Great Mother ParaSakthi, let whatever happen let it happen, let whatever not happen let it not happen, One must - Just be - within. Attachments to events and objects around one including the body alone creates worries & fears. Mother SivaSakthi, so internally one must - Just be - peacefully without getting attached and being just a witness to Your non-stop Universal play of actions (favourable or unfavorable/good or bad) completely Willed & Directed by You SivaSakthi, every single event (sub-atomic to galactic level). Such surrendered detachment alone is the way to Blissful God/Self-Realization/inseparable Oneness with Thee Mother ParaSakthi within us, the thoughts-free still mind/pure mind (like a vast peaceful ocean without any waves -- of worldly worries & fears).
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, In whatever place, and In whatever life situation or position (favourable or unfavorable/pleasant or painful) You keep Your child that is the best for it decided/ordained/planned/willed by You, the Supreme Universal Intelligence for its good and spiritual development involving self-reformation/self-purification. Happily accepting that with surrendered attitude towards You that child just has to do its life duties in righteous/dharmic way sincerely without hankering after anything (even if it is heaven like place or life). Hankering only destroys peace of mind and any forceful selfish actions against Divine Ordinance will only create unexpected terrible problems/sufferings and unwanted activities destroying the peace of mind with fears/worries/frustrations.
Loving Mother Sarvamangala, ParaSakthi, unrestrained (without self-control) indulgence in any worldly pleasure will only make one slave to it with the mind and the intellect becoming dull and losing their brightness to pursue higher worthwhile aims in this precious life, wasting it. Such unrestrained pleasure indulgence greatly harms the body as well. Something terrible, painful will happen by Your Supreme Divine Will Mother SivaSakthi for a pleasure addiction to end. No single pleasure in this Universe is capable of purifying and bringing peace to the mind of a person. They will only make the mind & the body restless/agitated and give pain & sufferings sooner or later. If pleasures can give Peace, then the whole World must be in Peace. Why so many endless terrible conflicts everywhere? Only Detached, dharmic/righteous God centered/surrendered life alone purifies and brings immense Peace, Happiness and Fearlessness to the mind and eventually by Your Supreme Divine Grace Mother ParaSakthi resulting in God-Realization/inseparable Oneness with Thee for an eternal joyful life as one's own Athma/Self.
Sweet Mother Narayani, SivaSakthi, ParaSakthi, Universal Pure Consciousness-Being Power, Form of Love, Love itself, Your Brother Lord Krishna after revealing His Cosmic Form proclaiming the Truth - "All is SivaSakthi, All is Done by SivaSakthi, No illusory individual I & Mine/Free Will, Every Atma is SivaSakthi alone", gives out the following powerful words of Truth to Arjuna (Bhagavad Gita Sloka 55 of Chapter XI):
Matkarmakrinmatparamo madbhaktah sangavarjitah;
Nirvairah sarvabhooteshu yah sa maameti paandava.
He who does all actions for Me, who looks upon Me as the Supreme, who is devoted to Me (My Baktha), who is free from attachment, who bears enmity towards no creature, he comes to Me, O Arjuna!
This is the essence of the whole teaching of the Gita. He who practises this teaching attains supreme bliss and immortality. Such a one realises Him and enters into His Being, becoming completely one with Him. This verse contains the summary of the entire Gita philosophy.
(Source: BHAGAVAD GITA By Sri Swami Sivananda, Founder of The Divine Life Society)
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, ParaSakthi, Universal Pure Consciousness-Being Power, Form of Love, Love itself, Your Brother Lord Krishna gives out the following powerful words of Truth and Assurance to Arjuna (Bhagavad Gita Sloka 22 of Chapter IX):
Ananyaashchintayanto maam ye janaah paryupaasate;
Teshaam nityaabhiyuktaanaam yogakshemam vahaamyaham.
To those men who worship Me alone, thinking of no other, of those ever united, I secure what is not already possessed and preserve what they already possess.
(Source: BHAGAVAD GITA By Sri Swami Sivananda, Founder of The Divine Life Society)
Sweet Mother Vaishnavi, Vishnuroopini, SivaSakthi, ParaSakthi, Universal Pure Consciousness-Being Power, Form of Love, Love itself, only with more and more melting Love/Bakthi for You/God/Divine with surrendered attitude, more and more the mind is freed/cleaned from the impurities of selfishness/desires and their consequent tendency to tread adharma/unrighteousness. This alone is the way to real and permanent transformation of mind towards Pure Mind Sattvic in Nature, revealing the Divine/God as one's own Athma/Self/Pure Consciousness-Being, full of divine qualities such as absolute contentment, detachment, compassion, fearlessness, peace, forgiveness etc. Bhagavata Purana from Veda Vysa Bhagavan is aimed at attaining this Purity of Mind only, with one's life centered on melting Divine Love/Bakthi with surrendered attitude.
Loving Mother Parvati, Ganga, Padmavathi, Saraswathi, ParaSakthi, let Your unconditionally, lovingly surrendered child be pure, innocent and worthy child of Thee, worthy of Thy infinite & flooding Motherly Love. Whatever You may do to me, may not do to me, favorable or unfavorable, should always Love Thee for Love sake alone, nothing else. Should fear nothing, Should be eternal slave to Thee alone. Protect me from all troubles in Your magic/maya worldly creation. Let me not get trapped by Your non-satiating, infinite varieties of deluding worldly maya/magic creations laden with pain & sufferings, corrupting the mind and robbing of its Peace. Great Mother ParaSakthi, let me be ever Your Loving, Simplest, Pure, Innocent and Peaceful child in mind and living, attaining inseparable Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self for an eternal joyful life.
Great Loving Mother Ganga, SivaSakthi, through Your form as Supreme perennial river of India flowing across the breadth of the country, You physically shower infinite & flooding Motherly Love of Yours, creating, sustaining and purifying countless lives over countless centuries. Only we are not properly taking care of You by ungratefully polluting You with terrible pollutants in this modern age. Countless Great Kingdoms had risen and flourished along Your Banks. Countless sages, saints and jnanis have lived and continue to live along Your banks. Countless great temples exist along Your banks. Countless Scriptures of knowledge, culture and tradition were produced along Your banks. All revealing the richness of life supported by You. Divine Mother Ganga, Your infinite Love and Greatness are beyound any description.
Divine Mother Saraswathi, Sharadha, Vaani, ParaSakthi, attachment must be to You alone, nothing or nobody else, to finish this dream like magic game once and for all by realizing one's Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self for an eternal joyful life. Attachments to Your dream like transient worldly creations is alone responsible for six deadly selfish passions (desires, anger, greed, delusion, pride & jealousy/envy) driving adharmic/unrighteous actions creating bad karmas for pain & sufferings birth after birth without end. One's Life duties must be carried out without attachments so that one does not get trapped by the six terrible passions that create selfish mental impurities & sufferings producing actions, worries, fears as well as destroying the peace of mind itself. One should attach to You alone Mother SivaSakthi by always holding onto You through loving unconditional surrender driven spiritual practices including chanting Your Divine name, mantra, stotras, Self-Enquiry, discrimination (viveka), submitting every single activity to You before starting etc. Greater the (vairagya) dispassion/detachment to transient worldly things/objects, Greater is the attachment to You with Greater Peace of Mind with decreasing number of thoughts. Absolute Peace without any trace of thoughts (Stillness of Mind) is You alone Mother SivaSakthi. That is also Athma/Self/Oneness with Thee SivaSakthi, the Goal of one's Life itself. One should always remind oneself with the word "don't get attached", when worldly things try to pull oneself towards them for troubles.
Dear Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, a spiritual aspirant/seeker after God/Self-Realization/Mukthi/Liberation/Enlightenment must have one important fundamental quality in order to spiritually evolve/mature and successfully attain the Final Goal irrespective of whether one follows karma or bakthi or Jnana yoga or any other spiritual path. The aspirant/seeker must have strong motive/impulse/drive to continuously self-reform/self-purify oneself to lead a dharmic/righteous life, getting rid of I & Mine egoistic/selfish desires/attachments/hatreds in mind that leads one to cause pain & sufferings to others/innocent living beings. All living beings commit some kind of unrighteous/wrong acts from very least to more daily other than totally I & Mine Selfish/Ego-free Self-Realized beings/Jnanis/Sages, hence, it is important to cultivate this great quality to become a good human being progressing towards God/Self-Realization. Saint Ramalinga Vallalar says that selfless compassion towards all living beings in one's heart alone is the key to open the door to Mukthi/Moksha/Enlightenment/God/Self-Realization.
Dear Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, a close devotee of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi T.K.Sundaresa Iyer recalls, "One day I wondered why I was visiting him at all. What was the use? Going up the hill was a meaningless toil. I decided to end my visits. After three months when I could suffer no longer, I ran up the hill. When I fell at his feet, I could not restrain myself and burst out in tears. Bhagavan pulled me up and asked, “It is over three months since I saw you. Where were you?” I told him how I thought that seeing him was of no use. “All right,” he said, “may be it is of no use, so what? You felt the loss, did you not?” Then I understood that I did not go to him for profit, but because away from him there was no life for me". Mother SivaSakthi, the same is true for Your surrendered child as well.
Loving Mother Padmavathi, Krishnamma, Parvathiamma, ParaSakthi, for Your surrendered child You are its world, its life, its Heaven. You are Supreme Love, Ananda/Bliss, Peace, and Freedom from fear. You are everything for it. You are the meaning of its very existence itself. Your presence, tight embrace, hug gives Supreme Ananda/Bliss, Paramaananda to Your surrendered child. It wants to get dissolved in You itself, the infinite Ocean of Love. It only wants to listen, think, and talk about You only. Listening to unavoidable selfish Worldly people's talks only gives pain and disturbs its mind. It wants its entire being soaked in You alone Loving Divine Mother. It wants inseparable existence with You, in You, One with You eternally.
Sweet Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, Your surrendered child loving You so deeply, so deeply - it is like tieing You with a rope of Love and You voluntarily coming under the control of Your surrendered child to do its bidding. For You, the infinite Universal Supreme Intelligence-Power, it is great joy to come down to the level of Your surrendered child and play with it, You lose nothing, there is only great joy. But Your surrendered child does not want to control the Divine Mother, it understands that the Supreme Mother knows what is exactly good for it (whether pleasant or unpleasant) and will take care of everything. The infinite & flooding Motherly Love that is flowing from You is the real eternal wealth/treasure for Your surrendered child, everything else is just transient maya/magic for it, created by You for Your Universal Divine drama/play.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, through Saatvic Bakthi, which is loving You unconditionally for Love sake alone not for any worldly gains, alone purifies the worshipper and ultimately enables that worshipper to attain inseparable Oneness with Thee for an ever joyful life by Your Supreme Divine Grace. Rajasic Bakthi is Selfish in nature in order to attain worldly gains without any concern for others' wellbeing. Tamasic Bakthi is also Selfish in nature in order to harm others/innocents even if it is at the cost of one's own destruction. The last two types of Bakthi don't purify the worshippers, Worshippers also show off their bakthi to others, and these selfish bakthis don't take them towards God/Self-Realization. One has to pass through numerous births before one matures to Saatvic Bakthi.
Divine Mother Durga, SivaSakthi, though Your surrendered child is highly dispassionate towards worldly attractions, it accepts the continuous stream of favourable and unfavorable worldly activities/experiences as Your infallible Supreme Divine Will with equanimity of mind. Your surrendered child executes even needed trivial tasks with great sincerity/devotion to just please You alone. In the case of Jnanis, Self-Realized ones, there will not be any trace of doership at all, their actions are actorless actions prompted directly by the Divine/You alone without any intervening Ego as in the case of ordinary ignorant human beings.
Loving Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, Your surrendered child attains Peace of Mind by understanding the Truth that Past, Present, and Future, all is Your infallible Supreme Divine Will and the dualities - Good, Bad, Beauty, Ugliness, Pain, Pleasure etc., are all ingredients for Your Universal Divine drama/play. Your surrendered child focuses on this moment only without worrying about what flood of activities/experiences will come in the future which will also get executed according to Your Supreme Divine Will. It also understands that no one can change no one, as everyone is controlled by You as puppets without their knowledge and You have given freedom only to reform/purify oneself only, which in itself will have a positive effect on one's environment. When one attains inseparable Oneness with Thee thru God/Self-Realization, that person will realize the Truth that individual free will is just an illusion and Everything in this Universe is happening solely according to Your infallible Supreme Divine Will in Your Universal Divine drama/play.
Dear Mother Krishnamma, SivaSakthi, Ego is nothing but selfishness itself (that is, endless selfish desires, expectations, aversions, attachments, including the primal attachment to one's body). Ego gives pain & sufferings to others/innocents who don't conform or opposing to its selfish desires. Greater the Ego means Greater the complexity and the strength of one's selfishness, with more restlessness of mind lacking Peace. Dear Mother ParaSakthi, Vast majority of people in this world, in Your creation are tormented by this Ego disease with knowing and understanding what it is that tormenting them, leading a restless, miserable life without mental Peace till their death; what a shameful, ignorant, wasteful existence. On the contrary, Absolute Selflessness is nothing but infinite God/Eternal Peace & Happiness/Pure Mind/Bramma Jnana/Absolute Compassion/Self/Athma/Sat-Chit-Ananda/Jnana Guru/Bramma Jnani/Jivan Muktha/Our Natural State/Real State/Sahaja Sthithi/You Mother ParaSakthi itself. By Your Supreme Divine Grace, wiping out the unnatural impure Ego dirt and realizing our Eternal joyful Selfless natural state of Oneness with Thee through self-reforming/self-purifying spiritual/religious practices alone is the real purpose of Human Birth, nothing else.
Sweet Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, vast majority of people in this world after getting married, driven by lust and greed, become even greatly selfish/self-centered with even stronger agitating cruel mental impurities (like jealousy, hatred, pride, miserliness etc) causing pain & sufferings to others/innocents with no thought of any remorse and self-reformation/self-purification - just leading an ignorant, shameful, wasting existence. Lust and Greed turn people into Savage Beasts. How many deadly crimes/sins have been committed due to lust and greed from time immemorial! Great Epics Mahabharata and Ramayana show their deadly nature and the destruction they cause. Total destroyer of Peace these deadly duo are. Human Ego (I & Mine selfishness) is primarily strengthened by these two; and undiminishing Ego is the one preventing humans from realizing their real nature, that is, God/You itself Mother SivaSakthi.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Your surrendered child's Love for You must be unconditional like Your unconditional Love for it (ignoring its disgusting mental impurities and actions). Your infinite unconditional Love alone reforms/purifies Your surrendered child absorbing its deadly, unrevealable mental impurities. Your surrendered child must Love You unconditionally even if Your Forms and actions superficially appear strange/adharmic/unrighteous including facing of painful/suffering times by Your child. A pure/innocent child unconditionally Loves its Mother deeply even if she is a Prostitute. Presence of unconditional Love alone transforms a person to a pure being. A Love is Love only if it is unconditional otherwise it is just an expectations driven selfish attachment, an impurity. Divine Mother SivaSakthi, Your surrendered child can never ever repay Your purifying, infinite unconditional Love for it, it just can only shed tears of Gratitude. Mother is Love, Love is Mother, no difference Mother ParaSakthi. Your surrendered child is a great fan of Yours as well, appreciating/praising with joy Your breath taking hidden gigantic play in this magic Universal creation of Yours.
Loving Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, a normal human being ignorantly considers him centered in the restless Mind and undergoes all kind of pleasure and suffering thoughts/experiences getting attached to the body and the world and also getting greatly sad over past happenings and also worrying & fearing about possible future happenings; all these troubles are due to mind centered attachments/desires/aversions. Where as a Sage/Jnani by Your Supreme Divine Grace through unconditional surrender to You Mother SivaSakthi realizes his real center as the immortal, eternal, Peaceful & Blissful Athma/Self/God/You and is totally detached from (unaffected/unruffled by) mind, body, and the world and the pleasure & suffering experiences they produce through mind. He sees everything only as You and Your Universal Divine drama/play, completely directed/controlled by You.
Great Mother Durga, SivaSakthi, Your surrendered child should not hate none of Your creation (living or non-living) as You had created them with Great Love. But if something gives troubles, without hating Your surrendered child can keep away from it or deal with it dharmically/righteously. Hating Your creation means Hating You itself as everything is Your Form only, Good or Bad, all exists for some purpose in Your Universal Divine play/drama.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, nothing escapes from sufferings in Your creation. Hence, trying to get permanent pleasure/happiness from the external world including the body is nothing but sheer ignorance like running after mirage in search of water. Even the places considered heaven on Earth cannot escape from sufferings (e.g Beautiful Cape Town city facing severe drought of suffering for years). The real and permanent happiness & peace is from You only Mother SivaSakthi as one's own eternal and immutable Athma/Self (absolute Pure Consciousness) irrespective of the dream/magic like transient external environment/body-world.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, SatChitAnanda Swaroopini, Good or Bad All Your Forms, All Your Will, You alone Exist, You alone my Athma/Self, my real nature.
Sweet Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, Attachments to objects in this unreal dream like magic Universal creation of Yours alone is the obstruction to Self-Realization/God-Realization/Athmic-Realization. When these attachments are given up Self/Athma/God/You, the ever present pure Consciousness-Being, one's real nature shines gloriously by itself just as the Sun shining gloriously when the covering clouds disperse. Divine Mother ParaSakthi, Attachments can be overcome only if one has firm faith in the knowledge that all forms in this Universal creation is nothing but Yours and whatever happenings/outcomes (favourable or unfavorable/good or bad) in this Universe is solely due to Your infallible Supreme Divine Will alone, nothing or nobody else and also realizing that Individuals' Free Will is just an illusion created for Your interesting Universal drama/play.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, You are the infinite source of Love (Anbu), Bliss (Aanandam), Peace (Amaithi), and Fearlessness (Abhayam) for Your surrendered child.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, it is totally/absolutely impossible to achieve anything in this Universe, worldly or spiritual - including the ultimate Self-Realization/Bramma Jnana, without Your Supreme Divine Grace. One's effort and necessary support is due to Your Grace, the end attainment is also due to Your Grace. The Egoistic Pride of "I am the Doer" will only bring Peace & Happiness destroying harm to a person. Favourable or Unfavorable/Good or Bad happenings/outcomes in Your Universal play/drama is all due to Your infallible Supreme Divine Will only Mother ParaSakthi, nothing or nobody else. Hence, one should never give room to sinful selfish/bad thoughts against another. Best is to be loving unconditionally surrendered dharmic/righteous instrument of Yours. That's the way to attain the immutable/absolute Peace of Self-Realization/God-Realization/Athmic-Realization.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, all Good/Dharmic/Righteous things in this world like education, science, music etc., must be channelized/employed as a means to attain/realize God/You, the Universal source and end of everything in this creation. You alone are the sole objective of taking up Good things in life, nothing else. For example, famous Carnatic music trinities used their extraordinary music talent to attain God/You. Saint Thiruvalluvar also expresses this Truth in the beginning chapter/adikaram itself of his Great work Thirukkural.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, whatever may be the path chosen to attain/realize You/God/Self/Athma, one should have that intensity of Love/Bakthi as expressed by Mother Andal of Srivilliputhur towards Lord Krishna/Vishnu as expressed by her saintly life as well as poems in her Great works of Thiruppavai and Nachiyar Thirumozhi.
Divine Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, one should not do anything bad to others, even in thoughts, which oneself does not want such things from others.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, ignorant, worldly minded people only consider good/happy events alone as Divine Grace/blessings; they don't consider at all pain & sufferings as Divine Grace/blessings, just dismiss them as fate. The truth is, that the entire Universal creation is You only, nothing or nobody else. Good and Bad, all Your play only. Only Your unconditionally surrendered child can understand that You keep great blessings/goodness even in pain & sufferings as well for the welfare of Your children.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, in Your Universal creation nothing goes continuously forever as everything has a beginning and an end. With regard to humans, if things go continuously as per their wish only their Egoistic Pride will get bloated immensely to cause sufferings to others forgetting humility and also the truth that nothing is permanent in this dream like magical creation except You the magician Divine Mother, the creator, attaining Thee alone is the real purpose of life and not getting trapped in in sufferings laden unsatiating, infinite worldly attachments/desires/pleasures.
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, in Your Universal creation, even good things (e.g healthy foods) when indulged beyond a limit creates negative consequences. But You/God alone confer the immortal state of Oneness with Thee when one completely, unconditionally surrenders the mind to You.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, if someone tastes success it is due to Your infallible Supreme Divine Will and if someone meets failure it is also due to Your Divine Will again. Hence, there is no place for jealousy or other bad thoughts against anyone. In this Universal creation, Everything is Your Forms, Everything is Your Will, and Everything is Your Universal drama/play.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, each happening/event (at individual or family or society or global or universal level) in a person's life affects that person in an unique way, positively or negatively, depending upon that person's mental makeup/maturity (weaker or stronger Ego) as well as past good or bad actions.
Divine Mother Sarada, Vani, ParaSakthi, as long as Ego (that is, I & Mine) exists, no person, however Great he or she may be in this world (e.g Ratan Tata) will not be permanently peaceful and happy without fears & worries. Only Sages/Jnanis have attained this State with their Ego destroyed by Your Divine Grace through Unconditional Surrender to You and Your infallible Supreme Divine Will.
Sweet Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, one may plan for many things to be done but whether they will happen or not depends on Your Supreme Plan for us Divine Mother. Hence, one should do one's dharmic/righteous life duties sincerely without any expectations for Your sake alone with surrendered attitude to attain Peace as Lord Krishna instructed Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita.
Great Universal Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, SatChitAnanda Swaroopini, realizing with firm conviction/faith Your extraordinary, mind-blowing Universal Divine drama/play/movie/game from sub-atomic to galactic level including living beings, I am extremely, supremely Happy and Proud that I am a loving child of Thee - the all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present creatrix of this Universe, my very own Loving Mother, my very Life/Self/Existence, infinitely Beautiful, and full of infinite & flooding pure Selfless Motherly Love and Grace.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, Your surrendered child wants to be worthy, pure, innocent child of Thee, worthy of Thy Love. Your surrendered child wants to be like Mother itself not with regard to Your Divine Powers but with regard to Your Supreme Divine Qualities like Humility, Purity, Peace, Compassion, Fearlessness etc., and even beyond them as Non-dual Pure Consciousness, Your real nature Mother SivaSakthi.
Great Mother Andal, ParaSakthi, every single thing/object created by You in this Universe in Your Divine drama/play (from sub-atomic to galactic level including living beings) is absolutely unique and the experiences You make each one to undergo is also absolutely unique with Good or Bad experiences earned from each one's Good or Bad actions. This is Your unsatiated, enjoying Universal game/drama going on without beginning and end, playing like a sweet little girl child with full of innocent love for its objects of play.
Divine Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, when one unconditionally surrenders to You, it means one has surrendered to the Universal Supreme Intelligence Power. Hence, it is absolutely silly/ignorance/not at all right to question You, the Supreme Higher Power for any negative/strange/unfavorable/bad happenings. You alone know everything for the welfare of Your children and the Universe as all is Your controlled/directed drama/play. A surrendered child's duty is only to unconditionally surrender to You, and not to question on this or that happenings in this world. Of course, one can request/pray to You for help (without specific expectations) for just pressing needs/problems.
Great Mother Durga, SivaSakthi, uncontrolled/unrestrained selfish forceful desire or forceful anger or hatred will make one to lose control of oneself to commit even deadly sins by causing terrible pain & sufferings to others/innocents and bringing destruction to oneself as well as wiping out Peace around. This is real Shameful living, requires steadfast self-reformation/self-purification to become a good human being.
Sweet Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, though You are Supreme infinite Intelligence-Power of Eternal Peace and Bliss You have innocent/pure child like playing nature, that's why You are playing this Universal game of creation. The highest Grace/Blessing that You confer upon Your unconditionally surrendered child is to make it realize its absolutely Blissful & Peaceful state of Oneness with Thee, with its separate illusory individuality disappearing like a salt doll trying to measure the depth of an ocean.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, Your surrendered child is extremely fed up with this magic worldly game/play created and run by You. There is nothing for it to achieve in this meaningless, endless magic play/game of Yours throughout the Universe. It is extremely desperate/restless to attain/realize Thee inseparably and finish this meaningless pain & sufferings laden life game of endless silly pleasures once and for all with no more rebirths.
Loving Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, a little child fully understands with faith that for it everything is its Mother only, hence it does not interfere in Mother's activities for it. It cries to Mother for relief, only if it experiences some unbearable pain. Hence, Mother SivaSakthi, just like the above pure/innocent child one should unconditionally surrender to You in great Love with absolute faith to realize Your infinite & flooding Motherly Love, Care, and Grace and eventually realize Thee as one's own Athma/Self for an inseparable, ever joyful immortal life in Thee.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, the picture of child Vinayakah with Divine Mothers - Ganga, Parvati/Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswathi in this blog points to the Truth that if one is pure/innocent in the heart like child Vinayakah one will surely receive the abundant Love and Grace of above Divine Mothers, who are Supreme Manifestations of one Mother ParaSakthi.
Divine Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, Your Universal creation is unbelievably Complex indicating Your Supreme Intelligence-Power of infinite scale which is totally beyond all understanding of Your created children of very tiny mind. Without Your Divine Grace, it is absolutely impossible for Your surrendered child/spiritual seeker to escape the extraordinary pull of tempting and deluding worldly attractions/pleasures as well as the deceptions of worldly minded people who look soft & gentle outside but whose hidden mind is greatly loaded with adharmic/unrighteous/selfish impurities.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, if an ordinary person (not a Sage/Jnani without Ego) has a supernatural power (e.g distant hearing), he will surely misuse it to create problems/sufferings for himself and others/innocents destroying the Peace around and accumulate bad karmas/sin for himself and for the people supporting him.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, real incomparable Heaven is realizing/attaining inseparable Oneness with Thee alone as one's own Athma/Self. It is the most Simplest, Real and Supremely Happiest & Peaceful State of existence with total detachment/immunity to pain & sufferings, with no fears and worries. In simple words, it is the state of absolute Oneness with God. Simple things, Simple living alone can give real happiness. Worldly minded people cannot grasp this as they are outward turned, seeking complex things/objects for happiness/pleasure resulting in unnecessary complex activities and pain & sufferings, losing peace of mind. One's own Athma/Self alone is the Simplest, Real thing/state/being/existence in this dream like magic Universe produced and run by You Mother ParaSakthi.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, the melting Love from Your unconditionally surrendered child for You is nothing but the reflection of Your infinite & flooding Motherly Love for Your surrendered child; just like the moon reflecting the infinite and gloriously shining light of the Sun.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, every single thing exists in this Universal creation (from sub-atomic level to galactic level including living beings) because You have created every single one of them wonderfully unique out of Your infinite Motherly creative Love for Your Divine drama/play like a devoted fine sculptor. Hence, Your surrendered child should never ever hate Your created entities whether they are good or bad, beautiful or ugly etc; but only see them lovingly as Your Forms/Manifestations. But at the same time You reward the created entities impartially with negative consequences if their actions are negative (and vice-versa).
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, if someone hates something in Your creation (e.g sound), You frustrate them by that very thing till they reform themselves, otherwise they only lose their Peace due to fears and worries.
Divine Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, people endlessly create a web or cocoon of problems due to selfishness/attachments around themselves and get trapped in it and lose peace due to fears & worries and continue to suffer by their refusal to realize their own errors/wrongs/selfish impurities and correcting them.
Great Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, anything attained (even a silly one) through selfishness by troubling others/innocents will not give the expected happiness/results; mostly pain & sufferings will be the prize.
Loving Mother Durga, SivaSakthi, the tales of destruction of terrible asuras/demons in Hindu Puranic scriptures by Your Powerful Divine manifestations showcases the Truth that Lust & Greed (Selfishness) are the root cause of one's pain & sufferings.
Great Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, whether others follow Dharma/Righteousness or not, each one should follow it without pointing fingers at adharmic/unrighteous people as an excuse to avoid following Dharma/Righteousness. If all give some excuses and don't follow Dharma/Righteousness (including law of the land), then the whole society or country will only be in a chaotic and corrupt state without any welfare and peace for the people to live in.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Your surrendered child is actually sitting comfortably in Your Divine Lap, the lap of Supreme Empress of this Universe who creates and runs this Universal drama/play with absolute perfection and also completely taking care of the surrendered child. What a Supreme Blessing of Grace and privilege for Your surrendered child! But instead of always melting in Love for You, it now & then begs You for solution to some worldly problem or the other due to its silly attachments, What a terrible shame! The surrendered child realizes this utter silliness on its part and begs You to destroy its non-sense Ego (illusory individuality) that is responsible for pestering You with this or that problem instead of wholeheartedly and unconditionally Loving You.
Supreme Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, if people's problems get solved automatically due to association with a saintly person (not a ego free Jnani/Sage yet), then that saintly person should not allow "I am the Doer" ("It was due to me") idea to creep in. That's the terrible Ego, the source of all human sufferings. Great Mother SivaSakthi, in this Universal creation All is done by You only, Everything is Your magical Forms and instruments, No individual doer in this Universe other than You. Everything is Your Universal drama/play.
Great Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, for Your unconditionally surrendered child You can change a hopelessly suffering situation to an unexpectedly wonderful joyful situation in a blink of an eye. Loving Mother ParaSakthi, unbelievably great are Your Powers and Control over this Universe created & run by Yourself.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, the worldly minded people, who are in vast majority are fans of some cine superstars. But for Your unconditionally surrendered children, who are very few in numbers, You are the one and only real Superstar of this Universe. Your True Greatness is only known to them, while the rest vast majority are ignorant of it, running only after transient worldly pleasures laden with hidden pain & sufferings.
