairagya) with One-pointed melting Love (Bakthi) to You Siva-Sakthi,
Will certainly save our struggling lives by Your Divine Grace from this illusive tormenting universal magic of pleasure and pain to an Eternal Athmic life of unchanging Absolute Peace & Purity, Happiness and Fearlessness, realizing with certainty, the Advaitic Truth - "You alone I am" .
Sweet Universal Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, ParaSakthi, the life Game is very, very complex and complicated. Many times in extremely painful, suffocating situations it is so difficult to judge what is good for one, and what is not good for one, really confusing and depressing (as happened to normally mentally tough Arjuna in the deadly battlefield of Kurukshetra). Great Mother, Supreme Infinite Intelligence-Power, the only ever existing non-dual Source, Creative & running Force of this Universe, the best solution is to unconditionally surrender to You, and unwaveringly/steadfastly hold onto You in mind with melting Love & faith and to be totally guided by You in dharmic/righteous way, supported and protected by You completely/absolutely without any anxieties, worries or fears, or selfish desires/hatreds/attachments (constituting the terrible illusory freewill Ego/Individuality of I & Mine). Such unconditional Surrender to You is the best way to lead one's life and that's the best way to inseparably attain Thee, the unchanging eternal fountain of infinite Love-Bliss-Peace-Fearlessness, as one's own Athma/Self and finish off one's tormenting birth-death cyclic life game once & for all successfully. This is the real meaning behind the Chamara Sloka given by Lord Krishna to Arjuna (in the final Chapter 18 of Bhagavad Gita) -- "Abandoning all dharmas, take refuge in Me (God/Athma/Self) alone; I will liberate thee from all sins; grieve not". Mother SivaSakthi, What a Supreme Comforting Assurance from You in the form of Lord Krishna!
Dear Loving Mother Kalikambal, Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, the sole Supreme Intelligence-Power of the Universe and beyond - called by various names by the people of this earth, According to Your infallible Divine Plan/Will, Let whatever happen let it happen, whatever extreme may it be; Let whatever come let it come, let whatever go let it go; that is the nature of Your transient, magical Universal creations, hence, Your unconditionally surrendered child should be totally peaceful, unruffled and unattached/detached (without losing control of a situation due to Egoistic/Selfish I & Mine desires/attachments/hatreds to make errors/wrongs/mistakes and also to cause pain & sufferings to innocents/others adharmically/unrighteously, reaping consequent sinful bad karmas/fruits for sufferings as a result). Universal Mother ParaSakthi, You are the sole, real, eternal and infallible Relation and Treasure in the Heart of Your UNCONDITIONALLY SURRENDERED CHILD (and every living being/creature as well), You alone know how to take care of Your child and hence, where is the place for Mental Peace destroying fears, worries, lamentations, hatreds, delusion, uncontrolled anger, pride, jealousy, greed, desires, laziness, bad habits/associations, abusing, criticizing, unrighteousness, and untruthfulness - the egoistic/selfish I & Mine mental impurities. By Your Supreme Divine Grace, Mother Kamakshi, Perfection in the above by Your surrendered child is attained only through unwavering/steadfast/continuous self-reformation/self-purification by always associating with Good/Divine things through the mind and five senses, which eventually leads to Pure/Shudda Sattvic Mind that enables the realization of ever joyful, eternal, immortal Advaitic/Non-Dual Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self/Core, Mother SivaSakthi.
Dear Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, Supreme Intelligence-Power, Your Universal creation is infinitely, infinitely complex beyond all understanding of Your created children/beings. You alone perfectly know how to take care of and reform/purify Your created children/beings through pain & pleasure experiences in this magical Universal Divine drama/play/game of Yours; absolutely impossible for Your created children/beings. Hence, the best thing living beings like humans can do is to unconditionally Surrender to You in Love to not only attain Peace of Mind, Selfless Purity and Happiness but also attain/realize You, the eternal, immortal, ever joyful ParaSakthi as their own Athma/Self. All is only You/Divine, including all good and bad happenings in this Universe. Hence, the best way of behaving for Your unconditionally surrendered child is to be more like Bhagavatha Purana's Jada Bharatha - Talking very very less, Listening more (primarily about Divine); Should always/unwaveringly strive to have contact only with the Divine through mind and five senses (e.g Satsang - listening/hearing, talking/chanting, reading, worshipping, meditating only on Divine, submitting one's actions & fruits to the Divine, association with Sages/Jnanis/Saints/Jnana Guru and their teachings), throwing out egoistic/selfish I & Mine desires/attachments/hatreds from the mind - which wipe out the peace of mind and forces one to cause pain & sufferings to others/innocents and reaping consequent sinful fruits/bad karmas for one's sufferings; Should avoid unjustified/unnecessary interest/contact with worldly matters, even if it is highly attracting, pulling positive or negative event; Should not give or have Egoistic/Selfish opinions about this and that (just patiently listen, for example, if forced in a conflict situation), otherwise, they only create unnecessary mental impressions (vasanas) for more troubling worldly thoughts, they also fuel/grow or create new arguments/conflicts/problems; Patiently and Tolerantly bear pain & sufferings (without lamenting, they are actually God given Tapas for true devotees for purifying their mind) putting all the burdens on the Divine - who happily accepts and takes care of them as per His Divine Plan, not one's problem anymore; Acting Responsibly (not reacting irresponsibly due to ego/selfishness), dharmically/righteously to fulfill one's just needs, One can also express false/restrained anger to deal with a negative/evil situation if needed, But Unrestrained anger harms both body and mind, creates more problems/sufferings as one loses control of oneself and the situation; Everything should be in moderation - eating, sleeping, yoga, working etc without extremes and selfishness, Sattvic food in moderate quantity alone is good/calming/purifying for both mind and body.
Loving Mother, a simple classification as follows:
Needs (Thevaigal) ===> essential for survival/life duties
Desires (Asaigal) ===> nothing to do with survival. But are harmful & sinful if selfish, creating pain for others for their fulfillment. Creates bad karmas for suffering.
Great Mother, Let Whatever may come let it come, Let Whatever may go let it go by Your Divine Will. You are the Eternal Treasure in our Heart, the Only Real KalpaTharu (Divine Wish fulfilling Tree). The Source of All, the owner of all Universal Existence. All is You, nothing but You alone, nothing or nobody else. There is nothing to Fear, No Fear at all.
Loving Mother, You protect Your surrendered innocent child from adharmic things (even during worship and other times) and take care of its needs like a Mother Hen protecting its chickens under its wings.
You are so Great Mother, no words can describe Your Greatness. You are so Pure Mother, beyond purity & impurity. We should become worthy child/baby of Yours. Like Mother, SivaSakthi, so should the child be. That is the only meaning & purpose of Your surrendered Child's life, nothing else.
Other than You, the only Real Mother, there is nobody else who can really understand and take care of Your child, including giving punishment for child's wrong doing. You alone know and have every right to do whatever that is best for Your child's welfare.
For Your sake & Your Love (both are same, no difference, Anbe Sivam) flooding the mind with undescribable Joy, one can tolerate even hell or hell like sufferings. Anything & everything for Your sake Mother as per Your Divine Will.
Sweet Mother, for Your surrendered Child the worldly life will look unbearable/suffocating till You are attained/realized as one's own Self/Athma. Then the child will come to realize that even this World/Universe is You alone. Then this world will shine as a mansion of joy for Your child.
Even if the Life is going to depart any moment, as part of Your test/leela/play, Your Divine Name/Form alone must be held onto in our mind (even during normal worship times without getting distracted by disturbances), nothing else. You alone are Real, all else Your undependable disappearing magic. Holding onto You alone will end the painful meaningless Birth-Death cycle, while attaining You, the Loving Mother eternally.
Loving Mother, Your surrendered child will not turn to/trust anything/anyone else for solutions (like relatives, friends, astrology, mandreegam, samiyars, quacks, unwanted medical treatments etc) when faced with problems/sufferings of any kind. The child will steadfastly hold onto You, trust You alone unwavering like a faithful wife, learning to tolerate problems/sufferings with patience, carrying on with dharmic/righteous life duties and solely depending on Your Grace/Will for any solutions and accepting them as they are whether favorable or unfavorable.
Great Mother, this dream like Universal magic play of Yours is like a hide & seek game. For the vast majority of people, who are in ignorance, they either don't have any understanding about You or not interested in knowing about You for they are busy with infinite deluding worldly attachments like children swarming stalls in an exhibition. For the continuation of Your game, You ensure that only few mature souls understand about You, seek You and finally attain You as their own Self/Athma for the immortal, ever joyful Life in You.
Sweet Mother, Nobody is in Peace (other than Jnanis); greater the I & Mine selfish attachments, greater the restlessness of mind and its worries, fears (including the basic fear of death). Problems are greatly increased by adharmic/unrighteous living. Only when one turns inward to realize You as one's own Self/Athma, the egoistic selfish I & Mine attachments start reducing towards its complete destruction; to end in Bramma Jnana, the ever joyful life of Oneness with You, the life of unchanging Absolute Peace. Also, Divine centered Dharmic/righteous living alone can turn one to inward spiritual journey by Your Divine Grace. Divine centered Dharmic Living alone pleases You to guide a child towards an inward spiritual journey for Self-Realization.
Divine Will guided life ===> God centered & surrendered, performing only dharmic/righteous duties & activities, fulfilling only justifiable needs, flowing with the natural course of events, accepting favourable and unfavourable happenings as God's prasad with equipoise without selfish desires/hatreds, peaceful living, reforming themselves with awareness of their own impurities, acting responsibly towards happenings with patience, tolerance and humility. Of course, when mistakes are made by children following this path Mother, You correct them with appropriate experiences (painful as well), guiding them eventually to Self-Realization, oneness with You.
Ego centered/driven life ===> No belief or Strong belief in the existence of God, Worship of God just basic without Love/Faith in order to fulfill worldly desires, Life driven by selfish desires/hatreds harming others creating bad karmas for sufferings, don't accept their impurities and reform themselves, lack peace of mind, always restless/agitated either due to pleasure or pain/suffering, reacting irresponsibly towards happenings without patience, tolerance and humility. Vast majority of people are in this category only. Mother, You leave these children to karmic law (with innumerable rebirths) till they become mature with faith in God and switch to Divine Will guided life.
