Saturday, August 5, 2023

Introductory Post

Beautiful Face of Mother Durga

The Great Universal Truth

The entire Universal Creation/Play/Magic/Drama/Game/Movie down from subatomic particles to the vast Galaxies and anything else including living beings/things are continuously subjected to, propelled, controlled and tormented by two categories of dynamic forces -- Attraction & Repulsion.

Only the ever existing Intelligent-Consciousness Principle behind this Universal Creation/Play/Magic/Drama/Game/Movie (known as Brammam/Nirguna Brammam/Paramathma/Athma/Self/SivaSakthi/Sivam/God/SatChitAnanda etc) is eternally unaffected by these two categories of dynamic forces and always established in immutable Peace/Shanthi.

A Sage/Athma Jnani, free of worldly desires, who has realized his/her real/true nature to be that Brammam/Paramathma alone and permanently established in it is also unaffected by these two categories of forces and always absorbed in Peace/Shanthi, the true Happiness and also has transcended this dynamic painful-sufferings laden Universal Game once & for all. This is like Copra (Self-Realized being) totally detached from its Coconut Shell (Universal Game/Play).

Rest All are trapped in this Universal Game till that Great Self-realization dawns. Extreme/Nightmarish Pain & Suffering experiences that make one fed up with life are essential elements of this Divine Game necessary for awakening from this dream like Universal Game and for the dawn of that Great Realization of one's eternal Divine Identity (also known as Mukthi/Moksha) in this or in some future Birth.

Beautiful Shiva-Parvati seated in Kailasa flanked by  Karthikeya, Ganesh and Anjaneya

Dear Loving Mother Ganaambaa, Padmavathi, Saraswathi, ParaSakthi, You are infinitely Intelligent, infinitely Powerful, and infinitely Blissful Formless Being pure & innocent like a child full of infinite Love and also All alone, the sole existence, nothing or nobody else besides You. What will You do then? To see Your own magnificence/greatness through an enjoyable magical game/play/movie, You have brought out this magical Universe with infinite varieties of infinite living and non-living things within Yourself itself as in a Dream. You derive immense Joy from this movie/game/play just like a programmer deriving great happiness seeing his Computer Game running wonderfully.

By Your Supreme Divine Grace, a dharmic/righteous self-reforming/self-purifying selfless living being unconditionally surrendered to You with Love comes to understand this Grand Truth and realizes its Oneness/Identity with Thee and gets freed from this magical game/play of Yours, with infinite deluding and transient pleasurable attractions laden with pain & sufferings, once and for all; while all the rest due to selfish desires & hatreds and their consequent sinful actions and painful fruits are trapped and continue to take up new roles birth after birth along with their ignorance of this Grand Truth by firmly believing that this magical game/play/movie of Yours is absolutely real due to Your illusive Power cast on their minds. Divine Mother, generating utmost humility within the heart of Your surrendered children, What a mind boggling, breath-taking, infinitely massive and complex Game You are playing hiding Yourself; the real Enjoyer through All the infinite diverse Forms in this Universe from massive Galaxies down to sub-atomic particles !!!


Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, the entire Universal creation is dancing to Your tunes/music, right from sub-atomic particles to galaxies including living beings. In fact, the truth is, not only the hidden Player of tunes/music is You, all the dancing things in this Universe to Your tunes/music is also You only. Everything is You alone in this Universal creation of Yours, nothing or nobody else. Every single thing is happening according to Your infallible Supreme Divine Will only in this Universal Divine drama/play/movie of Yours. Individual free will is just an illusion to make Your dream like Divine drama/play/movie realistic and interesting with the actors forgetful of their Real Divine Nature, that is, You itself.

Good is You, Bad is You, Beauty is You, Ugly is You, Sweet is You, Bitter is You, Saint is You, Sinner is You, Criminal is You, Police is You, Divine Form is You, Demon/Devil is You, Pain is You, Pleasure is You, Life is You, Death is You, Living thing is You, Non-living thing is You, Past-Present-Future is You, Space is You etc., All is You only, hence, what/whom to blame or hate or get jealous of or deceive or covet or harm/injure or fear or worry about etc. Firm conviction, faith and realization of this Grand Truth alone brings Real permanent Peace, Joy to the mind devoid of all selfishness and also attain/realize inseparable, eternal Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self. No more desires/transient pleasures driven pain & sufferings laden births and deaths for such a person as the Grand Truth behind Your Universal Divine drama/play/movie is known and realized by the showering of Your Supreme Divine Grace, Mother ParaSakthi.