Great Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, the pain & sufferings (with fears and worries) of worldly people are due to likes & dislikes attached to objects of the world including their own body. Thus, One who overcomes likes & dislikes by steadfastly attaching to You with Deep Love alone attains eternal, absolute Peace and Happiness of inseparable Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, at every single point in this Universal creation there is You only as inseparable, eternal SivaSakthi (Intelligence-Energy), nothing or nobody else. All that exists as so many forms in this Universe is You only (from subatomic to galactic level including living beings). Hence, what is there to hate or dislike? The entire Universe is Your magical creation for Your Divine drama/play.
Divine Mother Parvati, SatChitAnanda Swaroopini, the true source of all happiness/bliss experienced through variety of worldly objects of pleasure is nothing but one's own Athma/Self/Core of the nature of Pure Consciousness (SatChitAnanda), which is God/You itself. Actually, the happiness/bliss experienced through various worldly objects of pleasure is just like wavering & very limited light of Sun received through the leaves and branches of a Shady Tree. But if one wants uncontaminated, unchangeable, inexhaustible absolute happiness/bliss then one must turn one's mind inward away from sufferings laden transient worldly objects of pleasure and realize directly one's own Athma/Self/Core/God just like leaving a Tree and directly facing the gloriously shining Sun without any obstruction in the open.
Loving Mother ParaSakthi, You keep lot of unexpected twists and turns of events in life to test and reform Your children. For example, Scientist Sir Isaac Newton instead of getting angry over his dog for unknowingly causing an accident that burnt his precious scientific papers of many days of hard work, sat down and stroked the head of his dog Diamond with love and care without least anger forgiving it. But only Your surrendered child understands this and self-reforms/self-purifies to cultivate good/divine qualities of patience, tolerance, compassion, forgiveness, humility, fearlessness/fortitude etc. Your surrendered child also realizes that Your Divine Plan alone is really executed, individual Ego's plan is just an illusion.
Sweet Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, the entire human race is unbelievably tormented by desires and hatreds/aversions creating self inflicted sufferings of body and mind destroying Peace around. The one who holds on to You alone giving up these terrible duo knowing them to be dangerous enemies of Peace of Mind alone leads a purposeful life and eventually attains Thee as one's own Athma/Self freed from births & deaths in this mortal world once and for all.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, nothing worth worrying ever happens to one, Your great son Ramana Maharshi assures. For Your surrendered child You make suitable arrangements for its living at every stage without struggle. Hence, unnecessary worries and fears has to be eradicated while cultivating patience and tolerance.
Loving Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, till one's physical death variety of worldly activities and experiences are going to come continuously. But if one gets attached to them (including their outcomes along with selfish desires) instead of You alone, the controller/ordainer of everything, then there will be no Peace of Mind at all, only fears & worries filled restless mind.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, if powerful people torment the innocents, then You in turn will torment and punish those tormentors who ignorantly think that they are powerful and can do anything.
Divine Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, people who are in confused state of mind desperately looking for a solution and ignorant of the truths of their own religion get attracted to foreign religions. It is just the same as people running after worldly pleasures without realizing that the real peace and happiness is within themselves itself attained by attachments (desires & aversions) free mind.
Great Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, the truth is that individuals really derive their finite Intelligence and Power from You, the infinite Pure Intelligence and Power, the Source, Container, and Doer of Everything in this Universe.
Supreme Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, SatChitAnanda Swaroopini, in this Universal Movie You alone are playing, putting on the makeup of all the characters (all living beings & non-living things). Once a character's role is over You remove that particular make up (as death/destruction/dissolution); but You the real one, substratum, source of everything always remain (eternal), unchanging, and ageless and beyond the limits of space & time magic of Yours. Firm faith and understanding of this Truth frees Your surrendered child from painful attachments to worldly objects including one’s own body (no more fears & worries of any loss/suffering as All is You, Your make up, Your Will & actions only; then whom/what to hate or dislike or abuse or fear or worry about ! peace & happiness alone reigns), realizing You as one's own Athma/Self and getting freed from the continuous dream like magical life game of birth & death cycle by Your Supreme Divine Grace.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, one owns nothing before birth (including the body) and same holds after death as well. You alone are Eternal, Source and Possessor of everything. Everything is Your Form/Manifestation only. On the other hand, all the sufferings of humanity is due to its delusive ignorance of I & Mine attachments -- that is, I am the body, I am the doer, These are mine, All these due to me, I love/like these, I hate these etc., leading to endless selfish desires driven activities resulting in endless sufferings without Peace internally and externally.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, a Spiritual aspirant/seeker/sadhak making steadfast effort to realize You as one's own Athma/Self in order to finish this painful & boring life game of repeated births & deaths (caused by selfish desires) will have to face extreme tough situations/sufferings even without selfish desires & actions due to Your Supreme Divine Grace to quickly get rid of past bad karmas as well as the attachments to Worldly objects, the source of all human sufferings. Also, good happenings (favourable) and bad happenings (unfavorable) take place in one's life in a cycle (even in a single day) to keep the terrible Ego in control and implicitly teach us that God/You are the real Controller/Ordainer in Your Universal Divine drama/play, nothing or nobody else.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, Your unconditionally surrendered child is sitting in Your Divine Lap and watching the Universal drama/play of Yours. It need not get attached to good and bad things/objects in Your play/drama avoiding anger, hatred, selfish desires, jealousy, pride, greed, worries and fears. It just witnesses Your creation as an enjoyable drama/movie with complete detachment and with absolute joy and peace of Oneness with You Mother SivaSakthi.
Great Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, You are Infinite Pure Love itself; attaining inseparable Oneness with Thee Your surrendered child embraces Your entire Universal creation in Infinite Pure Love of Thee. What a Grand State That is, beyond thoughts and words to describe it.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, You terribly fry Your children with karmic sufferings like anything (actually to exhaust their bad karmas and reform/purify them) and alternatingly You also give unbelievably soothing Massage like anything (like fulfilling their desires, giving solutions to their problems, and ultimately enabling them to realize their ever joyful Oneness with Thee - Self-Realization, in order to finish this sufferings filled life game).
Sweet Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, according to Your dear son Bhagavan Ramana, whatever karma an individual's body is going to experience in this life is determined before its physical birth itself. You alone reward the fruits of past actions, known as karma to individual beings in Your creation appropriately for their Spiritual evolution. Some karmas are due to fruits of actions in this birth itself (e.g death sentence for a heinous crime, becoming rich due to hard work etc). Some karmas are partly experienced in this birth and remaining are experienced in future births (e.g being rich in this birth and also in the next birth due to good and selfless acts done in this birth). Some karmas are due to fruits of past birth actions (e.g disability, birth in a poor or rich family, striving & attaining God/Self-Realization).
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, whatever may be the field (e.g science, sports, politics, music, spiritual etc), if one strives steadfastly in that field to achieve something, You will surely, ultimately reward it for their devoted seeking, no doubt at all.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, through Scientist Stephen Hawking's life You are giving a message that even in an extremely tough life, one can still lead a purposeful life in Your creation without getting dejected and thinking about suicide which will only produce very terrible bad karma for suffering in the next birth. Nothing is lost, You always show a good way for the determined and striving person. Every single thing in Your Universal creation exists for a definite purpose, nothing is useless or for waste.
Look my Dear Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Scientists are always immensely wondering at the extreme complexity of this Universal creation right from sub-atomic level to galactic level including living beings, squeezing their brains/minds to unravel its secrets; But for You, the sole Universal Supreme Intelligence-Power, all Your creations are mere child's play for You, playing with everything like a sweet little Child, What can I say! Your surrendered child is just wonderstruck and really, supremely happy & proud that such a Great Universal Power, the only One, is its real Dear Mother. Please take care of me and protect me in Your illusory, delusive Universal drama/play full of sufferings laden transient pleasures and enable me to attain inseparable Oneness with Thee with no more births and deaths.
Sweet Mother SivaSakthi, if one fulfills selfish desires through the help of bad/adharmic/unrighteous people, one has to become slave to them like holding onto tail of a fierce tiger, difficult to escape from their grip/control (only by Divine Grace it is possible if one purifies/reforms oneself). Such bad people will create many wanted problems destroying peace of mind and might also force one to do many adharmic/unrighteous things for them. Good/dharmic/righteous people should hold only God/You Mother SivaSakthi for any just need and You will surely provide them with the best solution suitable for them.
Sweet Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, human body is full of filth, from head to foot it continuously generates filth from every pore. And the extremely filthiest region in the whole body is where organs of evacuation and generation are present. But still ignorant humans are greatly addicted to lowly carnal pleasure associated with the filthiest region of the body. At the same time, they also use the most filthiest bad words in the world associated with that region as well as carnal pleasure to abuse others. That's the low respect they actually give to carnal pleasure and the associated region. Terrible ignorance. Also, all the beauty in this creation is wiped out in the course of Time, nothing is permanent to give permanent happiness other than You eternal Mother ParaSakthi.
Loving Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, You are eternal, infinite, and absolute Peace itself. Your surrendered child alone really understands and realizes this Truth. In extreme suffering times, You alone can give Peace and strength to the restless weak mind tormented by fears & worries, not even single worldly pleasure of any kind can do that. One who steadfastly holds onto You alone attains inseparable Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self; the majority rest in this world only continue to run after pain & sufferings laden worldly objects of pleasures due to great ignorance.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, Selfishness is due to lust and greed. Without just need, to fulfill an unjust desire causing pain & sufferings to others/innocents is nothing but Selfishness. Selfish persons will have to face negative consequences/sufferings for their unjust actions. Only with the eradication of Selfishness can one realize/attain You as one's own Athma/Self, the source of eternal joy and peace. Human sufferings are all due to Selfishness.
Great Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, unless one convincingly understands and has strong faith in the Advaitic Truth that the entire Universe with its contents and actions are nothing but You (that is, Universe is You, living and non-living things are You, Past, Present, and Future is You, Good is You, Bad/Evil is also You, Beauty is You, Ugliness is also You, Creation is You, Destruction is also You, Thief is You, Police is You, Saint is You, Sinner is You, Happiness is You, Suffering is also You etc), one can never ever attain Peaceful, purified state of mind and living, ultimately resulting in Self/God/Athmic-Realization of inseparable Oneness with Thee by Your Supreme Divine Grace. Such a surrendered child of Yours is completely under Your care and protection every single moment in this dream like magical Universal drama/play of Yours.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, even if Your surrendered child is tempted with eternal, heaven like life with ultimate pleasures without any pain & sufferings and with immortality and liberation, Your surrendered child cannot and will not give You up for anything, for it You are its life itself, it loves You so deeply and madly to its core without any expectations from You even if it means hell like torturous sufferings holding onto You.
Great Mother Abirami, SivaSakthi, people who are arrogant, highly egoistic (includes dictators as well) consider only them as the sole doers responsible for achievements/everything around them and only give pain & sufferings to others/innocents and ignore them who don't fulfill their expectations/wishes. On the other hand, people who are humble, gentle and pure consider only God or Guru or Other people who help them as the real doers behind their achievements. People in the former/first category are the ones in majority in this world. Divine Mother SivaSakthi, You alone punish such people for their adharmic/unrighteous acts accordingly for causing pain & sufferings to others/innocents.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, for Your surrendered child You create life conditions to show that everything in this world is transient (various objects, their pleasures, human relationships etc) and totally undependable/untrustable and leads to pain & sufferings. You alone are Eternal, Unchangeable, sole Refuge and absolutely dependable/trustable support in this uncertain physical existence. Though extremely painful at times, You burn the bad karmas of Your surrendered child in a manageable way so as to prevent any other unmanageable & painful expressions of bad karmas. All these You do for the rapid Spiritual evolution of Your surrendered child out of infinite & flooding Motherly Love for it so that it inseparably attains Thee, the source of infinite and eternal Peace & Happiness, once and for all finishing this painful dream like magic game of life of cyclic birth and death. You also subject Your surrendered child to immense troubles from bad/immoral/unrighteous/adharmic people in order to exhaust its bad karmas and accelerate its Spiritual Evolution.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, for Your surrendered child women and their good & great qualities and physical beauty are nothing but You itself, Your selfless Love, Mother ParaSakthi's Love, creating, nurturing, and protecting life. Great Mother, Your surrendered child should be worthy, pure, innocent child of Thee, Worthy of Thy infinite and flooding Motherly Love.
Divine Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, even good/dharmic/righteous people interested in God/Self-Realization make sincere and serious effort in that direction only after facing a terrible pain & suffering situation or calamity. Thus, pain & sufferings are absolutely necessary in Your Universal Divine drama/play Mother SivaSakthi to turn people towards God or God/Self-Realization.
Great Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, groups of people or people opposing each other with enmity/hatred wonderfully work together in harmony if they face a common problem or enemy (good only!), but in normal times they fight like anything against each other (like mad dogs) with selfish motives and not at all bothered about common or greater good for all. Such is the nature of Selfish Ego. Moreover, to receive good words/advice and follow, the mind has to be greatly pure, devoid of selfish desires and hatreds, but if it is clogged with these (like that of Mahabharata Duryodhana) no amount of good words/advice will not have any effect; God/You Mother SivaSakthi alone can save these terribly egoistic, selfish people from disaster who have no patience, tolerance, forbearance, forgiveness, compassion, and humility at all. In this age of Kali yuga, vast majority of people are like these only, wasting their life in conflicts destroying peace all around. Terrible is the disease of Ego, Selfishness!
Sweet Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, it is great to be good/dharmic/righteous during normal times and situations, but it is extremely great to be good/dharmic/righteous even during extremely tough/testing/suffering times and situations. God/Self-Realization requires the latter quality that involves continuous self-reformation/self-purification to get rid of egoistic selfish impurities of mind. Every single event/happening in each one's life is a test from You Mother SivaSakthi to know themselves whether they are selfish or not, but only wise ones with sufficient purity of mind understand this truth and continually reform themselves.
Dear Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, in reality You are very, very simple Pure Consciousness-Being, but through Your infinite Power You have created this astonishingly complex, magical Universe, Unbelievable! All kinds of fears and worries and impurities in human beings are due to the perception of duality, a Divine illusion cast on mind, but if one by Your Supreme Divine Grace realizes the Truth that All is One, the entire Universe is One, that is You itself Mother SivaSakthi, all fears and worries and impurities in a human being vanishes once and for all without a trace. That state is nothing but God/Self-Realization, the state of inseparable Oneness with Thee Universal Mother SivaSakthi as one's own Athma/Self. That's the only worthy, real meaning, purpose of taking human birth, nothing else.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, unwavering/steadfast following of dharma/righteousness along with Love of God/You is absolutely necessary to lead a selfishness overcoming purposeful, peaceful, and fearless worldly as well as spiritual life and eventually attain You/God/Self-Realization, the state of inseparable, ever joyful Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self, the Jivan Mukthi state, the Selfless pure state.
Great Mother Akilandeswari, ParaSakthi, to deal with adharma/unrighteousness or to attain a Good end, God/Your surrendered dharmic/righteous path/means alone has to be strictly adopted; but instead following adharma/unrighteousness due to selfish desire or hatred will only worsen an already worsened situation or prevent attaining an end that is good for all.
Loving Mother Dharma Samvardhini, ParaSakthi, to Your unconditionally surrendered child if You/God (even Bramma Jnani Guru) order it to do an action that appear adharmic/unrighteous, it has to do it obediently and You/God will certainly bear the positive or negative consequences of that action (just as Lord Krishna did with noble Pandavas in the Mahabharata War).
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, God/Your surrendered follower of dharma/righteousness should not fear anything at all. The human mind always wants to run free without any control occupied in selfish desires and hatreds, that is why it finds very difficult to follow disciplining/reforming/purifying dharmic/righteous/good things and spiritual practices.
Sweet Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, in this Universe created by You to attain greater/higher things sacrifice of lower things is absolutely necessary. The Supreme, highest thing to be attained in this whole Universe is You itself Mother ParaSakthi present within every object. For that, complete sacrifice of one's egoistic, selfish I & Mine desires/attachments has to be accomplished, the most toughest and worthy thing to be achieved in this whole Universe.
Loving Mother Akilandeswari, SivaSakthi, human beings are never permanently happy and peaceful because they ignorantly believe that their happiness lies with those objects/things that they currently don't possess and hence they continuously run after one thing or the other without peace, giving pain & sufferings to others/innocents in that process due to selfish adharmic/unrighteous actions reaping sinful consequences/fruits, until in some birth by Your Supreme Divine Grace through the eradication of selfish desires and hatreds they realize God/You, the all-encompassing, every joyful Supreme Creative Power of this Universe within themselves itself as their own Athma/Self.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, just needs driven simple life style living alone is healthy living. Desires driven complex life style living leads to diseases and other unnecessary problems in life.
Divine Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, there is magic creations and the Magician. The Magician is real, whereas his magic creations are totally unreal, transient/disappearing phenomena. Leaving God/You SivaSakthi and getting attached to Your dream like worldly creation is like getting attached to disappearing magic creations created by a Magician, forgetting the later. How ignorant and foolish! Family, relations, friends, wealth and all other things/objects in this world and the world/Universe itself are just magic creations, totally undependable/untrustable. Mother SivaSakthi, You alone are real, eternal and ever dependable/trustable Truth within everyone as their own Athma/Self (Pure Consciousness-Being). We have to play our role in this magic world sincerely and coolly without worries and fears by attaching only to God/You SivaSakthi and not to any of the worldly creations which are nothing but Your disappearing/transient magic creations.
Loving Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, when You are taking care of even atheistic and adharmic/unrighteous children of Yours, Will You not take care of Your unconditionally, lovingly surrendered dharmic/righteous children in greatly better and special way! Mother as SivaSakthi, did You not take care of 63 Nayanmars (Saivite Saints) and other countless devotees of Yours in a special way. You even take care of other living species that don't even save for the next day.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Your good/dharmic/righteous children may get frustrated with bad and injustices that occur in Your creation, but dharmic/righteous children are specially protected and taken care of by You. In Your Universal drama/play, You make a thief to steal and then You also get him punishment for his bad/adharmic/unrighteous act. Every good or bad act is paid back with interest in Your Universal Divine drama/play.
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, Parvati, one should not get attached to body, wealth and so many other worldly things and get worries, fears and lose peace of mind. When young soldiers can give their life for country's security & welfare selflessly, our worldly attachments and consequent worries and fears look silly and selfish.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, other than You there is no other secret in this Universe. Entire Universe & beyond is You only. You are the witness and controller of everything. You alone are secret because You invisibly reside within everyone beyond their mind & senses. But still, You can be realized and known, but vast majority of living beings are engrossed with the deluding addictive attractions of the outside world, with no interest at all to turn inward within themselves to attain You for an eternal joyful life.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, What You will not do for Your unconditionally surrendered child. You are nothing but infinite, flooding Egoless Pure Love. You alone really know how to love Your created children across various living species in this Universe, even non-living things are not left out. For a child its Mother alone is everything, its life and world. Even for a beggar child, its beggar Mother alone is everything and the greatest, nothing else matters, whether the Mother is beautiful or ugly, rich or poor etc. Mother is Love, Love is Mother. Without Mother, no life for the child. An innocent child trusts its Mother 100%, has Supreme faith without least doubt on Mother's care/protection. Even when the Mother scolds or beats the child for its welfare, still for a child, Mother and her Love for it is everything. Supreme Divine Mother ParaSakthi, an unconditionally surrendered child of Yours wants to become such worthy, pure, and innocent child of Thee, worthy of Thy infinite & flooding Mother Love, ultimately attaining inseparable Oneness with Thee for an eternal joyful life.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, for Your surrendered child as long as the individuality illusion of separate existence from You is present, there is no life at all for it away from You. At the same time, the surrendered child is ready to renounce everything, even its life, for Thy sake, for You are Love itself, pure egoless/selfless, Universal, infinite, melting & flooding. For Your surrendered child nothing is greater than Your Love. For it, Mother alone is Heaven, Life, Protection and total Refuge. Just like a monkey child holds onto its mother tightly, Your surrendered child is holding onto You. You are everything to it. No life, no existence away from You, Eternal Slave to You. There is no limit to the good You are always doing to Your surrendered child, even though it may appear painful many times. You are reforming Your surrendered child for the Ultimate Grace/Blessing of Oneness with Thee, the Ultimate expression/gift of Your infinite, flooding, and melting motherly Love. That is the greatest possible grace/blessing/fortune for a living being created by You, in this Universe and beyond.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, though You are a very strict disciplining Mother, Your surrendered child can take lot of freedom with You out of great Love between Mother and child. Did not Nayanmar Saint Sundarar take lot of freedom with Father Lord Siva! But Sundarar also got a punishment from Father Lord Siva for breaking a Promise made in His Name as well as Him as a Witness.
Great Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, what is there to achieve in this dream like magic world/Universe created and run by You! All achievements are Yours only; Your created children across various living species are just Your dummy instruments. The only worthwhile achievement is to attain inseparable Oneness with Thee and finish this tiring dream like life game, nothing else.
Divine Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, one should not collect more objects/things than required/needed for survival. Should not be driven by desires. More objects means more activities and problems with unnecessary confusions, worries and fears depending upon the value and complexity of the objects/things held onto.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, to keep on telling prayers to You, my own real Eternal Mother who is all-wise, all-present and all-powerful looks silly. But what to do, the surrendered child always wants to communicate with You in deep love till it gets over its mental impurities and eventually attain Oneness with Thee as its own Athma/Self.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, Your surrendered child cannot be tempted by offering any valuable objects in this Universe. Why? Because the Supreme Intelligence-Power that creates and runs this Universe is its very own Dear Mother residing eternally in its Heart. All created things/objects are nothing but tiny disappearing waves belonging to You Mother ParaSakthi, the infinite Eternal Ocean of only real Existence-Consciousness-Energy being.
Divine Mother Saraswathi, ParaSakthi, You keep Your surrendered child striving for Oneness with Thee (that is, Athmic/Self-Realization) in a low profile living state, may be in a sympathetic state to ensure unnecessary disturbances/troubles (like jealousy or hatred driven) from people are greatly avoided/reduced helping the steady progress of the self-purifying spiritual sadhana/practices of the surrendered child.
Great Mother Durga, SivaSakthi, nobody has control over anything. You alone control everything. People are filled with the illusion of Ego and believe they are free willed having control over things/objects/events, creating attachments of lust and greed. But when things don't go their way they get frustrated, they are taken over by pain & sufferings causing (to others/innocents as well) anger, hatred, jealousy, worries, and fears, losing their peace of mind. They are also affected by pride and trouble others/innocents giving pain & sufferings when things appear to go their way. Mother SivaSakthi, all is Your illusion, Your Divine Universal dream like magic play/drama. Past, Present and Future, all Your completely destined/directed play/drama.
Divine Mother ParaSakthi, to keep Your dream like Universal game/play running, You have kept countless majority of souls in ignorance about You and Your play with only very few fortunate souls continuously strive and eventually succeed to attain/realize You as their own Athma/Self and finish this dream game of Yours successfully securing eternal joyful life of Oneness with Thee.
Great Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, You alone know how to fulfill our needs at the right time. All we just need to do is to sincerely carry on with our dharmic/righteous duties in life holding onto You in our mind always. Without understanding this, without patience, our hasty selfish actions will only create unwanted pain & sufferings for oneself and others/innocents.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, just like a human computer programmer is happy to see his/her working program, even though knows beforehand itself how the program should/will behave, so also Mother SivaSakthi, even though everything in this Universe is Your pre-destined, ordained creations & actions, You are immensely joyful (like a little child) to see Your created children in action, particularly of those children who live their life according to dharma/righteousness with steadfastness and also holding onto You with surrendered attitude in great Love.
Great Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, we should never ever question the acts of Jnanis, Sages and Primal God/Goddesses who are ever established in their Pure selfless nature of Sat-Chit-Ananda. Their acts, though many times not understood by the ordinary ignorant people, are always for the welfare of the world/Universe without any trace of selfishness.
Loving Mother ParaSakthi, the entire Universal creation and beyond is You only, nothing but You SivaSakthi. You are Supremely Intelligent Power beyond the imagination of mind. You control the movement of every single thing (nothing escapes as All is You only) from sub-atomic level to galactic level including living beings, their thoughts & actions. In Your creation there is continuous oscillation/movement without any rest/end as it is. Great Mother, You will never be satiated with Your creative activity, there is no end to it. But in reality, You are always in ever joyful, peaceful, and unchanging/unmoving state as Athma/Self/Sivam/Sat-Chit-Ananda. In Your creation, Mother SivaSakthi, though things/happenings appear random and chaotic but in reality everything is Your magic Universal drama/play totally directed by You with complete order. One who has unconditionally surrendered to You with melting Love, to that child alone You reveal the hidden truths about Your Supreme Power and eventually enable that child to attain Oneness with Thee as its own Athma/Self for an ever joyful life.
Great Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, when their body is aging, people still believe they are young and they do all kinds of things like hair dyeing, cosmetics, cosmetic surgery etc., to hide their bodily aging. This is because the real nature of everyone is eternal, birthless, deathless, and ageless Pure Consciousness. People are instinctively aware (without actually knowing/realizing the truth) of their real ageless nature and that's the reason they consider themselves young even when their body is aging.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, telling one's problem to worldly minded people (who are ego driven) will only create more problems as such people will misuse one's miserable suffering situation - for their gain or sadistic happiness (or) due to jealousy or hatred. Hence, it is always good to tell one's problems to all-wise, all-powerful, all-present God/You SivaSakthi (or) Jnanis/Sages or saintly people (who are egoless/selfless) for receiving best possible solutions.
Divine Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, when someone sincerely worships God/You for anything, You may grant it or not (or even provide pain & sufferings) based on their past karmas as well as ensuring that it ultimately helps in the purification/reformation of that person.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, You are a limitless Universal Magnet of Motherly Love. Your surrendered child is a tiny iron particle of Love, it cannot escape the mighty attraction/pull of Your infinite & flooding Magnetic Force/Field of Motherly Love.
Great Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, in Your Universal drama/play, even small, silly desires come with their share of troubles/pain & sufferings. Only dharmic/righteous life centered on You and driven by just needs alone is the best for a Peaceful life.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Without the blessings of Your Supreme Divine Grace (that also provides suitable situations/environment), it is totally impossible to reform/purify the mind running after sensory pleasures/desires by self-effort alone. Even worldly desires or anything can be fulfilled only with the blessings of Divine Grace, not by self-effort alone.
Great Mother SivaSakthi, ignorant worldly people driven by Egos (that is, not jnanis/sages - who are Egoless), if they get Siddhis (supernatural powers), they will give immense pain & sufferings to others/innocents, ultimately bringing ruin upon themselves. All these rubbish things should be totally rejected if one wants peace in life. God/You SivaSakthi alone need to held onto, for You are the Greatest Siddhi, the source of everything including the Supreme Peace of Mind.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, a surrendered child of Yours should get attached to You only, the MAGICIAN who produces and runs this deluding, pain & sufferings giving dream like worldly/Universal magic creation. Your surrendered child should do its dharmic/righteous life duties in the best possible way according to its capabilities holding onto You SivaSakthi and driven by You. You will take care of all Your surrendered child's just needs including Self-Realization/Bramma Jnana/Oneness with Thee and Your surrendered child "should not get attached" (remembering the word - "don't get attached") to this worldly magic (including one’s body), must resist its attractions/temptations leading to unnecessary troubles/pain & sufferings to oneself and others/innocents (leading to pain & sufferings laden future births).
Divine Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Your surrendered child only likes Your centered Simple Life based on Dharma/Righteousness and just needs for survival. Such Simple Life is directed/guided by You itself. For Your surrendered child, worldly pleasures based life appear Complex and Poison to it, corrupting & destroying the peace of mind. Such complex life is directed/guided by one's Selfish Ego-mind with its worldly desires, leading to unnecessary pain & sufferings for oneself and others/innocents. For Your surrendered child, You alone are Heaven and Nectar to it; always holding onto You in its mind with melting Love to Thee for You are eternal, infinite & flooding Love itself.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, N.V. Gunaji, an advocate devotee asked Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi, “How to get in and stay there when we get in?” Bhagavan laughed, looked at me and answered, “Leave out the body-consciousness (the idea that I am the body) and then where is ‘in’ and where is ‘out’? All life-consciousness is One throughout.” What a fine and beautiful answer!
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, after a period of suffering for past bad karmas, You definitely show Your children a good/productive/favourable way in life. Mature children of Yours utilize the painful/suffering period to reform/correct/purify themselves by Your Divine Grace.
Divine Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, for infinite varieties of transient pleasures You have kept in this world, You have kept infinite varieties of pain & sufferings as well. Enough of this game for me, dear Mother SivaSakthi! Your surrendered child desperately wants to attain Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self for an ever joyful life of Pure Love & Peace and finish this nonsense game of life once & for all, with no more meaningless births & deaths.
Loving Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, You are infinite & flooding Motherly Love of eternal Supreme Happiness & Peace beyond all imagination & description. Those who have unconditionally surrendered to You with melting Love and attained Oneness with Thee alone can feel that, absolutely without any limit.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, in worldly pleasures there is no real happiness & peace because of their restless/agitating effect on the mind. Only Divine Union with God/You ParaSakthi within oneself as one's own Athma/Self is alone real, eternal, absolute, and perfect Peace & Happiness. What a State it is, nothing of this world! Only a purified mind (purged of its worldly attachments/selfishness) can attain that, absolutely not otherwise.