Great Mother, You alone are the Real Eternal Beautiful One, Your infinite Love alone is shining as Your incomparable infinite beauty, TripuraSundari, SoundaryaLahari, the source of all disappearing beauties of this Universe. What is there in the perishable fragile beauties of Your creation? Just one pimple wipes out facial beauty, and aging/obesity wipes out body beauty. All Your Maya. We should not get attached to our body and the worldly objects living/non-living. All changing/disappearing continuously. Attachment to these will create only fears, worries and loss of peace. Sweet Mother, the Real Mother, You, the Eternal Immortal Unchanging Reality alone has to be attached to & loved & realized/attained, nothing or nobody else, the fountainhead of Peace, Purity, Happiness, Immortality and Fearlessness.
Loving Mother, You saved terrible Andhakasura from the depths of heinous impurities & sins and took him back purified. Knowing this, we surely believe that we will also be saved from our terrible impurities & sins and taken back purified for an eternal ever joyful Life in You by Your Divine Grace.
Sweet Mother, You alone are very my OWN, eternal One. Not material wealth or relatives or anything/anyone. All is Your disappearing magical creation, impermanent. Even this Universe created by You is just worthless dust in front of Your Love.
Mother Kamakshi, You of Absolute Purity never ever tolerate when Your Surrendered children deviate from righteousness/dharma, even for a silly reason, even mentally. You immediately punish them accordingly so that they correct themselves then and there without any laxity on their part. Such is Your Limitless Egoless Impartial Pure Love, that cannot be seen even in earthly mothers for they are influenced by their egos.
Loving Mother, Your surrendered Child is like a Baby Monkey tightly holding onto You, for it everything is You only, the Mother alone, No I, No Mine, You alone occupy its mind, totally dependent on You for its living, only with Your Love & Care alone the Child can exist. For the Child, No Life at all without You.
Great Mother, the Brahadaranyaka Upanishad tells about three virtuous practices, which when practised with faith & steadfastness will enable us to attain You as our own Self/Athma by Your Divine Grace. These three virtuous practices purify the mind of its impurities and enable the concentration of mind on You. Mind without trace of thoughts is You only, the Pure Mind/Self/Athma, SivaSakthAikya Rupam.
DAMAM ===> Senses & Mind control from external/worldly objects (that ruin us physically as well as mentally of peace starting from their desire/hatred, nothing to do with survival need) to thought of God/Self (thru ritualistic worship, japa, dhyana, Self-enquiry etc).
DAYA ===> Love/Grace/Karunai/Arul towards others. No hatred as all Forms & Names are You only.
DATTA ===> Serve/Give to others in need liberally. No greediness. Serving/Giving to others is nothing but Serving You only.
Mother Kamakshi, You of Universal Form, when people commit adharmic evils like deception, painful forcing of selfish desires, cruelty, hatred etc., towards others, it is nothing but committing the same towards You. Is it not? Extremely Sinful with extremely painful consequences.
Every object exists in this Universe to fulfill specific purposes (whether good or bad) for Your Divine Play. We have no right to hate or commit adharmic actions towards them.
Great Mother, You always like and expect Your righteous/dharmic children to respond to evil doers in a righteous way, keeping distance, acting responsibly and not like the evil/pervert minded who can spoil not only an innocent individual but the whole area of their influence like a poisonous gas, wiping out peace.
Mother, You frustrate the evil doers on their own terms while punishing them with painful fruits for their harmful selfish actions.
Mother Kamakshi, individual egos jump sky high inflicting pain on others by Your Will and also come to a frustrating grounding thud when their favourable body or environment take a severe painful blow by Your Will.
Loving Mother, if everything happens according to an individual's desires, the person's Egoistic Pride will bloat up enormously and will start Greatly harming others painfully thinking as if the lord of the universe. Hence, You ensure that not every desire of a person gets fulfilled; You also bring down a person's Ego to the ground level from floating high up, now & then to teach humility. But vast majority of people will not learn good ways even after repeated painful experiences, it takes several births for them to mature and then gradually take to spirituality to purify/reform themselves and then ultimately realize/attain You to end their cyclic game of birth and death played by You as a sport/leela.
Great Mother, You alone rule forever with Love and Justice, expecting Humility from your children, the store house of all Good Qualities.
Loving Mother, Real Maturing means how much selfless one is, free from mental impurities of selfish desires/hatreds. But for selfish worldly people, maturity means - how shrewd one is, how good at earning money/wealth one is, how calculating one is, how good at deceiving others one is, how good at enjoying worldly pleasures one is etc. Sheer non-sense. How ignorant. They are keeping themselves far far away from Your Grace, Your Peace without humility, truthfulness/righteousness and contentment, behaving artificially hiding things within.
You are remembered/worshipped by them just like a pickle for the fulfillment of their worldly desires. But You are not at all deceived by their untruthful show of Bakthi, which is like a business transaction. Despite You teaching them lessons thru pain & sufferings they are not willing to learn and reform themselves. Such is their strong worldly attachments, finally dying - without peace of mind and Your thought - for more births of suffering.
They may stop worshipping You temporarily (whatever little they are doing), if You don't fulfill their worldly prayers/expectations. They may even change the Gods/Saints they are worshipping if things are not going according to their expectations. So much ignorance. They will come to senses and reform themselves and learn to Surrender to You unconditionally after getting battered in many future births.
Mother Kamakshi, Form of Universal Love, when people are always busy with their endless selfish desires and aversions/hatreds bringing pain to themselves and others, wasting their time and energy, without peace and contentment (like battered pathetic roaming Street dogs), How can they know/understand You and Your Love for them despite unworthy with their perverted minds?, How will they know that You are taking care of them every moment fulfilling their just needs according to their karma? How can they receive Your Grace and Realize/attain You? Not at all. They are no way interested in You but in Your Magic creations due to Your Divine Play of keeping them ignorant of You. They seek You only as a Pickle for fulfilling their Worldly desires.
Great Mother, Nothing gives fear and trouble like a human body when it is subjected to diseases or other sufferings.
Satisfied with the fulfillment of just needs for living, Without wasting time and energy -- on endless seeking of desired objects of pleasure that are impermanent/perishable (sexual, wealth, name & fame including various siddhis & powers) laden with peace destroying pain and suffering, harming others to attain them adharmically acquiring sin, -- REALIZING You as our own Self/Athma transcending the mortal existence alone is the primal duty of Human Life in this dream like Universal magic play of Yours with unimaginable dizzying infinite deluding diversities.
Realizing/attaining You and being innocent Athmic child of Yours with absolute peace and purity, happiness and fearlessness alone is the only solution to all problems of human existence, nothing else.
Mother Kamakshi, You alone are brimming & over-flowing infinite Ocean of (Motherly) Love, Ananda/Bliss, Peace and Abaya/Fearlessness. Your Surrendered Devotee alone realizes this Truth in experience without least doubt.
Great Mother, whether we love You or not due to our strong attachment to worldly things, forgetting You, ignorant of You, but You always Love us and that Love is infinite and beyond our comprehension.
Loving Mother, even when we Love You utter selfishly for what You are and what You shower us, You alone Love us without any expectations even though we are nothing to You. Your Love alone is totally Selfless/Egoless in this whole Universe, no comparison at all, absolutely without any limits.
Mother Kamakshi, Form of Guru, You are the Tripura Rahasya (the secret source) behind all that exists as well as the infinite variety of happiness in this Universe.
Great Mother, In this Universe created by You, Bad is also Guru because it teaches us how one should not be or live. Bad exists to show the greatness of Goodness/Righteousness and follow the latter. Also, sufferings exist in this Universe to learn patience, tolerance, humility, compassion to help the needy and also for the spiritually mature people to strive for Self-Realization to transcend this dream like existence.
Loving Mother, Bad things are there in Your creation to keep even more bad things in check/to reform/control/destroy them. Such is Your strange & complex creation for Your Play like a little Child. Extreme Good to extreme bad, all are there in Your creation with specific purpose.
Divine Mother, Bad things happen in this world for an eventual greater, good change. Everything, including bad, has a precise purpose in Your creation. From our silly ignorant ego point of view something may appear worthless. But the truth is Nothing is created or exists as a waste in Your creation.
Sweet Mother, Like a beautiful Lotus flower that had grown and staying out of a muddy pond, rooted in it but unattached, so also by Your Divine Grace, we should also become Bramma Jnanis (beautiful Lotus flowers of Jnana) moving in this mayic world pond of good and bad, but living totally unattached internally in Egoless You in Absolute Peace and Purity, Happiness and Fearlessness with all embracing Universal Love/Compassion (not like selfish married people and individuals who shrink their circle of attachment - not love - to their immediate family alone favorable to their expectations, sometimes themselves alone and not care about anything outside their attachment circle including their parents, brothers, sisters and others if not favorable to their expectations).
Mother Kamakshi, in this Universal Magic movie of Yours, Director is You, Story Writer is You, Script Writer is You, Dialogue Writer is You, Technicians are You, Sets are You, Hero is You, Villain is You, Heroine is You and all other Actors are You. Everything is only You and Your Will alone, nothing or nobody else.
Great Mother, but as long as the illusory individual/free-will exists, individual Actors must reform themselves of their selfish desires that give pain to oneself and others. Ultimately, they realize their Oneness with You purified of their harming selfish impurities.
Loving Mother, In Puranas, the churning of Ocean (indicates the spiritual seeker's effort to purify the mind to attain You, the Amrita) and the drinking of deadly HalaHala poison by Father Lord Siva reveals the truth that You take the complete responsibility of purifying the unrevealable deadly impurities/sins of Your surrendered child by digesting them within You itself. This Supreme Compassion of Yours can never ever be repaid by anything at all. Eternal Slavery to Your incomparable infinite Love alone is possible by Your Divine Grace.
Sweet Mother, in Your mayic creation good things do good like healthy fruits and bad things do harm like poisonous fruits. Similarly, attachment to worldly forms & names will delude one into selfish desires/hatreds, consequent adharmic actions leading to pain, suffering and loss of peace. Whereas, attachment to Divine forms & names will purify the mind and will lead one to attain/realize You, the source of Absolute Peace, Purity, Happiness and Fearlessness.
Loving Mother, this magical Universe is Your game/play/leela. We have no right to ask/pray to You to change things as per our selfish desires/hatreds except to Surrender to You unconditionally, the all knowing, all powerful, all present Supreme Intelligence-Force. Of course, we children are free to open our heart/mind to You to pour out our mental agonies at the time of suffering for justifiable survival needs.