The purpose of life and the purpose of following all kinds of self-reforming/self-purifying good/dharmic/righteous actions and spiritual/religious practices that wanes selfish worldly attachments/desires/hatreds and waxes Divine Love/attachment is to attain this Supreme End only, nothing else.


Beautiful Mother Kanchi Kamakshi

Mentally throwing aside the illusory, primal ignorant attachments of "I am this finite body and mind, I am the owner of these, I am the doer of these" (the Ego/Individuality) that create pride or worries or fears about favourable or unfavorable outcomes, Just Do Your Dharmic/Righteous life duties/actions (worldly and spiritualthat reforms and roots out selfishness sincerely, coolly (like Lord Krishna), peacefully, lovingly, and truthfully as an offering for Your Universal Mother SivaSakthi, who alone decides the outcomes for anything as She alone is the Source, Owner, and the real Doer responsible for everything in this Universe and beyond.

Do what is Possible to one's Maximum ability as a carefree, unconditionally surrendered, loving and willingly serving instrument of Universal Mother, doing Her bidding like a peaceful, happy, innocent kid putting a letter inside a post box just as told by its Mother without any thought of past or future or fear or worry or anything else. That's the way to root out the evil Ego. Selfishness, comprising selfish desires and hatreds, springs from the Ego; both these are responsible for destroying the Peace within and without and causing pain & sufferings to others/innocents reaping sinful fruits as well as preventing one to attain God Mother SivaSakthi.

Whether She gives pain or pleasure (pain is also for our welfare only, SivaSakthi alone knows what is best for Her children, nobody else -- to purify/reform us, to evolve us Spiritually with mental strength, to show us the right path, to manage and exhaust bad karmas etc), Love Mother SivaSakthi unconditionally for Love sake alone, for nothing else, as a surrendered eternal slave and Continuously reforming oneself to be worthy, pure, and innocent child of SivaSakthi, to be worthy of Her infinite & flooding Motherly Love.

Mother SivaSakthi will take care of all our needs/problems by doing the best for our welfare at the right time (including showering the highest grace of Bramma Jnana/Self-Realization/inseparable Oneness with Her) and protecting us from Her worldly creation of infinite deluding attractions and their hidden troubles/sufferings.

Do not fear, worry, have patience & tolerance, compassion, humility (the storehouse of all good qualities), act responsibly & calmly (not reacting irresponsibly due to terrible Demonic, Sufferings causing Ego of I & Mine) -- everything is Your Mother SivaSakthi's completely directed dream like Universal Divine drama/play/movie, every single moment at every single point. Hence, there is also no reason for any Selfishness (selfish desires and hatreds), manifesting as uncontrolled anger or greed or lust or pride or jealousy or any other bad thoughts & actions, as All Forms in this Universe is Mother SivaSakthi's Forms only, nothing or nobody else, Her Divine Magic as in dreams.

Mother SivaSakthi is actually the only eternal Existence-Consciousness-Power formless Reality in this Universe & beyond, nothing or nobody else. The One who is ever trustable/dependable, predictable (doing nothing but only Good to the Surrendered) without any disappointments. Don't get attached to this dream like transient Magic World and one's body, which just provide mentally restless/agitating impermanent evaporating pleasures, associated with endless lust and greed, leaving behind only pain & sufferings.

Through loving thoughts, always Attach/Hold onto only the MAGICIAN, the Universal Mother SIVASAKTHI -- EVER JOYFUL, PEACEFUL, and REAL-ETERNAL TRUTH of infinite & flooding PURE LOVE -- residing within oneself itself as one's own Athma/Self, the Pure Consciousness-Being, Universal & beyond the finite, illusory, and troublesome Individuality/Ego of I & Mine, the source of selfishness that causes all problems of living beings in this creation.


Konerirajapuram Nataraja Sivakamasundari

¤  Nothing is brought with oneself on Birth.

¤  Nothing will be taken with oneself on Death; Everything is left here alone, even a tiny hair on one's body.

¤  Hence, there is nothing at all worth to be worried about in this absolutely Transient Objective World of temporary pleasures laden with unavoidable pain; nothing worth to be taken seriously at all; other than a wise mind -- tired and fed up with meaningless vain pursuit of actions after endless transient pleasures -- steadily holding onto Unchanging Peace/God/Athma/Self, one's True State of Eternal Pure Existence-Consciousness-Bliss (SatChitAnanda Brammam). The sole meaning/purpose of one's life.