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, Swami Vivekananda with Great Humility (a teaching for egoistic pride humans) said, “so many had come and gone before me that I am nothing; if God wants, He can create 100s of Vivekanandas for His Work”.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, Your game of life in this Universe is really complex, confusing, boring, and meaningless for Your surrendered child. Enough of this game for me, dear Mother. Please take me back soon for an eternal joyful life of inseparable Oneness with Thee, full of absolute Peace and Happiness.
Great Mother Durga, SivaSakthi, if Humility is given up, then destruction/ruin will be brought upon oneself. Humility is the storehouse of all good qualities.
Loving Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, Your surrendered child wants all the decisions of its life (including trivial ones) to be made by You only, not by the dangerous selfish Ego. The surrendered child seeks Your Supreme Divine Grace to destroy its devilish Ego once and for all to attain inseparable Oneness with Thee for an eternal joyful life.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, before humans and other living species occupying this earth, Dinosaurs ruled the earth ages ago for 130 million long years. Before Dinosaurs, many other living species were occupying this earth for millions of years. Loving Mother SivaSakthi, for You time is nothing, You are beyond it without beginning and end. You are playing this Universal Game of Creation with infinite things simultaneously without beginning through Your inscrutable infinite Intelligence-Power just like a joyful little child playing with so many play things at a time.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Divine Wealth is the real protecting wealth which is always present in one's own heart as Athma/Self (not at all sought by the vast majority of people, who are worldly minded). All other wealth are like transient magic creations, disappearing as time flies by.
Great Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, if one is destined to suffer due to one's past bad karmas/actions, then even escaping to Heaven will not change that destiny as ordained by You. Everything destined have to be faced wherever one may be in this Universe, whether one likes it or not. Hence, Sages/Jnanis advise detachment to one's body and the world to have cool, peaceful state of mind irrespective of any pain or pleasure experiences due to one's destiny.
Divine Mother Saraswathi, Sharadha, Vaani, ParaSakthi, reflecting a baby's inner purity & innocence, its body is also soft/gentle. Same with Jnanis/Sages also, who have pure & innocent mind shining with the glorious presence of God/You ParaSakthi and their body is also soft/gentle due to the fire of Jnana burning their old body prior to God/Self-Realization/attaining inseparable Oneness with Thee. With regard to worldly minded people, they have rough impure bodies reflecting their impure egoistic/selfish mind. But when a person purifies the mind to get rid of its selfishness to attain selflessness/Godliness, the body will also start becoming softer/gentler.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, for Your surrendered child You arrange the best life environment (including pain & pleasures) for its self-reformation/self-purification to eventually attain Oneness with Thee as its own Athma/Self for an eternal joyful life of absolute Peace, Purity, Happiness, Contentment, Fearlessness, Compassion, Humility etc.
Dear Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, You take care of all Your created children (living beings as well as non-living things). But You very specially take care of those children who have unconditionally surrendered to You with melting Love.
Great Mother Akilandeswari, SivaSakthi, when very dear friend of Father Lord Siva, Sundarar can face pain & sufferings in mortal human life due to bad karmas, then what can we say about the pain & sufferings of ordinary people/humans/living beings! In this magic world, how things can change in a moment from joy to suffering (vice-versa is also true)! Mother SivaSakthi, Oneness with God/You alone is eternal, absolute Peace and Happiness. Worldly Pleasures are just transient ending in pain & sufferings only.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, one should never ask/pressure You to fulfill selfish desires for they will surely end up only in unexpected problems involving pain & sufferings.
Great Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, when doing good for someone, it must be done without egoistic pride thoughts. It should be done naturally with Love/Compassion as All are Your Forms only Mother ParaSakthi. So, All living beings across species are one's relations only.
Loving Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, Simple living based on just survival needs alone is the best for healthy body and peaceful mind.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, one should never ever support/hold onto bad people or bad thoughts/habits/actions, even if it means losing one's life. Bad things will mercilessly bring down one/ruin one/destroy one any time. Supporting bad/adharma/unrighteousness, one will become slave to the bad itself. It is like a person holding onto the tail of a man-eating tiger. Very dangerous and self-destructive.
Great Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, all higher intelligent species like Humans are trapped in endless lust and greedy pursuits. Individuals will have serious desire to know about You and attain/realize You only if they begin to move away from lust and greed, not otherwise. Self-created Human sufferings (e.g wars) are mainly due to lust and greed only.
Divine Mother Sharadha, ParaSakthi, if one is established in the natural state of God/Self-Realization/inseparable Oneness with Thee, all divine/good qualities like compassion, humility, patience, tolerance, fearlessness etc., will be natural to one, effortlessly.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, people who indulge in adharmic/unrighteous actions causing pain & sufferings to others/innocents are always immersed in the fear of reactions from the opposing forces. In their restlessness they will commit foolish actions for their own destruction.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, everyone born has to die some day, till then one should live dharmic/righteous life and also not interfere in other living beings' dharmic/righteous life. That is, Live and Let Live.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, when Your surrendered child (before the dawn of Bramma Jnana that destroys the troublesome Ego-mind of I & Mine) can have worries and fears sometimes, then what can be said about the numerous worries and fears of ordinary ignorant or worldly people dominated by so much desires/attachments.
Great Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, in reality, there is neither birth or death of anything. All is You only, Your forms only, everything is Your completely directed Universal drama/play only.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, Eliot C. Clark, a renowned American artist had said on Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi, "The teaching of the Maharshi is very simple. Quite impersonal in content, it can only be realized by personal practice and experience. The real teaching is in the revelation of silence: when the perturbation and the fluctuations of the mind are stilled, the inner presence radiates itself.He says: we know the mind only by its change; just as one is aware of the motion from a static standpoint. The mind, like motion, is a relative movement. We are made aware of its presence by change. But if the mind turns inward in quest of its origin, the ‘I’-awareness vanishes in its Source. The ‘I’ becomes identified, not with its egotistical consciousness and the world of change but with its Source, which is constant. ‘I’-consciousness is relative and finite; but the Source is infinite and eternal. In the womb of silence the light is ever shining. The Maharshi does not lecture. He will answer questions; but in the magic of his presence the questions begin to vanish with the quietening of the mind".
Great Mother Akilandeswari, ParaSakthi, one has to Live and Let Others Live based on Dharma/Righteousness. Mother SivaSakthi, You even arrange food for a person undergoing extreme punishment term for a terrible crime. Your children must also try to be like You, Compassionate, Great Mother. One must be compassionate towards all kinds of living beings, even non-living things also - as All is You alone in this Universe.
Divine Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, You keep good (favourable) in bad (unfavorable) happenings as well (vice-versa is also true). Mother, Perfection in Happiness is You alone, attained through God/Self-Realization/inseparable Oneness with Thee. Great Mother, in whatever life situation You place us that is best for us to make most of it; no need to hanker restlessly after any other losing happiness and peace of mind (they are like mirages).
Loving Mother Tripura Sundari, ParaSakthi, Your infinitely Beautiful Form is nothing but the manifestation of Your infinite & flooding Motherly Love. But in humans, with vast majority, more physical beauty only puffs up their Egoistic Pride/Arrogance causing pain to others/innocents. In General, if everything is in favourable/expected state for ignorant human beings, their Egoistic Pride only increases to cause pain & sufferings to others/innocents. Mother SivaSakthi, so at right time unknown to them, You give them pain & sufferings to blow out their ballooned Egoistic Pride/Arrogance to infuse a dose of humility.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, as long as one is trapped under selfish worldly desires & fast running materialistic life, one cannot grasp subtle spiritual truths at all, in fact there will not be any interest at all. It requires selfish worldly desires free calm/peaceful mind to a great extent. Greater the reformed/purified peaceful mind, Greater will be the spiritual progress towards God/Self-Realization/Oneness with Thee SivaSakthi, also Greater will be the Loving Worship of God/Self/You Mother SivaSakthi.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, when people do something wonderful in their life (even if it is silly), with egoistic pride they think that they have achieved something great. This is simply due to the ignorance of vast majority of humans. In truth, Mother SivaSakthi, All is You, All is Your Play/Drama/Sport, All is Your action, All is Your Will. Everything is You alone in this Universe & beyond, nothing or nobody else. Multiplicity is Your magic illusion/maya for Universal drama/play.
Sweet Mother ParaSakthi, You are always creating without end deluding worldly pleasure attractions for the mind to get attached/trapped and then suffer terribly. This is like never ending groping in the darkness (of ignorance). Only the light of Self-knowledge (Bramma Jnana/God/Self-Realization/inseparable Oneness with Thee SivaSakthi) can put an end to this nonsense life game by Your Supreme Divine Grace.
Divine Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, in Your Universal creation Dharma/Righteousness always appear bitter/unattractive/tough to adopt but they do only Good like Divine Nectar. On the other hand, adharma/unrighteousness appear sweet/attractive/easy to follow but they do only Bad like deadly Poison, destructive/ruining in nature.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, You perform miracles naturally, every activity/action in this Universe is Your miracle only. Mother SivaSakthi, You are internally always Still, Happy and Peaceful in the natural state of Siva/Self (Your Dear Husband) but externally You manifest as this Universe & everything in it including all the involved actions from sub-atomic to galactic level (including living beings). Mother Sakthi, You inseparable from Your Dear Husband Siva are the sole Supreme Intelligence/Consciousness-Power, the only real existence - Universal and beyond, the source of everything.
Great Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, Dharma/Righteousness is the basis for everything in human life. Even hardcore criminals expect their gang members to be truthful, faithful, disciplined etc.
Divine Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, every object acquired will bring its own set of activities and problems/troubles as well, affecting the peace of mind. Hence, only those objects required for dharmic/righteous living based on just needs alone to be acquired/possessed.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, though You are the Universe and beyond, You witness individuals' actions and answer their prayers as well as reward or punish them for their good or bad actions from right within them as their own Athma/Self, the Pure Consciousness-Being-Force.
Loving Mother Parvati SivaSakthi, just because of a mistake/error/wrong, one should not discard/forsake/get rid of someone or something which has been serving us sincerely/devotedly/faithfully till now. Getting rid of act only shows our ungrateful, uncompassionate selfish mentality. This is not all liked/approved by You Mother SivaSakthi which is against dharma/righteousness. The Great Scientist Sir Isaac Newton did not abandon/get rid of his faithful dog Diamond just because it accidentally burnt his valuable research papers of many days of hard work, revealing his tender, grateful, and compassionate heart.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, Your creation is full of endless lust and greed based deluding transient pleasure attractions to trap living beings with their selfish/egoistic ignorance of I & Mine and be ignorant actors of Your Universal drama/play without any awareness of their ever joyful immortal Divine Nature of Oneness with You. What a deluding magic play of Yours Mother ParaSakthi with Your children! Only to Your surrendered child You reveal the secrets of Your creation and free it from this deluding magic game of life & death undergone again & again. Your surrendered child is one who is fed up with this silly worldly game of seeking meaningless, endless, unsatiating, and pain & sufferings laden pleasure attractions and seeks only inseparable Oneness with You unwaveringly/steadfastly.
Wonderful Mother ParaSakthi, when people due to ignorance greatly praise many wonderful things in this creation whether natural or man made, they don't believe or they don't know that it is You ParaSakthi, who is the real wonderful creative creatrix behind every single thing in this Universe right from sub atomic level. Every single thing is produced solely by Your infallible infinite Supreme Creative Power, that is the only real driver behind Your dummy natural or human instruments. Free Will is just an illusion, Your infallible Supreme Divine Will alone exists, operates throughout the Universe and beyond. All is Your Drama/Play with Your designed Universal scale set.
Loving Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, to inseparably attain/realize You one should be child like pure, innocent and with a total surrendering attitude like Saiva Saint Kannappa Nayanar, total surrendering of selfish I & Mine to Your Divine Lotus Feet, nothing else counts/matters (such as very life, body, parents, family, relations, possessions etc). Your Dear Child Lord Vinayaka gave his very head itself for Your sake, Mother SivaSakthi. Such a total Surrendering attitude is required to attain God/You ParaSakthi, the source of eternal joyful life.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, even a best potent medicine can cure an illness only if You had ordained that way, not otherwise. Everything is Your Supreme Divine Will alone in this Universe.
Loving Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, You alone are eternally my own, all else are just Your disappearing, undependable magic creations for Your Universal Divine drama/play. Your infinite & flooding Motherly Love alone makes Your surrendered child to somehow live on/drag on in this suffocating magic worldly life of cyclic and tormenting pleasures and pain & sufferings. Your surrendered child very eagerly awaits the day when it will attain/realize ever joyful inseparable Oneness with Thee Mother ParaSakthi ending this meaningless game of life on earth once and for all.
Divine Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, Your surrendered children who are steadfastly striving to attain ever joyful inseparable Oneness with Thee may appear suffering and pathetic to worldly minded people but actually Your surrendered children are greatly peaceful inside and their external sufferings are coming to an end once and for all like reaching the summit of Mount Kailash of Father Lord Siva after an arduous climbing journey. But worldly minded people dominated by lust and greed will continue to have endless sufferings birth after birth trapped by endless transient pleasures laden with hidden pain & sufferings. They are like far, far, far away from Mount Kailash, no interest at all about it in the first place. Only Worldly minded people are actually in miserable state of living tormented by their restless/agitating mind with endless worries or fears or desires/attachments/seeking of one thing or the another.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, let Your children not criticize anything in Your creation, everything is created by You for Your Universal Divine drama/play with specific purposes, good or bad. Just being a Witness, without getting attached, without criticizing Your Universal Divine play/drama, Your surrendered child only focuses on attaining/realizing ever joyful inseparable Oneness with Thee Mother SivaSakthi, nothing else.
Sweet Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, Your surrendered child only knows the truth that You alone are the true wealth in our heart, all else Your disappearing/transient magic for Your Universal drama/play. You alone really take care of Your created children across various species. Even a multi-billionaire cannot take a single penny or a body hair with him on death. There are so many examples, where a pauper, Your devotee-child leading a dharmic/righteous life totally surrendered to You/God without any expectations was taken care of in a royal way by You in life.
Great Mother Saraswathi, ParaSakthi, whether one is supremely rich or poor, in whatever life position You keep Your child, You will be pleased with that child only if it leads a dharmic/righteous life and does all its life duties sincerely giving its best effort always. Moreover, You are Extremely pleased with such a child to shower Your Supreme Divine Grace if that child surrenders to You completely and lives its life for You - solely to please You and unwaveringly strives to attain/realize You as its own Athma/Self for an ever joyful life of inseparable Oneness with Thee despite so many obstacles/problems in life.
Loving Mother Ganga, SivaSakthi, in true surrender there are no complaints or abuses or negative feelings against You or anyone, just accepting the Pain or Pleasure experiences You give without attachments which cause fears or worries. Only with such a Surrender to You Peace of Athma/Self is attained and ultimately ever joyful Self-Realization/inseparable Oneness with Thee is attained/realized Mother ParaSakthi. All is You, All is Your Will & Action alone in this Universal Magic drama/play, nothing or nobody else.
Divine Mother Parvati, Durga, SivaSakthi, You are always flooding Your children with Your infinite Motherly Love/Grace. But if our Mind, the Glass Window, is covered with the soot of selfishness, adharma/unrighteousness and atheistic tendencies without any Love for Thee, then how can the Bright Sunlight of Your Love/Grace can enter and flood us and save us in this treacherous worldly life to ultimately attain/realize Thee as as our own Self/Athma for an eternal joyful life putting an end to this meaningless game of life once and for all.
Sweet Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, Your infinite Divine beauty is nothing but the reflection of Your infinite & flooding absolutely selfless Motherly Love towards Your children. But among Your human children, physically beauty generally only increases egoistic pride and other bad qualities like jealousy, hatred etc. It is rare among humans to see physical beauty and good qualities like love, compassion, humility etc., going together.
Loving Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, a person visiting Tirumala Tirupati without any spiritual mindset will not derive any great benefits from the visit. Whereas a person living great many miles away, always thinking of Tirumala Tirupati will derive all the great benefits of visiting & living there. Mother Padmavathi, Father Tirupati Balaji, the Vishnu, is everywhere and in everything, in fact, He is everything true to the famous scriptural statement - Sarvam Vishnu Mayam Jagat. Those who have realized their True Self (Self/Athmic Realization) will know this Truth.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, Anything Natural alone is good (e.g natural physical beauty, natural food etc). Artificial ones that are produced due to selfish desires only create problems/sufferings and destroy peace (of mind as well) (e.g plastic surgery derived beauty, artificial foods etc). The only Real natural thing in this entire Universal creation is God/You Mother SivaSakthi, one’s own Athma/Self, the real simplest one as well. Realizing our true identity/oneness with You alone gives the real, immutable, fearless, eternally Peaceful and Joyful life. That alone is the true, real purpose of one's life, everything else Mother SivaSakthi is Your disappearing Universal magic creations for Your play/drama.
Divine Mother Saraswathi, Sharadha, Vaani, ParaSakthi, it is great to be a good/dharmic/righteous person under normal life conditions, but it is supremely great to be a good/dharmic/righteous person even under extremely tough, testing, suffering life conditions. Self-reformation/Self-purification must really take us to the latter, which ultimately leads one to God/Self-Realization/inseparable Oneness with Thee Mother ParaSakthi as one's own Athma/Self for an eternal joyful life beyond the birth and death magic life game of Yours.
Loving Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, so many strange things happen in Your extremely complex Universal creation from extremely good to extremely bad, really confusing, frustrating, stressful and painful many times, absolutely beyond any mortal's control. Universal Empress Mother SivaSakthi, I am Your dear child is it not?, just surrendering to You, let me not get trapped by Your magic/maya Universal drama/play with all kinds of attractions (dominated by lust & greed) ending in pain & sufferings only. Let Your infallible Supreme Divine Will alone ever rule me (not the egoistic I & Mine illusory free will) in a dharmic/righteous path to eventually attain/realize Thee inseparably as my own Athma/Self for an eternal joyful life -- with no more birth or death driving terribly painful, selfish & ignorant mortal life.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, it is always wise to patiently find alternative solutions to a problem/unexpected situation instead of reacting irresponsibly (shamefully) with hurting egoistic emotions such as anger, shouts, abuses etc.; nothing fruitful is going to come out of these expect worsening a situation for more pain to all involved. Ultimately, everything is Your Supreme Divine Will Mother ParaSakthi, everything is for one's good only for self-reformation/self-purification, no point in losing one's control of the mind destroying peace. A self-restrained Peaceful person can bring Peace in a tough situation due to responsible action with patience & tolerance. Such person does not put blame on others driven by the selfish Ego. Also, one should not try to imitate the angry and other behaviors of Bramma Jnani or God in specific situations, it won't work, will only make the situation worse. Till one's True Self/Athma is realized, that is, Bramma Jnana is attained, one must follow dharma/righteousness consciously continuously. For Your surrendered child, slipping from dharma/righteousness and hurting others/innocents (with shouts, abuses, anger) is the most painful/depressing thing nothing else. Mother SivaSakthi, Your surrendered child always does its best to self-reform/self-purify and avoid these kind of painful actions.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, I am able see an aspect of Your Universal Divine drama/play. Every single entity/force in this Universe has an opposing entity/force right from sub-atomic level to galactic level including living beings as well. This is to ensure that nothing dominates another forever and unrestrained. It also gives opportunity for reformation/evolution of an entity/force.
Loving Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, You give beatings or pain/sufferings to Your child and then give massage or medicine to Your child as well. You make a thief to commit a crime and then get him punishment as well. All is Your infallible Supreme Divine Will in Your Universal Divine drama/play. Your surrendered child should not lose control/balance when severely tested positively or negatively by You, Divine Mother. With discrimination and dispassion/detachment, Your surrendered child should only Act in a Responsible way, righteously/dharmically and internally peaceful/composed and not react irresponsibly with anger and hatred that strengthens the terrible Ego of individuality as well as leading to more troubles/sufferings due to accumulation of bad karmas (instead of weakening the Ego to be eventually destroyed by Your Supreme Divine Grace for God/Athmic/Self-Realization, the immortal state of inseparable Oneness with Thee Supreme Mother).
Dear Loving Divine Mother, Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, SivaSakthi, till Self-Realization/JivanMukthi is attained, that is, realizing inseparable Oneness with Thee/One's Athma/Self, a Spiritual seeker/devotee of God/Self should never ever overestimate one's mind & sense control capability and also never ever underestimate the attracting & deluding power of objects of senses (e.g wealth and women). A seeker after liberation should strictly avoid unnecessary and unjustifiable contact with objects of sense pleasures so as not to get trapped by them and fall from the spiritual path (involving self-reformation and one pointed devotion to God/Self towards Enlightenment/Self-Realization), wasting one's precious human birth. Lord Krishna has given such advice to His dear devotee Uddhava in Bhagavata Purana. My dear Divine Mother, worshipping You with one pointed innocent child like attachment/love is a Supreme way to God/Self-Realization overcoming lust and greed and associated selfish, baser desires. Ultimately, enabling one to see the entire Universal creation as Your Form and actions, nothing else and established in Supreme immortal state of absolute Peace, Happiness, Purity, Contentment and Fearlessness, inseparable from Thee Mother ParaSakthi with no more births and deaths.
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, despite all its negative/bad things, India/Bharata Varsha is always a spiritual land/heart of this earth graced by the presence of Gods, Goddesses, Rishis, Jnanis/Sages, Saints, and Dharmic/righteous people. They are the ones continuously charging this Great Land with Dharma/Righteousness/Good things. This land is always the heart for millions of Indians residing/living in other countries.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, Whether one is believer in God or not, it does not matter, if one is going to hurt others adharmically/selfishly/unrighteously thru thoughts, words, or actions, then one will accumulate bad karmas for sufferings now or in the future as ordained by Yourself. That's certain.
Great Mother ParaSakthi, there is nothing completely Good or Bad/Loss or Gain in Your Universal creation. If there is loss, there is gain also and vice-versa. Similarly, there is Good in Bad as well and vice-versa. Mind detached completely from all these dualities (thoughts) and centered only on You attains immortal, fearless, absolute Peaceful state of Existence.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, from Your Universal position everything is Perfect, Everything is Your completely ordained/willed play/drama. But at the finite/tiny individual being level due to silly ignorance, people consider something perfect only if it is completely according to their selfish expectations, otherwise not - resulting in unhappiness and other negative feelings. What a foolishness! You alone know what is what, nobody else.
Great Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, in Your Universal creation there is continuous action/vibration/oscillation/movement right from sub-atomic to galactic level including living beings with their tormenting thoughts. Loving Mother, if You have not given resting Sleep State for Your children out of Your infinite Grace, everyone would have gone mad for sure due to immense stress of endless activities done in selfish ignorance of I and Mine; Only Self-Realized Jnani children of Yours are exceptions as they have transcended the troubling mind itself realizing their inseparable Oneness with Thee. Thus, the only absolute and permanent solution to all human pain & sufferings is to realize Thee Mother SivaSakthi as one's own Athma/Self by Your Supreme Divine Grace to be eternally Happy, Peaceful, and Fearless with Contentment unaffected by anything in this magic creation of Yours Mother ParaSakthi.
Loving Divine Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, You have kept all kinds of tempting & transient pleasures in this creation of Yours to delude living beings to sustain and propagate Your Universal drama/play. A God loving righteous/dharmic child who understands this truth by Your Supreme Divine Grace will avoid pain & sufferings laden selfish worldly pleasures and will make steadfast efforts to self-reform/self-purify oneself to eventually attain/realize Thee, the real, infinite, and eternally joyful One, the source of everything as their own Self/Athma, the Pure Consciousness-Existence-Being, which You are Mother SivaSakthi.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, Correcting oneself due to fear of sin and/or painful consequences is not genuine, permanent reformation at all. Real reformation, which produces permanent transformation is genuinely regretting on giving pain to other living being/non-living thing and correcting that erroneous mental tendency with realization. A true and deep lover of God/You Mother SivaSakthi following righteousness/dharma will carry out this type of genuine self-reformation/self-purification, which ultimately enables that person to realize the ever joyful God/You as one's own Athma/Self by Your Supreme Divine Grace, the real purpose of human birth.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, You subject Your surrendered child to extraordinary tough life situations in order to accelerate its self-reformation/self-purification and attain/realize Thee inseparably as its own Athma/Self at the very earliest.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, whatever happened till this moment and whatever that will happen in the future in this entire Universal creation of Yours at every single point is all solely ordained by Your infallible Supreme Divine Will, nothing or nobody else. Individual free will is just an illusion created for Your deluding illusory Universal drama/play. Hence, there is absolutely no need for any worry or fear for Your unconditionally surrendered child.
Great Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, majority in this world belonging to various religions and their sects fight among each other (including verbally) to try to establish that their God and their path to that God alone is true. This fight will never end because creation means diversity. The best solution is let each one following a particular path self-reform/self-purify and try to attain the highest spiritual end mentioned by their respective path. Let the highest God which is called by the various paths as Shiva or Vishnu or Buddha or Jehovah or Jesus or Allah etc., decide whether the highest spiritual end attained by a person following a particular path is enough or anything more to be attained. But vast majority of people in this world ignorant of their own terrible selfish impurities of I & Mine do not sincerely follow their own path for reforming themselves but simply indulge in all kinds of conflicts/fights with others/innocents gaining nothing but only causing sinful pain to others and losing their own Peace and precious time & energy as well. Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita has said that one should follow one's own dharma/righteous path in life to ultimately attain salvation.
Loving Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, whatever the role one has to play in life like householder, student, spiritual aspirant, or businessman etc., one has to do it sincerely and righteously with steadfast determination & without fear, otherwise one will ruin himself or will be ruined by others/taken for a ride due to lack of mental strength and determination. Even a worm responds forcefully when threatened, then how should be the mental strength of a human to perform the righteous/dharmic duties of life!
Divine Mother SivaSakthi, You frustrate the evil/adharmic doers and trap them in their own game to reap for their sinful/adharmic/selfish/unrighteous actions against others/innocents.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, People get greatly frustrated in their life because many things happen contrary to their expectations. But through this, Divine Mother, You are giving a silent/hidden message to Your children that one must unconditionally surrender to the Divine Will as everything is ordained by it and be the willing dharmic/righteous instruments of the Divine to attain Peace of Mind even amidst tough ever changing conditions of life, as Spoken by Lord Krishna to Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita.
Dear Loving Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, Generally, Scriptures say and the Worldly people believe that You/God will not stay in a place and with people who are inauspicious, bad/unrighteous, unclean, filthy abusive etc. But if by destiny Your pure unconditionally Loving Surrendered child has to live in such an environment then You/God also stay with that pure child for its sake despite the inauspicious/bad environment. Such is Your infinite & flooding Motherly Love for Your surrendered child as seen from Your Love for child Prahalada who had to live with his terrible demonic father and in an inauspicious demonic environment. And at the same time, What is not You! and Where You are not Present! the entire Universe and its contents are nothing but You alone. All is You only my Dear Mother SivaSakthi, nothing or nobody else. All is Your dream like magic game/play. But, adharmic/unrighteous people have to realize the Truth that by their impure life they lose You/God, Your Support and Guidance, without That such people are nothing but zeroes only, failing in both worldly and spiritual life without Peace.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, at the highest level, ParaBakthi/Supreme Divine Love or Bramma Jnana accepts everything, favourable or unfavorable, as Your infallible Supreme Divine Will in total surrender without any complaints. But still, You/God love dearly Your devotees who always pester You with one thing or the other (due to need, desire or suffering) because at least through these demands they continuously remember You in Bakthi/Love before gradually maturing to the next level. This is confirmed by Your dear Brother Lord Krishna's words in Bhagavad Gita and by Mother of Pandavas, Kunti in Srimad Bhagavata Purana.
Loving Mother Durga, SatChitAnanda Swaroopini, GopalaSundari, TripuraSundari, Krishnamma, Parvathiamma, ParaSakthi, You surrendered child, am I a playing doll of Yours? battering me without end in Your Universal magic play. But still, I Love You very much, very much to the core of my being, terribly mad in Love with You. Even if You don't Grant me Mukthi/Liberation or don't take care of me, protect me in this torturous world of Yours or roast me in hell or hell like sufferings, I can't stop Loving You. That's the Truth. I am Your Eternal Slave Child. You are everything to me, my very existence itself. I am unable to express or talk anything more about my Love sweet Mother, You know everything. Let my mind, entire being be always overflowingly filled/soaked by Your Loving Divine Presence without the mind getting distracted/trapped by infinite/endless deluding pain & sufferings laden worthless meaningless worldly attractions/temptations/desires/attachments and troubles. Great Divine Mother, Universal infinite Supreme Intelligence-Power, You precisely know how to take care of me in this terribly/unbelievably complex confusing magic World of Yours, this surrendered child only seeks inseparable life with You, nothing else. Whatever You may do or may not do for Your surrendered child, the very thought of You, the very Presence of You within it creates Supreme Love, Ananda/Bliss/Happiness, Peace, and Fearlessness.
Sweet Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, only with the confident presence of its Mother does a child or baby show interest in toys and other worldly attractions, Without the presence of its Mother everything else is worthless for the child, so also with Your surrendered child. Just like there is living Presence of You in Divine Statues in Your Temples so also there is living Presence of You in Your unconditionally surrendered child constantly holding onto You in thoughts or meditation. The surrendered child of Yours wants You alone Mother SivaSakthi, nothing else. At the same time, You take the complete responsibility for its care and protection in this world without the surrendered child asking You anything about it. Even when You always ask the surrendered child seated in Your Divine lap - "Tell Me What do you want?", the surrendered child will only reply "I want You only, nothing else".