Great Mother, from a selfish ego's perspective, due to its ignorance, everything in this world will seem imperfect because selfish ego is never at peace always seeking/expecting more without contentment. But from Your position Mother, everything in this Universal play of Yours are in absolute perfection according to Your Divine Will. Only a Jnani/Self-Realized being realizes this truth in experience. A surrendered child of Yours (not Jnani yet) will have theoretical conviction.
Mother Kamakshi, Eternal One, You (so also Your Dear Brother Lord Vishnu, PadmanabaSahodari) and Father Siva are One and the same Reality, identical Sat-ChitSakthi-Ananda.
When there is No movement of sakthi, No action and No creation (as in Deep Sleep and Samadhi states), You are Father Siva, the Absolute (Static/Nirguna/Attributeless aspect).
When there is Movement of sakthi, action and creation (as in Dream and Waking states), You are Mother ParaSakthi/Parvati/Ambika/Devi/Maya/Vishnu, the Relative (Dynamic/Saguna/With attributes aspect).
Saiva Agamic Scriptures also describe You, the Only Reality as SahaUmaSkandar sculpture (that is, Being-Consciousness-Bliss or Sat-ChitSakthi-Ananda):
Being/Sat ===> Father Lord Siva (Kanchi Ekambareswarar Temple)
Consciousness/ChitSakthi ===> Mother ParaSakthi (Kanchi Kamakshi Temple)
Bliss (of Absolute Peace)/Ananda ===> Child Lord Murugan/Skanda (Kanchi KumaraKottam Temple) between Father and Mother.
Great Mother, Your Creative Sakthi, Maya, is beyond all our understanding, unimaginable infinite varieties of living and non-living creations from atomic to galatic level, dizzying, deluding and breathtaking. What an Awesome Power of Yours it is? beyond all our comprehension just as You.
Bramma Jnana, realizing You as our own Self/Athma alone can take us beyond this deluding mysterious creative magic power of Yours, of which our individual mind is a tiny part.
Mother Kamakshi, When Great Father Siva patiently tolerated the abuses of well learned ignorant Daksha, Shouldn't we Your simple insignificant children also follow Father Siva's footsteps as done by Saints and Jnanis like Bhagavan Ramana and Kanchi Periyavar tolerating the abuses of ignorant ones with patience?
Great Mother, Good thoughts, Good speech, Good actions like humility, patience, tolerance, helping others/serving the society, religious rites, gaining purposeful knowledge etc., are all for disciplining and purifying our mind. The end of all these Good things is for attaining/realizing You as our Self/Athma only, nothing else. Otherwise, what meaning is there for their existence in this mayic Universe of Yours?
Mother Kamakshi, You as Mother Sati gave up Your incomparable Divine Body in Yogic flames for the sake of Dharma just like that.
Great Mother, Even Young Soldiers sacrifice their noble lives for the security of their country. Our life problems are nothing compared to theirs who lead extremely tough and stressful life in inhospitable places like Siachen glacier. People don't attain peace and contentment by looking at others' far worse sufferings but only lose peace and become worried by seeing others' impermanent pleasures/possessions due to envy/jealousy.
Loving Mother, why should we always unnecessarily worry (losing peace of mind) about the perishable disgusting smelling continuous waste generating body of ours driven by the fear of death instead of focusing on realizing You as our own Athma/Self and attain the bodiless death free state?
Mother Kamakshi, You alone can be and should be trusted without any disappointment for everything else is changing including the undependable, calculating human mind.
Great Mother, You alone solve our problems at the time of crisis through Your manifestations. Even single worldly pleasure or memories of experienced pleasures (including ignorantly glorified conjugal pleasure; also past pleasure memories only increase mental agony) cannot give peace of mind and freedom from fear at the time of suffering, You alone give these along with Your ever present True Love.
Mother Kamakshi, for Your Surrendered Child, Whatever may be the endless sufferings faced without relief, holding onto Your Lotus Feet (Your thoughts) alone is Heaven, moving away from You (and Your Love - both same) and getting trapped in worldly thoughts alone is tormenting Hell.
Great Mother, SivaSakthi, Your Child is eternal slave to You alone, not to worldly people or things and Fears nothing. Holding onto You and attaining You permanently within oneself as an innocent fearless pure child of Yours is the sole meaning/purpose of life for Your Surrendered Child.
For Your Surrendered Child, Life/Love means You alone, You itself, nothing else, without holding onto You, Life/Living/Love has no meaning at all, it as good as being non-existent. The Child wants to dissolve in You itself, like a salt doll in a Ocean of Love, seeking inseparable Life from You, eternal Life with You. For Your Child, nothing is greater than You, everything else is useless maya, disappearing magic of Yours. Worshipping You with melting Love is the only real purposeful duty for Your Child in life.
Great Mother, worldly people are blindly mad after disappearing sensory pleasures, but You are the Only One, Real One, our own Self/Athma, worth to be mad after with Divine Love, nothing or nobody else.
Mother Kamakshi, Form of Guru, Form of Dharma/Dharma Samvardini, You give Pain and Sufferings to Your Children (even Your Lord's dear friend Sundarar was not spared) for their welfare impartially (as Divine Justice) for multiple reasons. They could be:
(@) Punishment for past adharmic actions committed due to selfish desires/aversions or hatreds harming others.
(@) Filter out certain bad karmas in a manageable way.
(@) To get reformed, change behavior, lifestyle to a Dharmic way.
(@) Deflate a ballooned ego harming others and show that you are nothing before a Higher Power. Teaching humility.
(@) Show new direction in life.
(@) Strengthen the mind - Learn Patience and Tolerance and Accepting the fact that Divine Will decides everything and overcome Fear.
(@) To teach that one cannot get permanent Peace, Happiness from worldly objects of pleasure. They can be got only from realizing You as own's Self/Athma.
(@) Mature Spiritually, learning to see Ups and Downs in life without attachment. Not to get excited sky high during Happy times and Not to get sunken down in sorrow during Painful times. Learning to remain balanced and peaceful always. Lifting us away from deluding and ruining mayic attractions and attachments. Setting the life path towards Self-realization/realizing You as our own Self/Athma. Blessing with this incomparable boon by Your Divine Grace.
(@) Testing us so that we continue the spiritual practices with steadfastness despite obstacles without getting disheartened. You will protect us from any obstacles to attain/realize You with certainty. Such is Your unimaginable infinite Love.
Loving Mother, anything You do in this Universe has incomprehensible multiple purposes, not like our acts done with silly limited intelligence.
Mother Kamakshi, forcing You to fulfill unjustified selfish desires without contentment will result in You fulfilling those desires but accompanied by unexpected pain and sufferings to teach us a lesson on humility and contentment.
Great Mother, leading a simple life based on just needs for dharmic/righteous living alone gives happiness, peace, health, fearlessness and contentment. Deluding luxurious/desires driven living results in diseases, other sufferings, adharmic actions and worries associated with possessing/seeking wealth, power, name & fame etc.
Dear Mother, Every object acquired for desire (nothing to do with just survival need) will bring with it more activities, pain & sufferings destroying one's peace of mind. One to has to be careful with sense objects, fire, debt and poison, even a tiny of these can ruin one, so says Guru Guha Ramana.
Loving Mother, the simplest of all living in this Universe is living in You, our own Self/Athma. This alone gives Absolute Peace & Purity, Happiness, Contentment, Fearlessness, Patience, Tolerance, Humility, Immunity to pain & suffering and all other good things naturally. The perfect and incomparable best life in this Universe.
Mother Kamakshi, Like a Mother Cat in whatever (favorable or unfavorable) state You place us at different periods/points in this life that alone is best for us according to Your Divine Plan. Accepting that fact and with our mind always centered on You (surrendered to You without distracting worldly thoughts) and doing our dharmic/righteous duties in life without resistance like a kitten, that alone will give us Peace, Contentment and Happiness. This will certainly result in purifying our mind and realize/attain You as our own Self/Athma.
Great Mother, one can achieve great results in any field in life (like studies, music, work etc), if one follows Divine centered/surrendered dharmic/righteous living. Such Divine centered living makes mind peaceful, concentrated, pure and powerful to achieve wonderful results with humility that all is due to Your Divine Grace.
Mother Kamakshi, This creation of Yours projected within Yourself like a dream is nothing but continuous Oscillation/Movement/Vibration without rest from atomic to galactic level. Hence, Peace can be found only within oneself by Realizing You as our own thoughts-free Self/Athma, like the unaffected/untouched Peaceful Still Center of a Turbulent Storm.
Great Mother, Without Your Divine Grace (Arul Sakthi) it is totally impossible for us to escape from Your Maya of infinite deluding, trapping, tormenting and ruining worldly attractions and attachments of five senses & mind and attain You as our own Self/Athma.
Loving Mother, our individual body is born for You & from You, lives for You, does its duties for You, all by Your Will alone. The illusionary "I am the body, I am the doer" free will thoughts, the ignorant Ego is the sole trouble maker destroying the peace of mind, instigating irresponsible reactions and not responsible actions.
Giving up oneself to the flow of Your Divine Will directed "Life River" like a floating leaf without getting attached to ups and downs in life, not succumbing to worries, fears, and frustrations (agitation/restlessness) that alone will bring in peace of mind.
Always remembering You, submitting every activity to You before starting, even if it is trivial. Let whatever may be the outcome ordained by Your Divine Will (success or failure/favorable or unfavorable). Even if You don't give Your Divya Darshan. Even if we don't attain You. Even if we suffer physically or mentally. No Protests. No selfish desires/hatreds that will create bad karmas for suffering. Just let us flow with Your Divine Will without any resistance. This alone will bring in Peace of Self/Athma to the mind, the thoughts-free natural state of true living in You without fear and worries.
Great Mother, Whatever life experienced in this birth is solely based on desires, mental maturity & good/bad karmas of an individual accumulated from past births. If materialistic life is strongly desired, You ensure that such a life is lived. If God/Self-Realization is strongly desired, You ensure such a life for the individual. What You Desire, So You Get. YadBhaavam TatBhavathi, is it not, Mother. The individual's life events/living environment is planned out by Your Divine Will based on the strength of desires, good/bad karmas and the mental/spiritual maturity including its further evolution.