¤  The Truth is -- "Sarvam SivaSakthi (Everything is only SivaSakthi), Sarvam Kartha SivaSakthi (Everything is done only by SivaSakthi), Na Aham Na Mama (No I & Mine deluding ignorance of Selfish Ego), Ayam Athma SivaSakthi (I am also SivaSakthi)". 

¤  Hence, for a wise one (without any troublesome thoughts of individual doership and ownership) where there is reason for any fear, worries, jealousy, hatred, attachments, pride etc., when What eternally Exists is One Intelligent Truth Alone, and All is the Play of That One Truth Alone, with the dream like Universal movie of Forms and Names and their actions are Its well directed Magical show (in the waking as well as dream states). 

¤  Nothing is Gained or Lost in reality, no change at all. No Change at all to the Movie Screen (Truth, sole Reality), other than just supporting a temporary light & shadow show on it (the transient world of objects).

¤  Here, Favourable, Unfavourable Happenings -- All DIVINE WILL Alone for DIVINE Drama. Individuals and their Free Will are an illusion in this Divine Magical Play. Hence, there is absolutely no reason for one's mind to become restless and lose control trying to seek something desired, clouding/forgetting one's real state of Eternal Peaceful Existence, which is God/Athma/Self itself.

¤  A wise man (Jnani) is totally unruffled, always at Peace within Himself, internally Cool, Happy, with total Contentment, and Fearless in doing just duties (e.g. like Lord Krishna, King Janaka, Sri Ramana Maharshi, Swami Vivekananda etc), full of Universal Love, Compassion and neither depressed nor elated by happenings in this Universal Play, doesn't take it seriously at all (like an unaffected, silent Ocean receiving all kinds of pure and impure water from all the rivers); for Him through His realized experience it is just a Magical DIVINE Drama of One Eternal Reality, One Supreme Intelligent-Power, the Sole Eternal Pure Existence-Consciousness of Infinite Love and Bliss without beginning or end.

¤  The highest Bakthi is the Intense/Deep Love of God involving Total self-Surrender with pure mind (that is, devoid of selfish egoistic I & Mine thoughts in the mind), which can sacrifice/renounce anything and everything of one's possessions for the sake of God including one's body and precious life (How great Soldiers are! sacrificing their very life for the MotherLand. No material wealth can compensate for that sacrifice).

¤  The highest Bakthi attained through self-purification/self-reformation and Divine Grace is nothing but Self-Realization/Brahma Jnana of one's own Eternal Divine Nature of Pure Existence-Consciousness-Blissful Being.

¤  The highest Bakthi is gradually brought about by steadfast association of Mind, Senses and Actions with Pure, Spiritual People (such as Sages/Brahma Jnanis and Saints) and Objects/Actions (such as moderately eating Divine consecrated Satvik Vegetarian Food/Prasad - very important, performing Righteous/Dharmic duties, reading Scriptures such as Puranas & Upanishads, going to Temples, worshipping/meditating on Personal Deity/God, Divine Forms, chanting Divine Names/Mantras, absorbing Teachings & Life stories of Saints/Sages/Jnanis etc).

Nayanmar Saiva Saints (e.g. Kannappa), Vishnu Baktha Prahalada etc., are examples for the highest Bhakti.


Madurai Meenakshi

MOTHER MEENAKSHI --- Without any Without any Expectations/Attachments/Aversions/Hatreds of any kind in life, do your just righteous duties for the sake of ME alone with ENORMOUS PATIENCE, LOVE for ME and sole TRUST IN ME & MY YOGAKSHEMA Grace to attain Peace of Mind and to Overcome Tough times/situations. If you don't hold onto ME unconditionally, you will be trapped by worldly attachments/attractions/aversions/hatreds with its terrible pain & sufferings. Be like Tukaram, a great example and householder devotee of Lord Vittala of Pandharpur. Holding onto ME, be like worry-free (of past/future), happy young innocent children who love and trust their Parents cent percent unconditionally.


MOTHER RUKMINI RADHA PADMAVATHI --- Regarding Thoughts (of Mind), Speech/Eating/Drinking (of Mouth), Movements/Worldly Actions (of Body) - Align these, Live and do duties/actions for just needs (righteously/truthfully/based on Dharma/centered on God-Jnana Guru/pleasing God-Jnana Guru only) and not for desires/pleasures to avoid unnecessary sufferings/problems. Because of endless sufferings in this Universe, a spiritually matured soul will Steadfastly strive to seek/attain/realize the Eternally Peaceful Blissful Truth/Athma/God/Self/Pure Consciousness-Being/one's Core-Center, the sole Source, Container and Controller of this Universe, manifesting as all diverse forms & names in this Universe from subatomic particles to Galaxies including all matter, energies, forces, and living things/beings. If one unconditionally accepts every single happening/event in one's life, in this Universe (whether favorable or unfavorable) as Divine Will/Play alone, for some unknown or greater good, without any resistance one attains Peace/Shanthi of Athma.