Loving Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, No one brings anything on birth and takes back anything on death except the recordings of one's good and bad acts, desires and mental tendencies. Everything given in between/middle belongs to You alone. All is You/God only, hence, giving to others is nothing but giving to Divine/You in oneself only. What one gives to the needy generously (in heart first) alone comes back by Your Divine Grace in abundance. Unshared good things like wealth and knowledge to the needy becomes useless like an unused well with spoiled, impure water; and they will be coveted by bad people or bad happenings. At the same time, misuse of wealth, power, knowledge etc., for adharmic/unrighteous purposes is also really bad/sinful as it results in their loss and causes pain & sufferings to others/innocents. Also, Good things one consumes/uses like food, money etc., for dharmic/righteous needs must first be offered to You as a mark of Gratitude, Respect as All is You and given by You.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, if people boast, even mentally, about their great success in big things, then You will surely fail them even in trivial/small things to teach them humility (including patience, tolerance etc). The Yaksha story in Kena Upanishad teaches this lesson alone. Great Mother ParaSakthi, You alone are the real source, owner, controller, and doer of everything in this Universe. Individuals and their Ego/Free Will are just an illusion created for Your Universal Divine drama/play. Lot of patience and tolerance is needed to achieve good, great things in this world.
Divine Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, one should not get distracted when one is engaged in a dharmic/righteous duty including the Supreme act of worshipping, meditating You/God. It is very wrong, sinful, insincere, cheating oneself to get distracted and leaving the engaged dharmic/righteous task/duty due to the weakness of mind for worthless worldly attractions/distractions.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Love, Happiness/Ananda/Bliss expressed by Your created children towards You/God or other objects in this world is nothing but a finite reflection (like Moon) of Your infinite Love, Happiness/Ananda/Bliss (like Sun) as the entire Universe and all that exists within the Universe including living beings and their Love, Happiness/Ananda/Bliss is nothing You alone Mother SivaSakthi.
Great Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, the Human Ego is such a disgusting, vulgar, deadly, cruel, and Impure thing; For its selfishness sake it can harm, injure, create pain & sufferings to others/innocents thru thoughts, words, and deeds, even to the extreme extent of killing others. Ego is the most dangerous thing in the Universe.
Loving Mother Padmavathi, Krishnamma, Parvathiamma, ParaSakthi, You test Your surrendered child in a variety of ways, even to the suffering/painful extremes many times, to reveal its defects/errors/impurities in order to reform/correct/purify itself. Self-reformation/Self-purification of the Mind is the most toughest thing to do in this Universe.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, bad/evil/adharmic/unrighteous people are mostly like rabbit in a race, they are impatient, deceptive, cruel, and greedy to achieve their evil ends which will surely bring destruction upon themselves sooner or later. God/Your centered/surrendered Good/dharmic/righteous people must be patient, slow/balanced without rushing, and steadfast like tortoise in a race to deal with evil or do any other dharmic/righteous duties including spiritual practices to attain/realize God/You SivaSakthi.
Sweet Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, in this Universal creation of Yours there is no concept of isolated, individualistic selfish existence at all, every single thing living or non-living has to cooperate with others for a purposeful, peaceful existence.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, worldly minded people say that it is very difficult to remember You and Your/God's Name always; some try to chant Your Name mechanically for the sake of it with dryness achieving no real spiritual progress. But when a worldly minded person intensely loves a girl, he remembers that girl always with Intense, Great Joy/Happiness despite immersed in so many worldly activities. When this is possible for worldly minded people, then remembering You, Your/God's Name always is also definitely possible, but only they have to intensely Love You/God always with Great Joy/Happiness in whatever loving relationship they like such as Father, Mother, Lover, Child etc.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, even people who continuously hate You are also considered as Your devotees by You. You only want people to remember/think about You always even if it is in negative/impure way to become Your devotees. Such is Your infinite Greatness, Magnanimity, Compassion that You gave mukthi/liberation from terrible Samsara even to demonic trouble creators like Mahishasura, Kamsa, Sisupala, Ravana, Hiranyaksha etc.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, You advised Your surrendered child seated on Your Divine Lap to live its life moment to moment just holding onto Your thought alone like Your Divine Name without thinking about either the past or the future (as they create worries, fears, anxieties, selfish desires, worthless and impure thoughts, what not!); Past, Present, Future - All happen exactly according to Your infallible Supreme Divine Will alone and the surrendered child is completely under Your responsibility, care, and protection and hence it should focus solely on the Present moment of life to be Happy and Peaceful with Pure mind. Though looks tough to practice, but everything is possible for Your unconditionally surrendered child by Your Supreme Divine Grace.
Great Mother Krishnamma, Parvathiamma, SivaSakthi, When Your surrendered child was dejected as it yet to attain/realize You as its own Athma/Self without separation from Thee, You advised it to chant Your Divine Name always which is equal to You and Your continuous Presence with the surrendered child. Moreover, You told the surrendered child that chanting Your Divine Name keeps away distracting, troubling worthless and impure worldly thoughts, Purifies and confers Peace of Mind including Bramma Jnana/Athma Jnana/Self-Realization.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Your surrendered child should be like a tiny Leaf floating on a Giant River (that is, You and Your World - All is You only) and carried away by its Powerful Current (that is, Life driven by Your infallible Supreme Divine Will only, All is Your play/drama) without any effort and resistance on its part despite facing both smooth and rough conditions onto its way (that is, detached and being calm to both favourable and unfavourable conditions of life without holding onto "I am the Doer, I & Mine" Ego; only holding onto the Truth that You/God alone are the source, container, owner, and doer of everything in this Universe) to the mighty Peaceful Ocean (that is, Infinite, Absolute Peaceful and Ever joyful state of eternal Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self, which is You only - SatChitAnanda).
Dear Loving Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, in Your Universal magic game/play due to unending worldly desires, people have to take birth after birth to fulfill them. Some want to be famous politician, some want great power, some want to be very rich & famous, some want to be award winning scientist, some want to be great & famous musician, some want to be great sports person etc. Only when a person is fed up with all the worldly desires as they result only in pain & sufferings laden pleasures and seeks You/God alone as the Goal of Life only then it is the beginning of end of one's magical birth-death cycle life game.
Sweet Mother Krishnamma, ParaSakthi, for Your/God centered/surrendered dharmic/righteous child who is fed up with worldly life and dispassionate/detached towards worldly objects, the sole dharma and purpose/meaning of Life is You/God alone, nothing else. Such a great child is under Your complete care and protection. Everything about that child is Your complete responsibility including showering the Ultimate Grace of Mukthi/Liberation/Self-Realization/inseparable Oneness with Thee. This is the conveyed meaning of Your Surrender Sloka given to Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita Final Chapter 18.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, Dispassion/Detachment towards Worldly objects increases proportionally to the increase in Love/Attachment towards You/God/Athma/Self. It is not at all possible to effectively cultivate the above mentioned Dispassion/Detachment in any other way to be balanced, peaceful and unaffected by both pain and pleasure experiences from Worldly objects.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, for a serious spiritual aspirant of God/Self-Realization worldly minded family with husband or wife and children and their worldly cravings and troubles because of it are terrible bondage and sufferings indeed. Hence, a serious, one pointed seeker of God/Self-Realization should better avoid getting married to lose tremendous amount of energy and time in a married life.
Great Mother Akilandeswari, SivaSakthi, Arrogant, Sadistic and Terribly Egoistic People (e.g Duryodhana, Ravana, Hitler etc) who torture/torment innocents don't realize the truth that when they fall it will be a spectacular, deadly fall from great heights from which they can never ever recover. What an ignorance! , What a pitiable, sad state! Ego crumbles when favourable body and/or external life condition is negatively impacted or weakened. Even after knowing about these terrible historical characters, people still don't learn lessons of reforming themselves to deal with their egoistic mental impurities but still continue to trouble innocents. But Divine Mother, any way, such terrible egoistic characters are also required in Your Divine Universal drama/play to bring about great changes for good from individual level to global/Universal level.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, a person with bad/adharmic/unrighteous mental impurities of selfish desires/expectations/attachments, unrestrained anger, hatred, greed, lust, pride, and jealousy will never have peace in mind and life, that's certain. Though superficially our sufferings (including those caused by others) are due to our bad karmas/past bad actions, but in Truth, favorable or unfavorable happenings in our life are all due to Your infallible Supreme Divine Will Mother ParaSakthi as part of Your Universal Divine drama/play. Accepting and having Total Conviction/Faith in this Divine Truth with Surrendered attitude alone will confer Peace in mind and life to a Person, not otherwise.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, the fundamental/basic requirement/qualification for a person to be a devotee of God/You is to steadfastly follow dharma/righteousness in his/her life. But when such devotee matures to Love You meltingly deep with unconditional surrender, then for that devotee's welfare/protection sake You may even go to the extent of breaching dharma/righteousness itself (as Lord Krishna did for Pandavas during Mahabharata war); Such is Your infinite & flooding Love for Your unconditionally surrendered Devotees loving You/God to their core more than their very life itself.
Sweet Mother Krishnamma, ParaSakthi, Dushasans and Duryodhans sadistically tormenting women have only increased exponentially in this age of Kali Yuga. Mother Krishnamma, You had performed so many wonderful acts during Your earthly stay; but for Your surrendered child saving and protecting Draupadi's honor is the Greatest Act and is ever grateful to You and eternally slave to You for that saving act of Grace alone.
Great Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, People with terrible Egos sadistically tormenting others/innocents though see deaths of others in their daily life, still consider them invincible and immortal and continue their bad/adharmic/unrighteous acts only to have a great fall sooner or later. If people don't self-purify/self-reform themselves during their young age, their terrible egoistic mental impurities will only get more and more concentrated as they get older and older and will create more troubles/sufferings for others/innocents and will be hated/neglected/isolated by others and by their own people, many among them are opportunistic in nature.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, when bad and filthy abusive words can cause so much stress and pain to mind and body of others/innocents even for long time, then equally Good word, God's Name, God's Mantra, Vedic Mantra etc., can do so much good to mind and body with long term effect. Hence, wise dharmic/righteous people only chose the later, While Egoistic sadistic sinners only chose the former without any thought of guiltiness and self-reformation/self-purification.
Sweet Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, Your surrendered child should be totally mad for You alone -- (the Unchanging, Eternally Blissful, sole Universal Truth/Reality/Being producing and controlling/ordaining everything) -- with unconditional Love/attachment, and not mad for any worldly objects including one’s own body as they are continuously changing, undependable, untrustable, disappointing, deceiving, harming, covetable, prone to loss, ultimately perish or get destroyed (has beginning & end), they also drive one to sinful actions due to selfish desires/aversions, uncontrolled anger, lust, greed, delusion, pride & jealousy -- all these only give pain & sufferings, wiping out the peace of mind with fears and worries. Great Mother SivaSakthi, Your surrendered child should be like Saivite Saints Nayanmars who renounced everything possible, even life, for their Deep Love for Father Lord Siva, nothing else mattered. Great Mother SivaSakthi, let Your surrendered child need not trouble You with requests of fulfilling worldly desires, they are endless, sheer nonsense! You exactly know how to run Your Universal Divine drama/play including taking care of Your surrendered child perfectly. Then, Why worry or fear about anything instead of being detached/immune to favorable or unfavorable worldly happenings/events by Your Supreme Divine Grace holding onto just You alone joyfully and peacefully.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, You are Universal Supreme Love and Compassion itself. That is the basis for the creation of dharma/righteousness in Your Universal Divine drama/play. Hence, when faced with a situation of choosing between Saving & protecting innocent lives and Following dharma/righteousness, one has to unconditionally, strictly chose the former in that situation, the foremost dharma, no doubt at all. This is confirmed by dharmic scriptures such as Thirukkural and Mahabharata. Dharmic/righteous people such as Bhishma, Vidura, Drona and Yudhisthira could not help noble Draupadi from being tormented by evil Kauravas because they blindly followed their dharma without giving preference to the foremost dharma of Saving & protecting innocent lives (Jeeva Karunya/Universal Compassion/Love), which Lord Krishna alone followed to save and protect Draupadi's honor. What a terrible evil act by Kauravas! Would they have ever thought of doing such evil act to their own Mother Gandhari or their wives or sisters or daughters or daughter-in-laws. What a monstrous evil Selfishness of Kauravas dominated by Lust, Greed, Jealousy, Hatred and Pride! That adharma/unrighteousness which You will not want others to do to You, How can You do that same to others/innocents!
Sweet Mother Krishnamma, ParaSakthi, giving bad/adharma/unrighteousness/evil even a slight room can terribly ruin one as seen from the worst ruinous sufferings faced by the noble Pandavas due to their acceptance and playing of evil game of dice with adharmic Kauravas. Hence, bad/adharma/unrighteousness/evil of every kind (which are actually born out of selfishness) should be totally shunned from one's life, even it means losing one's life, without any second thought as they are capable of totally ruining one's life without peace. Dharma is You/God itself, Mother SivaSakthi.
Great Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, Your surrendered child should Love You unconditionally in all Forms in this Universal creation whether they are beautiful or ugly, good or bad etc., that is Supreme Worship of You as said by You in Bhagavad Gita as Lord Krishna. All is You alone in Your Universal drama/play, nothing or nobody else. Individual's Egoistic I & Mine deluding ignorance is the one leading to pain & sufferings.
Loving Mother SatChitAnanda Sundari, ParaSakthi, Every Form in this Universe, the Universal itself and beyond is nothing but You alone, nothing or nobody else. No Gain or No Loss in You, the immutable/unchanging Eternal Reality of Infinite Intelligence and Power. Dear Supreme Mother, What a privilege for Your unconditionally surrendered child to be seated in Your Divine Lap and happily interact with You at will. The entire Universe of natural and man-made/artificial creations (from sub-atomic to galactic level including living beings) are only proclaiming Your Magnificent Creative Glory. You alone are the Source, the Owner and the Manager/Controller/Ordainer of Everything in Your Universal Divine drama/play. But vast majority of humans trapped by their illusory Egoistic ignorance of I & Mine strengthened by Lust and Greed don't realize this Grand Truth and lead a selfish life tormented by pain & sufferings without peace. What a Pity!
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, the self-purifying/self-reforming way of living (freeing oneself from selfishness of I & Mine, the Ego) thru thoughts, words, and deeds/actions that takes one towards God/Self/Athmic-Realization is known as dharma/righteousness. Any other way of living (that thickens/strengthens selfishness) that takes one away from God/Self/Athmic-Realization is known as adharma/unrighteousness. It is because of selfishness that people give pain & sufferings to others/innocents and reap the same in return. The objective of dharma/righteousness is to enable one to get rid of selfishness and ultimately realize one's eternal, infinite Divine Nature (Moksha/Mukthi), inseparable Oneness with Thee SivaSakthi. Dharmic Scripture Thirukkural says - the greatest dharma is purifying one's mind to get rid of selfish impurities to attain Pure Mind - which is nothing but God/Athma/Self/You itself Mother SivaSakthi.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, You are the only trustable, eternal companion of an individual, Your created child, before birth, during physical life after birth, and after death as well. Relations, Friends, and Wealth/Possessions etc., are all just totally undependable/untrustable disappearing/changing magic of Yours for each new birth that cause pain & sufferings only, any time when mentally attached to them.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, seeing this entire Universal creation with its infinite diversities including its actions as You alone only can confer Peace of Mind. On the contrary, seeing this Universal creation apart from You, separate from You, ignorant of You as Individual objects only will cause fears, worries, selfish desires/aversions and resulting sinful actions leading to pain & sufferings losing peace of mind. Unfortunately, vast majority of humans in this earth are trapped in this ignorance, nothing but Your Universal Divine drama/play.
Great Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, nothing was brought with me during my birth and nothing will be taken by me after death, even a tiny hair in my body. Hence, Egoistic Selfish I & Mine idea is nothing but ignorance, foolishness. Whatever wealth given in the middle by You SivaSakthi it is for one's just needs and for sharing with others for just causes as Ordained by You.
Sweet Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, the impure nature of Human Ego is to blame others for its problems. But one who wants to spiritually evolve/mature to attain Pure Mind and eventually realize God/Self/Athma/You Mother SivaSakthi has to be humble and accept both favourable & unfavorable happenings/events in one's life and around as Your infallible Supreme Divine Will. Even unfavorable happenings/events are for a greater or eventual good only.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, some kind of isolation from desires driven worldly environment has to happen for a person to spiritually evolve to get rid of selfish worldly attachments tormenting one and continuously strengthen Love/Meditation on You and eventually attain/realize Thee as one's own Athma/Self by Your Supreme Divine Grace.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, Unadulterated Pure Cow's Milk (even Mother's milk to her child) is the best Sattvic Food in Nature, purifying and soothing to the Mind and also nourishing and soothing to the body as well.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Your surrendered child should become like You the Mother itself, embracing the entire creation with Universal Love and Compassion.
Great Mother Akilandeswari, SivaSakthi, people see deaths all around them but still they ignorantly believe that their death is very far, far, far... away from them, as if it is not for them even when they are getting older and older. Also, Very large majority of these people don't self-reform/self-purify themselves to get rid of their selfish impurities but continue to give pain & sufferings to others/innocents, wasting their life in sheer ignorance and purposelessness.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, Selfishness that is, selfish desires and hatreds are the prime causes that bring pain & sufferings to oneself and also responsible for inflicting the same onto others/innocents. Human Ego constituting I & Mine ignorance is strengthened by this Selfishness which destroys Peace of Mind and keeps one away from Your Divine Grace.
Great Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, past, present, and future in the entire Universe, every single moment at every single point happened/happens exactly according to Your infallible Supreme Divine Will alone in Your magical Universal Divine drama/play.=====
Loving Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, for Your unconditionally surrendered child You exactly know What not to give, What to give, When to give, Where to give, How to give etc., every single thing about that child is Your complete/total responsibility, the child has really nothing to plan or worry or fear about.
Sweet Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, only by accepting both favourable and unfavorable happenings/events in one's life as Your infallible Supreme Divine Will/Ordinance can a person obtain peace of mind, not otherwise; resisting this Truth will only move a person far, far away from Peace and without solutions to problems, affecting both mind and body with stress and consequent sufferings.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, a Bramma Jnani/Self-Realized person is the purest and highest manifestation of You among human beings who have a Pure Mind like a Clean Mirror fully reflecting You as Pure Consciousness (that is, Athma/Self) without the contaminating egoistic selfish mental impurities associated with I & Mine.
Great Mother Akilandeswari, ParaSakthi, by seeing the extremely complex physical and mental nature/characteristics of each single being/entity of a living species, You surrendered child can clearly understand how infinitely Intelligent, Powerful and Grand You are beyond all understanding of our atomic/tiny mental capability.
Loving Mother, Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, from time immemorial so many Rishis, Jnanis, and Saints have come, and still continue to come, but they writing and talking about Your Glories/Greatness continues inexhaustibly without any end at all.
Sweet Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, closing one's eyes and doing mental japa or focusing on an object is alone not meditation, doing one's rightful duties/activities (spiritual or religious or worldly) with full attention/concentration and sincerity without bothering about or giving importance to mental and physical distractions is also Meditation. The highest spiritual state of Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi is being established in unaffected peaceful and still internal state of Self/Athma even when in the middle of intense worldly activities or afflictions is the Supreme Meditational achievement in Spirituality, the Jivan Mukthi Bramma Jnana State, the state of inseparable Oneness with Thee SivaSakthi. That attainment is the real purpose of Human Birth, nothing else.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, in Your Universal creation everything single thing, living or non-living (from sub-atomic to galactic level) has its birth destined, death or destruction is destined, and every single event/happening in between - insignificant or significant, painful or pleasure - is absolutely destined by You in Your Universal Divine drama/play, nothing is unplanned or arbitrary. Every action has a reaction, Good results in Good, Bad results in Bad. Various desires, strength of those desires, and Good & Bad actions done to fulfill one's desires (Karmas) - all play their role in deciding the next birth of a person. Only when a Desireless state of mind is attained in a birth, it puts an end to future births and the person realizes Self/Athma/inseparable, ever joyful Oneness with Thee SivaSakthi.
Loving Mother Dharma Samvardhini, ParaSakthi, in this Universe God/You alone are the Supreme and the Ultimate Goodness/dharma/righteousness; and Surrendering to You and doing one's rightful life duties (worldly or spiritual /religious), every single one - significant or insignificant - as an offering to You, to please You alone, and being truthful to You irrespective of pain or pleasure experiences is alone the highest dharmic living according to Lord Krishna's Surrender Sloka in the Final Chapter of Bhagavad Gita. Such dharmic living alone purifies an individual to get rid of selfish egoistic desires/attachments and eventually blessed with God/Athmic/Self-Realization by Your Supreme Divine Grace. Such individuals following this Supreme Dharma of Surrender to You/God are under Your complete responsibility of care/protection. They will not be trapped by adharma/unrighteousness. Examples of individuals who followed this Great Surrender Dharma of living were Mahabharata's Vidura and Bhaktha Prahlada; and these were not trapped by adharma despite living in highly adharmic/unrighteous environment. On the contrary, there were individuals like Mahabharata's Bhishma, Dronacharya, and Karna who also followed dharma/righteousness but for personal or selfish reasons and also worshipped God but without any Surrender due to their strong Ego. Hence, these people were trapped by adharma and became the tools of adharmic Kauravas to continue with their adharmic/unrighteous activities against noble and dharmic Pandavas. This wrong way of following Dharma also led to the tragic destruction of these three individuals in Mahabharata War because they became tools of adharma. Hence, only leading a life of purity by unconditionally surrendering to God/You Mother SivaSakthi is the best dharma for humans in order to be saved in this selfishness, pain & sufferings filled Worldly life and eventually attain/realize You/God for no more troublesome births and deaths in this Universe.
Great Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, little children don't have any fears or worries; they live only in the present happily and know that they are fully protected by their parents. Saints and Jnanis are also like these innocent little children in mental state and they fully know that You/God are fully protecting them as well as everything in this Whole Universe. We all should become like innocent little children to be always immersed in Your Divine Grace without fear or worries.
Sweet Mother Krishnamma, ParaSakthi, according to Lord Krishna in Mahabharata, the Great Mahabharata war happened to show to the world that the followers of adharma/unrighteousness will always face a ruinous, destructive end.
Loving Mother Vigneshwari, a serious spiritual seeker/aspirant/sadhak should only follow one's Gurus teachings and appropriate Scriptures of his/her chosen spiritual path and should totally avoid listening/hearing, seeing and reading worldly or spiritual or religious things that will disturb or destroy one's Faith or pollute their mind.
Great Mother KumaraGanaNathamba, ParaSakthi, many of the Gods/Divine Forms and their Worship methods/practices including such as Tantras with their powerful Mantras like Bija in Sanatana Dharma/Hinduism might also have had their origins in numerous, now lost portions of Vedas including those of Atharva Veda.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, one should always liberally, generously share good things one has such as good words, wealth, knowledge, food etc., with the right needy ones selflessly despite difficulties/obstacles as an offering to You for the greater good of the world.
Sweet Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, all the Good and the Best things in this Universe are first and foremost for Your offerings only. Moreover, Just as everything single thing in Your Universal creation is unique, so also each unconditionally surrendered child of Yours is also unique and rare and very, very special to You.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, don't trap me in or make me get attached to Your Universal drama/play of Maya full of infinite unforeseeable twists and turns of pleasure and pain, driven primarily by lust and greed selfishness; By Your Supreme Divine Grace, Let me only hold onto You in my Mind always, joyfully and attain Thee without any separation, nothing else. Dear Mother, am I a playing doll for You? Please take me back soon from Your Nonsense magic Universal drama/play of infinite deluding dualities which I am totally fed up with, not interested at all anymore.
Great Eternal Mother Dharma Samvardhini, SivaSakthi, in Your Universal Divine drama/play there is a continuous battle, struggle between dharma/righteousness and adharma/unrighteousness within each person as well as between people who follow these respective ones. Lust and Greed driven selfish Adharmic people can't keep quiet at all except to create troubles for the Dharmic people (in Mahabharata, evil Kauravas always creating terrible troubles for noble Pandavas). Loving Mother, You alone can and will protect those who always hold onto You with surrendered attitude and follow dharma. Also, all Good and Bad things in Your Universal creation have a beginning as well as an end, nothing can continue forever; egoistic selfish, adharmic people causing pain & sufferings to others/innocents don't realize this truth and one fine day their silly play comes to a banging halt in a tragic painful way.
Sweet Mother Parvati, ParaSakthi, bad association/company ruins a person's life. For example, Mahabharata Duryodhana's character as well as his life was ruined due to association with his evil/adharmic/unrighteous Uncle Sakuni. On the Contrary, association with Saints, Jnanis, and Good/Dharmic/righteous people purifies a person, propels to do noble things in life, and eventually takes towards God/Self-Realization. Hence, kind of Company/Association shapes a person's life.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, narrow mind is due to accumulation of lot of selfish desires/expectations/attachments and it creates pain & sufferings to others/innocents and itself, destroying peaceful existence. Broad, Open, Liberal, Peaceful, Pure, and Compassionate Mind is possible only when selfish desires/expectations/attachments are thrown out and such a great mind is liked and inhabited by You Mother SivaSakthi.
Great Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, if by some good luck something great or good or valuable is attained without proper and committed/steadfast struggle or effort or sacrifice, then it can be easily lost or squandered because of not knowing the worth of what is attained.
Sweet Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, relationship between two sides, including friendship, can stand the test of time only if there is no selfishness on both the sides; even if there is selfishness on one side it will only fail.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Self-reformation/Self-purification can happen in a person only if there is a strong and steadfast will to follow God/Your surrendered dharma /righteousness, not otherwise. Just following God/Your surrendered dharma/righteousness alone confers Peace and Fearlessness irrespective of facing difficulties or unfavorable outcomes.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, the Human Ego is like a Balloon, it cannot keep on inflating without any limit troubling others/innocents, now and then it is deflated by pain & sufferings to attain some balance. But Only through Bramma Jnana/God/Self-Realization it is completely blown off, no more inflation or deflation, always at Peace now, One with God/You Mother ParaSakthi.
Great Mother Akilandeswari, SivaSakthi, in human life to achieve something worthy or great, sacrifice of selfish desires and hatreds/aversions obstacles to that must be done. Bramma Jnana/God/Self-Realization is the greatest, highest, uncomparable thing worthy to be achieved in a human birth; for that complete sacrifice of I & Mine selfishness has to be accomplished through Your Supreme Divine Grace by unconditional Surrender to You with Love Mother SivaSakthi.
Divine Mother Durga, SivaSakthi, if worldly minded people attain something they are desperately seeking in this world, their Ego shots up and the humility including compassion that was there before that attainment totally disappears. Egoistic Pride that hurts others/innocents only brings downfall with pain & sufferings.
Sweet Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, the deeper meaning of the words of Saints/Jnanis and Scriptures become clearer and clearer as one spiritual evolves with greater Purity of mind (that is, selfishness waning and divine love/attachment waxing).
Loving Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Saint Vallalar says that one attains God/You through Jeeva Karunya -- Selflessness including compassion (that is, disappearing of selfishness that cause pain & sufferings to others/innocents); and this is possible through the disappearing of Ego constituting I & Mine attachments, attained the through the feeling and the realization of the truth of Oneness of everything (that is, All is God only in this Universal creation, nothing or nobody else).
Great Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, compared to the massively infinite size/scale of this complex Universe created by You, the eternal infinite Supreme Intelligence Power, this earth and the humans living in it are as good as not existing. But Humans don't realize or not at all bothered about this Great Truth, they just hold onto their worthless Ego and its selfish desires/hatreds and create pain & sufferings for themselves and others/innocents destroying peace within & without and waste their precious transient life without making any effort towards attaining God/Self-Realization/Oneness with the Universal Truth, that is You Mother ParaSakthi. Just seeing the complexity and the wondrous nature and working of the human body itself reveals the unknowable infinite Greatness of Your Supreme Intelligence and Power Mother SivaSakthi.
Loving Mother Akilandeswari, SivaSakthi, worldly minded people cannot show interest and understand spiritual truths concerning God/Self-Realization, which are subtle in nature, unless their mind is greatly freed from running after worldly pleasures/desires/attachments.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, In general, atheists/atheistic rationalists commit far greater mistakes/errors/wrongs in life without self-reformation including causing pain & sufferings to others/innocents than ordinary people who believe or have faith in God and Dharma/Righteousness.
Loving Mother Draupadi, ParaSakthi, Love is Love only if it is unconditional, selfless, without any expectations from the Object being Loved. Mother's Love towards its child and Your/God's/Bramma Jnani's/Sage's Love towards all the created beings are like that only, even the mistakes/errors/wrongs/defects/impurities of the Object being Loved don't change that. It has the power to transform/reform the Object being Loved into a Being Pure in Heart. Sweet Mother SivaSakthi, Your loving, unconditionally surrendered child is like an insect trapped in Your web of Love to be completely devoured by You in Love to realize its inseparable Oneness with Thee. No escape at all for it from You, Your Love, One and the same. It is under Your Complete Control, responsibility, care, and protection. No worries or fears at all, only total peace, love, purity, and happiness. On the contrary, vast majority of humans are trapped in attachments. An Attachment is not Love at all because it involves selfish expectations from the Object being attached to/desired and it is transient ending in disappointment & pain only.