Real Mother, who gave me birth, the most good thing to ask from You which is also the best prayer that You like very much and are always happy to fulfill that with certainty is -- Asking You to grant me Unconditional Love to Love Thee to the core of my heart without any expectations, Asking You to make me pure child of Thee, Asking You to enable me to attain Thee/realize my Oneness with Thee, have an inseperable, eternal life with Thee. What greater good than this one can ask from You?
Great Mother, Your Divine Grace is ever present without change. The more our mind is purified (bigger the receptacle), the more we will able to realize & receive Your Grace. Cleaner the pond of mind, greater the access to more fresh water of Grace. The mind is made pure by constant thought of You by various spiritual practices done with sincere Love for Thee without allowing the mind to get distracted by selfish thoughts which are impure.
Loving Mother, Your Grace alone fulfills the just needs of a sincere devotee & enables the devotee to attain Thee eternally, inseparably. Even for ordinary people their efforts can succeed only if they receive Your Grace. For example, even a best medicine can provide cure only if Your Grace is received. Your Divine Grace can even change a Pre-ordained Divine Will for an unpleasant occurrence to pleasant one for Your sincere surrendered devotee. Lives of many Saints/Jnanis (like Kabir, Korakumbar etc) are testimonials to this truth.
Sweet Mother, the life path of Your surrendered child under Your care to Self-Realization will be greatly tougher than ordinary/ignorant peoples' life path, full of trials & tribulations so as to become pure and get rid of karmas quickly to attain Thee as one's own Self/Athma by Your Divine Grace.
Loving Mother, As long as people have less money/wealth/power, their desires are also less. But they increase harmfully to create sufferings/troubles for them and innocents with the proportional increase in money/wealth/power. Only spiritually matured and self-restrained people, who are few, can keep things under control by Your Divine Grace.
Great Mother, in Your deluding magical worldly creation, if at one time something attracts, then next time something else attracts due to which the previous attraction may not be of interest anymore. This is with everything - food, places, men/women, dress, job etc. All is Your deluding Maya to propel this creation. Without contentment, one will get lost in the maze of worldly attractions/desires (they are always selfish driven, not survival need driven) and get into deeper pain & sufferings for every desire has a price to be paid with. There will be no peace at all, pleasure & pain only create agitation/restlessness of mind.
Divine Mother, when people were children, they are so innocent due to their simple mind with few needs or simple desires. But as they grow into adults all kind of selfish desires flood in their mind, making it complex and they lose their innocence. Only very few due to Your Divine Grace and Past Good Karmas and mental maturity continue to remain innocent and proceed on to attain/realize You eventually. Today, in this technology driven world, even children are not that innocent anymore due to their exposure to all kind of bad things and desires thru various visual mediums encouraged by their worldly minded parents. Terrible. Such is Your Power of Maya swaying them without contentment.
Great Mother, if one forces others (eg. parents) to fulfill a selfish desire by giving them pain. The sure end result for such selfish desire is suffering for the forcer of the desire, immediately or later as per Your Divine Will. One should fulfill only dharmic/righteous needs (not selfish desires) in a peaceful, harmonious way with or without the help of others depending upon the situation. People under the sway of selfish desires will never listen to good advices to give them up (eg. Ravana, Duryodhana). Adharmically forcing others into pain for anything will result in painful consequences only for sure by Your Divine Will.
Loving Blissful Mother of the Universe, ParaSakthi, SivaSakthi, Nobody can fathom the depth of Your Love, for it is infinite & incomparable beyond our comprehension. Your surrendered child can only lose itself by the flooding of Your Love in the heart with indescribable joy. Nothing more can be said about, only Peace, Bliss & Silence. Worldly Love/Compassion is also Your Love's manifestation at a finite animal/human level. What a Great Loving Mother You are. No words are enough to praise Your Greatness. Your are our own Core/Athma/Self, eternally present, our real treasure, unchanging One, without even asking always taking care of us and guiding us to attain You, never ever can we lose You, always living within You.
Sweet Mother, in Your magic creation good things are like bitter medicine (eg. eating simple healthy food, following dharma/righteous living) that give benefits in the course of time. But vast majority of people are not attracted to good things at all, they don't consider them pleasurable, happiness giving instantly. But they are easily attracted by deluding bad things, which are like poisonous fruits (eg. Liquor, selfish desires) that mostly produce immediate harm, but people find them pleasurable, happiness giving instantly. Mother, How powerful is Your Maya. People adopt good things (may be too late in this birth) only after experiencing pain & suffering thru bad things. People who are deluded by bad things never listen to good advices at all. Adopting, following good things alone will bring people closer to You, Mother SivaSakthi.
Divine Mother, people can truly reform themselves only if they realize with clear understanding that their selfish Ego-mind is the real culprit that generates all impure selfish thoughts (concerning I and Mine) that create troubles for themselves and others. Such people who have the humility and mental strength to reform their mind are very very rare to come across. They are spiritually very mature and they ultimately realize You as their own Self/Athma through the eradication of Selfish Rajasic and Tamasic impurities of mind (that is, I & Mine) by Your Divine Grace involving Total Surrender to You, with clear understanding that I & Mine are illusions, You alone are everything and Real, All belongs to You alone, All creation & beyond is You only, nothing or nobody else.
Loving Mother, Unnecessary worthless worldly talks lead to arguments, then arguments lead to verbal fights. All because individual egos don't want to give up their positions, want to prove that they alone are right not others. Solution is avoiding worthless worldly talks in the first place. Suppose arguments happen, then responsible ones must restrain themselves and keep quiet without further talks/arguments and move away from that place. Also, advices may work in an environment where the advice giver and the receiver are in sattvic (calm) state of mind. If the advice receiver ego is strong, advices won't work at all. Also, advicer must be following the advices to be given. Talk Less, Listen More (even if it is criticisms/abuses with patience) - is the best practice. Mother, All happens by Your Divine Will alone, why fight? unnecessary talks are not at all needed, to be avoided, they can affect healthy relationships, may ruin them as well.
Great Mother, those who do adharmic/unrighteous acts repeatedly harming innocents without reforming themselves and also people who support such adharmic acts and their perpetrators will be destroyed by their own accumulated bad karmas by Your Divine Will for sure.
Divine Mother, let people need not have unnecessary concern about reforming the world or others. Let them reform themselves first. Reforming/Purifying themselves will itself bring about a good change in their surroundings automatically. Mother, You are the creator of everything, everything is Your play, You know when to reform, how to reform each child, let the reformists concentrate on reforming themselves first. Giving advices is very easiest, but reforming/purifying one's mind and actions of selfishness and then realizing You as one's own Self/Athma is the toughest/challenging and worthiest task/duty in this whole Universal play of Yours.
Mother Dharma Samvardini, Your surrendered child should never yield to adharma/unrighteousness, inside oneself as well as outside, at any cost, even if it means losing one's life. No doubt, You are beyond Dharma and Adharma and at the same time they are Your manifestations, but Adharma is at the opposite end of the path towards bad karmas & sufferings far far away from You. Only by following Dharma/Righteousness, the path towards You, a person can win Your Love, Grace and ultimately attain/realize You as one's own Self/Athma, an eternal joyful life, inseparable from You.
Great Mother, Dream, Waking and Deep sleep states are all Your magic play. You can link events in waking state to influence events in dream state or dreamless deep sleep state or vice-versa of creatures just like that, unbelievably like Child's play. So also with Past, Present and Future times, You can manipulate and play with them just like that. Such is Your wonderful power of Maya beyond our silly, finite Ego-mind's comprehension. You can do anything You want with these three states as well as times. The entire creation is happening within You like a dream, the Supreme Consciousness-Power, there is nothing impossible for You, the Universal Existence & Beyond. Everything is mere Child's play for You.
Sweet Mother, every birth of us is a test/opportunity for purifying/reforming us. You test us with every event in our life continuously to see whether we are free from selfishness. When we are really free from selfishness and attained purity of mind in a birth by our humble effort through Your Supreme Divine Grace, we attain ever joyful Oneness with Thee, finishing of this tormenting birth-death cyclic game of Your Universal magic play successfully.
Divine Mother, Selfish desires for Women/Men (lust), for Money and for Wealth are Three fundamental, foundational ones for all other selfish desires including desires for name, fame, power, tasty unhealthy food, drugs, liquor etc. All selfish desires create bad karmas for suffering & rebirths. They strengthen our Ego and make us give pain & suffering to others. They alone keep us away from Your Divine Grace and prevent us from realizing/attaining You as our own Self/Athma for an eternal joyful life, inseparable from You.
Great Mother, For vast majority of people (who will be of rajasic & tamasic nature), their Ego will roll up its tail and try to humble and good when their body and/or environment is affected by problems. But their Ego will straighten up its tail again, their Egoistic pride will again start jumping high the moment things become normal or better. They will not reform themselves voluntarily by realizing their errors/impurities in many births, even after repeated painful suffering experiences due to their accumulated bad karmas by Your Divine Will.
Loving Mother, even if everything around one is destroyed including one's body, even if life is going to depart, whatever may be the endless sufferings, You alone are worthy to be held onto. In front of You, Your Love (both are same), all things in this Universe are worthless dust, worthless dust. Your impermanent magic creations, that's all. Crying & Worrying must be only for Your Love, to be worthy/pure child of Thee, for Your Vision, for Your realization as one's own Self/Athma. It is absolute shame to worry & cry for perishable/impermanent worldly things. Sheer Non-sense. You are the real treasure in everyone's heart, the source and container of everything, including the Universe itself.
##### Mother Kamakshi, You of Universal Form, Great Mother
Accepting Your Will and Surrendering unconditionally (giving up delusive ignorant egoistic I & Mine evil attachments or desires -- Vairagya) with One-pointed melting Love (Bakthi) to You Siva-Sakthi,
Will certainly save our struggling lives by Your Divine Grace from this illusive tormenting universal magic of pleasure and pain to an Eternal Athmic life of unchanging Absolute Peace & Purity, Happiness and Fearlessness, realizing with certainty, the Advaitic Truth - "You alone I am" .