MOTHER KALIKAMBAL -- The Nature of Objects in this World/Universe is such that what gives pleasure at one time will surely/infallibly give pain/sufferings at some other time (including one's body, family, wealth, relations, places, other possessions etc) due to one's Mind Attachment to these transient/dynamic natured Objects. Only Detached Life centered in God/Self/Athma/Jnana Guru/Satsang and seeing everything as God's Manifestations and God's Actions Alone (good or bad, favorable or unfavorable) confers/gives Peace/Shanthi, Happiness, and Contentment with immunity to Worries, Fear, Pain/Sufferings.

My Creative, Illusionary and Delusionary Power that traps living beings in this Painful Karmic Universal Creation is applicable to all creatures/species (even Divine Species like Devas) without any exception. But through the power of My Divine Grace, I save and free My Surrendered children from this trapping, painful, illusionary, delusionary, transitory, karmic cyclic birth-death worldly existence and Unite them with Me Permanently, just like a person is saved from a great turbulent Sea (transitory, painful karmic Worldly Existence) and taken to the Safety of the Shore (Permanent Union with the Divine) by means of a sturdy raft (Divine Grace Power).

Ultimately, the entire Universal Creation and all happenings here is just MY sport/game/play/drama/movie/magic show as in a Dream, hence, don't worry about problems, you cannot avoid them, they come unexpectedly just like favorable happenings; Bear them Patiently, Hold onto ME, nothing to fear, be at Peace. Even Saints, Sages, and Jnanis like Sri Purandaradasar, Sri Thiagarajar, Sri Kabirdas, and Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi have done the same. Even Divine Avatars like Sita, Rama, Rukmini, Krishna, Draupadi, Pandavas and Others had to face extreme problems/sufferings; and human beings can draw Peace and Strength from their lives based on Patience and Righteousness/truth/dharma.

Come What may in the Worldly Life, diseases, sufferings, loses, unjust criticisms, abuses, betrayals, cheating etc., (even by close ones), Don't lose control of yourself, Don't ever give up your association/tight embrace of the Eternal Divine, the Source of Eternal Peace/Shanthi, for the sake of transient, insignificant worldly things/happenings concerning one's body, family, wealth, relations, other possessions etc. Yesteryear leading South Indian actress Kanchana is a recent example of this quality; despite her many sufferings, like the ones stated earlier, she donated a very highly valuable piece of land worth millions to the construction of Beautiful Goddess Padmavathi Temple in Chennai.

You can renounce/sacrifice anything/any possessions for the sake of God/Jnana Guru/Athma; But Not God/Jnana Guru/Athma for anything else. That is Love, deep attachment from living beings without any tinge of selfishness/expectations. Saints Sri Purandaradasar, Sri Thiagarajar sacrificed/renounced Great Wealth, Saint Sri Kabirdas sacrificed dear son's Life & Wife, and Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi renounced his entire family in young age for God's Sake. Due to their Love, total surrender to the Divine, dropping the troublesome I & Mine, I am the Doer Ego for the Truth that All is God, All is God's and God's Will alone, they were completely taken care of by the Divine Grace (Yogakshema) despite the extreme difficulties they faced.

Don't look at the life of people above you and worry about not having this or that, there is no end to that, but look at the life of Saints or at the life of people below you who live a contented, happy life despite their sufferings. Their Yogakshema is taken care of by the Divine. More the Possessions of any kind (e.g. even consuming food without limit), More the troubles/problems/sufferings from them. Moderation/Balance is essential in anything. Greedy Ignorants don't understand/learn this truth. Learn to sacrifice/Give away Possessions for good/noble/divine causes to purify the mind of its selfishness and secure Divine Grace. See the great lives of 63 Nayanmar Saints to derive inspiration. Am I not your Eternal Mother always with you, within you! Will I not take care of you! Why worry about this and that. Be at Peace.