Great Mother Panchali, ParaSakthi, good minded people will only see good in things (e.g scriptures or people) and take or learn and utilize them for greater good. Crooked/narrow minded people due to selfishness will only see fault/error/wrong/defect in things to create troubles around destroying peace within and without.
Great Mother Yajnaseni, ParaSakthi, the human/worldly life is full of pitfalls of adharma/unrighteousness due to selfishness and other unexpected problems and sufferings. Hence, Mother SivaSakthi, it is Supremely best to unconditionally surrender to You with Love and be guided and protected by You in life to successfully complete it and attain You once and for all with no more rebirths.
Loving Mother Krishnaa, ParaSakthi, good/dharmic/righteous people actually undergo more pain & sufferings in Your Universal Divine drama/play due to many reasons driven by their karma: (1) To test that they follow dharma/righteousness even during extreme, toughest & painful life situations/periods. (2) To further reform/purify them towards Your ultimate Grace of God/Self-Realization. Dharmic/righteous people are always Your favorite children Mother SivaSakthi, who are under Your complete responsible care/protection. (3) To serve as noble and greatly respected examples among humans for motivating ordinary people to practice dharma/righteousness, showing that following dharma/righteousness always produces Good end, whereas adharma/unrighteousness though appearing to prosper in the beginning always leads to destructive, ruinous end - giving a life full of fears and worries and agitation/restlessness/lack of peace within & without.
Great Mother DrupadKanya, ParaSakthi, according to Advaita Vedanta Philosophical Truth, You are both KataAkasa (Space within a Pot, that is, pure consciousness within an individual being) as well as MahaAkasa (Universal space, that is, Universal consciousness); one and the same Pure Consciousness-Being. Through Your infinite Power, You produce the dream world in the dream state during an individual's sleep and the Grand Universe/World during an individual's waking state including the individual itself. Everything is Your completely directed magical play alone Mother SivaSakthi.
Great Sacred River Mother Ganga, ParaSakthi, Mother of all Rivers. From time immemorial, You purify and remove the sins of all beings who come in contact with You, apart from satisfying their survival and other needs for water. But sadly, in this age of Kali Yuga, we humans are polluting You and other rivers with terrible pollutants revealing the current state of increasing selfishness and ungratefulness in this world including towards their own Parents. Mother Ganga, SivaSakthi, through Your Supreme Divine Grace, let we humans be shown the right path of leading a life that overcomes selfishness.
Sweet Mother Draupadi, SivaSakthi, physical beauty of a person is liked by others and it has a meaning only if that person is filled with Love and Compassion. On the other hand, even if a person does not have physical beauty but filled with Love and Compassion, it will provide a physical beauty of its own attracting people (e.g Saints and Sages like Sri Ramana Maharshi, Mahatma Gandhi etc).
Loving Mother Saraswathi, ParaSakthi, Your Supreme Divine Grace received by Your unconditionally surrendered child is completely under Your control and cannot be misused at all for selfish gains resulting in destructive ends like ordinary siddhis/super-natural powers. Your Supreme Divine Grace always confers Good only even if it seems to produce painful experiences many times.
Great Mother Sharada, SivaSakthi, in Your Universal Divine drama/play, the terrible peace destroying Jealousy has no limits at all. People will even get jealous of a person (and try to give troubles) who is struggling in life and very, very poor like a beggar but is good/dharmic/righteous. Loving Mother, You alone protect Your good/dharmic/righteous children from all troubles faced by them.
Loving Mother Krishnamma, ParaSakthi, as Lord Vishnu You have taken so many wonderful incarnations in various ages to protect the innocents, punish the wicked/evil doers, and establish dharma/righteousness. But for Your surrendered child, the one great act of Yours that stands gloriously above everything else is Your saving of Noble Draupadi's honor in the evil court of Kauravas and justly punishing the evil doers through the Great Mahabharata War. For this one great act alone, Your surrendered child is supremely thankful/grateful and happy to be Your eternal Slave child.
Dear Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, the greater the strength of attachment to a worldly object (including one's own body), the greater the Peace destroying pain & sufferings experienced when that object fails to fulfill one's expectations or begins to give unexpected problems. Leads to perform selfish sinful actions as well. Mother SivaSakthi, total/complete/absolute/unconditional attachment/Love to You alone can wipe out all worldly attachments and associated karmas conferring eternal Peace, Purity and Happiness of inseparable Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self. No more rebirths due to worldly attachments and associated karmas.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, You said - "through discrimination discard impure or unwanted or distracting thoughts immediately and focus on Me".
Great Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, people with bloated ego may think that they are performing purposeful activities in life and criticize or ridicule others according to their biased, selfish and ignorant view point as lazy, useless and wasting their life in worthless activities. But from Your position as the Supreme creatrix and controller of this Universal Divine drama/play everything is ordained by You whether they appear purposeful or wasteful to mortals, all part of Your Divine drama/play planned/scripted by You.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, You are infinite source of inexhaustible Absolute Love (Anbu) , Bliss (Anandam) , Peace (Amaithi), and Fearlessness (Abhayam). Your unconditionally surrendered child desperately seeks inseparable Life United with Thee forever.
Great Mother Akilandeswari, SivaSakthi, in Your Universal creation, in Your Universal Divine drama/play, there is no place for selfish isolated existence or living, there is only Cooperative existence or living right from sub-atomic particles to galaxies including living things/beings. Selfishness in Your Universal creation is destined only to create unwanted problems/sufferings.
Divine Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, As ordained by Your infallible Supreme Divine Will, whether one is rich or poor, whether one lives in Swiss or in a slum etc., these things don't matter at all for one's Happiness if one is filled with Peace and Contentment. But if a person is agitated by selfish desires/hatreds/attachments, then even if one is the Supreme king of Heaven and Earth there will be no Peace and Happiness at all for that person. Surrender to God/You and Your infallible Supreme Divine Will and following dharma/righteousness with self-reformation/self-purification is the sure and best way to attain Peace, Contentment, and Happiness.
Great Mother Durga, SivaSakthi, You have kept weaknesses even in Supremely Powerful entities or things or beings in Your Universal creation so that they are not invincible and without control and are kept in check by opposing forces to maintain some kind of balance in the respective system.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, if one really loves, respects, and worships Mother Draupadi, one of Your great avatar on earth, then one must be good human being compassionate towards all living beings and honor womankind.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, in her moment of utter despair, when no earthly help is forthcoming even from her powerful husbands present right before her eyes, Draupadi makes the supreme gesture of complete surrender to God. Her faith in God is absolute, her rejection of all earthly support is final. She lifts both her hands from the portion of the garment covering her and joins them in an act of prapatti, a symbol of the charama sloka in the Gita: “Abandon all dharmas, and take refuge in Me alone. I will deliver thee from all sin and evil. Do not grieve.” When Lord Krishna’s grace flows over her as streams of garments to protect her honor. Thus, God/You alone are the Eternal and Supreme Refuge; everything else is totally undependable/untrustable transient supports including blood relations, friends, wealth, power, authority, name, fame etc.
Sweet Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, I, Your unconditionally surrendered child sometimes may get upset and childishly, foolishly, ignorantly scold You harshly when You make me go through extremely tough situations in life which is not at all due to me or my selfish making in this birth. But one thing is absolutely certain, we will always, eternally Love each other deeply without least separation, because Your are my own Athma/Self/My very Core Being. A Mother Cow and its calf cannot keep away from each other.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, despite favourable or unfavorable conditions/periods/situations faced in life, if one unwaveringly loves, worships You and follows self-purifying/self-reforming dharmic/righteousness way of living without any worldly expectations/selfish desires, such one through Your Supreme Divine Grace is shown the path to God/Self-Realization through the meeting and purifying guidance by a Jnana Guru who himself is inseparably established in God/You/Athma/Self. Such Guiding Jnana Guru need not be in physical form but can also be in subtle form like Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi as one's own Athma/Self. SatSang (literally "association with the Truth") is absolutely necessary to achieve purification of mind for God/Self-Realization; Sat can be God in Form, Self/Athma, Bramma Jnana Guru, Saints, Sages, Spiritual Scriptures/materials, Temples, and People pure in mind through spiritual maturity/development.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, our Love and Surrender to You should be totally unconditional like brother Great Lord Vinayakah's. He fought Father Lord Siva's forces to fulfill Your command without worrying about whether He will get Killed in the battle or He will be Protected by You. He never ever accused or scolded You later for not being able to save His life or His Beautiful Human like Head. Such is Lord Vinayakah's unconditional Love and Surrender to You, Mother Parvati, which we all should have/cultivate just like Nayanmar Saints of Father Lord Siva had. Mother SivaSakthi, You showered Your Supreme Divine Grace on Brother Vinayakah by making Him one of the six Great Gods of Hinduism worshipped daily by the Hindus.
Sweet Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, Your surrendered child once tried to become an atheist due to disappointment and anger towards You. But very quickly that action failed miserably as it realized that away from You its mental impurities only got greatly increased and strengthened and the pain & loss of separation from You, Your Love (both same) was very, very great and away from You there is no life for it. Loving Mother, for the mind moving away from You everything appears hellish, but when the mind is holding onto You with Love it is Heaven here itself despite facing external problems. Great Mother, nobody can never ever go away from You as You are everyone's core being as their own Athma/Self and the entire Universal creation with all its energy/forces is nothing but You alone, nothing or nobody else.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, sometimes Your surrendered child may have small emotional fight/tiff with You for some silly reasons/expectations just like Lovers have, before becoming normal again after some time; All part of Your Divine drama/play with Your created children.
Great Mother Akilandeswari SivaSakthi, it is highly uncivilized when people through uncontrolled anger/frenzy shout and abuse each other, particularly with worst filthy words, heard by everyone around. At least, one side throwing aside the Ego must maintain silence in order to bring the terrible situation under control with peace.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, vast majority of human beings in Your creation lead a miserable life tormented by selfish desires and hatreds arising in their Ego-mind as agitating/restless thoughts without any recognition/realization of this fact and then without any discrimination perform sinful actions and reap consequent fruits of pain & sufferings losing mental Peace and further, are without any worthy/purposeful thought of self-reformation/self-purification from selfish desires and hatreds.
Great Mother Akilandeswari, ParaSakthi, You produce this Universe out of Yourself, sustain it for long time, and then dissolve it back into You. You produce living beings to enjoy this Universal creation of Yours, make them undergo pleasure & pain experiences caused by desires driven thoughts and actions, You mature few with practical knowledge/realization about You and Your Universal Divine Creation & Play and dissolve them back into You with no more troublesome births & deaths. What a strange & infinitely complex game You are playing Mother hiding Yourself! You are the only real meaning of this meaningless and boring game, enjoyed and played by You without beginning and end. All is You alone in this Universal creation & play, nothing or nobody else.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, pleasure and pain experiences, birth and death events, and when and the way all these have to happen, all these are planned and ordained by You alone. Living Beings are just Your dummy playing dolls/toys, You are the real enjoyer through all the living beings, and present within and without. Living and non-living things, all Your Forms only.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, everything (all I & Mine attachments/possessions) can be totally given up or renounced for You/God, but never ever You for anything, the real One, the Source of entire transient, magical, undependable Universal creation.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, the kind of association has a very, very strong influence on a person's character and behavior. Association with mind impurifying/adharmic/unrighteous/evil things or objects or people has a very, very bad influence on a person's character and behavior. For example, a good apple when placed in a basket full of spoiled or worm infested apples will also get spoiled, similarly, if a spoiled or worm infested apple is placed in a basket full of good apples also results in the spoiling of all the good apples as well. Mother SivaSakthi, such is the destructive power of bad elements/things in Your Universal creation for Your Divine drama/play. On the contrary, Association with mind purifying/dharmic/righteous/divine things or objects or people has a very good influence on a person's character and behavior. In fact, the journey towards the Ultimate goal of human life, God/Self-Realization, requires such noble association including for achieving good/great/noble things in worldly life as well.
Sweet Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, there is never exclusive good (favourable) period or bad (unfavorable) period in living beings' life in Your interesting Universal Divine drama/play. Even a long bad period is also filled with relief/happiness providing good times and Vice-versa. Even a single day can be a mixture of good and bad (favourable and unfavorable) times/experiences. Great Mother, other than You, the sole reality/existence, everything in Your magical Universal creation are of continuously changing nature.
Great Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, if a person is free from worldly attachments/desires/hatreds including attachment to one's body by holding onto Divine/Self/Athma/God/Your attachment/Love alone, then that person has a tremendously peaceful, blissful, and fearless death. All these come directly from You Mother SivaSakthi residing within oneself as Athma/Self.
Divine Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, though in Vishishtadvaita philosophy Universe/World, and Living things/Beings/Jivas form the body of God/You, both in Dvaita and Vishishtadvaita philosophies they (the three) are actually separate eternally existing entities. One of the important reasons for this three separate existences could be that these two philosophies want to show that God is totally pure with divinity/goodness without any contaminating impurities/bad things associated with/found in the other two entities. But in Advaita philosophy, it is one God/Supreme Intelligence/Pure Consciousness-Being/You alone manifesting/appearing as the other two entities as well through Your inseparable, inscrutable Creative Power/Maya. Good is You, Bad is You, Pain is You, Pleasure is You, Sinner is You, Saint is You, Beauty is You, Ugly is You, Non-Living thing is You, Living thing/being/jiva is You etc.,. All is You alone in Your Universal Divine creation for Your completely ordained magical drama/play just as dream world and dream living things/beings are produced in Pure Consciousness, which is You, in dream state of a person through Your Creative Power/Maya. Thus, Mother SivaSakthi, Advaita philosophy is very simple, convincingly true, real, Universal and All-embracing, Divinely revealed by You in Vedas and Upanishads through the Sages of India from time immemorial.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, if one unconditionally surrenders to You/God with melting Love, then You become slave to that child's unconditional Love/Bakthi and voluntarily do whatever necessary for its wellbeing including granting the Ultimate, Moksha/Mukthi/Liberation/Enlightenment/Bramma Jnana/Self-Realization/Jivan Mukthi. Such is Your Humility and Infinite & flooding Motherly Love/Grace for Your unconditionally surrendered child. For example, Father Lord Siva in disguise begged food from various houses to appease the hunger of Saint Sundarar, He also went as messenger on foot to make peace with Saint Sundarar's angry wife Paravai Nachiyar. Similarly, Uncle Lord Krishna carried the footwears of Draupadi and walked behind her meekly to meet Kaurava General Bhishma for the benefit of Pandavas, He also went as messenger to make peace with evil Kauravas again for the benefit of the Pandavas.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, Your surrendered child does the following types of meditation on You: (1) Closing the eyes and focusing on the seen blackness as Your shining, beautiful & flowing black hair and mentally chanting Your Divine Name or Mantra or Stotra or Praying to You or Conversing with You. (2) Closing the eyes and mentally chanting Your Divine Name or Mantra or Stotra or Praying to You or Conversing with You with total concentration on each uttered word or whatever uttered. (3) Closing the eyes and Creating or Producing Your pleasing Divine Form in the mind and doing a formal kind of Worship to You. (4) Focusing on the specific part of Your pleasing Divine Form like Feet or Face or the Complete Form and mentally chanting Your Divine Name or Mantra or Stotra or Praying to You or Conversing with You or Worshipping You. (5) Mentally chanting Your Divine Name or Mantra or Stotra or Praying to You or Conversing with You or Worshipping You with or without Your Divine Form while beginning or trying to sleep. (6) Even during the waking state filling the mind with Your related thoughts like that of Your temples or Divine Forms or words of Guru or advaitic thoughts or Your Puranic stories or Your Divine Name or Mantra or Stotra or Praying to You or Conversing with You or Worshipping You etc. (7) Beginning every activity, even trivial ones, with a dedication or prayer to You. (8) In the waking state focusing on Your Divine Form Picture or idol and mentally chanting Your Divine Name or Mantra or Stotra or Praying to You or Conversing with You or Worshipping You. All the above mentioned types of meditation are done with unconditional melting Love and Joy towards You by Your surrendered child. Without Love, these will be just mechanical, lifeless, and useless/fruitless/meaningless.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Your dear child Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi greatly appreciated the Advaitic Text "Tripura Rahasya".
Sweet Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, if one wants to spiritually evolve, powerful lustful mental impurities have to be overcome. For that, Supreme Mother, one has to Worship You always and see all women as Your images.
Great Mother Akilandeswari, SivaSakthi, unrestrained/uncontrolled selfish desire/hatred driven anger harms oneself and the recipients in both mind and the body. Hence, Selfish desires/hatreds/attachments have to be given up to attain Peace within and without.
Dear Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, in Your Universal Divine drama/play, vast majority of people when they lack in wealth/money, they tend to be simple, humble, compassionate, and disciplined/righteous in nature. But when they gain wealth/money the above good qualities take beating/wane and they tend to become highly selfish in nature. Very few people, Spiritually evolved/matured with discrimination and detachment/dispassion are the exceptions. Such is the situation in this age of Kali Yuga, particularly.
Great Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, when terrible failed sexual assault can be committed against Great Queen Draupadi itself in a noble Assembly Hall in the much virtuous age of Dwapara Yuga and that too when Lord Vishnu itself was in the human form as Lord Krishna; then, now in this degenerated age of Kali Yuga what not will happen to womankind from cruel, evil men? Mother ParaSakthi, You alone must save womankind from sexual & other violences by cruel, evil men and punish those wicked ones. This is my humble prayer and request to You Sweet Mother.
Loving Universal Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, You are not only infinite & flooding Love but also Absolute Purity radiating Absolute Blissful Peace. Hence, You can be attained only through the Mind which is Pure, that is, mind devoid/free of selfish desires/hatreds/attachments that tend to agitate it and make it restless without peace. Not only gross but even subtle desires are selfish in nature. Even one unfulfilled strong desire creates a new birth for its fulfillment. Good and Bad desires both create respective karmas to be experienced in this or future birth when expressed through thoughts, words or deeds. Bad desires that cause pain & sufferings to others/innocents are sinful in nature and create bad karmas for one's suffering by Divine Will/Justice. Great Mother ParaSakthi, Unconditional Attachment/Love to You alone can enable one to overcome selfish desires/hatreds/attachments to attain Thee inseparably as one's own Athma/Self to finish this painful birth-death cyclic game once and for all by Your Supreme Divine Grace. Restraining/controlling the five senses & mind from getting attached to mental or physical worldly objects that generate desires through the practise of discrimination/investigation & dispassion and leading God/Your centered/surrendered self-purifying/self-reforming dharmic/righteous life with spiritual practices are essential for this.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, one should perform one's dharmic/righteous life duties humbly, silently, patiently, and without any expectations from anyone or anything just as Sun, Trees, and other beautiful creations of Yours in nature do their wonderful duty. Great People are like that only accomplishing Great things silently, even unrecognized in their lifetime despite facing extreme problems/troubles/obstacles/sufferings, even life threatening as well and their Good Name stands the test of time. Such noble children are very much liked by You to receive Your Supreme Divine Grace towards eventual God/Self-Realization in the present or future birth. Your Dear Brother Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita also advises to perform one's dharmic/righteous life duties without any expectations as Karma Yoga. On the other hand, egoistic people like empty vessels do silly/trivial/insignificant things and make lot of noise for name, fame, recognition etc., and they quickly disappear as they had come in the flow of time.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi had expressed the following views on Sattvic Food for Spiritual Aspirants/Seekers:
Devotee: What diet is prescribed for a sadhak (one who is engaged in spiritual practices)?
Maharshi: Sattvic food in limited quantities.
D.: What is sattvic food?
M.: Bread, fruits, vegetables, milk, etc.
M.: The quality of food influences the mind. The mind feeds on the food consumed.
D.: May we gradually get ourselves accustomed to vegetarian food?
M.: Yes. That is the way.
Maharshi had also remarked something along the lines of "We are trying to eliminate vasanas of the flesh (basically ‘I am the body’ idea). How can eating flesh help that cause?".
Loving Mother Akilandeswari, SivaSakthi, when meditating on You by mentally chanting Your Divine Name or Mantra or Stotra, one must do it slowly by concentrating on each word individually as the underlying Supreme Truth, the Pure Consciousness, can be realized in the interval between two successive thoughts (that is, in the interval between two successive chanted words here).
Loving Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, famous Sant Tukaram had said, “When someone does not attain God through his/her spiritual practice, it does not mean that the particular practice is inadequate to attain God; it is just that the amount of spiritual practice is inadequate. One must have faith in whatever spiritual practice (such as chanting Divine Name, Jnana Yoga, or Karma Yoga etc) one chooses to follow”. Saint Tukaram had unconditionally surrendered to Lord Vithoba of Pandharpur, devoid/free of worldly desires and because of this Tukaram did not accept his wife Jija bai worshipping Mother Rukmai (spouse of Lord Vithoba) to obtain wealth/money to run his poor family. Even King Shivaji visited Saint Tukaram many times but he never asked or accepted anything from King Shivaji. Tukaram unconditionally accepted his life without any attachments, whether pain or pleasure, as a prasad of Lord Vithoba.
Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, God/Your surrendered children don't make any plans at all, their lives are totally driven by Your infallible Supreme Divine Grace/Will/Plan. On the other hand, worldly minded people driven by selfish desires/hatreds/attachments make lot of plans and they fail or succeed and lead to unexpected/unknown problems/sufferings as per Your Supreme Divine Will/Plan/Justice.
Sweet Mother Saraswathi, Sharada, ParaSakthi, knowledge gained by one must be utilized for the benefit of oneself and others in a dharmic/righteous way. But if it is used for cheating/deceiving/defrauding and for causing pain & sufferings to others/innocents, then it is a Great Sin with painful consequences and also amounts to totally disrespecting You. The five senses and the mind of humans must be employed only in a dharmic/righteous way, as they are very precious gift of Yours ultimately enabling one to attain God/You itself as one's own Athma/Self through Spiritual practices.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, Bakthi of individuals can be of three types - Tamasic, Rajasic, and Sattvic. Tamasic Bakthi is concerned with Worshipping God for fulfilling worldly desires including for causing pain & sufferings to others/innocents by torturing one's body or of others to please God like Rakshasas/Demons did as mentioned in Puranic Scriptures. Rajasic Bakthi is concerned with Worshipping God for fulfilling worldly desires through various ritualistic worships including Yagnas. Sattvic Bakthi, the best of all, is concerned with Worshipping God through gentle spiritual practices, to realize God/Self/Athma, involving I & Mine selfishness removing self-purification/self-reformation with Total Surrender to God (and His infallible Supreme Divine Will) in melting Love without any worldly desires or expectations, peacefully & equally accepting even pain also as God's Will/Blessings/Prasad for one's Good only.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, if all become Bramma Jnanis/Self-Realized beings then how can You continue Your Universal Divine drama/play. Hence, You have kept vast of majority of beings in ignorant state, ignorant of their Real Divine Nature, which is You itself, Mother SivaSakthi. Also, When You and Your surrendered child embrace each other (like Ocean and river) in infinite Joy in Samadhi (thoughts free state of mind of Your surrendered child), the surrendered child feels and lives in Your non-dual infinite & flooding Love, Absolute Blissful Peace, and Fearlessness. That is the fulfillment of Your Universal Creation and Divine drama/play, Mother ParaSakthi.
Loving Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, Soldiers sacrifice their precious lives selflessly for the security/protection of their country. Can any amount of wealth/money or anything of ours match that Selfless Sacrifice? Hence, when one is alive and when one has wealth/money, one should spend it liberally, selflessly for good/dharmic/righteous causes including correctly paying taxes to the Government. One who has the good mind to share wealth/money will also share other good things like knowledge etc., in dharmic/righteous way. We cannot even take a single bodily hair with us when we are dead; only our good and bad deeds done when alive and mental impressions with desires accompany us after death to decide our next life as ordained by You, Mother SivaSakthi. Wealth/money accumulated through adharmic/unrighteous means, miserliness, greediness, and Wealth/money not spent for dharmic/righteous causes create lot of troubles/problems and they get lost in negative ways such as bad habits, theft, diseases, cheating, Government fines, unexpected/unnecessary expenses etc., as ordained by Your infallible Supreme Divine Will/Justice, Mother ParaSakthi.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, Parvati, SivaSakthi, one nice way of meditating is mentally chanting Your Divine Name or Mantra or Stotra and simultaneously Visualizing and Visiting one's favorite Temples and seeing with attention the Divine images (even Sri Chakra) or Deities in those Temples.
Divine Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Great Panduranga Devotee Chokhamela once asked Lord Panduranga a question for the welfare of mankind, ‘Oh Lord! How should your devotees lead their lives to attain moksha ?’ Lord Panduranga answered the following with a smile on his face, ‘Chokha ! Three aspects have to be followed by my devotees in Kaliyuga 1. Chanting of God's Name. They should chant the name of God incessantly. When yagas and yagnas were performed earlier, mere chanting will fetch the same results in Kaliyuga. ‘Kalau nama sankeerthanam smrutham is proclaimed in Shastras. 2. Good Behaviour. A devotee should practice good principles like ahimsa, pity, patience, control over sense organs and a life of celibacy. 3. The company of Good people (Satsang). Should move always in the company of good people who always spend their time in the presence of God. To be acquainted with such people itself is a difficult task.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, trying to fulfill a selfish desire, even a trivial one, will only create unnecessary/unexpected activities and problems/sufferings including causing pain & sufferings to oneself and others/innocents, producing bad karmas. Hence, to have peaceful life irrespective of external environment/situations, life must be driven by just/dharmic/righteous needs and never ever by selfish desires/hatreds/attachments.
Sweet Mother Rukmini, Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, for a Child its Mother alone is Heaven, so also for Your unconditionally surrendered child You alone are its Heaven. Lord Sri Ramachandra has said in Ramayana that for Him Mother and Motherland are Heaven. Ramayana and Mahabharata are the two greatest dharmic Scriptures of India, Bharata Varsha, for people to read and follow in their lives.
Sweet Mother Sarvamangala, SivaSakthi, My dear darling Mother, I beg You, pray to You tightly holding onto Your Beautiful Loving Lotus Feet, Please keep things well under Your control, don't overwhelm me with worldly activities. My Love and interest is You alone, nothing else, please protect me, insulate me from all troubles in this Universe, full of Maya, created by You for Your Universal Divine drama/play.
Loving Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, Simple Living alone gives Peace of Mind. Even a Rich man should adopt Simple Living. Just because one has wealth/money, one should not indulge in selfishly seeking/acquiring one thing after another; only agitated/restless mind is the outcome, of such addiction to temporary pleasures, along with associated unknown/unexpected pains; may lead to terrible debts also if not checked. Wealth/money apart from utilizing for one's just needs should be spent selflessly, liberally for just/good causes worldly or spiritual/religious in dharmic/righteous way, which greatly increases one's Happiness and Peace. Simple Living is excellently good and healthy for both mind and body. Living in one's own Athma/Self through Self-Realization is the Best Simple Living in this Whole Universe.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, even if one gives a tiny attention to a distracting thought, it can take one for a big ride of successive thoughts with the activity of concentration/focus/meditation going for a toss.
Sweet Mother Saraswathi, Sharada, ParaSakthi, Controlling Three Senses is very vital to disciplined/dharmic/righteous, healthy, and peaceful living; it purifies mind, prevents sinful actions, and takes one towards God/Self-Realization. They are Controlling/Restraining Mouth from speaking and consuming bad things, Controlling/Restraining Eyes from seeing bad things, and Controlling/Restraining Ears from hearing bad things. Mahatma Gandhi kept with him a Three Monkeys statue depicting the above Truthful Lesson.
Great Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, many people without humility, though not externally, at least mentally pride themselves that they are accomplishing great things in life while others are wasting their lives doing worthless things. Dear Universal Mother, from Your position everything is Your Universal Divine drama/play, then what is great or what is not great! All is just Your game/play as a child would play, what is there for one to get pride of without humility, only sheer ignorance, nothing else.
Sweet Mother Ganga, SivaSakthi, Your surrendered child complained to You about irritating and disgusting impurities of urine and faeces inside the human body and that Yourself have no such problems because You have a Divine Body. To these, Mother Ganga, You replied Your loving surrendered child seated on Your Divine Lap, "Though I have a Divine Body, Your condition is infinitely better than mine. As a river, in this degenerated age of Kali Yuga, I have to carry all kinds of terrible impurities including toxic sewage and industrial effluents apart from carrying the sins of people who take bath in my waters. But I am mentally detached from all these troubles and continue my flow and finally dump my impure waters into the Great Sea. Likewise, You also be detached to all Problems in life and dump/surrender Your mind into the Great Sea of God/Athma/Self/SivaSakthi and be pure & peaceful and do Your dharmic/righteous life duties without fears or worries about anything at all as all Good and Bad (favorable and unfavorable) things happened in this Universe till this point and all similar future happenings are solely according to the infallible Supreme Divine Will alone as part of Universal Divine drama/play/plan".
Loving Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, if one really wants to get rid of selfish desires/hatreds/attachments, that torment, agitate and make mind restless without peace and make one to do sinful actions to reap bad karmas, then one should steadfastly put effort to make one's mind and three important senses of ears, eyes, and mouth to consume/dwell only on good/dharmic/righteous/Divine things/Satsang, nothing else. The mental purity attained through such steadfast effort will eventually take one to the ever joyful, peaceful, fearless, and immortal state of God/Self-Realization/inseparable Oneness with Thee Mother SivaSakthi as one's own Athma/Self.