Sweet Universal Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, ParaSakthi, the life Game is very, very complex and complicated. Many times in extremely painful, suffocating situations it is so difficult to judge what is good for one, and what is not good for one, really confusing and depressing (as happened to normally mentally tough Arjuna in the deadly battlefield of Kurukshetra). Great Mother, Supreme Infinite Intelligence-Power, the only ever existing non-dual Source, Creative & running Force of this Universe, the best solution is to unconditionally surrender to You, and unwaveringly/steadfastly hold onto You in mind with melting Love & faith and to be totally guided by You in dharmic/righteous way, supported and protected by You completely/absolutely without any anxieties, worries or fears, or selfish desires/hatreds/attachments (constituting the terrible illusory freewill Ego/Individuality of I & Mine). Such unconditional Surrender to You is the best way to lead one's life and that's the best way to inseparably attain Thee, the unchanging eternal fountain of infinite Love-Bliss-Peace-Fearlessness, as one's own Athma/Self and finish off one's tormenting birth-death cyclic life game once & for all successfully. This is the real meaning behind the Chamara Sloka given by Lord Krishna to Arjuna (in the final Chapter 18 of Bhagavad Gita) -- "Abandoning all dharmas, take refuge in Me (God/Athma/Self) alone; I will liberate thee from all sins; grieve not". Mother SivaSakthi, What a Supreme Comforting Assurance from You in the form of Lord Krishna!
Dear Loving Mother Kalikambal, Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, the sole Supreme Intelligence-Power of the Universe and beyond - called by various names by the people of this earth, According to Your infallible Divine Plan/Will, Let whatever happen let it happen, whatever extreme may it be; Let whatever come let it come, let whatever go let it go; that is the nature of Your transient, magical Universal creations, hence, Your unconditionally surrendered child should be totally peaceful, unruffled and unattached/detached (without losing control of a situation due to Egoistic/Selfish I & Mine desires/attachments/hatreds to make errors/wrongs/mistakes and also to cause pain & sufferings to innocents/others adharmically/unrighteously, reaping consequent sinful bad karmas/fruits for sufferings as a result). Universal Mother ParaSakthi, You are the sole, real, eternal and infallible Relation and Treasure in the Heart of Your UNCONDITIONALLY SURRENDERED CHILD (and every living being/creature as well), You alone know how to take care of Your child and hence, where is the place for Mental Peace destroying fears, worries, lamentations, hatreds, delusion, uncontrolled anger, pride, jealousy, greed, desires, laziness, bad habits/associations, abusing, criticizing, unrighteousness, and untruthfulness - the egoistic/selfish I & Mine mental impurities. By Your Supreme Divine Grace, Mother Kamakshi, Perfection in the above by Your surrendered child is attained only through unwavering/steadfast/continuous self-reformation/self-purification by always associating with Good/Divine things through the mind and five senses, which eventually leads to Pure/Shudda Sattvic Mind that enables the realization of ever joyful, eternal, immortal Advaitic/Non-Dual Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self/Core, Mother SivaSakthi.
Dear Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, Supreme Intelligence-Power, Your Universal creation is infinitely, infinitely complex beyond all understanding of Your created children/beings. You alone perfectly know how to take care of and reform/purify Your created children/beings through pain & pleasure experiences in this magical Universal Divine drama/play/game of Yours; absolutely impossible for Your created children/beings. Hence, the best thing living beings like humans can do is to unconditionally Surrender to You in Love to not only attain Peace of Mind, Selfless Purity and Happiness but also attain/realize You, the eternal, immortal, ever joyful ParaSakthi as their own Athma/Self. All is only You/Divine, including all good and bad happenings in this Universe. Hence, the best way of behaving for Your unconditionally surrendered child is to be more like Bhagavatha Purana's Jada Bharatha - Talking very very less, Listening more (primarily about Divine); Should always/unwaveringly strive to have contact only with the Divine through mind and five senses (e.g Satsang - listening/hearing, talking/chanting, reading, worshipping, meditating only on Divine, submitting one's actions & fruits to the Divine, association with Sages/Jnanis/Saints/Jnana Guru and their teachings), throwing out egoistic/selfish I & Mine desires/attachments/hatreds from the mind - which wipe out the peace of mind and forces one to cause pain & sufferings to others/innocents and reaping consequent sinful fruits/bad karmas for one's sufferings; Should avoid unjustified/unnecessary interest/contact with worldly matters, even if it is highly attracting, pulling positive or negative event; Should not give or have Egoistic/Selfish opinions about this and that (just patiently listen, for example, if forced in a conflict situation), otherwise, they only create unnecessary mental impressions (vasanas) for more troubling worldly thoughts, they also fuel/grow or create new arguments/conflicts/problems; Patiently and Tolerantly bear pain & sufferings (without lamenting, they are actually God given Tapas for true devotees for purifying their mind) putting all the burdens on the Divine - who happily accepts and takes care of them as per His Divine Plan, not one's problem anymore; Acting Responsibly (not reacting irresponsibly due to ego/selfishness), dharmically/righteously to fulfill one's just needs, One can also express false/restrained anger to deal with a negative/evil situation if needed, But Unrestrained anger harms both body and mind, creates more problems/sufferings as one loses control of oneself and the situation; Everything should be in moderation - eating, sleeping, yoga, working etc without extremes and selfishness, Sattvic food in moderate quantity alone is good/calming/purifying for both mind and body.
Loving Mother, a simple classification as follows:
Needs (Thevaigal) ===> essential for survival/life duties
Desires (Asaigal) ===> nothing to do with survival. But are harmful & sinful if selfish, creating pain for others for their fulfillment. Creates bad karmas for suffering.
Great Mother, Let Whatever may come let it come, Let Whatever may go let it go by Your Divine Will. You are the Eternal Treasure in our Heart, the Only Real KalpaTharu (Divine Wish fulfilling Tree). The Source of All, the owner of all Universal Existence. All is You, nothing but You alone, nothing or nobody else. There is nothing to Fear, No Fear at all.
Loving Mother, You protect Your surrendered innocent child from adharmic things (even during worship and other times) and take care of its needs like a Mother Hen protecting its chickens under its wings.
You are so Great Mother, no words can describe Your Greatness. You are so Pure Mother, beyond purity & impurity. We should become worthy child/baby of Yours. Like Mother, SivaSakthi, so should the child be. That is the only meaning & purpose of Your surrendered Child's life, nothing else.
Other than You, the only Real Mother, there is nobody else who can really understand and take care of Your child, including giving punishment for child's wrong doing. You alone know and have every right to do whatever that is best for Your child's welfare.
For Your sake & Your Love (both are same, no difference, Anbe Sivam) flooding the mind with undescribable Joy, one can tolerate even hell or hell like sufferings. Anything & everything for Your sake Mother as per Your Divine Will.
Sweet Mother, for Your surrendered Child the worldly life will look unbearable/suffocating till You are attained/realized as one's own Self/Athma. Then the child will come to realize that even this World/Universe is You alone. Then this world will shine as a mansion of joy for Your child.
Even if the Life is going to depart any moment, as part of Your test/leela/play, Your Divine Name/Form alone must be held onto in our mind (even during normal worship times without getting distracted by disturbances), nothing else. You alone are Real, all else Your undependable disappearing magic. Holding onto You alone will end the painful meaningless Birth-Death cycle, while attaining You, the Loving Mother eternally.
Loving Mother, Your surrendered child will not turn to/trust anything/anyone else for solutions (like relatives, friends, astrology, mandreegam, samiyars, quacks, unwanted medical treatments etc) when faced with problems/sufferings of any kind. The child will steadfastly hold onto You, trust You alone unwavering like a faithful wife, learning to tolerate problems/sufferings with patience, carrying on with dharmic/righteous life duties and solely depending on Your Grace/Will for any solutions and accepting them as they are whether favorable or unfavorable.
Great Mother, this dream like Universal magic play of Yours is like a hide & seek game. For the vast majority of people, who are in ignorance, they either don't have any understanding about You or not interested in knowing about You for they are busy with infinite deluding worldly attachments like children swarming stalls in an exhibition. For the continuation of Your game, You ensure that only few mature souls understand about You, seek You and finally attain You as their own Self/Athma for the immortal, ever joyful Life in You.
Sweet Mother, Nobody is in Peace (other than Jnanis); greater the I & Mine selfish attachments, greater the restlessness of mind and its worries, fears (including the basic fear of death). Problems are greatly increased by adharmic/unrighteous living. Only when one turns inward to realize You as one's own Self/Athma, the egoistic selfish I & Mine attachments start reducing towards its complete destruction; to end in Bramma Jnana, the ever joyful life of Oneness with You, the life of unchanging Absolute Peace. Also, Divine centered Dharmic/righteous living alone can turn one to inward spiritual journey by Your Divine Grace. Divine centered Dharmic Living alone pleases You to guide a child towards an inward spiritual journey for Self-Realization.
Divine Will guided life ===> God centered & surrendered, performing only dharmic/righteous duties & activities, fulfilling only justifiable needs, flowing with the natural course of events, accepting favourable and unfavourable happenings as God's prasad with equipoise without selfish desires/hatreds, peaceful living, reforming themselves with awareness of their own impurities, acting responsibly towards happenings with patience, tolerance and humility. Of course, when mistakes are made by children following this path Mother, You correct them with appropriate experiences (painful as well), guiding them eventually to Self-Realization, oneness with You.
Ego centered/driven life ===> No belief or Strong belief in the existence of God, Worship of God just basic without Love/Faith in order to fulfill worldly desires, Life driven by selfish desires/hatreds harming others creating bad karmas for sufferings, don't accept their impurities and reform themselves, lack peace of mind, always restless/agitated either due to pleasure or pain/suffering, reacting irresponsibly towards happenings without patience, tolerance and humility. Vast majority of people are in this category only. Mother, You leave these children to karmic law (with innumerable rebirths) till they become mature with faith in God and switch to Divine Will guided life.
Great Mother, You alone are the Real Eternal Beautiful One, Your infinite Love alone is shining as Your incomparable infinite beauty, TripuraSundari, SoundaryaLahari, the source of all disappearing beauties of this Universe. What is there in the perishable fragile beauties of Your creation? Just one pimple wipes out facial beauty, and aging/obesity wipes out body beauty. All Your Maya. We should not get attached to our body and the worldly objects living/non-living. All changing/disappearing continuously. Attachment to these will create only fears, worries and loss of peace. Sweet Mother, the Real Mother, You, the Eternal Immortal Unchanging Reality alone has to be attached to & loved & realized/attained, nothing or nobody else, the fountainhead of Peace, Purity, Happiness, Immortality and Fearlessness.