The Spiritual Path is like a Razor's Edge, till Perfection in God/Self/Athmic Realization is attained, there will be falls now and then (such as wrong extreme expression of anger, abuses paining others) due to Egoistic impurities and past Bad Karmic effects. Because of this, Don't get disheartened and give up the Spiritual Path, that's the worst thing to do as it will throw you further down. Hence, despite falls, continue with the Spiritual Practices that purifies your Mind of its Egoistic impurities till Spiritual Perfection of Eternal Peace/Shanthi within oneself is attained by Divine Grace.

Do the japa/chanting of God's Name always, particularly important during painful/stressful situations, which will confer Peace/Shanthi to the agitated/restless Mind and prevents from getting into unnecessary problems. God and God's Name are identical. In this world, you cannot correct/reform others by giving advice or by other forceful means, but you can only correct/self-reform/purify yourself which by itself will have a purifying effect on others. Also, One can never please ordinary people always because of their dynamic mind of changing selfish expectations, sometimes they may praise you other times they may insult/curse you. Hence, ignoring these, One who is on a Spiritual Path must only focus his/her effort on pleasing God/Jnana Guru always by leading a Humble and Truthful/righteous/dharmic life. To be Truthful involves Simple living and Straightforwardness, but to be Untruthful requires a lot of stressful effort & bad actions in Thoughts, Speech, and Body.

Through Satsang (good/satvik company, good/satvik association), Spiritual Practices and Karmic Experiences by Divine Grace, When the mind becomes free of Egoistic selfish desires/hatreds/attachments/expectations/raga/dvesha like a dried coconut kernel (free from Rajas & Tamas) it is PURE (Shuddha Satva) and instantly realizes its True/Real nature as God/Self/Athma/Para Brahmam/Pure Consciousness-Being and is full of Universal Love and Peace/Shanthi.


MOTHER SHARADA SARASWATI -- Always follow a SLOW and STEADY approach (e.g. as done by noble Savitri to rescue her husband Satyavan from God of Death, Lord Yama) in doing Well one's righteous worldly duties and Spiritual practices. SLOW indicates Mind without restlessness/agitation, with calmness obtained by the firm conviction of the Truth that a Supreme Infinite Intelligence Power solely creates and runs this transient/dynamic Universal magic show within/inside and without/outside and all its Will alone. Hence, nothing here in this Universe is worth worrying about. With such knowledge, STEADY indicates steadfast effort and enormous patience in doing Well one's righteous worldly duties and Spiritual practices.

One's Real/Eternal Nature is Non-dual Supreme Blissful/Peaceful Pure Truth -- Siva-SivaSakthi/Athma-AthmaSakthi/Chit-ChitSakthi/Brammam-BrammaSakthi (Real I/Universal I), which is before the emergence of illusory I-Thought (individuality/individual Ego present for both individual Jiva as well as Ishwara, the creator of this Universe). When the I-Thought emerges, ChitSakthi/BrammaSakthi branches/manifests as Mind (Creative Power/Energy through Thoughts) and Prana (Fundamental Animating Force). Thereafter, Universal Creation emerges through Thoughts including Dream World and Waking World. In Deep Sleep and Samadhi states when there are no Thoughts, no Creation exists only the Eternal Real I/Universal I is present.

As per Divine Plan, in this Universe, every single action/karma - good or bad - how insignificant they may be will surely yield their respective fruits - good or bad - and which has to be definitely experienced in current or in a future birth without fail. Also, karmic fruit of any good action will also be tainted with some bad because 100% good action is not possible. For example, building a water tank for public good involves killing of plants and other life forms in a land. Hence, actions and their fruits - good or bad - create future births involving both pleasure & pain. Hence, to escape out of this repeated painful births and deaths life cycle and attain God/Athma/Brammam/Self/Moksha - Our Birthless-Deathless Eternally Blissful-Peaceful Source, one has to give up all kinds of selfish desires & associated actions and perform only righteous/truthful/dharmic actions/duties for just needs in life as offerings to God/Jnana Guru with Surrendered attitude which will not only burn up one's karmic fruits of actions coupled with Divine Grace ordained Karmic Experiences but will also purify one's mind free of selfishness (I & Mine attachments), which is essential to realize God/Athma/Brammam/Self/Moksha.