Great Mother Dharma Samvardhani, SivaSakthi, good/dharmic/righteous people compassionately sympathize, empathize even when bad/cruel/adharmic/unrighteous people undergo painful sufferings (even when without any thought of regret for their bad actions as well). But ultimately, they deserve their painful sufferings as ordained by Your infallible Supreme Divine Will/Justice.
Loving Mother Sita, ParaSakthi, Saint Thyagaraja of Thiruvaiyaru had famously sung - "Endaro Mahanubhavulu Andariki Vandanamulu", which means - "My namaskarams/salutations to all those great men who have attained great heights in their spiritual experience and who have lived in all the ages" . The important message from this beautiful song on Lord Rama is that one should be greatly humble as well even when one is spiritually advancing with extraordinary spiritual experiences towards God/Self-Realization.
Great Mother Akilandeswari, SivaSakthi, Supreme Reality, You have taken three Supreme Forms along with associated Consort Power for Your Divine Universal creation and play as Lord Brahma & Mother Saraswathi (for creation), Lord Vishnu & Mother Mahalakshmi (for sustaining and protection), and Lord Siva and Mother Parvati (for Bramma Jnana and Dissolution of Universe).
Sweet Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, Your surrendered child undoubtedly considers those moments of life as the happiest and purposeful/meaningful that are spent associated with God/You in some way or the other including happily and innocently playing with kids in the nearby Uncle Lord Krishna's Temple during childhood.
Sweet Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, the mind must settle like waveless, calm Ocean in meditation for God/Self-Realization. But if the mind is agitated/restless like turbulent, stormy Ocean due to the domination of selfish desires/hatreds/attachments then God/Self-Realization is impossible, which is absolutely Blissful and Peaceful State of mind unreachable by worldly thoughts.
Sweet Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, a pure, innocent child loves its Mother unconditionally even if she were a prostitute, and such Mother also loves her child unconditionally irrespective of its physical, mental or behavioral limitations. Dear Loving Mother SivaSakthi, Your unconditionally surrendered child's Love towards You is also like the above child’s Love. True Love, not attachment, is unconditional, transcending all limitations and expectations and its real nature is God/Athma/Self/You itself Mother SivaSakthi, in agreement with the famous saying in this World that "God is Love itself" (Anbe Sivam).
Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, According to Jnana Guru Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, if one lives life addicted to taste and trying various food items without end, then that person will only end up with diseases. But if one eats just to appease the hunger for living, then whatever one eats becomes medicine. Ramana Sadguru also advised Spiritual seekers/aspirants striving steadfastly for God/Self-Realization to not to get distracted by showing keen interest in worldly matters (including political matters) and waste their precious time & energy as these are nothing but unreal play of the Divine. Also, they should avoid unnecessary/unjustifiable contacts with worldly minded people to avoid being contaminated & disturbed by their strong worldly thoughts.
Sweet Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, Your unconditionally surrendered child has every right to approach and request You to solve its just pressing needs/problems, but at the same time, it is not at all right to approach and trouble You to fulfill its unjustifiable selfish desires as it can develop into an undesirable habit and moreover, You exactly know what to do for Your surrendered child and when and how to do it. Whatever You do for Your created children is nothing but Good only, ends in Good only, even if it appears painful initially (because of past karma); but vast majority of them cannot understand this truth and they get into state of worry or fear due to their worldly minded nature. Mother, You are Great Kalpataru (Wish fulfilling Tree), but if one unjustly forces a selfish desire upon You, it may be fulfilled by You but one may have to face the terrible hidden troubles that come with it. Hence, it is absolutely good/right to leave everything to Your Supreme Intelligence and Divine Will/Plan and be without selfish desires/hatreds/attachments and be peaceful and happy in Contentment.
Divine Mother Akilandeswari, SivaSakthi, worldly minded people mostly correct their behavior temporarily, primarily driven by the fear and worry of current or expected pain & sufferings concerned with the loss of something they are greatly attached to and it is not actually due to genuine mental maturity of self-purification/self-reformation.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, Guru Guha Ramana has said that even though a person may get severe beatings in a dream but when he wakes up he realizes that it is all just a silly dream. Similarly, one may get great pain & sufferings in this waking state but one need not ignorantly keep worrying or fearing about them as they are nothing but unreal play of the Divine just like a Dream creation. God/Self/Athma alone is real and eternal, all else is just disappearing magic of the Divine.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, Form of Dharma/righteousness itself, one should be truthful to You, faithful to You, Pure/unselfish in Thoughts, do dharmic/righteous unselfish actions pleasing You alone, as an Offering to You, being Slave to You alone with great Love and not to any transient worldly objects of pleasures laden with pain & sufferings, and Trust You alone. You alone are the very meaning, madness, Foundation, all-in-all of one's life, and the joy, purpose of living it, nothing else. Your unconditionally surrendered child alone understands and realizes this great Truth, while the vast rest are trapped in the ignorance of worldly attachments. If one trusts or slave to or truthful/faithful to or associates with bad/adharmic/unrighteous people or things and/or perform selfish actions due to selfish desires/hatreds/attachments, then it will surely bring only ruin/destruction/terrible karmic sufferings to such person or people. But if one deeply regrets one's errors/wrongs/impurities and surrenders to You to become Pure, then that person is surely saved/redeemed by You, that's certain, no doubt at all. Great Mother SivaSakthi, You/God/Jnana Guru/Athma/Self/Para Brahmam, all one and the same, Eternal Pure, Blissful, Peaceful Consciousness-Being-Power, the source, container, sustainer, and dissolver, the only real creator, owner, doer, enjoyer and player of this dream like Magic Universal creation.
Sweet Mother Saraswathi, ParaSakthi, all scientific and technological innovations in this Universe is solely due to Your Supreme Infinite Intelligence expressed through the finite instrumental medium of intelligent living beings like humans, who are Your tiny, finite manifestations/forms.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, without Your Divine Grace/help/Will nobody can achieve anything in this Universe including dealing with and defeating evil/adharmic/unrighteous elements in the external world as well as within themselves itself as their selfish mental impurities.
Loving Mother Varahi, ParaSakthi, Pure Consciousness-Being-Power, Your unconditionally surrendered child should watch Your Universal creation, Your Universal Divine drama/play like a Movie show with appropriate emotions but only superficially and detached with the firm conviction and realization that it is all just Your unreal/transient magical Divine drama/play.
Sweet Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, any act done with pure mind, with selflessness and Love, even though it may appear to worldly people as adharmic/unrighteous, it is nothing but a pleasing noble act to You. For example, Saint Kannappa Nayanar put his foot on Sacred Linga in a noble act to cure Lord Shiva's bleeding eye. On the contrary, any act done with impure mind, with selfishness, with egoistic pride, without Love, even though it may appear to worldly people as dharmic/righteous, it is nothing but a wrong act to You and it results in negative consequences. For example, God of Death Yama was killed by Lord Shiva when the former tried to take away the life of His beloved Devotee Markandeya by arrogantly encircling Markandeya with a noose along with the Sacred Linga lovingly and tightly held by him.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, anything in this world if it is approached or utilized with dharmic/righteous/divine purpose and means, then it will be beneficial. But if it is with adharmic/unrighteous/evil purpose and means, then it causes pain & sufferings to oneself and others/innocents. For example, if a knife is used for cutting vegetables, then it is helpful for cooking, but if it is used for injuring oneself or others, then it causes pain & sufferings.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, All creatures across all species created by You for Your Universal Divine drama/play are gradually proceeding towards God/Self-Realization in some future birth of theirs through gradual purification/reformation without exception, however worst/cruel in their behavior they may be now. Great Mother, Pure Consciousness-Being-Power, You alone are the real Father, Mother, Teacher/Guru, and God residing within every creature of this Universe; creating them within Yourself itself just like a Dream creation, watching them, controlling them, protecting them, and guiding them across all their births. You alone have taken all these forms, Your manifestations only, nothing or nobody else; You alone are playing this magical Universal game/play of creation without beginning and end.
Sweet Mother Akilandeswari, SivaSakthi, an advanced spiritual seeker/aspirant/sadhak can easily realize the terrible disturbing effect of selfish thought waves of worldly people on his/her calm/peaceful mind; it is just like a stone thrown on a still pond of clear water and disturbing it, creating waves after waves or like muddying a clear pond (and it will take a very long time for the pond to regain its still or clear state). Hence, it is supremely good for a Spiritual Aspirant/Seeker/Sadhak to avoid all kinds of unnecessary worldly contacts, whether it is in the form of people, newspapers, magazines, movies, television or Internet or social media etc., in order to proceed peacefully well, free from polluting/distracting worldly thoughts, in his/her spiritual path towards the ultimate God/Self-Realization, the pure, immutable state of ever joyful inseparable Oneness with Thee Mother SivaSakthi as one's own Athma/Self.
Sweet Mother Padmavathi, Varalakshmi, ParaSakthi, the Trimurthis and their Consorts of Power -- Lord Brahma-Mother Saraswathi (for Creation), Lord Vishnu-Mother Mahalakshmi (for Protection), and Lord Shiva-Mother Parvathi (for Dissolution & Bramma Jnana) -- are Supreme Manifestations/Forms of the One and Only Supreme indivisible, immutable Intelligence-Power Truth/Reality (Para Brammam-ParaSakthi) to run this Universal Magic Show/Play/Drama/Movie.
Loving Mother Saraswathi, Varalakshmi, ParaSakthi, What is Good Life, the Best Life to lead? Irrespective of whether one is rich or poor, or suffering from terrible problems or diseases or not etc., steadfastly if one's mind is Centered on You/God, surrendered to You, Lovingly Devoted to You and leading a dharmic/righteous/truthful life for You, as an offering to You, pleasing You alone through every single activity, then that is the Best Life, Good Life to lead as a Human Being, anything else is only selfish worldly life.
Great Mother Kamakshi, Gayathri Devi, ParaSakthi, mental strength or toughness really means holding onto God/You/Self/Athma, the real eternal Truth in mind always with Loving faith and unwaveringly leading a dharmic/righteous life based on just needs (not selfish desires/hatreds/attachments) and being balanced, detached and unaffected by both favourable or unfavorable (pleasure or pain) happenings/events in life which are solely due to Your infallible Supreme Divine Will for Your unreal magical Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie Mother SivaSakthi.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, You have created dualities such as Good & Bad, Pain & Pleasure, Beauty & Ugly etc., and also illusory individual free will to make Your completely directed/controlled/ordained dream like magical Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie interesting and lively. All these are nothing but Your manifestations only, nothing or nobody else. Bad/Evil/Adharma/Unrighteousness/Sufferings/Destruction are created and kept by You in Your Universal creation in order to bring about some changes or new beginnings in Your Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie. Till God/Self-Realization/Athmic-realization is attained, the illusory individual free will drives individual beings to self-reform/self-purify themselves through pain & suffering experiences in order to correct/eradicate their selfish mental impurities like lust, greed, anger, pride, jealousy, and hatred/aversion.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Advaita Vedanta Philosophy asserts through the experience of Sages & Jnanis and along with Divine revelations in the form of Vedas, Upanishads & other Scriptures like Bhagavad Gita that the entire Universal creation is nothing but You only, that is, manifestation of One Infinite Primal Supreme Intelligence-Power/Energy, nothing else. On the other hand, Science says that the entire Universal creation is a manifestation of One infinite Primal or Fundamental Energy. But it has not found out or come to a conclusion that whether this Primal or Fundamental Energy is Intelligent or Not.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, Your unconditionally surrendered child's intimacy/closeness with You and Love for You greatly increases proportional to the increase in the dispassion/detachment towards worldly objects. Vice-versa is also true, particularly in the path of Bakthi - the steadfast Loving and Faithful Worship of Personal God or Jnana Guru.
Great Mother Akilandeswari, ParaSakthi, one who worships You/God must be ever grateful to You for the blessings/grace received from You whether one is passing through good or bad times; otherwise, it only reveals one's selfish nature which will reap suffering consequences in order to teach lessons for one's reformation.
Sweet Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, meditating/focusing/concentrating on Your Beautiful Divine Forms internally along with mental prayers or chanting of Your Divine Name or Mantra or Stotra or Conversing with You eventually enables Your surrendered child to realize Your Real Divine Nature in a Pure or Still or Thoughts Free Mind, which is Pure Consciousness-Being-Power within and without, that is Your surrendered child's Core/Athma/Self as well. Initially, meditation has to happen voluntarily at fixed times of a day but as one advances in the spiritual path meditation happens involuntarily always through habit or as one's nature by Your Supreme Divine Grace. But till final, permanent Athmic/Self-Realization is attained distracting thoughts should be discarded immediately through discrimination/investigation without giving importance as they can take one on a big fantasy ride completely disturbing one's meditation or meditative state.
Loving Universal Mother Durga, ParaSakthi, when You can take care of atheist child like Scientist Stephen Hawking - who was in totally immobile vegetative state for decades, Will You not take care of Your unconditionally surrendered child completely dependent upon You alone! What reason is there to have doubt on this Truth!
Great Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, in Bhagavata Purana, in the incident where Lord Krishna showed the whole Universe within His mouth to Mother Yasoda reveals the truth that the entire Universal creation exists right within God/You Divine Mother, not outside of You. It is produced by You, run at every single point, every single moment by Your Supreme Divine Will alone - nobody else, and eventually dissolved by You; all these happen right within You Great Mother of the nature of infinite, eternal Pure Consciousness-Being-Power.
Sweet Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, it is always good to carry out one task (even trivial or insignificant) at a time truthfully with steady focus/concentration, to the best of one's ability, and without allowing to get distracted by unwanted thoughts in order to do it well.
Loving Mother Saraswathi, ParaSakthi, one has to be pure, innocent, and natural like a baby/child in order to attain You; which is not at all possible with selfishness filled impure mind of lust and greed. Your unconditionally surrendered child wants You only, absolutely nothing else of Your magical Universal creation, however great and grand it might be like Heaven. Your madly Loving child has absolutely no space for these things, no thoughts of these things in its mind other than You alone Great Mother.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, though the entire Universal creation is Your Form including dualities like Good and Bad etc., Your real nature is infinite, eternal Pure Consciousness-Being-Power which can be realized only through pure or still or thoughts free mind. To attain that state of mind, one has to first give up, get detached from bad/evil/adharma/unrighteousness/selfishness as they create terribly agitated, restless mind of impure thoughts of lust and greed without any peace at all and they drive one to perform sinful actions of suffering consequences. To overcome the above tormenting problems, one has to hold onto good/divine/dharma/righteousness/unselfishness which will not only gives peaceful and fearless mind of good qualities like humility, compassion etc., it eventually leads one to God/Self-Realization. But when one spiritually advances greatly, even good and extraordinary things like Divine Visions/Dreams may create restlessness if they are not seen, hence, attachment to these must also be given up to peacefully proceed towards the final goal, one’s natural state of Athmic/Self-Realization.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, in Your Universal creation, if there is a problem, then destruction of the source of problem is a solution in only few, exceptional cases. But in general, if there is a problem, then dealing with it, managing it to find a constructive solution is the right way, no escaping or any destruction. This approach is necessary, happens, and ordained by You in Your Universal Divine drama/play/game to cultivate patience, tolerance, compassion, humility, mental strength, and other good qualities in living beings, particularly humans.
Loving Mother Krishnamma, ParaSakthi, the worst possible, gruesome, and inauspicious place in the whole Universe must be a bloody battlefield. Even in such a place You were guiding and protecting Your Loving Friend and dear Devotee Arjuna during Kurukshetra War. When such is the case, Will You not protect and take care of Your unconditionally surrendered child living in a terrible, troublesome, and inauspicious environment!
Great Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, the transformation (in terms of mental state and physical activities) of a Spiritual seeker/sadhak/aspirant towards the final goal of God/Self-Realization with steadfast spiritual practices involving Loving faith, self-purification/self-reformation and surrendered attitude towards God/You/Self/Athma is like transformation from the stages of egg, larvae, pupae, to a fully developed butterfly; once a next stage in Spiritual transformation through Your Supreme Divine Grace is attained there is no possibility of, no slippage of going back to previous states/stages.
Sweet Mother Rukmini, ParaSakthi, in Your Universal creation bad/adharmic/unrighteous/evil/selfish things are capable of easily & immediately influencing and corrupting/polluting the mind leading to sinful actions (like poisonous herbs), whereas good/dharmic/righteous/divine/selfless things require interested, steadfast faithful adoption to see sure beneficial effects/results (like medicinal herbs).
Dear Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, Pure Consciousness-Being-Power, in Your magical Universal creation, though dualities like Good & Bad, Beauty & Ugly, Pain & Pleasure, Living & Non-living things etc,, emerge from, reside/exist and dissolve within Thee, You are absolutely untainted by all these like the Space that had emerged from You in the beginning, absolutely Pure, uncorrupted, unpolluted. Such is Your Supreme Divine Nature.
Loving Mother Saraswathi, ParaSakthi, even if a pet dog gets beatings from its Master, it will always remain lovingly faithful without leaving him; similarly, Your unconditionally surrendered child like that dog will always lovingly hold onto You even if it faces terrible pain & sufferings in Your Universal Divine drama/play/game.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, though good (unselfishness) and bad (selfishness) are in every human being in different proportions, but in order to be a good human being purposeful/useful to Your creation and eventually attain the highest end of human life, which is God/Self-Realization, one has to continuously reform/purify oneself to get rid of selfish impurities through loving faith in God/You and following dharma/righteousness. From seeing Good, one should learn how to be Good and from seeing Bad, one should learn how not to be like that.
Sweet Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, one should share one's Spiritual/Divine experiences only with one’s Jnana Guru or a close companion of good nature & same spiritual wavelength. But, if indiscriminately shared with everyone, people out of jealousy or atheistic or materialistic mentality may make fun of or express bad or negative views about those Spiritual/Divine experiences creating a discouraging or painful effect on the Spiritual seeker/aspirant/sadhak.
Great Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, Your various Divine Forms exist in order to run/manage various Universal duties/affairs as well as to take care of the devotees of those Divine Forms by solving their needs/problems by showering blessings/grace, reforming/purifying them and ultimately leading them to God/Self-Realization, the highest possible good end in this Universe.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, the infinite complexities, details and the working mechanisms of a human body is itself enough to reveal Your infinite genius, intelligence and power. What more Your unconditionally surrendered child can say about Your infinite greatness which is beyond all understanding and descriptions! Moreover, not only Your are infinitely Pure & Selfless, Your manifestations/forms as Self-Realized Great Gods/Goddesses and Sages/Jnanis are also like that, doing only good for Your Universal creation, even if it appears strange, against normal ways sometimes in the eyes of the ignorant mortals.
Sweet Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, Your Grace, Blessings, and full responsibility of Your help, support, guidance, care, protection is always showered upon only those children of Yours who have steadfast Loving Faith in You/God without any expectations, despite facing troubling twists & turns in the Game of Life run by You, and without any expectations steadfastly following dharma/righteousness which includes life duties as well as self-reformation/self-purification to get rid of selfish desires/hatreds/attachments. Such children of Yours alone eventually attain the highest good of human life, namely Mukthi/Moksha/Bramma Jnana/Jivan Mukthi/God-Realization/Athmic/Self-Realization/ever joyful inseparable Oneness with Thee through Your Supreme Divine Grace Mother SivaSakthi.
Great Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, from time immemorial, in the human history, so many achievers in different fields at different levels have come and gone, and their name, fame, position, wealth, power, authority etc., all transient, which don't give permanent Peace & Contentment, have also disappeared in the flow of time. But Ultimately, when they are remembered in later periods, they are only remembered for how Good or Bad they were, What Good or Bad they had done to others, society (e.g Yudhisthira, Duryodhan). Sweet Mother SivaSakthi, all had come and gone after playing their respective part/role in Your magical Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie as ordained/assigned by You for Your sake. You alone are the real owner, doer, player, enjoyer in Your magical Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie. All are Your Forms only, nothing or nobody else. Then, who is great or not great, which is best duty/job or worst duty/job, whom to hate or to get jealous of, etc? Hence, People should be humble, without pride and truthful because they all exist, live their life for Your sake only Mother SivaSakthi. Also, in Your Divine Game, Good must be done without any expectations, just like a person without any expectations, Selflessly planting a sapling today and some unknown people in the distant future after his death eating the fruits of the grown tree (e.g Selfless Ahimsa/Satyagraha Indian Freedom Fighters who followed Mahatma Gandhi and who got freedom for India enjoyed by the later generations). Loving Mother SivaSakthi, Your unconditionally surrendered child seeks from You, Yourself itself, the only Real Truth, eternal, ever Peaceful, Blissful One, nothing or nobody else, it wants to be a Baktha Jnana Vairagya Purusha (Devotee & Self-Realized dispassionate one) like Saint Thyagaraja, Vedanta Desika, Saint Muthuswamy Dikshithar, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, Kanchi Periyavar, Ramalinga Vallalar, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa etc.
Loving Mother Ganga, Parvati, Lakshmi, Saraswathi, ParaSakthi, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa tells, "Men are quick to praise and quick to blame; so pay no heed to what others speak of you. In living your life of peace and virtue, be indifferent alike to the praise and censure of mankind".
Loving Mother Kalikambal, Padmavathi, Saraswathi, Your indescribable infinite beauty is nothing but the manifestation of Your infinite & flooding Motherly Love. For Your surrendered child, You are its world, life, existence, and everything. Sweet Mother, a great & easy way to eradicate lustful tendencies is to worship God/You/Divinity in the form of Loving Mother. It makes one to see all women as veritable images of You - the Divine Mother itself with respect and their physical beauty as Your beauty with pure heart/mind. Great Mother, from time immemorial You have been producing so many great Sages/Saints/Jnanis; and for the vast ignorant humanity tormented by selfish impurities & karmic sufferings they serve as lighthouses/refuge of hope, purity, peace, love, selflessness and Divine solution to their problems. Divine Mother, nothing can be achieved by a Spiritual Aspirant/Seeker/Sadhak without Your/God's Grace and Jnana Guru's Grace, it God's/Your Grace that flows as Jnana Guru's Grace and it is secured by steadfastly & faithfully following the good words given by them. All knowing Great Mother, due to silly egoistic pride, ignorant humans when they are in happy period of life tend to give lot of advices to others who are undergoing sufferings. But when they themselves undergo sufferings all their own advices go down the drain.
Loving Mother Vigneswari, ParaSakthi, it is absolutely impossible to know and experience everything (particularly pleasurable attractions) in this Infinite, inexhaustible magical Universal creation of Yours. Such desire will only produce endless pain & sufferings laden births without peace, as it is happening to countless ignorant living beings. Also, creation means continuous movement, continuous oscillation, continuous vibration, hence, one cannot get lasting Peace & Happiness in the external world, not at all possible. Painful Birth-deaths ending Permanent Peace, Bliss/Happiness and Fearlessness can be attained only by realizing the immutable, eternal source of this magical Universal creation; which is unmanifested, unchanging, indivisible, one whole non-dual SivaSakthi (Pure Consciousness-Being-Power) present within and without, which is also one's own Core/Athma/Self as well. Through Supreme Divine Grace blessed steadfast faithful self-effort, Realizing and getting established in this non-dual/Advaitic Truth is what is known as God/Athmic/Self-Realization. That is the real purpose of this magical Universal creation as well as taking a human birth. If no effort is made in this direction, then it is nothing but wasting a precious intelligent human birth, very rare to get, in selfish desires/hatreds/attachments causing pain & sufferings to others/innocents reaping painful karmic consequences. Highly pure, highly evolved Great Bakthas meltingly worship God/You in Beautiful Divine Forms with intimate relationships such as mother, lover or child and they also attain Self-Realization as the end. The limitless Beauty and Auspiciousness of relatively real Divine Worlds like Kailasa, Vaikunta and Bramma Loka, or even Heaven including beautiful Divine forms of Gods/Goddesses and the worldly benefits of worshipping them is to attract ignorant restless, sinning, suffering people without discrimination/investigation & dispassion/renunciation in vast majority towards religious, dharmic/righteous life and gradually evolve them towards the Supreme end of Self-Realization. Ultimately, All these are magical play of one SivaSakthi.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, Tripurasundari, ParaSakthi, any beauty, seen anywhere in this Universe is nothing but a tiny drop of Your infinite, indescribable beauty. You alone are the source of all beauties seen in this Universe.
Dear Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, ParaSakthi, Your unconditionally surrendered child (one with mortal physical body) with intense, melting & deep Love VERY HAPPILY WISHES YOU, the one with eternal, immortal & changeless Existence along with Your Supreme Manifestations/Forms of Shiva, Parvathi, Ganga, Vishnu, Lakshmi, Bramma, Saraswathi who create & run this Universal play, LONG LIVE FOREVER, LONG LIVE FOREVER, LONG LIVE FOREVER for the Good of this Universal creation, for the Good of Dharma/Righteousness, for the Good of the Spiritual Heart of this Earth - India/Bharath, and for the Good of all Living & Non-living things including humans.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, Your Universal Divine drama/play involves even making worst/cruel living beings to get purified/reformed in successive births through karmic pain & sufferings and ultimately attain Thee as their own Athma/Self in a future birth, putting an end to their birth-death cycle game (Moksha/Mukthi/Self-Realization). Great Mother, if one is unconditionally surrendered to God/You, then one should not even make any plans for financial security for future like insurance, houses, bank deposits etc; complete care, protection & responsibility of oneself and his/her family must be left to God/You just like Saint Thyagaraja, Muthuswami Dikshitar, Vedanta Desikar, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and many other great Saints/Jnanis/Sages had done in the past and lived Supremely Peaceful, Blissful life on this earth by Your Supreme Divine Grace. For example, Mahatma Gandhi, when he unconditionally surrendered to God/You/Lord Rama, he cancelled his very high return life insurance policy, his only investment for future and gave that money to his relatives. Divine Mother, You illusory/magical Universal creation is like illusory Computer World of Software/Data/GUI/Web/Internet etc., of 0s & 1s, no real existence physically like a dream other than the skeletons of physical infrastructure; but in the case of Universe, the source is You, the contents is also You, All is You alone, nothing or nobody else, the Pure Consciousness-Being-Power Mother SivaSakthi.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, You have created this Universe full of infinite varieties of infinite living things/beings & non-living things just to lovingly play with them only, just like a sweet little pure, innocent girl child playing with her pet animals, toys and other play things: but at the same time You also act as a strict disciplining, correcting Father as well as a lovingly rewarding Mother depending upon the bad/good acts done by the living beings like humans.
Loving Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, thinking too much, intensely about worldly things with fear or worry or anxiety or stress will only cause mental fatigue, when not checked may lead to depression and in extreme cases may lead to madness as well. On the contrary, Divine Mother, thinking about God/You can only give/generate Love-Bliss/Happiness-Peace-Fearlessness in one's heart/mind; and this can only increase with increasing thoughts about You because Your real nature is, as well as You are the source of infinite Love-Bliss/Happiness-Peace-Fearlessness. Attaining You alone as one's own Athma/Self inseparably for an immortal, eternal joyful life is the sole purpose of taking birth, particularly as a human being without getting trapped in endless selfish desires/hatreds/attachments that create endless future birth-deaths laden with karmic pain & sufferings.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, attaining You is the most easiest task in the whole Universe because You are right within everyone as their own Athma/Self/Pure Consciousness-Being-Power. And at the same time, attaining You is the most difficult task in the whole Universe because it involves purifying/reforming oneself to get rid of Egoistic selfish desires/hatreds/attachments of I & Mine and filling it with Your thoughts in total Loving self-surrender to You. Hence, attaining You is the most easiest as well as the most difficult task in the whole Universe. But every bit of faithful effort in that direction is worth it, it is progress alone, no reversal. In this magical Universal Divine drama/play/movie/game of Yours, You are the only Real one, eternal One, ever joyful One, infinite One worthy to be attached to and attained, nothing or nobody else, everything else is transient laden with pain & sufferings.
Loving Mother Sharada, Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, Your Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie is terribly boring for Your unconditionally surrendered child, it is totally fed up with this game, it wants to attain Thee immediately inseparably. Great Mother, now and then, You Yourself get fed up, bored with Your Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie and bring about periodical dissolution of Your mighty Universal creation; then why are You keeping Your surrendered child here when it desperately wants to attain Thee inseparably; You have infinite other children to play with.
Sweet Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, people make lot of selfish plans; but even if they get fulfilled by Your Divine Will, they get into unexpected, unwanted problems/sufferings due to Your Divine Justice because those selfish desires/plans cause pain & sufferings to others/innocents. Mentally diseased people are those that are tormented/dominated by Egoistic I & Mine selfish desires/hatreds/attachments and cause pain & sufferings to others/innocents. Great Mother, people who work, do service in temples and other religious/spiritual places should actually feel very happy and proud to work directly under God/You/Jnana Guru. They must derive immense peace, happiness and contentment through their service to You, if they have really surrendered to You with Love. As a matter of fact, everything created in this Universe by You is actually doing Your service only and they are unaware of it because of ignorance cast upon them by You for continuing Your Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie. Supreme Mother ParaSakthi, all kinds of energy/forces in this Universal creation of Yours (including ones like thoughts, anger, sound etc) are Your manifestations/forms only. If they are responsibly used - under control, they are helpful, otherwise they become destructive.
Great Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, if each person dives deep into one's own born religion/faith, understanding and following its teachings sincerely involving self-reformation/self-purification, then such person is sure to attain God/You eventually. But on the other hand, if a person follows one's religion just for the sake of it without really understanding & practising it and without any self-reformation/self-purification and leading a wasting selfish life, then such person will create troubles/pain for oneself as well as others/innocents including other peaceful religions.