Loving Mother, You saved terrible Andhakasura from the depths of heinous impurities & sins and took him back purified. Knowing this, we surely believe that we will also be saved from our terrible impurities & sins and taken back purified for an eternal ever joyful Life in You by Your Divine Grace.
Sweet Mother, You alone are very my OWN, eternal One. Not material wealth or relatives or anything/anyone. All is Your disappearing magical creation, impermanent. Even this Universe created by You is just worthless dust in front of Your Love.
Mother Kamakshi, You of Absolute Purity never ever tolerate when Your Surrendered children deviate from righteousness/dharma, even for a silly reason, even mentally. You immediately punish them accordingly so that they correct themselves then and there without any laxity on their part. Such is Your Limitless Egoless Impartial Pure Love, that cannot be seen even in earthly mothers for they are influenced by their egos.
Loving Mother, Your surrendered Child is like a Baby Monkey tightly holding onto You, for it everything is You only, the Mother alone, No I, No Mine, You alone occupy its mind, totally dependent on You for its living, only with Your Love & Care alone the Child can exist. For the Child, No Life at all without You.
Great Mother, the Brahadaranyaka Upanishad tells about three virtuous practices, which when practised with faith & steadfastness will enable us to attain You as our own Self/Athma by Your Divine Grace. These three virtuous practices purify the mind of its impurities and enable the concentration of mind on You. Mind without trace of thoughts is You only, the Pure Mind/Self/Athma, SivaSakthAikya Rupam.
DAMAM ===> Senses & Mind control from external/worldly objects (that ruin us physically as well as mentally of peace starting from their desire/hatred, nothing to do with survival need) to thought of God/Self (thru ritualistic worship, japa, dhyana, Self-enquiry etc).
DAYA ===> Love/Grace/Karunai/Arul towards others. No hatred as all Forms & Names are You only.
DATTA ===> Serve/Give to others in need liberally. No greediness. Serving/Giving to others is nothing but Serving You only.
Mother Kamakshi, You of Universal Form, when people commit adharmic evils like deception, painful forcing of selfish desires, cruelty, hatred etc., towards others, it is nothing but committing the same towards You. Is it not? Extremely Sinful with extremely painful consequences.
Every object exists in this Universe to fulfill specific purposes (whether good or bad) for Your Divine Play. We have no right to hate or commit adharmic actions towards them.
Great Mother, You always like and expect Your righteous/dharmic children to respond to evil doers in a righteous way, keeping distance, acting responsibly and not like the evil/pervert minded who can spoil not only an innocent individual but the whole area of their influence like a poisonous gas, wiping out peace.
Mother, You frustrate the evil doers on their own terms while punishing them with painful fruits for their harmful selfish actions.
Mother Kamakshi, individual egos jump sky high inflicting pain on others by Your Will and also come to a frustrating grounding thud when their favourable body or environment take a severe painful blow by Your Will.
Loving Mother, if everything happens according to an individual's desires, the person's Egoistic Pride will bloat up enormously and will start Greatly harming others painfully thinking as if the lord of the universe. Hence, You ensure that not every desire of a person gets fulfilled; You also bring down a person's Ego to the ground level from floating high up, now & then to teach humility. But vast majority of people will not learn good ways even after repeated painful experiences, it takes several births for them to mature and then gradually take to spirituality to purify/reform themselves and then ultimately realize/attain You to end their cyclic game of birth and death played by You as a sport/leela.
Great Mother, You alone rule forever with Love and Justice, expecting Humility from your children, the store house of all Good Qualities.
Loving Mother, Real Maturing means how much selfless one is, free from mental impurities of selfish desires/hatreds. But for selfish worldly people, maturity means - how shrewd one is, how good at earning money/wealth one is, how calculating one is, how good at deceiving others one is, how good at enjoying worldly pleasures one is etc. Sheer non-sense. How ignorant. They are keeping themselves far far away from Your Grace, Your Peace without humility, truthfulness/righteousness and contentment, behaving artificially hiding things within.
You are remembered/worshipped by them just like a pickle for the fulfillment of their worldly desires. But You are not at all deceived by their untruthful show of Bakthi, which is like a business transaction. Despite You teaching them lessons thru pain & sufferings they are not willing to learn and reform themselves. Such is their strong worldly attachments, finally dying - without peace of mind and Your thought - for more births of suffering.
They may stop worshipping You temporarily (whatever little they are doing), if You don't fulfill their worldly prayers/expectations. They may even change the Gods/Saints they are worshipping if things are not going according to their expectations. So much ignorance. They will come to senses and reform themselves and learn to Surrender to You unconditionally after getting battered in many future births.
Mother Kamakshi, Form of Universal Love, when people are always busy with their endless selfish desires and aversions/hatreds bringing pain to themselves and others, wasting their time and energy, without peace and contentment (like battered pathetic roaming Street dogs), How can they know/understand You and Your Love for them despite unworthy with their perverted minds?, How will they know that You are taking care of them every moment fulfilling their just needs according to their karma? How can they receive Your Grace and Realize/attain You? Not at all. They are no way interested in You but in Your Magic creations due to Your Divine Play of keeping them ignorant of You. They seek You only as a Pickle for fulfilling their Worldly desires.
Great Mother, Nothing gives fear and trouble like a human body when it is subjected to diseases or other sufferings.
Satisfied with the fulfillment of just needs for living, Without wasting time and energy -- on endless seeking of desired objects of pleasure that are impermanent/perishable (sexual, wealth, name & fame including various siddhis & powers) laden with peace destroying pain and suffering, harming others to attain them adharmically acquiring sin, -- REALIZING You as our own Self/Athma transcending the mortal existence alone is the primal duty of Human Life in this dream like Universal magic play of Yours with unimaginable dizzying infinite deluding diversities.
Realizing/attaining You and being innocent Athmic child of Yours with absolute peace and purity, happiness and fearlessness alone is the only solution to all problems of human existence, nothing else.
Mother Kamakshi, You alone are brimming & over-flowing infinite Ocean of (Motherly) Love, Ananda/Bliss, Peace and Abaya/Fearlessness. Your Surrendered Devotee alone realizes this Truth in experience without least doubt.
Great Mother, whether we love You or not due to our strong attachment to worldly things, forgetting You, ignorant of You, but You always Love us and that Love is infinite and beyond our comprehension.
Loving Mother, even when we Love You utter selfishly for what You are and what You shower us, You alone Love us without any expectations even though we are nothing to You. Your Love alone is totally Selfless/Egoless in this whole Universe, no comparison at all, absolutely without any limits.
Mother Kamakshi, Form of Guru, You are the Tripura Rahasya (the secret source) behind all that exists as well as the infinite variety of happiness in this Universe.
Great Mother, In this Universe created by You, Bad is also Guru because it teaches us how one should not be or live. Bad exists to show the greatness of Goodness/Righteousness and follow the latter. Also, sufferings exist in this Universe to learn patience, tolerance, humility, compassion to help the needy and also for the spiritually mature people to strive for Self-Realization to transcend this dream like existence.
Loving Mother, Bad things are there in Your creation to keep even more bad things in check/to reform/control/destroy them. Such is Your strange & complex creation for Your Play like a little Child. Extreme Good to extreme bad, all are there in Your creation with specific purpose.
Divine Mother, Bad things happen in this world for an eventual greater, good change. Everything, including bad, has a precise purpose in Your creation. From our silly ignorant ego point of view something may appear worthless. But the truth is Nothing is created or exists as a waste in Your creation.
Sweet Mother, Like a beautiful Lotus flower that had grown and staying out of a muddy pond, rooted in it but unattached, so also by Your Divine Grace, we should also become Bramma Jnanis (beautiful Lotus flowers of Jnana) moving in this mayic world pond of good and bad, but living totally unattached internally in Egoless You in Absolute Peace and Purity, Happiness and Fearlessness with all embracing Universal Love/Compassion (not like selfish married people and individuals who shrink their circle of attachment - not love - to their immediate family alone favorable to their expectations, sometimes themselves alone and not care about anything outside their attachment circle including their parents, brothers, sisters and others if not favorable to their expectations).
Mother Kamakshi, in this Universal Magic movie of Yours, Director is You, Story Writer is You, Script Writer is You, Dialogue Writer is You, Technicians are You, Sets are You, Hero is You, Villain is You, Heroine is You and all other Actors are You. Everything is only You and Your Will alone, nothing or nobody else.
Great Mother, but as long as the illusory individual/free-will exists, individual Actors must reform themselves of their selfish desires that give pain to oneself and others. Ultimately, they realize their Oneness with You purified of their harming selfish impurities.
Loving Mother, In Puranas, the churning of Ocean (indicates the spiritual seeker's effort to purify the mind to attain You, the Amrita) and the drinking of deadly HalaHala poison by Father Lord Siva reveals the truth that You take the complete responsibility of purifying the unrevealable deadly impurities/sins of Your surrendered child by digesting them within You itself. This Supreme Compassion of Yours can never ever be repaid by anything at all. Eternal Slavery to Your incomparable infinite Love alone is possible by Your Divine Grace.
Sweet Mother, in Your mayic creation good things do good like healthy fruits and bad things do harm like poisonous fruits. Similarly, attachment to worldly forms & names will delude one into selfish desires/hatreds, consequent adharmic actions leading to pain, suffering and loss of peace. Whereas, attachment to Divine forms & names will purify the mind and will lead one to attain/realize You, the source of Absolute Peace, Purity, Happiness and Fearlessness.
Loving Mother, this magical Universe is Your game/play/leela. We have no right to ask/pray to You to change things as per our selfish desires/hatreds except to Surrender to You unconditionally, the all knowing, all powerful, all present Supreme Intelligence-Force. Of course, we children are free to open our heart/mind to You to pour out our mental agonies at the time of suffering for justifiable survival needs.
Great Mother, from a selfish ego's perspective, due to its ignorance, everything in this world will seem imperfect because selfish ego is never at peace always seeking/expecting more without contentment. But from Your position Mother, everything in this Universal play of Yours are in absolute perfection according to Your Divine Will. Only a Jnani/Self-Realized being realizes this truth in experience. A surrendered child of Yours (not Jnani yet) will have theoretical conviction.