JagatGuru Sri Adi Shankaracharya's Great Work on leading a Spiritual Life -- BhajaGovindam


Great Jnana Guru Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi of Arunachala of modern times

According to Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, "the increasing degree of freedom from unwanted thoughts (as selfish desires/hatreds/attachments – primarily kama (lust/desire), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), moha (attachment), mada (pride) and matsarya (jealousy) – and also fears, anxieties and worries that make mind restless without Peace/Atma Shanti) and the increasing degree of concentration on the single thought of God/Self/Atma/Jnana Guru are the measures for one's Spiritual progress". The First Aspect is due to the result of Vairagya or Detachment from worldly objects and the Second Aspect is due to the result of steadfast and growing bhakthi, spiritual practices or abhyasa. Each cyclically supporting the other's development. Refer Bhagavad Gita Sloka 6.35 (

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi is considered by many as an incarnation of Lord Skanda/Muruga, a Great Hindu God for Jnana Marga, Second Son of Supreme Lord Shiva, who incarnated to rejuvenate the path of Jnana in a simple and direct way for the modern, rational, science dominating world of ours.


Six Qualities of Saranagati based on Ramayana's Vibhishana Saranagati to attain God/Self-Realization/Peace of Mind/Atma Shanthi/Moksha 

(1) Surrendering to the Right Person (Sat Guru/God)

(2) Avoiding actions not liked by Sat Guru/God (Despite close contact and seeing Lord Krishna's Cosmic Form, Without Bakthi, Duryodhana always adhered to Adharma/Unrighteousness/Untruthfulness, Selfishness and Arrogance and finally his entire clan perished miserably)

(3) Doing only actions liked by Sat Guru/God (Lord Krishna always helping/protecting Pandavas, from Sufferings caused by Duryodhana clan, because of their steadfast adherence to Dharma/Righteousness/Truthfulness along with Humility and Surrender to the Divine)

(4) No I & Mine attachments, Only Sat Guru/God (Submitting oneself to Sat Guru/God)

(5) Totally Trusting that Sat Guru/God will save one from Samsara and other problems

(6) Always thinking about Sat Guru/God's Love/Compassion.


ராமாயணத்தின் விபீஷண சரணாகதியின் அடிப்படையில் சரணாகதியின் ஆறு குணங்கள் --- கடவுள்/தன்னை உணர்தல்/மன அமைதி/ஆத்ம சாந்தி/மோட்சம் அடைவதற்கு

(1) சரியான நபரிடம் சரணடைதல் (சத் குரு/கடவுள்)

(2) சத் குரு/கடவுள் விரும்பாத செயல்களைத் தவிர்த்தல் (நெருங்கிய தொடர்பு இருந்தும், பகவான் கிருஷ்ணரின் பிரபஞ்ச வடிவத்தைப் பார்த்தாலும், 
பக்தி இல்லாதலால், துரியோதனன் எப்போதும் அதர்மம்/அநீதி/அசத்தியம், சுயநலம் மற்றும் ஆணவத்தை கடைபிடித்து கடைசியில் அவனது குலமே பரிதாபமாக அழிந்தது)

(3) சத் குரு/கடவுள் விரும்பும்  செயல்களை மட்டுமே செய்தல் (பகவான் கிருஷ்ணர் எப்பொழுதும் துரியோதனன் குலத்தால் ஏற்படும் துன்பங்களில் இருந்து பாண்டவர்களை காப்பாற்றுகிறார், ஏனெனில் அவர்கள் தர்மம்/நீதி/சத்தியம், பணிவு, மற்றும் தெய்வ சரணாகதி ஆகியவற்றை உறுதியாக கடைபிடித்ததால்)

(4) நான், எனது பற்றுகள் என்பது இல்லை, சத் குரு/கடவுள் மட்டுமே (சத் குரு/கடவுளிடம் தன்னை சமர்பித்தல்)

(5) சத் குரு/கடவுள் நம்மை சம்சாரம் மற்றும் பிற பிரச்சனைகளில் இருந்து காப்பாற்றுவார் என்று முழுமையாக நம்புதல்

(6) எப்பொழுதும் சத் குரு/கடவுளின் அன்பு/கருணை பற்றியே சிந்திப்பது/நினைப்பது.


Ashtavakra Gita - Five Qualities essential for Self-Realization/Athma Shanthi

(1) Fortitude/Endurance -- strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage -- without lamenting, without troubling others and accepting with a humble attitude that whatever happens, happens for good alone by Divine Will.

(2) Love/Compassion towards others.

(3) Other than Yourself, Don't put your mind on unnecessary worldly things/happenings that agitate your mind/make your mind restless losing Peace/Shanthi.

(4) Contentment.

(5) Truthfulness.


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[#] My Personal Blog with information on Indian Spiritual Wisdom.

[#] Whatever writings found in this blog is solely based on the teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Kanchi Maha Periyavar, Arut Prakasa Ramalinga Vallalar and many great ones of Spiritually charged India from time immemorial. Nothing is mine or original.


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