Sweet Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, people when they are in pain & suffering, their ego goes into hiding and they temporarily exhibit unbelievable patience, tolerance, humility, contentment, compassion, bakthi, divine thoughts etc. But the moment, they come out of their pain & suffering, their ego jumps out again with its ugly manifestations as pride, uncontrolled anger, selfish desires and plans, hatreds, actions that cause pain & sufferings to others/innocents etc. This is the case with vast of majority of people in this world and they have no thought or idea about self-reformation/self-purification and continue to create bad karmas for themselves for more sufferings in future, wasting their precious, difficult to get human life in utter ignorance. Ok, my dear Divine Mother SivaSakthi, that's how Your Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie is. What more can I say.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, whether spiritual or worldly pursuit, You will confer great goodness on a child of Yours only after trials and tribulations and accumulation of good karmas through steadfast striving. Everything is deserved, blessed by Your Supreme Divine Grace. Nothing comes for free in this Universe in Your Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie. Even if it has come suddenly without any effort, it is because of trials and tribulations and accumulation of good karmas through steadfast striving in previous births. But, whatever given worldly has an end or can be squandered or lost or ruined if one is irresponsible/adharmic/unrighteous; but this does not apply to the ultimate attainment of God/Self-Realization/Mukthi/Moksha/Bramma Jnana/Jivan Mukthi, which is final and irreversible due to the destruction of individuality/Ego and the realization of one's inseparable Oneness with God/You SivaSakthi.
Loving Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, the monstrous, cruel human ego comprising selfish I & Mine attachments/desires/hatreds is very, very terrible stubborn dirt; it can be loosened and eradicated only through karmic pain & suffering experiences across many births which gradually leads one to steadfast practising of dharmic/righteous living, self-reformation/self-purification, and Loving surrender to God/You and Your infallible Supreme Divine Will. Only then, eventually with God/Athmic/Self-Realization through Your Supreme Divine Grace one is freed from the monstrous, cruel Ego and its driven terribly painful, deluding transient pleasures laden cyclic game of births and deaths; which is actually Your Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie created and run by You Mother SivaSakthi.
Loving Mother Lalithaambigaa, one thing is absolutely certain in Your magical Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie, a good/righteous/dharmic/selfless action (as thought, word or deed) done by any living being reaps consequent good reaction at least to some extent at some point of time in the very same birth itself depending upon the intensity of the good action done. The same Divine truth/law of Yours Mother SivaSakthi holds equally well for a living being's bad/unrighteous/adharmic/selfish action also that causes pain & sufferings to others/innocents which reaps consequent painful bad reaction.
Dear Loving Mother Seetha, ParaSakthi, SivaSakthi, You told Your unconditionally surrendered child seated on Your Divine Lap, "there is no I & Mine (selfish Ego/Individuality) for You, only Mummy (Mother SivaSakthi) for You, Mummy alone is everything for You; life, existence, intelligence, power, energy, world, happiness, heaven, time, space, events/actions, control, sentient, insentient and everything, entire Universal creation is only Mummy for You; nothing is greater than Her for You. Everything about You is only Mummy’s responsibility, including Your control, care/protection every single moment. "
Dear Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, permanent mental peace/satisfaction/contentment can never ever be obtained from worldly things/objects because without end there is always next worldly thing/object that is attracting our attention to seek and derive transient pleasure from it, making our mind agitated/restless without peace in that process, like trapped in a terrible whirlpool; -- all Your deluding Universal Maya/Magic Mother SivaSakthi for running Your Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie with ignorant children in vast majority. Only through cultivation of Detachment towards worldly things/objects along with Loving Surrender to God/You and Your infallible Supreme Divine Will (by accepting both pain and pleasure with equanimity) alone results in Contentment and lasting Peace of Mind, eventually ending in God/Self-Realization/the ever joyful inseparable Oneness with Thee Mother ParaSakthi as one's own Athma/Self through Your Supreme Divine Grace.
Dear Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, Your unconditionally surrendered child sees every woman in this world of any age (from child to old lady) of any character/behavior and their beauty, as Your manifestation/form and Your beauty only, with pure, innocent mind of a child without any idea of lust at all. Such is the powerful transformation of Love and Grace done by You on Your surrendered child.
Dear Loving Mother Padmavathi, Rukmini, Kalikambal, though Your infinite external beauty was also an initial attraction for Your surrendered child, but when that surrender matured into unconditional melting Love for You, it transcended the attraction for Your infinite external beauty as well. No longer Your infinite external beauty or any other Divine attribute matters for Your unconditionally surrendered child; only pure, innocent, unconditional deep Love of child for You, the Loving Divine Mother, alone reigns Supreme. For a pure, innocent child it does not matter whether it's Mother is physically beautiful or not or rich or poor or sick or physically fit or anything else, only unexplainable unconditional Deep Love for its Loving Mother alone exists. Also, an unconditionally surrendered child of Yours, Divine Mother, should not give importance to or worry about superstitious or unnatural/supernatural or ominous prophetic happenings etc. It should only unwaveringly hold onto You and depend solely upon Your Supreme Divine Grace for anything, as everything in this Universe at every single point, every single moment is totally controlled by You alone, nothing or nobody else Mother ParaSakthi as All that exists is You alone.
Dear Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, Your unconditionally surrendered child also meditates on You (apart from meditating Your Beautiful Form) by visualizing Your Blissful, Beautiful, Jewelled, Lotus like Feet resting gently on its head by Your Supreme Divine Grace/Love.
Sweet Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, as a dharmic/righteous person one must be aware of the presence or existence of various bad/negative/adharmic/unrighteous things/habits in this world (like adultery, lust, greed, alcohol drinking, cheating, gambling, speaking bad/filthy words, jealousy, pride etc) in order to avoid/reject/keep away from them, otherwise there are great chances that one may be taken in by their attraction and then getting addicted to them losing the righteous/dharmic path in life and creating terrible pain & sufferings for oneself and others/innocents. Divine Mother SivaSakthi, in Your Universal creation bad/negative/adharmic/unrighteous things/habits have greater attracting and addictive power than good/dharmic/righteous things/habits. For example, in Puranic Period, innocent, pure, unmarried Saintly RishyaSringa fell into the trap set by sensuously attracting women planning to get him abducted because he was unaware of the existence of women and sensuous attractions in the world due to the isolated growing and living environment created by his father to keep him pure and innocent.
Dear Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, if a person does not accept one's good views or advices or anything else due to Strong Ego and if one senses that it is going to end in arguments/fights, then one should resort to silence (followed by Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi) or change to a different mutually agreeable topic of discussion. Selfish or Egoistic forcing of one's good views or advices or anything else on others will not yield expected outcomes, only more problems may crop up. But at the same, a dharmic/righteous person living in the world has to fight the evil (such as adharmic/unrighteous/bad people) giving trouble to him in a dharmic/righteous way, fearlessly, surrendering to God/You, Mother ParaSakthi, to receive Your infallible Guidance and Protection.
Dear Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, You are not only Loving Mother, pouring out infinite & flooding Love and Compassion on all Your created children of this Universe, but also Disciplining Father as well, correcting them with pain & sufferings if they tread the path of adharma/unrighteousness causing pain & sufferings to other/innocent children of Yours. No one is spared from Your Disciplining action. Even Father Parameswara's Dear Friend Sundaramurthy Nayanar was given punishment as pain & sufferings for a destined period of time when he unjustly broke the promise given to his faithful and innocent wife Sangili Nachiyar causing great pain & sufferings to her.
Dear Loving Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, for running Your magical Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie You keep vast majority of Your created children in ignorance dominated by Egoistic/I & Mine Selfish passions of desires/lust, uncontrolled anger, greed, delusion, pride and jealousy. But at the same time, You want to gradually reform them to Selfless Purity and take them back to You (thru God/Self-Realization), the Source, in some future birth of theirs. That's the purpose of Your magical Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie. Taking a Selfless Pure Child back to Yourself gives indescribable infinite Joy/Bliss/Happiness both to You and Your created child (Sage/Jnani/Saint) as well. But before that, in order to gradually reform Your created children to attain Selfless Pure Mind in successive births, You make use of Your Sage/Jnani/Saint children. After their God/Self-Realization, You make them to give out Your teachings on Leading good-righteous life performing Dharmic Karmas, on Bhakti, Yoga, Jnana etc in the form of Songs, Writings, Verbal teachings etc., (that includes Vedas, Smritis, Puranas etc as well) for the good of the rest of Your created ignorant children to get them reformed and evolve spiritually towards the ultimate goal of God/Self-Realization in a future birth.
Dear Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, Your unconditionally surrendered child is eternally bonded to You in Slavery of Love. You alone are the Supreme for it, nothing else of this magical Universal creation of Yours matters for it, including its very life itself. Irrespective of What You may give to it or not, including the greatest grace of Bramma Jnana/Jivan Mukthi, it cannot stop or give up Worshipping You, Meditating on You, holding onto You or Madly Loving You. In the very olden days, in Kanchipuram when You were doing Tapas on Your Loving Husband Lord Siva; at that time when the River Kampa came flooding fiercely to submerge You, Did You not tightly embrace the Worshipped Sand Linga representing Your Loving Husband Lord Siva across Your Bosoms with the thought, "Come what may, I will not give up His Worship"? Your unconditionally surrendered child also follows Your example with regard to Madly Worshipping/Loving You. It can never ever give You up for anything, even if its Body and the living environment torment it in pain & sufferings like anything. It always wants to be immersed in You, the infinite & flooding Ocean of Love, and get dissolved in Thee losing its troublesome individuality, the source of all its troubles creating births and deaths laden with pain & sufferings, separated from You, its Real Eternal Mother of endless Peace and Joy.
Dear Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, in humanity/human race, vast majority of diseases is due to addiction to food (tasty food), eating without limit/balance (including healthy food) and also eating unhealthy/wrong food (including indulging in bad habits like alcohol, drugs, smoking etc) as well; not at all eating just to appease the hunger but living just to eat variety of tasty foods without limit and end. In General, People tend to acquire and get addicted to bad food habits and also other unwanted habits/addictions/desires if they begin to earn more money in their life. If one wants to lead a healthy life in both body and mind (for a bright, clear mind) and also to progress in spiritual efforts, self-control/restraint in eating food is the first and foremost habit to be adopted/cultivated; one has to eat Sattvic food (healthy foods like milk, bread, rice, curd/yoghurt, vegetables etc) in moderate quantity just to appease the hunger without addiction to taste. Also, one has to totally avoid terrible bad habits like drinking alcohol, drugs, smoking etc, which are detrimental to both body and mind.
Dear Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, for God/Self-Realization, two things has to happen simultaneously/side-by-side. First, freeing one's mind of I & Mine egoistic or selfish desires/attachments/hatreds through self-reformation/self-purification (with the firm conviction that All that exists are forms of only God/Self, the source, owner and doer of everything and All Happenings are solely according to Will of God/Self, whether painful/unfavorable or pleasant/favourable). Second, unwaveringly focusing/holding one's mind on God/Self/Athma with intense one pointed Love, Trust and Faith (self-surrender). In this world, vast majority of people are worshipping God in one way or another. But they don't attain God/Self-Realization, because their minds are clogged/filled with loads and loads of I & Mine egoistic or selfish desires/attachments/hatreds and are busy with the resultant actions and consequences. They are not at all interested in God/Self-Realization and their love, trust and faith in God is only superficial/shallow, highly wavering, primarily for selfish worldly gains/fulfilling selfish worldly desires, just like one of many side dishes (like a pickle) of a main meal. They are trapped in endless fears, worries, jealousy, pride, uncontrolled anger, lust, greed and other mental impurities birth after birth due to I & Mine selfish desires/attachments/hatreds. They can't appreciate/understand/are ignorant of the truth that God/Self/Athma is the only real, the greatest, incomparable treasure worthy to be attained, everything else including one's body is just transient/disappearing magic of God/Self/Athma and are heavily laden with pain & sufferings.
Sweet Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, once at Varanasi, as Swami Vivekananda was coming out of Mother Durga Temple, he was surrounded by a large number of chattering monkeys. They seemed to be threatening him. He did not want them to catch hold of him, so he started to run away. But the monkeys chased him. An old sannyasin was there, watching those monkeys. He called out to Swami Vivekananda, 'Stop! Face the brutes!' Swami Vivekananda stopped. He turned round and faced the monkeys. At once, they ran away. Many years later, Swami Vivekananda said: 'If you ever feel afraid of anything, always turn round and face it. Never think of running away.' Non dual Advaitic Self-Realization totally removes fear as one realizes the Truth that God/Self/Athma alone exists (no other entity) and everything in the Universe is manifestation/forms of that God/Self/Athma only. God alone manifests as Universe and its contents.
Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, Sri Ramakrishna used to say: ‘Truth is to be cultivated by all means. If a man holds to truth in this Kaliyuga, he will certainly realize God.’ And Sri Ramakrishna himself practised what he preached. This ideal of unwavering loyalty to truth which, Swami Vivekananda saw in his mother and later in his spiritual master Sri Ramakrishna found expression in all his actions. It was therefore only but natural that the world would later hear him proclaim: ‘Everything can be sacrificed for truth, but truth cannot be sacrificed for anything.’ Truth is nothing but God/Self/Athma itself, the real, eternal Unchanging One.
Dear Loving Mother Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, in order to help Your ignorant children struggling with their pain & sufferings as well as to reform them and also free spiritually mature children by revealing their Eternal Non-Dual Divine Nature inseparably One with You, all trapped inside Your magical Universe running Your deluding magical divine drama/play/game, You have also taken, apart from all sentient & insentient forms, special potent magical Divine forms of Vedas, Upanishads, Gods, Goddesses, Divine Names, Divine Mantras, Jnana Guru, Spiritual Practices etc., for them to hold onto.
Dear Sweet Loving Mother, Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, SARVAM SIVASAKTHI, SARVAM KARTHA SIVASAKTHI, NA AHAM, NA MAMA, AYAM ATMA SIVASAKTHI (that is, Unmanifested/Manifested Everything is SivaSakthi, Doer of Everything - Good/Bad/Favourable/Unfavorable - is SivaSakthi, No I, No Mine, This Atma is SivaSakthi). Then why worry or fear about future, why worry or fear about anything at all. All is for Good only. Being in Peace within oneself itself without wavering mind, without I & Mine problems/troubles/selfishness/desires/hatreds/attachments/anger/pride/jealousy/greed/delusion anymore. Happy and Peaceful with Contentment. Freedom from indulging/involving in selfish/needless mental actions/thoughts or physical actions, that are like a chain endless, taking one on a deluding, worthless ride/journey birth after birth destroying peace of mind giving pain & sufferings. Always holding onto You/God/Self/Athma/SivaSakthi, the Real One, the Source of Eternal, infinite & flooding Pure Love, Bliss/Happiness, Peace, Fearlessness and Contentment within oneself itself.
Dear Loving Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, for Your unconditionally surrendered child without lovingly holding onto You/God/Self/Athma in my Heart, even Supreme Heaven like environment including healthy body gives only terrible Hell like experience. Mother SivaSakthi, You alone are the Real Treasure, incomparable eternal Heaven in my Heart, my Heart itself; everything else is deluding, untrustable/undependable, pain & sufferings laden disappearing magical creations of Yours for Your Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie.
Dear Loving Mother Kalikambal, Saraswathi, Padmavathi, Ganga, ParaSakthi, out of Your Supreme Divine Grace/Love for Your unconditionally surrendered child, You purified/purifying it to get rid of its mental impurities of selfish desires/attachments/hatreds in order to attain God/Self-Realization. Mother SivaSakthi, You will do the same thing for Your other children as well, in this Universal creation of Yours, in their current or future births even if they are extremely cruel/evil/bad/selfish. That's Your Eternal Divine Play and infinite Greatness & Grace/Love. Hence, it is not at all right to mercilessly condemn someone for their bad acts thinking/priding oneself to be great & pure while brushing aside one's own impurities under carpet.
Dear Loving Mother Parvati, SivaSakthi, the entire Universe with all its infinite contents, both sentient and insentient, including various forces & actions, is nothing but You alone, Your manifested Form alone for Your Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie. Hence, Your unconditionally surrendered child should always have neutral feelings/attitude (that is, without positive or negative attachments) towards everything in this Universe, including bad/evil, ugliness, pain/sufferings etc. without aversion or hatred towards them; Should see everything in this Universe as Yourself alone, as Mother SivaSakthi alone. Every single thing has a specific purpose in Your Universal creation including bad/evil/adharma/unrighteousness/selfishness as well. Only because of bad/evil/adharmic people like Ravana, Shishupala etc., Great Divine Souls like Rama and Krishna came into being as guiding lights for humanity to lead a dharmic/righteous life towards eventual God/Self-Realization/Enlightenment/Liberation/Mukthi/Bramma Jnana. Mother SivaSakthi, Your unconditionally surrendered child is eternally grateful to You, slave to You and Your Supreme Divine Grace/Love with flowing Tears of Love for the Loving transformation done on it, on its mind, to make it Pure like a Crystal to realize its eternal joyful/Blissful Oneness with Thee as its own Athma/Self.
Dear Loving Mother Saraswathi, ParaSakthi, other than Self-Realized/Bramma Jnanis, for everyone else more the activities means more the loss of mental peace; but when those activities are driven by Selfish/Desires/Hatreds/Attachments greater is the loss of mental peace with pain & sufferings, with greater stress to both body and mind leading to possible diseases as well. When Greater is the intensity of Selfish/Desires/Hatreds/Attachments, Greater is the intensity of consequent actions and resultant pain & sufferings losing total mental peace. Hence, one should lead a God centered/surrendered life based on righteous/dharmic needs to attain purity of mind and mental peace and progress towards attaining immutable Absolute Peace through Self/Athmic Realization, one's natural state of inseparable ever joyful Oneness with Thee SivaSakthi.
Dear Loving Mother Parvathi, SivaSakthi, apart from throughout the day Lovingly chanting Your/God Name or Stotras or Mantras or Divine Thoughts, one should also do the same before slipping into night sleep particularly in order to experience Divine filled dreams, otherwise one will get only worthless worldly dreams. Similarly, before death (it is also a sleep of different kind before waking into a new birth) one should with great Love tightly hold onto Your/God Name or Stotras or Mantras or Divine Thoughts to attain You/God, otherwise, if the mind is filled with worldly thoughts/desires one will have to take birth again in this pain & sufferings laden world in order to fulfill the desires that dominated at the time of one's death. According to Lord Krishna, all the above is possible only if one cultivates dispassion towards worldly objects with the discrimination that they are only transient and laden with pain & sufferings, offering only momentary pleasures and hence, unconditionally Surrendering to God/You/Self/Athma/Brammam with deep Love/Bakthi, the only real and eternal source of infinite and flooding Love, Happiness/Bliss, Peace, and Fearlessness in order to be Saved/Freed by the Supreme Divine Grace from the painful cyclic life game of births and deaths.
Dear Loving Mother Padmavathi, SivaSakthi, if even dharmic/righteous duties/actions can produce unexpected, suffocating troubles sometimes then what can we say about the terrible consequences that can engulf one when adharmic/unrighteous actions are performed driven by Selfish desires/hatreds/attachments. Hence, one must ceaselessly strive to purify/reform oneself to get rid of Selfish desires/hatreds/attachments from one's mind and only this effort alone can take one towards God/Self-Realization of immortal Peace and Blissful natural/Athmic state helped/blessed by Your Supreme Divine Grace.
Dear Loving Mother Ganga, SivaSakthi, giving up attachments (being detached) towards worldly objects including wealth, food, people and one's own body (which are transient in nature like disappearing magical creations) results in mind full of Peace, Selfless Purity, Fearlessness and Happiness, immune to both transient pleasures and pains from those objects. Trying to have an ever Fit Body and Life as per one's expectations (though not achievable in reality) will only make one's Selfish Ego of I & Mine attachments/desires/hatreds grow very, very strong without Peace and with worries, fears and negative passions like jealousy, unrestrained anger, pride, greed, delusion, giving pain & sufferings to others and reaping consequent painful, sinful fruits in the process and also being totally ignorant of one's own Immortal, rebirths destroying Universal Nature of Eternally Pure, Peaceful, Blissful and Fearless state of Athmic/Pure Consciousness-Being Existence, one with You/God, Mother ParaSakthi.
Dear Loving Mummy, Ganga, Parvathi, Lakshmi, Saraswathi, the One ParaSakthi, Without Your Love/Grace, Care/Protection and Control, Your unconditionally surrendered child is nothing but a total dummy. No "I and Mine" illusory egoistic selfishness for it. You, the Mummy alone is everything for it, nothing else. Loving Mummy SivaSakthi, the entire magical Universal creation emerges from You, exists in You for Your completely directed play/drama, and then dissolves back into You.
Dear Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, whether one is rich or poor, abled or disabled etc., whatever may be one's life situation/condition, Your True Grace is that which is showered on a righteous/dharmic/self-reforming/self-purifying living being with the conferring of/blessings of Discrimination (Viveka), Vairagya (Dispassion towards transient worldly objects of pleasure), Bakthi (ever waxing unwavering Divine Love for You), and finally ending in Bramma Jnana through totally purified Sattvic mind (the realization of Eternal, Ever joyful Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self) - finishing off the magical/illusory pain & sufferings laden birth-death cycle game once and for all. On the contrary, attainment of transient worldly pleasures/desires are due to past karmas/actions, accumulated punyaas/good fruits, strength of desires, and the granting of the same by You, Mother ParaSakthi. Fulfillment of transient worldly pleasures/desires will only trap in seeking the fulfilment of more transient pleasures/desires and getting trapped in the magical birth-death cycle game without end. Loving Divine Mother ParaSakthi, seeing the beauty, ugliness, good, bad, pain, pleasure etc., in Your Universal creation as Your Forms itself alone purifies one from selfish/egoistic I & Mine mental impurities and takes one towards God/Self-Realization. On the other hand, Mother SivaSakthi, seeing everything apart from You/ignorant of God will only strengthen one's selfish Ego (I & Mine) with mental impurities leading to bad/adharmic/sinful karmas laden with pain & sufferings birth after birth. Great Mother ParaSakthi, All is You alone (nothing or nobody else) in Your completely controlled/directed magical/illusory Divine Universal creation, nothing is lost or gained, hence, where there is need/place for any fear or worry or jealousy or pride or hatred etc., only the ignorance/unrealization of Your sole Universal Existence is the cause. If someone continuously causes pain & sufferings to others/innocents due to Selfish Ego, he/she will soon find themselves isolated/shunned without any peace. If one cultivates good habits/tendencies when young, they will dominate one even during old age and will be loved by all, otherwise, only bad habits/tendencies will dominate one and will be isolated/shunned by others, more so during old age.
Dear Loving Mother Rukmini, ParaSakthi, whether worldly or spiritual life, only with sincere, steadfast/sustained effort what is sought is attained by a person by Your Supreme Divine Grace. You grant the deserving fruit according to the dedicated/devoted effort put in, not otherwise. Worldly life effort is all about cultivating/acquiring transient pleasurable objects of wealth, name, fame, women and other innumerable/unending possessions/attachments laden with sinful/adharmic actions/karmas and unknown/unexpected pain & sufferings and forcing the continuation of the illusory birth-death cycle game. Whereas, Spiritual life effort is all about throwing out all worldly attachments from one's mind by lovingly, faithfully, unwaveringly holding onto You alone Mother ParaSakthi, the only reality, Universal Pure Consciousness-Being-Power and realizing Thee as one's own Athma/Self, ending the pain & sufferings laden illusory/magical birth-death cycle game once and for all for an inseparable, eternal joyful life in Thee.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, Scientists agree that the entire Universal creation is nothing but the manifestation of an infinite Universal primal/fundamental energy. Hinduism (Advaita Philosophy) also agrees with the same, but according to it, the primal energy is not dumb but Infinitely/Supremely Intelligent principle running the entire Universal show every single point, every single moment from sub-atomic level to galactic/Universal level including living and non-living things. Also, the intelligence/consciousness manifested in human beings is nothing but the finite/limited manifestation of that Universal Intelligence-Power only. Everything is that Only, nothing or nobody else besides it. In this Universal Divine Drama, the object that gives pleasure at point of one time gives pain & sufferings at another point of time due to an individual’s attachment to that object (e.g one's own body, wife, children wealth, name, fame etc). If one wants to attain eternal Blissful Peace of Mind - inseparably united with God and be free from illusory pain & sufferings, then one must give up illusory troublesome Free Will and all I & Mine attachments to objects/possessions (which are purely transient in nature) and Unconditionally Love God and see everything as God's Forms and Actions/Divine Will/Plan in this Magical Universal creation.
Loving Mother Ganga, SivaSakthi, ParaSakthi, according to Your advice one should not perform any actions that are triggered by Selfish desires/attachments (including hatreds) as they surely lead to unnecessary pain & sufferings including more troublesome actions. One should perform only those actions/duties that present themselves due to Divine Will/Plan because of just needs/reasons. Such just duties/actions must be performed truthfully and sincerely to the best of one's ability (of maximum what is possible) for the sake of Divine alone without any worries, fears or other attachments/expectations, especially towards the outcome of a duty/action, which may be favorable or unfavorable as per Divine Will/Plan and they are for one's ultimate good only. One should never forget that God alone is the real owner and doer of everything in this Universe, nothing or nobody else. The sole Existence, Pure Consciousness-Being Reality appearing as the Universe and all its contents, through His potent illusory creative power called Maya Sakthi, for His Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie. Doing one's righteous/just duty/action as above is called Karma Yoga, and it brings great peace to the mind by purifying it through the gradual wiping out of all Selfish I & Mine worldly desires/attachments/hatreds and making it fit to realize one's eternal, Blissful, Peaceful Universal Divine Nature, Oneness with God eventually. Also, Without Divine Grace/Help/Intervention, it is still greatly impossible for a married person to perform Karma Yoga or to evolve Spiritually because of never ending, innumerable selfish attachments/desires/hatreds and actions connected with spouse, children, wealth etc. Fundamentally, One has to Love God Deeply with great thirst to attain Him in order to receive His Supreme Divine Grace to evolve Spiritually (which is purification of mind from selfish I & Mine attachments/desires/hatreds) and to eventually get freed from this pain & sufferings laden birth-death cyclic game through Self-Realization in Pure Mind, the eternal, inseparable union with Limitless Blissful, Peaceful Immortal God.
Loving Divine Mother Ganga, Parvathi, Lakshmi, Padmavathi, Saraswathi, Sharada, SivakamaSundari, DurgaParameswari, Kalikambal, Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, ParaSakthi, the One Universal Pure Consciousness-Being-Power, Long Live, Long Live eternally to transform children like me trapped in the Worldly Maya of pain & sufferings to an Eternal, Blissful, Immortal Universal Divine Life of Pure Peace & Love inseparably United with Thee as one's own Athma/Self transcending Birth, Death, Time, Space and all Universal Phenomena.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, Universal Infinite Pure Consciousness-Being-Power, the entire magical Universal creation exists just/right within You and totally controlled by You every single moment, every single point. All the innumerable massive galaxies are just like dust particles within You. All that exists are Your manifestations/forms only, from galaxies down to sub-atomic particles. Earth and Humans are just as good as not existing at all in this Infinitely massive Universal creation of Yours. Then, where is the place for our silly, illusory, troublesome I & Mine selfish desires/attachments/hatreds (the individual Ego); nothing but Sheer pain & sufferings laden foolish ignorance. Other than Total Loving Surrender to You, nothing is expected of us to attain Absolute Peace and also Blissful Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self. Sweet Mother ParaSakthi, please bless us with Your Supreme Divine Grace that we should have total inner detachment/renunciation/Vairagya/Dispassion like Bhaktha Meera, the Rajput Princess, who just like that totally gave up/renounced all Rajput Royal Luxuries and wandered in desert and Brindavan to attain Lord Krishna as her own Athma/Self through Loving Total Surrender. Great Mother SivaSakthi, also, all Women/Female Species in Your Universal creation are exclusively Your Forms only; then where is the place for Lust in Your dear surrendered child other than the thought of Mother. Loving Mother ParaSakthi, people in this world should realize that You create everyone with different mental makeups/character/conditioning/personalities. It is not in one's control (but in Your Control) to reform/purify others, thus, only individual self-reformation/self-purification is possible. Hence, let individuals be truthful, sincere, and humble in their lives and doing their duties for Your sake alone, to please You alone, and not one's & also others' Ego, which is always not possible and also not at all right, as they lead to all kinds of problems/sufferings due to unrighteous/adharmic/sinful acts. Great Mother ParaSakthi, You alone are Real, You alone have to be Pleased and Happy with our selfless/pure thoughts, words, and deeds, not Your transient magical creation. Let there be always continuous current of Loving Divine Thoughts in us, particularly very important when our mind is not occupied in any righteous worldly duties/activities and there is the great possibility of getting trapped in agitating selfish worldly thoughts that will make the mind without peace and create troubles for oneself and others.