Mother Kamakshi, Eternal One, You (so also Your Dear Brother Lord Vishnu, PadmanabaSahodari) and Father Siva are One and the same Reality, identical Sat-ChitSakthi-Ananda.
When there is No movement of sakthi, No action and No creation (as in Deep Sleep and Samadhi states), You are Father Siva, the Absolute (Static/Nirguna/Attributeless aspect).
When there is Movement of sakthi, action and creation (as in Dream and Waking states), You are Mother ParaSakthi/Parvati/Ambika/Devi/Maya/Vishnu, the Relative (Dynamic/Saguna/With attributes aspect).
Saiva Agamic Scriptures also describe You, the Only Reality as SahaUmaSkandar sculpture (that is, Being-Consciousness-Bliss or Sat-ChitSakthi-Ananda):
Being/Sat ===> Father Lord Siva (Kanchi Ekambareswarar Temple)
Consciousness/ChitSakthi ===> Mother ParaSakthi (Kanchi Kamakshi Temple)
Bliss (of Absolute Peace)/Ananda ===> Child Lord Murugan/Skanda (Kanchi KumaraKottam Temple) between Father and Mother.
Great Mother, Your Creative Sakthi, Maya, is beyond all our understanding, unimaginable infinite varieties of living and non-living creations from atomic to galatic level, dizzying, deluding and breathtaking. What an Awesome Power of Yours it is? beyond all our comprehension just as You.
Bramma Jnana, realizing You as our own Self/Athma alone can take us beyond this deluding mysterious creative magic power of Yours, of which our individual mind is a tiny part.
Mother Kamakshi, When Great Father Siva patiently tolerated the abuses of well learned ignorant Daksha, Shouldn't we Your simple insignificant children also follow Father Siva's footsteps as done by Saints and Jnanis like Bhagavan Ramana and Kanchi Periyavar tolerating the abuses of ignorant ones with patience?
Great Mother, Good thoughts, Good speech, Good actions like humility, patience, tolerance, helping others/serving the society, religious rites, gaining purposeful knowledge etc., are all for disciplining and purifying our mind. The end of all these Good things is for attaining/realizing You as our Self/Athma only, nothing else. Otherwise, what meaning is there for their existence in this mayic Universe of Yours?
Mother Kamakshi, You as Mother Sati gave up Your incomparable Divine Body in Yogic flames for the sake of Dharma just like that.
Great Mother, Even Young Soldiers sacrifice their noble lives for the security of their country. Our life problems are nothing compared to theirs who lead extremely tough and stressful life in inhospitable places like Siachen glacier. People don't attain peace and contentment by looking at others' far worse sufferings but only lose peace and become worried by seeing others' impermanent pleasures/possessions due to envy/jealousy.
Loving Mother, why should we always unnecessarily worry (losing peace of mind) about the perishable disgusting smelling continuous waste generating body of ours driven by the fear of death instead of focusing on realizing You as our own Athma/Self and attain the bodiless death free state?
Mother Kamakshi, You alone can be and should be trusted without any disappointment for everything else is changing including the undependable, calculating human mind.
Great Mother, You alone solve our problems at the time of crisis through Your manifestations. Even single worldly pleasure or memories of experienced pleasures (including ignorantly glorified conjugal pleasure; also past pleasure memories only increase mental agony) cannot give peace of mind and freedom from fear at the time of suffering, You alone give these along with Your ever present True Love.
Mother Kamakshi, for Your Surrendered Child, Whatever may be the endless sufferings faced without relief, holding onto Your Lotus Feet (Your thoughts) alone is Heaven, moving away from You (and Your Love - both same) and getting trapped in worldly thoughts alone is tormenting Hell.
Great Mother, SivaSakthi, Your Child is eternal slave to You alone, not to worldly people or things and Fears nothing. Holding onto You and attaining You permanently within oneself as an innocent fearless pure child of Yours is the sole meaning/purpose of life for Your Surrendered Child.
For Your Surrendered Child, Life/Love means You alone, You itself, nothing else, without holding onto You, Life/Living/Love has no meaning at all, it as good as being non-existent. The Child wants to dissolve in You itself, like a salt doll in a Ocean of Love, seeking inseparable Life from You, eternal Life with You. For Your Child, nothing is greater than You, everything else is useless maya, disappearing magic of Yours. Worshipping You with melting Love is the only real purposeful duty for Your Child in life.
Great Mother, worldly people are blindly mad after disappearing sensory pleasures, but You are the Only One, Real One, our own Self/Athma, worth to be mad after with Divine Love, nothing or nobody else.
(@) Punishment for past adharmic actions committed due to selfish desires/aversions or hatreds harming others.
(@) Filter out certain bad karmas in a manageable way.
(@) To get reformed, change behavior, lifestyle to a Dharmic way.
(@) Deflate a ballooned ego harming others and show that you are nothing before a Higher Power. Teaching humility.
(@) Show new direction in life.
(@) Strengthen the mind - Learn Patience and Tolerance and Accepting the fact that Divine Will decides everything and overcome Fear.
(@) To teach that one cannot get permanent Peace, Happiness from worldly objects of pleasure. They can be got only from realizing You as own's Self/Athma.
(@) Mature Spiritually, learning to see Ups and Downs in life without attachment. Not to get excited sky high during Happy times and Not to get sunken down in sorrow during Painful times. Learning to remain balanced and peaceful always. Lifting us away from deluding and ruining mayic attractions and attachments. Setting the life path towards Self-realization/realizing You as our own Self/Athma. Blessing with this incomparable boon by Your Divine Grace.
(@) Testing us so that we continue the spiritual practices with steadfastness despite obstacles without getting disheartened. You will protect us from any obstacles to attain/realize You with certainty. Such is Your unimaginable infinite Love.
Loving Mother, anything You do in this Universe has incomprehensible multiple purposes, not like our acts done with silly limited intelligence.
Mother Kamakshi, forcing You to fulfill unjustified selfish desires without contentment will result in You fulfilling those desires but accompanied by unexpected pain and sufferings to teach us a lesson on humility and contentment.
Great Mother, leading a simple life based on just needs for dharmic/righteous living alone gives happiness, peace, health, fearlessness and contentment. Deluding luxurious/desires driven living results in diseases, other sufferings, adharmic actions and worries associated with possessing/seeking wealth, power, name & fame etc.
Dear Mother, Every object acquired for desire (nothing to do with just survival need) will bring with it more activities, pain & sufferings destroying one's peace of mind. One to has to be careful with sense objects, fire, debt and poison, even a tiny of these can ruin one, so says Guru Guha Ramana.
Loving Mother, the simplest of all living in this Universe is living in You, our own Self/Athma. This alone gives Absolute Peace & Purity, Happiness, Contentment, Fearlessness, Patience, Tolerance, Humility, Immunity to pain & suffering and all other good things naturally. The perfect and incomparable best life in this Universe.
Great Mother, one can achieve great results in any field in life (like studies, music, work etc), if one follows Divine centered/surrendered dharmic/righteous living. Such Divine centered living makes mind peaceful, concentrated, pure and powerful to achieve wonderful results with humility that all is due to Your Divine Grace.
Mother Kamakshi, This creation of Yours projected within Yourself like a dream is nothing but continuous Oscillation/Movement/Vibration without rest from atomic to galactic level. Hence, Peace can be found only within oneself by Realizing You as our own thoughts-free Self/Athma, like the unaffected/untouched Peaceful Still Center of a Turbulent Storm.
Great Mother, Without Your Divine Grace (Arul Sakthi) it is totally impossible for us to escape from Your Maya of infinite deluding, trapping, tormenting and ruining worldly attractions and attachments of five senses & mind and attain You as our own Self/Athma.
Loving Mother, our individual body is born for You & from You, lives for You, does its duties for You, all by Your Will alone. The illusionary "I am the body, I am the doer" free will thoughts, the ignorant Ego is the sole trouble maker destroying the peace of mind, instigating irresponsible reactions and not responsible actions.
Giving up oneself to the flow of Your Divine Will directed "Life River" like a floating leaf without getting attached to ups and downs in life, not succumbing to worries, fears, and frustrations (agitation/restlessness) that alone will bring in peace of mind.
Always remembering You, submitting every activity to You before starting, even if it is trivial. Let whatever may be the outcome ordained by Your Divine Will (success or failure/favorable or unfavorable). Even if You don't give Your Divya Darshan. Even if we don't attain You. Even if we suffer physically or mentally. No Protests. No selfish desires/hatreds that will create bad karmas for suffering. Just let us flow with Your Divine Will without any resistance. This alone will bring in Peace of Self/Athma to the mind, the thoughts-free natural state of true living in You without fear and worries.
Mother Kamakshi, You of Universal Form, People due to their Egoistic Pride will think that they are indispensable (like a Cock thinking that without its crowing the Sun will not dawn). But the fact is, so many have come and so many have gone, but Mother, You are ever continuing with Your Magic Universal Play with new, new creations. Every created entity in Your play is dispensable. SivaSakthi, You alone are Real & Eternal. Swami Vivekananda had said that You can create 100 Vivekanandas if needed for Your work and that he is nothing. We have to learn the humility of Swami Vivekananda in front of You, the Eternal Universal Power.
Great Mother, Whatever life experienced in this birth is solely based on desires, mental maturity & good/bad karmas of an individual accumulated from past births. If materialistic life is strongly desired, You ensure that such a life is lived. If God/Self-Realization is strongly desired, You ensure such a life for the individual. What You Desire, So You Get. YadBhaavam TatBhavathi, is it not, Mother. The individual's life events/living environment is planned out by Your Divine Will based on the strength of desires, good/bad karmas and the mental/spiritual maturity including its further evolution.
Sweet Mother, Like a playing little Child with Great Love You have created this magical material Universe along with Your Children (with individuality Ego impurity) across various species to play with them hidden exhibiting Your infinite creative powers. After making Your children to go through various pleasure & painful experiences by making them to take birth across various species, then finally in a human birth taking them back with You after their reformation and purification to realize their oneness with You finishing their exhaustive painful birth-death cycle across various species.
Real Mother, who gave me birth, the most good thing to ask from You which is also the best prayer that You like very much and are always happy to fulfill that with certainty is -- Asking You to grant me Unconditional Love to Love Thee to the core of my heart without any expectations, Asking You to make me pure child of Thee, Asking You to enable me to attain Thee/realize my Oneness with Thee, have an inseperable, eternal life with Thee. What greater good than this one can ask from You?
Beautiful Loving Mother, without Your Divine Grace/Great Love/Arul, it is impossible for us to Worship You with deep Love & Purity to attain/realize Thee as our own Self/Athma.
Great Mother, Your Divine Grace is ever present without change. The more our mind is purified (bigger the receptacle), the more we will able to realize & receive Your Grace. Cleaner the pond of mind, greater the access to more fresh water of Grace. The mind is made pure by constant thought of You by various spiritual practices done with sincere Love for Thee without allowing the mind to get distracted by selfish thoughts which are impure.
Loving Mother, Your Grace alone fulfills the just needs of a sincere devotee & enables the devotee to attain Thee eternally, inseparably. Even for ordinary people their efforts can succeed only if they receive Your Grace. For example, even a best medicine can provide cure only if Your Grace is received. Your Divine Grace can even change a Pre-ordained Divine Will for an unpleasant occurrence to pleasant one for Your sincere surrendered devotee. Lives of many Saints/Jnanis (like Kabir, Korakumbar etc) are testimonials to this truth.
Sweet Mother, the life path of Your surrendered child under Your care to Self-Realization will be greatly tougher than ordinary/ignorant peoples' life path, full of trials & tribulations so as to become pure and get rid of karmas quickly to attain Thee as one's own Self/Athma by Your Divine Grace.
Loving Mother, As long as people have less money/wealth/power, their desires are also less. But they increase harmfully to create sufferings/troubles for them and innocents with the proportional increase in money/wealth/power. Only spiritually matured and self-restrained people, who are few, can keep things under control by Your Divine Grace.
Great Mother, in Your deluding magical worldly creation, if at one time something attracts, then next time something else attracts due to which the previous attraction may not be of interest anymore. This is with everything - food, places, men/women, dress, job etc. All is Your deluding Maya to propel this creation. Without contentment, one will get lost in the maze of worldly attractions/desires (they are always selfish driven, not survival need driven) and get into deeper pain & sufferings for every desire has a price to be paid with. There will be no peace at all, pleasure & pain only create agitation/restlessness of mind.
Divine Mother, when people were children, they are so innocent due to their simple mind with few needs or simple desires. But as they grow into adults all kind of selfish desires flood in their mind, making it complex and they lose their innocence. Only very few due to Your Divine Grace and Past Good Karmas and mental maturity continue to remain innocent and proceed on to attain/realize You eventually. Today, in this technology driven world, even children are not that innocent anymore due to their exposure to all kind of bad things and desires thru various visual mediums encouraged by their worldly minded parents. Terrible. Such is Your Power of Maya swaying them without contentment.
Sweet Mother, Your surrendered child should not indulge in worthless talking/eating/hearing/seeing associated with worldly things (nothing to do with one's survival) that corrupt and destroy the peace of mind, spoiling health as well as troubling others. Living in solitude as possible, Your child should always hold onto Your thoughts alone (like mental japa of Your Name/Mantra, reciting Your Stotra, Your Divine Form, Your sweet words, Your Puranic stories, Your temples etc), nothing else without getting distracted like an unwavering faithful wife. Also, discriminating between You, the eternal One and Your perishable worldly magic to strengthen one's Vairagya/dispassion. These are required till attaining/realizing You as one's own Self/Athma as Sahaja Sthithi/Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi/Thoughts-free Natural State of Absolute Peace, Purity, Happiness and Fearlessness.
Great Mother, if one forces others (eg. parents) to fulfill a selfish desire by giving them pain. The sure end result for such selfish desire is suffering for the forcer of the desire, immediately or later as per Your Divine Will. One should fulfill only dharmic/righteous needs (not selfish desires) in a peaceful, harmonious way with or without the help of others depending upon the situation. People under the sway of selfish desires will never listen to good advices to give them up (eg. Ravana, Duryodhana). Adharmically forcing others into pain for anything will result in painful consequences only for sure by Your Divine Will.
Loving Blissful Mother of the Universe, ParaSakthi, SivaSakthi, Nobody can fathom the depth of Your Love, for it is infinite & incomparable beyond our comprehension. Your surrendered child can only lose itself by the flooding of Your Love in the heart with indescribable joy. Nothing more can be said about, only Peace, Bliss & Silence. Worldly Love/Compassion is also Your Love's manifestation at a finite animal/human level. What a Great Loving Mother You are. No words are enough to praise Your Greatness. Your are our own Core/Athma/Self, eternally present, our real treasure, unchanging One, without even asking always taking care of us and guiding us to attain You, never ever can we lose You, always living within You.
Sweet Mother, in Your magic creation good things are like bitter medicine (eg. eating simple healthy food, following dharma/righteous living) that give benefits in the course of time. But vast majority of people are not attracted to good things at all, they don't consider them pleasurable, happiness giving instantly. But they are easily attracted by deluding bad things, which are like poisonous fruits (eg. Liquor, selfish desires) that mostly produce immediate harm, but people find them pleasurable, happiness giving instantly. Mother, How powerful is Your Maya. People adopt good things (may be too late in this birth) only after experiencing pain & suffering thru bad things. People who are deluded by bad things never listen to good advices at all. Adopting, following good things alone will bring people closer to You, Mother SivaSakthi.
Divine Mother, people can truly reform themselves only if they realize with clear understanding that their selfish Ego-mind is the real culprit that generates all impure selfish thoughts (concerning I and Mine) that create troubles for themselves and others. Such people who have the humility and mental strength to reform their mind are very very rare to come across. They are spiritually very mature and they ultimately realize You as their own Self/Athma through the eradication of Selfish Rajasic and Tamasic impurities of mind (that is, I & Mine) by Your Divine Grace involving Total Surrender to You, with clear understanding that I & Mine are illusions, You alone are everything and Real, All belongs to You alone, All creation & beyond is You only, nothing or nobody else.
Loving Mother, Unnecessary worthless worldly talks lead to arguments, then arguments lead to verbal fights. All because individual egos don't want to give up their positions, want to prove that they alone are right not others. Solution is avoiding worthless worldly talks in the first place. Suppose arguments happen, then responsible ones must restrain themselves and keep quiet without further talks/arguments and move away from that place. Also, advices may work in an environment where the advice giver and the receiver are in sattvic (calm) state of mind. If the advice receiver ego is strong, advices won't work at all. Also, advicer must be following the advices to be given. Talk Less, Listen More (even if it is criticisms/abuses with patience) - is the best practice. Mother, All happens by Your Divine Will alone, why fight? unnecessary talks are not at all needed, to be avoided, they can affect healthy relationships, may ruin them as well.
Sweet Mother, a person Pure in Heart with all embracing Love, Compassion (a Saint/Jnani), even though may be physically unattractive, but the Pure Love in the Heart of that person will give a physical beauty & attraction of its own. Unselfish Pure Love alone is Real Beauty, purposeful beauty (for a child its ugly mother full of love for it is the most beautiful person). Mother, beauty, ugly are all Your magic creation. They have to be appreciated as such without any attachment/impure thoughts in mind.
Great Mother, those who do adharmic/unrighteous acts repeatedly harming innocents without reforming themselves and also people who support such adharmic acts and their perpetrators will be destroyed by their own accumulated bad karmas by Your Divine Will for sure.
Divine Mother, let people need not have unnecessary concern about reforming the world or others. Let them reform themselves first. Reforming/Purifying themselves will itself bring about a good change in their surroundings automatically. Mother, You are the creator of everything, everything is Your play, You know when to reform, how to reform each child, let the reformists concentrate on reforming themselves first. Giving advices is very easiest, but reforming/purifying one's mind and actions of selfishness and then realizing You as one's own Self/Athma is the toughest/challenging and worthiest task/duty in this whole Universal play of Yours.
Mother Dharma Samvardini, Your surrendered child should never yield to adharma/unrighteousness, inside oneself as well as outside, at any cost, even if it means losing one's life. No doubt, You are beyond Dharma and Adharma and at the same time they are Your manifestations, but Adharma is at the opposite end of the path towards bad karmas & sufferings far far away from You. Only by following Dharma/Righteousness, the path towards You, a person can win Your Love, Grace and ultimately attain/realize You as one's own Self/Athma, an eternal joyful life, inseparable from You.
Great Mother, Dream, Waking and Deep sleep states are all Your magic play. You can link events in waking state to influence events in dream state or dreamless deep sleep state or vice-versa of creatures just like that, unbelievably like Child's play. So also with Past, Present and Future times, You can manipulate and play with them just like that. Such is Your wonderful power of Maya beyond our silly, finite Ego-mind's comprehension. You can do anything You want with these three states as well as times. The entire creation is happening within You like a dream, the Supreme Consciousness-Power, there is nothing impossible for You, the Universal Existence & Beyond. Everything is mere Child's play for You.
Loving Mother, for Your surrendered Child, Your limitless flooding Ocean of Love in heart is the real medicine for all pain & sufferings, ultimately enabling to attain Oneness with Thee, inseparable from You, the state of eternal Peace, Joy, Purity and Fearlessness.
Sweet Mother, every birth of us is a test/opportunity for purifying/reforming us. You test us with every event in our life continuously to see whether we are free from selfishness. When we are really free from selfishness and attained purity of mind in a birth by our humble effort through Your Supreme Divine Grace, we attain ever joyful Oneness with Thee, finishing of this tormenting birth-death cyclic game of Your Universal magic play successfully.
Divine Mother, Selfish desires for Women/Men (lust), for Money and for Wealth are Three fundamental, foundational ones for all other selfish desires including desires for name, fame, power, tasty unhealthy food, drugs, liquor etc. All selfish desires create bad karmas for suffering & rebirths. They strengthen our Ego and make us give pain & suffering to others. They alone keep us away from Your Divine Grace and prevent us from realizing/attaining You as our own Self/Athma for an eternal joyful life, inseparable from You.
Great Mother, For vast majority of people (who will be of rajasic & tamasic nature), their Ego will roll up its tail and try to humble and good when their body and/or environment is affected by problems. But their Ego will straighten up its tail again, their Egoistic pride will again start jumping high the moment things become normal or better. They will not reform themselves voluntarily by realizing their errors/impurities in many births, even after repeated painful suffering experiences due to their accumulated bad karmas by Your Divine Will.
##### Mother Kamakshi, You of Universal Form, Great Mother
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