Loving Mother Narayani, Vaishnavi, ParaSakthi, Universal Infinite Pure Consciousness-Being-Power, just as Arjuna kept Lord Krishna in front to successfully face the Mahabharata war, so also we should keep God/You first before anything to face our worldly life (that is, God Centered/Surrendered Life) to prevent getting caught by its deluding attractions/attachments/trappings/problems and selfish actions which result in unwanted pain & sufferings to oneself & others and also through its screening ignorance that prevents us from knowing our real, birthless, deathless, eternal, blissful, peaceful Divine Nature, Oneness with Thee Mother ParaSakthi.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, Sivakami, SivaSakthi, Universal Infinite Pure Consciousness-Being-Power, totally ignorant of their real Divine nature as Athma/Self - Absolutely identical with Thee, Worldly people are totally Without Peace of Mind and Contentment (except in Deep Sleep), always restless. Because of this, worldly people are always trapped in endless selfish thoughts and actions associated with desires, lust, anger, greed, delusion, pride & jealousy and tormented by fears & worries and causing pain & sufferings to oneself & others and taking birth after birth in order to exhaust continuously accumulated desires and sinful/adharmic karmas. Even a beggar is attached to his worthless possessions & little money and has fears & worries about losing them, What a terrible ignorance worldly people have! Great Loving Mother ParaSakthi, a totally surrendered child of Yours, giving up illusory selfish/egoistic I & Mine attachments/desires/hatreds/likes/dislikes, driven directly by Thee only for just/righteous/survival needs, will always be cheerful, contented and peaceful knowing/realizing its eternal, blissful, inseparable Divine relationship with Thee, the Real Source, Owner and Doer of everything in this Magical Universal creation of Yours.
<<< PRAYER From (ii) Thirumarai 8, Thiruvachakam (05), Thirusatakam, Verse 15: >>>
((( Tamil )))
"வானாகி மண்ணாகி வளியாகி ஒளியாகி ஊனாகி உயிராகி உண்மையுமாய் இன்மையுமாய்க் கோனாகி யான்எனதென்(று) அவரவரைக் கூத்தாட்டு வானாகி நின்றாயை என்சொல்லி வாழ்த்துவனே" 8-5-15
'vanaki mannaki valiyaji oliyaki unaki uyiraki unmaiyumai inmaiyumai konaji yanenatenru avaravarai kuthatru vanaki nintrayai en solli valthuvane'
((( Meaning in English!!)))
'How can I hail You and with what words? Becoming heaven, earth, air, light, Flesh, life, truth and falsity As also King of all, You, a puppeteer, Everyone making each of them think that it is he Who is the doer of things.
Loving Mother Kalikambal, Sivakami, Narayani, SivaSakthi, Universal Infinite Pure Consciousness-Being-Power, once totally surrendered to You, one should not plan for the future or yield to any tempting desires which are nothing but selfish in nature, agitating the mind out of Peace, leading to unnecessary karmas/actions and pain & sufferings; one should totally depend on Your Love & Grace alone and just do one's righteous life duties for Thy sake alone without any expectations for just needs/survival alone with the Prime Focus of one's life being to Deeply/Meltingly Love Thee and attain/realize Thee as one's own Athma/Self, the Real, Peaceful, Blissful, Immortal Source of one's existence and the whole magical Universal creation, the Sole doer, enjoyer and witness of everything in this creation.
Maya or Maya Sakthi. It is the inseparable Creative Power/Energy of the Formless Universal God/Pure Consciousness-Being/Pure Intelligence-Being and is responsible for creating and running this Magical Universe of diverse, infinite forms and names right from massive Galaxies down to sub-atomic particles. Mother Maya is Worshipped as Divine Mother with various names such as Kali, Parvathi, Ambika, Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswathi, Ganga, ParaSakthi, SivaSakthi etc. Human Mind is an important manifestation/form of that Divine Mother. In Avidya Maya aspect, She fulfills our endless worldly desires arising in our mind birth after birth. In Vidya Maya aspect, when we are totally fed up, tired with the endless worldly desires leading to endless actions and pain & sufferings, then that Great Divine Mother turns our Mind inwards towards God/Self-Realization, to realize our True/Real Divine Center/Core of Pure Consciousness-Being of immortal, eternal, Peaceful, Blissful Existence known by the names Athma/Self/God. That is the Real Divine Grace/Blessing enabling one to finish off the birth-death cyclic life game once and for all caused by the ignorance of one's own non-dual Real Divine Nature identical with God itself.
Sweet Mother Kalikambal, Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Your unconditionally surrendered child should never interfere in any natural course of events, ordained by You for a greater good, due to any selfish desire/attachment camouflaging as a genuine need/concern. Interfering and altering any such nature course of event in violation of Your Divine Plan will only result in/lead to unexpected and unnecessary pain & sufferings for oneself. Hence, one should use discrimination to root out such selfish desires/attachments and be detached, established in Inner Peace.
Sweet Mother Kalikambal, Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, people may be extremely poor or may be extremely rich enjoying innumerable worldly pleasures or may be anything. But they can attain lasting, immutable Peace of Mind (which is nothing but God/Athma/Self/You itself) - which is unaffected by any kind of external conditions including pain & sufferings - only through Pure Mind, which comes only by the renunciation of selfish desires/hatreds/aversions/attachments towards worldly objects (including one's own body) along with unwavering Faith & Love in God/Self/Athma, come & go what may - devoid of any expectations.
Sweet Mother Kalikambal, Kamakshi, ParaSakthi, Universal Consciousness-Being-Power, My own Core/Athma/Self, Your unconditionally surrendered child sometimes may get angry with You and scold You as well when severely tormented by troubles and pain & sufferings of this World. In spite of that, for it You alone are the sole refuge, its real Mother, solacing, the eternal, immutable Source of Peace and Bliss; it can never ever take refuge with any of Your worldly creations including all kinds of relationships, which are totally transient, magical, disappearing, changeful in nature, totally undependable/untrustable, the source of all pain & sufferings.
Sweet Mother Sharada, Saraswathi, ParaSakthi, People worship You/God for blessings to get their so many desires (good or bad) fulfilled. But You will grant only what they deserve according to their karmas (good or bad) done in the past (this or previous births). Even Avatar like Sri Rama or King Yudhishtra, Draupadi or King Nala or Vasudeva, Devaki or Great Devotee Prahaladha or Saints or Jnanis like Sant Jnaneshwar are no exceptions to this rule. There is No escape from destined experiences (pain or pleasure) as can be seen from the episode of destruction of Lord Krishna's Yadava Clan through in-fighting. At the same time, the real benefits of Worshipping You/God with unwavering Love and without expectations in a surrendered attitude are: Deepening Bakthi/Love for You with equally increasing Vairagya/dispassion/detachment towards worldly objects, Obtaining Peace of Mind, Purification of Mind/Chitta Suddhi and getting good qualities like patience, tolerance, humility, unselfishness, equanimity/equipoise, fearlessness, fortitude, contentment etc., Manipulating/Managing a surrendered devotee's Karmas (without addition or removal) in the best possible way like saving from drowning/dangerous situations through pain, Taking care of just needs for Survival in a birth, and Ultimately, showering the Glorious Grace of Moksha/God/Self-Realization (no more births). One can only reform/purify oneself and not others, not at all possible. Men like Ravana, Duryodhana cannot be reformed even by Great Godly ones like Rama, Krishna. Even self-reformation/self-purification of one's mind is itself a big struggling life-time spiritual exercise. Hence, trying to reform others will only result in losing one's peace of mind with additional pain & sufferings. One should just be a non-interfering Peaceful Witness to the uncontrollable happenings around us without getting trapped by them, just as what done by Sage Kashyapa (father of Demons and Devas, always quarrelling) and Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi with regard to ever present quarrelling among some inmates of his ashram. Divine Mother, Your/God's creation is such that there is cooperation right from sub-atomic particles level to the level of Galaxies for its existence, hence, selfish living that interferes, controls, dominates and gives pain & sufferings to others will only rebound on oneself destroying Peace of Mind through pain & sufferings. Without attaining baby/child like inner purity, innocence, and simplicity Moksha/God-Realization/Athmic/Self-Realization is not possible at all. When Demons/Rakshashas can perform self-inflicting painful, torturing Tapas/Worships to have vision of God for their selfish ends, Can't we humans bear the usual Karmic pain & sufferings and Lovingly worship/realize/attain God/Self once and for all for no more rebirths! Only Advaitic, non-dual God/Self-Realization alone can confer permanent, immutable feeling/experience of Blissful Peace, Unity, Harmony and Fearlessness in this creation of infinite deluding, tempting diversities.
Sweet Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, only because people don't have internal Peace & Contentment, they are terribly swayed/tormented by endless desires/attachments/hatreds/aversions, creating troubles/problems for themselves and others. Even if one has a single desire (that could appear noble as well like a desire to serve one's country), then one has to take a future birth to fulfill it as per Divine Ordinance in this Universal Divine Game/Drama/play of Yours. Great Divine Mother, this birth-death game driven by desires/attachments ends only when one is totally fed up/tired with all kinds of desires/seekings and associated actions in this Magical Universe and truly realizes that You/God alone is the real doer in this Universal Game/Drama/play and individual free will/doership is just an illusory ignorance and there is nothing that needs to be achieved in this magical game of You/God and surrenders unconditionally to You/God with Love & Faith to attain eternal Peace of Mind as one's own Athma/Self/Pure Consciousness-Being, which is God/You itself. Even Sattvic Food (pure vegetarian food - simple, healthy, mind purifying, soothing) is of no use to a person who is dominated by terrible I & Mine Ego/Selfishness with no thought/effort for any self-reformation/self-purification. If one doesn’t self-reform/self-purify during young age, it almost impossible to do that during old age due to weakening physical and mental strength/power. Divine Mother SivaSakthi, for Your unconditionally surrendered child, Life/Peace/Happiness/Heaven is You alone, nothing or nobody else, there is no meaning for its existence without Your Presence in its Heart/Mind. It always prays to You to wipe out all its positive/good/negative/bad attachments/desires in its mind - without getting trapped by the attractions/Maya of Your Universal Creation and that You must eternally Shine (as Atma Jyothi) in its Pure Heart/Mind as You are its own Core/Athma/Self/Pure Consciousness-Being. When faced with extreme pain & sufferings/difficulties, it may Pray to You saying, "You are the source of everything, You know everything, You run this Universal magic show, I am under Your complete care/protection/responsibility and control, Do what is good for me, give me some relief so that I am able to Lovingly Worship You, Meditate on You with concentration".
Sweet Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, Mother of Lord Ganapathy, You isolate those children -- who have a great degree of mental purity (unselfishness) with regard to Discrimination (Viveka), Dispassion/Detachment (Vairagya) and Divine Bakthi towards God/Athma/Self/Sages/Saints/Jnanis and intense thirst/hunger to realize God/Self in the very same birth -- away from contaminating worldly influence to a protective controlled environment (may be with a person like demon Hiranyakasipu to further grow, strengthen dispassion) through mainly a painful event to further purify/reform them towards Your Ultimate blessing/grace of God/Self-Realization, the eternal, Peaceful, Blissful Oneness with Thee as their own Athma/Self/Universal Pure Consciousness-Being. Great Divine Mother, Your unconditionally surrendered child should witness uncontrollable pain & sufferings laden happenings/events (e.g family problems/fights etc) like watching a gripping movie (containing elements such as violence, anger, abuse, pain, pleasure etc), without getting trapped in them driven by emotions (e.g uncontrollable anger) and regret later. Is one is greatly affected by terrible events happening in distant places/countries or in a neighbour's house? No, because of absence of attachment to them. For a Self-Realized person/Jnani/Sage, this Universal Drama is just as unreal as a Movie/Cinema show; and is totally unruffled, not deluded by the happening events (pleasure or pain) and detached from them, always established in immutable Blissful Peace within.
Sweet Mother Akilandeswari, SivaSakthi, the way to attain Absolute, Eternal, Immutable, Immortal Blissful Peace/God/Athmic/Self-Realization through Your Divine Grace is never to cultivate selfish desires/attachments/hatreds/aversions that make the mind restless/agitated and perform consequent sinful actions to fulfill them that surely result in unnecessary pain & sufferings. Great Divine Mother, one has to perform only those duties/actions, that present themselves due to just survival needs/Divine Will/Plan, truthfully and sincerely only to Lovingly please You/God alone without any attachment either to the actions or its fruits with the mind with child like innocence always Lovingly and Faithfully holding/resting onto You/God/Self/Athma, the sole purpose of one's life, without caring for either praises or criticisms and pleasures or pain/sufferings as Everything that exists in this Universe is You/God alone, Everything is Your Action/Will/Plan alone, No individual notion of I & Mine, All is You/God alone, nothing or nobody else, multiplicity is Your Divine illusion/drama/play/movie/game; then where is the place for peace destroying mental impurities such as Lust, Uncontrollable Anger, Greed, Delusion, Pride and Jealousy when All is You/God alone, no duality/multiplicity at all.
Sweet Mother Nateswari, SivaSakthi, ParaSakthi, the only way to spiritual evolution/self-purification/self-reformation to attain/realize You/God/Athma/Self is giving up all kinds of Worldly attachments mentally (including to one's own body) which are absolutely transient, laden with peace destroying selfishness and pain & sufferings AND instead steadfastly & lovingly holding/attaching/surrendering to You/God/Athma/Self/Sole Eternal Reality in thoughts always. Great Divine Mother, that alone is the way to Absolute, Immutable Peace, Happiness, Contentment and Fearlessness within oneself itself - immune to all kinds of pain & sufferings of this Magical Universal creation of Yours.
Sweet Mother Ganga, SivaSakthi, ParaSakthi, Universal Pure Consciousness-Being Power, You run Your magical Universal creation/play/game/drama/movie by keeping the selfish/egoistic ignorance of Individual Doership (I - I am the Body and Doer of actions) and Ownership (Mine - I possess these; these belong to Me) in living beings/creatures. Through Your Divine Grace blessed effort, Only when the ignorance/Demon/Narakasura of Doership and Ownership is totally eradicated from one's Mind through total Surrender to You, eternal, immutable Peace and Bliss filled God/Self-Realization as one's own Athma/Self/Pure Consciousness-Being happens to end the troublesome birth-death cyclic game, laden with pain & sufferings, once and for all. Hence, Cultivation of unwavering intense, deepening love of God/Self to the exclusion of all worldly desires/attachments/hatreds/aversions by strong attachment to the following Truth is absolutely essential -- "In this Universe, All Manifestations/Forms is God/SivaSakthi alone, All Actions (good or bad, favourable or unfavorable) is done by SivaSakthi alone, No illusory I & Mine, I am also SivaSakthi only, the Universal Pure Consciousness-Being Power".
Sweet Mother Nateswari, SivaSakthi, ParaSakthi, Universal Pure Consciousness-Being Power, in the Spiritual Path towards God/Self-Realization, other than the thoughts of God/Self/Guru/Saints/Sages/Jnanis (that is, Satsang), other thoughts/desires, even silly desires (e.g desire to a take a Selfie) should not at all be given place in the mind. This is because, all kinds of desires, even minor or silly, create troubling pressure/agitation/scratching irritation in Mind until they are fulfilled, destroying the Calmness/Peace of Mind in the process. Desires will only strengthen the ignorant, illusory selfish Ego of I & Mine idea and thereby weakening one's Spiritual effort towards God/Self-Realization. Hence, Spiritual aspirants/Sadhakas should strictly avoid unnecessary contacts with worldly people and worldly things because their very presence itself will make the mind agitated/restless and load it with impurities likes desires, lust, jealousy, greed etc (e.g in Ramayana Good Kaikeyi was greatly corrupted by Kooni/Mandirai). Only just needs/survival needs, forced upon one by Divine Will/Plan/Ordinance alone has to be fulfilled in a righteous way. Also, one should not give room to agitating worldly thoughts such as "Why people are like this? Why that person is like that? Why such things happen? etc"; the Truth is "All is SivaSakthi, All is done by SivaSakthi alone, No I & Mine, I am also SivaSakthi"; favourable or unfavorable, we don't have control over anything in this Universe, we are just dancing to the tunes of SivaSakthi in Her Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie. Divine Mother SivaSakthi, Unconditional Surrender to You alone brings Peace of Mind AND God/Self-Realization as one's own "Athma/Self/Pure Consciousness-Being" that alone ends the painful birth-death cyclic game once and for all. Divine Mother, for Your unconditionally surrendered child You may also fulfill some desires arising in it as per Your Wish and out of Great Love for it.
Sweet Mother Sivakameswari, SivaSakthi, ParaSakthi, Universal Pure Consciousness-Being Power, Form of Love, Love itself, for Your unconditionally surrendered child, Is there anything Greater than You! It cannot Live without You, No Life and its meaning without You, It cannot give You up for anything, come what may, go what may including one's dear body, the primal troubling attachment, the producer of all illusory terrible fears of sufferings and death. Loving Divine Mother, Real Eternal Life, one's own Athma/Self/Pure Consciousness-Being, other than You nothing else in Your transient Magical Universal creation matters for Your unconditionally surrendered child. Please, wipe out any residues of worldly attachments from its mind, so that You will shine in Full Glory in its Pure Mind. Great Mother, through a layer of illusory free will individuality/ego with its worldly attachments You keep individual living beings ignorant of Your Universal Divine Presence within themselves and without in order to run Your Magical Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie.
Sweet Mother Sivakameswari, SivaSakthi, ParaSakthi, Universal Pure Consciousness-Being Power, Form of Love, Love itself, once unconditionally surrendered to You there should not be any selfish seekings/actions/plannings with regard to financial security and other possessions for survival. There should be total trust/dependence in You with regard to Your complete care/protection, responsibility and control of one's life after unconditional surrender to You. For example, Mahatma Gandhi cancelled his very high value Life Insurance policy once he unconditionally surrendered to the Divine with no more plans for the future with regard to survival or financial security. Otherwise/if such is not the case, it is No Surrender at all, no goodness is derived from it, other than cheating oneself.
Sweet Mother Radha, SivaSakthi, ParaSakthi, Universal Pure Consciousness-Being Power, Form of Love, Love itself, Lord Krishna always holds the flute more than anyone/anything else because it is hollow inside. So also, if we are to be always taken care of by God and filled with Divine Presence and Grace (of God/Athma/Self), one must be hollow inside, that is, without the selfishness of I & Mine in our Mind, but only with surrendered attitude and humble Divine thought of All is God, All is owned by Him and All is Done by Him, no place for illusory, evil, dense I & Mine Egoistic/selfish thoughts that are the source for karmic fruits for painful birth-death cyclic life game. Only when one attains God/Self-Realization through Pure Mind, only then one is freed from this painful game by Supreme Divine Grace.
Sweet Mother Sarvamangala, SivaSakthi, My dear darling Mother,
¤ You are the Infinite flooding water of Divine Love and Grace. One has to Just drill a small hole of Love/Bakthi for You/God, Self-reformation, Vairagya (dispassion), and Viveka (discrimination) to initiate the beginning of the breaking of the illusory mental dam wall of selfish Ego/I & Mine ignorant attachments and start the flooding of Your Infinite Divine Love and Grace, ending in inseparable Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self for an eternal, immortal Joyful, Peaceful life. Bakthi, Vairagya, and Jnana - purpose of Human Birth/Life, nothing else.
¤ Sweet Divine Mother SivaSakthi, Your unconditionally surrendered child should never ever listen to illusory restless selfish Ego-Mind of impurities (such as fear, worries, pride, jealousy, lust, hatred, unrestrained anger, desires, delusion, and greed) that weakens one, that makes one tread adharma/unrighteousness of painful consequences, that limit one's identity to finite body-mind complex. One's real nature is infinite, Universal, immortal, eternal, ever Peaceful, Fearless, Changeless Reality SivaSakthi itself. The sole source, owner and doer/controller of everything in this Magical Universal creation. One should Listen only to the Divine guidance coming from the Intellect that is strengthened by Viveka (discrimination), Vairagya (dispassion), and supported by steadfast Love for Thee/Divine/God/Athma/Self. This will weaken the selfish Ego-mind (full of Rajas and Tamas) and ultimately destroyed by the dawn of God/Self-Realization through Your Supreme Divine Grace experienced in Pure Sattvic Mind (free of Rajas and Tamas i.e., Passion and Ignorance).
¤ Loving Divine Mother Kalikambal, in Worldly life, slavery is painful and illegal. But Slavery to You Divine Mother, is a Great Happy thing, which brings Your infinite & flooding Grace/Love, Bliss, Peace and Fearlessness into one's Pure Mind/Heart, which is free from any selfishness through the establishment of unconditional Love & Surrender to Thee Divine Mother that results in inseparable Oneness with Thee as one's own Athma/Self for an eternal, immortal Joyful, Peaceful life.
¤ Great Divine Mother Kamakshi, Rukmini, Whatever Your unconditionally surrendered child's just needs/problems, You will fulfill/solve them at the right time in the best possible way, which You alone know, according to Your Divine Plan. Hence, one should have patience, enormous patience, and Love You without expectations of anything, that is real Love, unconditional Love and Surrender. Surrender to Thee is the most simplest and easiest thing to do to attain eternal Peace and Happiness; But for an outgoing Ego-Mind towards worldly objects of pleasures/attachments Surrender is the most difficult thing to do in this Universe. Spiritual evolution of Mind towards God/Self-Realization is possible only through the clearing of worldly attachments/passions from the mind and You Divine Mother make it possible for Your surrendered children by giving them pain & sufferings. A surrendered child should turn all its passions/attachments towards God/Divine to make the mind pure like that of a baby's/child's for the Divine Light of Grace to shine there.
¤ According to Guru Guha Ramana Bhagavan, a surrendered devotee, until the attainment of God/Self-Realization as one's own Athma/Self, should always keep the mind occupied with some spiritual activity or the other like Chanting/Japa of Divine Names, Mantras, Stotras, Meditation, Self-Enquiry, Worshipping of Divine Forms, Visiting Temples etc., in the continuous thought current/stream of Divine, otherwise, the mind will be carried away by restless worldly thoughts of attachments, killing mental Peace/Shanthi. Peace/Shanthi is the eternal, immutable nature of the immortal, changeless God/Divine/Athma/Self.
¤ Great Mother Padmavathi, ParaSakthi, one cannot escape from one's destined karmic experiences (good or bad/favourable or unfavorable) wherever we may go in this Universe. We may think we can alter it, but it will certainly appear in a different form to give the same destined experiences (e.g pain & sufferings) as seen from the story of destruction of Lord Krishna's Yadava Clan. And, Wealth/Money not utilized for dharmic/righteous purposes/causes (that is, for one's just needs and good of others) will be lost in unworthy ways.
Sweet Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, My dear darling Mother,
¤ In the early stages of spiritual journey, dharmic/righteous living, doing good karmas etc., all matter. But as one's Loving Surrender to the Divine deepens, no longer these things matter, one realizes convincingly the Truth through increasing Purity of Mind with greater Peace, that "All is SivaSakthi, All is Done by SivaSakthi, No illusory individual I & Mine free will, I am also SivaSakthi, the Infinite Universal Pure Consciousness-Being-Power", finally, culminating in God/Self-Realization as one's own Athma/Self.
¤ Sweet Mother Sivakameswari, Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, ParaSakthi, You have great concern for a child of Yours who is greatly pure, innocent (that is, greatly free from selfishness/attachments and dispassionate), greatly dharmic/righteous and spiritually inclined with discrimination (Viveka) towards God/Self-Realization. You isolate such special spiritual children of Yours away from negative worldly influences and put them in a controlled, protected and secured influence/environment (along with testing problems, pain & sufferings) conducive for further spiritual evolution/sadhana to grow their Bakthi, Vairagya (dispassion) and Jnana ending in God/Self-Realization/Mukthi/Enlightenment. A spiritual sadhaka can overcome lusty feelings/thoughts by looking upon all Women, verily as manifestations of You, the Divine Mother.
¤ Loving Mother Ganga, ParaSakthi, SivaSakthi, no form & name in this Magical Universal creation of Yours can escape from problems, including Divine forms & names of Gods as well. Only unmanifested, formless SivaSakthi/Brammam/Athma/Self/Pure Consciousness-Being-Power, beyond all forms & names, is untouched by all problems and contaminations, absolutely untouched by anything. Realizing that Reality/Truth as one's own Athma/Self is alone God/Self-Realization, the sole purpose of precious human life/birth, nothing else.
¤ Sweet Mother SitaRama, SivaSakthi, when one's thoughts, words, and deeds are steadfastly God/Divine centered/submitted/surrendered, then one's mind becomes Pure like Quartz crystal (Suddha Sattvic Mind) through the gradual eradication of selfish/egoistic I & Mine desires/attachments/hatreds/aversions and one surely, ultimately attains to God/Self-Realization/Moksha/Enlightenment/ever joyful Athmic Oneness with Thee through Your Supreme Divine Grace Mother SivaSakthi. Saint Namaalvaar also expresses this Truth in his pasurams/songs. One's selfish Ego-Mind will try to limit oneself to just body-mind complex and weaken one with deadly impurities such as desires, lust, greed, hatred, anger, shame, pride, fear, worries etc., preventing to know one's Immortal, Immutable Universal Divine Nature of Purity, Pure Consciousness-Being. One should seek God alone from God, no selfish worldly things as they all lead to terrible pain and future karmic fruits only.
¤ Great Mother Kalikambal, SivaSakthi, tasty foods make one eat more than necessary required to satisfy one's hunger or body's nutrient/energy needs. Addiction/Attachment to eating tasty foods will only lead to painful diseases including negative influence on one's mind. One should eat only normal, healthy food (primarily vegetarian Sattvic food) in moderate quantity just enough to satisfy one's hunger for a healthy body and mind.
¤ Sweet Mother Padmavathi, SivaSakthi, ParaSakthi, with misplaced compassion if good/dharmic people help bad/evil minded people with good things/intentions. They will only misuse those good things/intentions to harm good/dharmic people, even more. That is the prime reason why Lord Narayana distributed the Immortal Divine Nectar to the good Devas in His Mohini Avatar cheating the terrible evil minded Asuras. The actions of God are always infallibly right, for the Supreme Good of His Creation, though not understood by the ignorant worldly or bad/evil minded people.
¤ Great Mother Kamakshi, SivaSakthi, A spiritual aspirant/sadhaka surrendered to God/You should seriously/strictly avoid either praising, criticizing, or advising for reforming others - all these tend to create unnecessary mental impressions, thoughts, arguments and verbal fights destroying mental peace and draining one's mental & physical energy, nothing worthy is achieved in the process. One should be like Guru Guhu Ramana in Ramanasramam, totally detached, non-interfering in Ashram & peoples' activities unless asked/requested for advice/opinion/suggestion. Swami Vivekananda had said that trying to reform world is like trying to straighten a dog's curvy tail. It is God's Universe/World, it is God's Game, it is His problem to reform His children, hence, let individuals, particularly spiritual aspirants, focus their precious efforts/energy on their own self-reformation/self-purification only towards God/Self-Realization, the best thing to do as a Human being.
¤ Great Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, Universal Pure Consciousness-Being Power, the Destructive mutating Corona Virus Pandemic of Year 2020 A.D. is a tiny example of Your Infinite Power. Entire World with its people are Humbled by Your Power in the form of a Global Virus Pandemic that destroyed millions and millions of human beings across the entire earth for their accumulated past bad karma, no single country can escape. Great Wealth, Name, Fame, Possessions, Achievements, Relationships, People Power/Support, Scholarship, Education, Scientific & Technology achievements/advancements, Infinite Pleasures, Economic Power, Military Power, Super Powers like United States of America etc., - all are revealed to be just dust in front of Your Great Power, they all can be wiped out/lost in a blink of an eye, nothing stands/counts before Your Power of death/destruction/dissolution. Supreme Mother ParaSakthi, SivaSakthi, You alone are Real, Eternal and Immortal in Your transient, magical Universal Creation. Loving Sweet Mother SivaSakthi, Attaining/Realising Thee by Your Supreme Divine Grace as one's own Athma/Self through humble, steadfast spiritual effort of self-reformation/purification and Divine Love alone is the only worthy purpose of human birth and life, nothing else.
¤ Dear Loving Mother Kalikambal, ParaSakthi, Universal Pure Consciousness-Being Power, Your Universal Divine drama/play/game/movie involving Living Beings is run with the foundation of terrible, destructive, evil, cruel Ego/Individuality comprising I & Mine Selfishness/Selfish Desires in them, particularly in Intelligent, thinking Living Beings such as Humans. Great Mother, Only those who steadfastly self-reform/purify themselves to get rid of their Selfishness by cultivating unwavering devotion to Thee and following dharma/righteousness, can ultimately attain/realize Thee as their own immortal, ever peaceful and blissful Athma/Self/Pure Consciousness-Being and get freed from this magical, complex, deluding/trapping and painful Universal play of Yours once and for all with no more future births - possible only through the blessings of Your Supreme Divine Grace.
¤ Great Mother Sarvamangala, SivaSakthi, My dear darling Mother, if someone causes pain & sufferings to others/ innocents driven by selfish desires/hatreds, then that person has to reap back the painful consequences of equal intensity in the very same life itself, no escape at all. But selfish ignorant people will never self-reform/self-purify themselves despite reaping pain & sufferings for their selfish deeds. Similarly, wealth, name, fame, family, relations, worldly knowledge etc., and every possible kind of worldly possessions/objects of pleasure will never give eternal Peace/Happiness; they only produce more activities, including selfish activities, bad karmas and pain & sufferings at some time or the other and these increase proportional to the increase in the accumulation of these worldly possessions. But selfish ignorant people will continue to accumulate more and more worldly possessions despite undergoing pain & sufferings due to their present possessions. What an ignorance, foolishness! Living a life without Peace/Shanthi. Only Increasing Detachment/Vairagya towards worldly possessions/objects of pleasure together with Increasing Attachment/Love towards God/Self/Athma alone can bring about lasting Peace/Shanthi/Happiness in one's life, nothing else. That's the purpose of living one's life. Meaning of living one's life.
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